مدرس اون لايندخول

اقوي التمارين على الوحدة الثالثة_لغة انجليزية 3 اعدادي

Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. You suggest going on a picnic on Friday.
2. You suggest playing tennis.
3. Your friend suggests playing football and you like the idea.
4. Your friend suggests helping with your homework, but you don't like the idea.
Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. It's too hot, you suggest having a cold drink.
2. Your friend says, "Let's play football." and you agree.
3. You ask your friend Ali to go with you to the library.
4. Your friend asks you to have dinner with him, but you don't feel hungry.
Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. Your friend suggests playing computer games. You don't agree.
2. You suggest spending the weekend on your uncle's farm.
3. Your sister suggests watching TV, but you study your lessons.
4. Your mother suggests buying her food. You agree.
Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. Someone suggests playing computer games. You like the idea.
2. Your friend suggests watching a film. You don't agree.
3. You suggest having pizza.
4. You want your sister to study with you.

1] Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Dalia : How do you spend your weekend?
Mai  : I usually go to the club.
Dalia : ..................................................(1)..........................................?
Mai  : Once a week, what about you?
Dalia : I usually stay at home to ........................(2).............................
Mai  : What about going to the club together next weekend?
Dalia : ................................................(3)............................................
Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Doha : Where does your family live ?
Reda : In ................................................(1)....................................
Doha : Where .........................(2).........................your father work?
Reda : In a tourist ................................(3)......................................
Doha : What’s the job of your mother?
Reda : She works as a........................ (4) ..................in a big hospital.
Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Raghda: Where did you go yesterday?
Esraa  : I went to the zoo. .............................. (1) ................................?
Raghda: I saw .......................................... (2).........................................
Esraa  : How did you go?
Raghda: By bus.
Esraa  : ................................................ (3).........................................?
Raghda: I came back at 7 o'clock p.m.

Read and match:
1-I stayed in bed because
2- The film is interesting, so
3- Let's play
4- I'm writing a letter
5- I'd like to borrow this story
a. this computer game,
b. to read it tonight.
c. I was ill.
d. I was angry.
e. to my pen-friend .
f. I'm going to see it.
1) We've left Alexandria
2) The wind has blown
3) The ship hit a rock
4) A fisherman has found us
5) The fisherman has given us
a- and it sank
b- food and drink.
c- and started our journey.
d- I have lost my money .
e- the ship to the north .
f- and has taken us to his house.
1- Please, tell me Heba's address
2- This is a good supermarket
3- I've been in bed for 2 days ,
4- We'll go to Sharm
5- I visited a TV studio a. I have a cold
b. to buy an envelope
c. to send her a letter.
d. to make a programme
e. it is full of customers.
f. to have a holiday diving.
1- You write your friend's address
2- You put the letter
3- You should thank your friend
4- You tell him some news
5- You should ask him a. about yourself and your family.
b. on the envelope .
c. to write again soon .
d. inside the envelope .
e. to leave early.
f. for writing to you.

Choose the correct answer:
1. The doctor advised me to ........................in bed for a week.
 a) wash           b) walk         c) stay         d) run
2. I should ..........................a letter to some of our friends on World
 Pen-Friends Club.
 a) read            b) write        c) carry        d) buy
3. Nada likes playing .....................
  a) cheese         b) choice       c) chase        d) chess
4. I've been ...................for two days, I'd rather see the doctor.
 a) ill              b) well          c) healthy     d) strong
5. Why ......................Salma go for a walk ?
 a) doesn't         b) don't         c) hadn't      d) hasn't
6. What about .......................lunch in the garden?
 a) had             b) has          c) have        d) having
7. .............................we go to the shops together ?
 a) Will            b) Would       c) Shall        d) Must
8. How ...........................visiting Nihad at hospital today ?
 a) on              b) about         c) over        d) out
1. Magda is keen ............. playing football
  a) at              b) in            c) on           d) of
2. Hana is ill, let’s ............... her some flowers.
  a) take            b) make        c) grow        d) plant
3. it’s a ...................habit to wash your hands before eating.
 a) strange         b) bad          c) wrong       d) healthy
4. I'm ................I want to eat something .
 a) ill              b) hungry      c) angry       d) poor
5. ....................don't you buy new mobile ?
 a) What          b)Why         c) When       d) Where
6. What about .....................the mid-year holiday in Luxor ?
 a) spending      b) spent         c) spend   d) to spend
7. Shall we ..................a meal at Parada Restaurant ?
 a) have          b) had           c) has         d) having
8. Let .................meet uncle Farid at the railway station .
 a) as             b) is             c) has         d) 's
1. Let’s .........................the TV on to watch the match.
 a) turned        b) turns          c) turning     d) turn
2. I don't feel like the cinema. What about somewhere..................?
 a) else           b) also            c) other      d) another
3. The children went for a walk in the....................
 a) cinema        b) station        c) park       d) house
4. How........................sending Osama an e-mail?
 a) for            b) to            c) from        d) about
5. ..............we buy today’s newspapers?
 a) Shall          b) Must        c) Would       d) Will
6. There is a very good film  ...................TV now.
  a) at            b) on           c) in            d) for
7. Why don’t we watch a video? No, I don’t think.............
 a) too            b) also          c) so           d) as well  
8. What about...................... some coffee?
 a) have           b) having       c) has         d) had

