مدرس اون لايندخول

رد: ازاي تكتب براجراف انجليزي 110 كلمه للصف الثالث الاعدادي

براجراف مشروع إعادة التدوير| A review about a recycling project
We all enjoy having new mobile phones. Mobile phones are made from
many dangerous materials and these materials are of course destroying the
environment. Man depends greatly on plastic on his life. Plastic is an enemy for
the environment. Plastic is very difficult to be removed. It damages the sea life
too. It cannot be burnt underground. No one can deny that it is not easy to make
mobile phones. They need to have a lot of important materials inside them like
plastic, iron and glass. When we throw away a phone, these materials can be very
bad for the environment. If we stop throwing away old materials, we will benefit
our environment.
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