ملخص الوحدة الاولى لغة انجليزية 3 اعدادى الترم الاول 2015
Word Meaning Word Meaning Word Meaning
Law قانون Walk around يتجول فى One day ذات يوم
Lawyer محامى Just once مرة واحدة فقط Garden حديقة
Slave عبد As he was called كما كان يسمى Special خاص
Blind اعمى Take part in يشارك فى Abilities قدرات
Mute ابكم ( اخرس) Public عام Hire يستاجر
autistic منطوى- يميل للوحده والتامل Perform يؤدى Band فرقه موسيقية
autism الانعزال- الانطواء performance اداء - عرض Produce ينتج
investigate يتحرى الامر A review نقد – مقال نقدى Reproduce يعيد انتاج او عمل
play يلعب - يعزف Took him on a tour ياخذه فى جولة Perfect كامل - مثالى
Piano البيانو Three years later وبعد 3 سنوات Perfectly يشكل مثالى
flute الفلوت the White House البيت الأبيض Canada كندا
Only فقط The president رئيس الجمهورية a mixture of خليط من
In front of امام show عرض فنى Classical تقليدى-كلاسيكى
Musician موسيقار-عازف all over the US فى كل انحاء امريكا composition مؤلفات موسيقية
confirm يؤكد - يثبت all over the world فى كل انحاء العالم compose يؤلف
Suspicion شك king ملك feature يبرز- يظهر
Memory ذكرى – ذاكرة kingdom مملكة section قسم - جزء
memorize يتذكر united متحد challenge تحدى
repeat يكرر The united المملكة المتحدة
kingdom ( the U.K.) بريطانيا members اعضاء
A piece of قطعه من audience جمهور
Realize that يدرك ان several العديد من viewers مشاهدين
Was born ولد concert حفلة موسيقية fail يفشل
diagnose يشخص حاله او اداء development تنمية difficult صعب
cause يسبب disorder اضطراب - خلل difficulty صعوبه
social اجتماعى Was invited to تمت دعوته الى learning التعليم
however ومع ذلك relationship علاقة talent موهبة
create يخلق- يبدع remarkable ملحوظ- مميز talented موهوب
The most الاكثر amazing مذهل area منطقه
drawings رسومات(بالقلم) extraordinary فوق العادى-رائع discuss يناقش
paintings رسومات(بالالوان) name اسم – يسمى Good at جيد فى
certain معين –محدد/متاكد Well known معروف جيدا sport رياضة
person شخص mathematics الرياضيات dance الرقص-يرقص
floating عائم -طافى movement حركة form شكل- يتشكل
dream حلم In brackets ما بين القوسين include يشمل
probably ربما develop يطور- يتطور circle دائرة
Die / died يموت – مات Musical skills مهارات موسيقية option اختيار
death موت French horn آلة نفخ موسيقية Run onto يقتحم
Dead (adj) ميت communicating متواصل مع through خلال
stage خشبة المسرح architecture عمارة - مبانى develop يطور- يتطور
A series of سلسلة من Each كل alphabet حروف الهجاء
programme برنامج landmarks معالم بارزة subject موضوع
foolish احمق popular مشهور- شائع phone يتصل بـ
wise حكيم Is fascinated by مبهور بـ building مبنى
once مرة واحدة - ذات مرة - بمجرد ان incredible مذهل artist فنان
as a result وكنتيجة لذلك In detail بالتفصيل A number of عدد من
published نشر In incredible detail بالتفصيل الدقيق quite الى حد ما
Since then ومنذ ذلك الوقت detailed تفصيلى others اخرون
More seriously بجد اكثر extremely للغاية success نجاح
Care for يهتم بـ A little bit قليلا partner شريك - زميل
still لا زال relax يسترخى - يستريح situation موقف
tonight الليلة Rock climbing تسلق الصخور promise يوعد
Infinitive Translation Past Past participle
Become يصبح became Become
Hear يسمع heard heard
forget ينسى forgot Forgotten
Know يعرف knew Known
Come ياتى came come
Begin يبدا began Begun
2- Expressions with mind
1- Change your mind يغير رايه :
( make a new and different decision)
2- make up your mind يصمم ان – يقرر ان :
(to decide / to reach a decision)
3- in two minds فى حيرة بين امرين- غير قادر على اتخاذ قرار :
(find it difficult or hard to decide)
He suggested visiting the zoo but I'm still in two minds
4- is out of his mind فقد عقله – جن :
(be crazy)
5- take your mind off + شىء يساعده على الا يفكرفى متاعبه او مشكلاته :
( help you not to think about a problem.)