1. The sailor has stayed .........................the fisherman for a week.
 a) on            b) at         c) with           d) for
2. At last, I found a job ......................a salesman.
  a) such        b) as          c) such as        d) like
3. The ship .............................because it hit a rock.
 a) sank        b) swam       c) floated         d) flew
4. There is .......................wind, so the sea is calm
 a) strong      b) heavy        c) high           d) light
5. We have not found our lost car.........................
 a) already      b) yet           c) ever          d) never
6. .........................Hind finished her magazine ?
a) Has            b) Is           c) Have         d) Having
7. Have you .........................been to the Pyramids ?
 a) never          b) yet         c) just           d) ever
8. I have just....................:..a job with a rich man .
 a) find           b) finding     c) found          d) finds
1. Wael .....................a goal last week.
 a) put            b) took         c) made        d) scored
2. There is light wind so the sea is................
  a) strong        b) calm         c) high         d) heavy
3. I've ........................ repaired my bike. See how it works.
 a) yet            b) ever           c) just         d) never
4. We didn't enjoy our meal in the restaurant because the food was.........................
  a) terrible       b) good          c) nice        d) delicious
5. They have....................left Alexandria and started their journey.
  a) yet             b) never        c) ever       d) already
6. Pupils go to the school.....................to read or borrow books
  a) lab         b) playground      c) library       d) bathroom
7. The poor man asked me ..........................money .
  a) at           b) from            c) of           d) for
8. Heba ............................out yet.
 a) didn't go                         b) hasn't gone    
 c) hadn't gone                      d) won't go
1. I visited a TV studio to help .........................a programme.
 a) give         b) take         c) make         d) send
2. My pen-friend Omar has sent me a letter to tell me his............news.
 a) latest        b) late         c) lately         d) later
3. An .......................of children's books is held in Cairo every year,
 a) example     b) exhibition   c) interesting       d) interest
4. My sister is learning ..........................a prep school in Tanta .
 a) for           b) on         c) at            d) in
5. Have you ..............................been to Sharm ?
 a) never        b) ever           c) yet             d) just
6. The boys haven't finished playing ....................
 a) already       b) just           c) yet             d) ever
7. I .....................my room. Look! It's all right now.
 a) have cleaned               b) will clean  
 c) clean                           d) had cleaned
8. Muneer is in hospital because he ...............his arm.
 a) can break                       b) will break
 c) breaks                          d) has broken
1. Have you .............................been to Sharm?
 a) never          b) yet         c) just         d) ever
2. Hassan now works for an import and ......................company.
 a) export         b) science     c) buying     d) selling
3. Let's go swimming. Ok................................ not?
 a) when          b) what        c) why        d) how
4. we'll watch the match .................................TV.
 a) at            b) for            c) on         d) in
5. The .........................has blown the ship to the north.
 a) wind         b) rain           c) drivers    d) sailors
6. When you are very hungry, you feel ................................
  a) strong       b) happy        c) pleased     d) weak
7. Why don't we .............................rest for some time?
  a) taken        b) take          c) took        d) taking
8. I................................a computer yet.
 a) have not bought               b) didn't buy
 c) hadn't bought                  d) won't buy

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1 - I suggest having a cold drink. (Why)
2- Let's take the train to Alex. (How about)
3- What about inviting Hassan for dinner? (Shall)
4- Why don't we buy some fruit? (Let’s)

1. I’m still doing my housework (yet)
2. Ramy is still washing his car. (not finished)
3. I cleaned the office a short time a go. (just)
4. It’s my first time to ride a horse. (never)
1. How about telling Nadia the bad news? (Let’s)
2. It's my first time to visit Luxor. (never)
3. Sara finished drawing the picture a short time ago. (has just)
4. Why don't we play a game of chess? (Could)
1. He has lived in this house since last year. (for)
2.1 suggest going for a walk now. (How)
3. They Came a short time ago. (just)
4. She has just arrived. (ago)
1. He finished his work a moment ago. (just)
2. He hasn't telephoned me for a week. (ago)
3. Why don't we go to the cinema? (Let's)
4. I'd like to go to somewhere new. (How)

Read and correct the underlined word(s):
1. What about watch the match on TV?
2. Why don’t Heba wait for us?
3. Will we clean the flat?
4. Let’s buying some sweets for Reda.
1. I know I'm late, but I haven't cleaned my room already.
2. Have you never been to Aswan?  
3. Nader has staying with us for a week.
4. The rich man have given me a job as a librarian.
1. Why isn’t we go shopping?
2. What about watch TV?
3. Let's to play football.
4. The film was bored.
1. Let's travelling to Luxor.
2. What about watch television?
3. Shall we go swim?
4. We could met him in the club
1. They have answered the questions yet.
2. Have you never had an accident?
3. He hasn't seen him for 2000.
4. He has ever seen a dinosaur.
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