لقد جعلت التكنولوجيا الرقمية العالم قرية كونية صغيرة، فالإنترنت فقط يجعلك تعرف ما يحدث في أي في العالم. a. Digital technology has that RSSER the world a small global village. Only the inter you to is w you to know what is happening anywhere in the world. lets b. Digital technology has made the world a small global village. Only the internet lets you know what is happened anywhere in the world. c. Digital technology has made the world a small global age. Only the internet l you know what is happening anywhere in the world. D. Number technology has made the world a small global village. Only the internet lets you know what is happening anywhere in the world.
monamor74الخميس 18 أغسطس 2016, 8:31 am