مدرس اون لايندخول

اسئلة عامة وتحليل لشخصيات قصة العناكب

1-How did nature and science help Ayman Hassan ?
The scientists used the Echinacea negra plants to save him from death

2- What showed that Ayman was not afraid of the spider ?
when he saw the spider for the first time
he got closer to it . He knew that it was deadly ,however, he went with
the police to fight it

3- What is the importance of discovering that tomb ?
it is an important discovery that shows the great civilization of our ancestors

4- Ayman was a sociable person . discuss ?
he had internet friends , he loved his family , he was ready to sacrifice his life to save the others

5- Who did the spider bite in the story ?
they bit the six archaeologists , the four robbers , and Ayman Hassan who was bitten twice .

6- Providenceالعنايةالالهية saved Ayman twice , explain ?
In the first time Ayman was bitten in the
empty house but he was saved by the plants from Sinai , in the second
time he was bitten by the female spider in the hospital , he didn’t die
as his body had already made antibodies

7- Why was professor Jones a famous scientist ?
he discovered a lot of unknown species , he wrote many books about spiders .
8- what information did Dr Shereen request ?
She requested any possible information about the black and yellow spiders

9-What information did Dr Shereen receive ?
Ayman Hassan told her that he saw a black and yellow spider
The Egyptian archaeologist sent her an old picture of the spider
The German Egyptologist sent her a medical text about the Echinacea negra
10- Professor Johns was a lover of environment .discuss ?
he said that spiders are usefull to humanity and destroying them would spoil the natural balance
11-Why did the robbers failed to steal the gold although they used modern technology ?
The spiders bit them so they died before fulfilling their task
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