Working hard is the best way to take my mind off my troubles
6- Read your mind اقرا افكارك :
(know what you are thinking)
7- keep شىء in mind يضع شىء فى اعتباره :
(try not to forget about it )
8- have got something on your mind قلق – هناك ما يشغل باله :
(be worried)
9- slip my mind ينسى – :
( to forget )
I'm sorry , I forgot the appointment , it slipped my mind
3- Additional expressions
To my mind = in my opinion فى رايى
Keep your mind on ركز انتباهك او اهتمامك على
Mind your own business خليك فى حالك / لاتتدخل فيما لا يعنيك
We are of the same mind لنا نفس الراى او التفكير
I don't mind كلاهما عندى سواء
Nany : Would you like tea or coffe ?
Doha : I don't mind ( اى حاجه )
4- language notes
Start to + مصدر = start + ving
He started to watch TV
= He started watching TV
at the age of فى عمر كذا
in the age of فى عهد / عصر كذا
Rewrite :
He went to school at the age of 6 ( when )
By the age of وعند سن كذا
Since the age of منذ عمر كذا
Quiet هادى – ساكن
Quite الى حد ما
Quit يخرج – يترك
Would you most like to هل تود بشكل كبير ان
Over the next forty years خلال الاربعون سنه التالية
Had to اضطر ان
تسخدم the مع الالات الموسيقية مع الافعال listen – play :
The lute – the piano – the violin – the guitar
He plays the flute very well
5- Grammar
As well as + Ving / اسم بالاضافة الى = in addition to
Rewrite :
he watched TV and did his homework (As well as ) ( as well )
As well as watching TV , he did his homework
he watched TV and did his homework as well
تاتى own بمعنى يملك او لديه
We own a large house
تاتى own بين ضمير الملكية والشىء الممتلك للتاكيد
This is my own car
Of my own age فى نفس عمرى
On my own = by myself = alone بمفردى
He did his homework by himself ( own )
In spite of = despite بالرغم من
Although he got up early , he missed the bus ( in spite of )
In spite of the hot weather , we went out ( although )
Choose : After ………………….TV, he went to bed
a) watched b) was watching c) watching d) had watched
Can + مصدر = is able to + مصدر = is capable of + Ving = has the ability to + مصدر
He can swim fast
He is able to swim fast
He is capable of swimming fast
He has the ability to swim fast
Rewrite :
Can you open the door ? ( able )
2- he could walk alone ( capable of )
3- he could answer uestion ( ability )
……………………………………… …………………………………………………
Present simple
Present cont.
Present perfect
Present perfect con
Part 2
Word Meaning Word Meaning Word Meaning
Interview مقابلة شخصية Day- dream يحلم أحلام يقظة tights رداء
Psychologist اخصائى نفسى Autistic- savant متوحد scratch خدش
Be stuck فى مازق detective بوليس سرى hole فتحه- ثقب
Stuck to ملتصق بـ Like no other ليس له مثيل leaf ورقه شجر
Murder جريمة قتل A great deal قدر كبير loaves ارغفه خبز
Mystery سر غامض Human beings البشر Poking تبرز - تظهر
narrator راوى القصة lists قوائم toward باتجاه
pattern نموذج – عينه On his own بمفرده lift يرفع
The truth الحقيقة neighbour جار grass حشائش
hate يكره Set out ينطلق precisely بدقه
Being touched يتم لمسه terrifying مخيف hold يمسك
Further than ابعد من Upside down راسا على عقب properly بشكل دقيق
uniform زى رسمى In the middle of فى وسط Work out يحسب - يفهم
bottom قاع Took hold of امسك بـ fork شوكه
operate يشغل squatted جلس قرفصاء seem يبدو
slicing تقطيع الى شرائح What’s going on ماذا يجرى upset منزعج
enough بشكل كافى I’d got that far علمت منذ زمن stacking متكدس
blockage انسداد explain يشرح bakery مخبز
roll يتدحرج press يضغط forehead جبين - جبهة
volume الصوت noise ضوضاء tune يضبط النغمة او المحطة
immediately على الفور groaning انين halfway فى الوسط
envelope مظروف dash اندفع نحو station محطة
tightly باحكام Was gone فقدت -ضاعت shock صدمة
direction اتجاه Get off ينزل من Bumped into خبط فى
Get out of her mind تخرجه من تفكيرها There was no sign of him اختفى ( فص ملح وداب) At the back of her mind يشغل تفكيره
reflection انعكاس-صورة بالمراه Neither of them ولا واحد منهم yell يصرخ
platform الرصيف thought تفكير nor ولا
grab يخطف- ينتزع wrestling يتصارعون Let go يترك-يفرط فى
speechless اخرس perception ملاحظه- ادراك embarrassing محير
Focus on يركز على partake يشارك فى uneven غير منتظم
perform يؤدى curled مجعد redemption
2- Expressions with brain
1- pick (somebody’s) brain ياخذ فكرة او طريقة من :
( get ideas from someone)
2- have/has got موضوع / شىء on the brain يفكر فيه دائما وباستمرار
(think about something continually )
3- brain storm عصف ذهنى ( تدور براسه العديد من الافكار )
(think of as many ideas as you can )
4- is out of his mind فقد عقله – جن :
(be crazy)
5- ( he is ) the brain الاكثر ذكاء او تفوقا
(the cleversest / the most intelligent )
6- brain wave فكرة جهنمية / عبقرية
( brilliant idea )
7- brain child من بنات افكاره
( original idea)
3- pressions with brain
1. Music ! that is all you ever think about . you have ……… music …….
2. if you don’t know the answer ,don’t ask my father! .Ask my mother . She is …………in the family.
3. I’ve just had a ……………and I think I’ve got the answer to my problem
4. I built the machine but it was Steve who had the idea and designed it . So it is his………..
5. Joe – I need help with this . can I ………………..your for a moment ?
6. we really need to get some new ideas . lets all sit down and ………….for a while
حمل الملف وورد من هنا
Word Meaning Word Meaning Word Meaning
Law قانون Walk around يتجول فى One day ذات يوم
Lawyer محامى Just once مرة واحدة فقط Garden حديقة
Slave عبد As he was called كما كان يسمى Special خاص
Blind اعمى Take part in يشارك فى Abilities قدرات
Mute ابكم ( اخرس) Public عام Hire يستاجر
autistic منطوى- يميل للوحده والتامل Perform يؤدى Band فرقه موسيقية
autism الانعزال- الانطواء performance اداء - عرض Produce ينتج
investigate يتحرى الامر A review نقد – مقال نقدى Reproduce يعيد انتاج او عمل
play يلعب - يعزف Took him on a tour ياخذه فى جولة Perfect كامل - مثالى
Piano البيانو Three years later وبعد 3 سنوات Perfectly يشكل مثالى
flute الفلوت the White House البيت الأبيض Canada كندا
Only فقط The president رئيس الجمهورية a mixture of خليط من
In front of امام show عرض فنى Classical تقليدى-كلاسيكى
Musician موسيقار-عازف all over the US فى كل انحاء امريكا composition مؤلفات موسيقية
confirm يؤكد - يثبت all over the world فى كل انحاء العالم compose يؤلف
Suspicion شك king ملك feature يبرز- يظهر
Memory ذكرى – ذاكرة kingdom مملكة section قسم - جزء
memorize يتذكر united متحد challenge تحدى
repeat يكرر The united المملكة المتحدة
kingdom ( the U.K.) بريطانيا members اعضاء
A piece of قطعه من audience جمهور
Realize that يدرك ان several العديد من viewers مشاهدين
Was born ولد concert حفلة موسيقية fail يفشل
diagnose يشخص حاله او اداء development تنمية difficult صعب
cause يسبب disorder اضطراب - خلل difficulty صعوبه
social اجتماعى Was invited to تمت دعوته الى learning التعليم
however ومع ذلك relationship علاقة talent موهبة
create يخلق- يبدع remarkable ملحوظ- مميز talented موهوب
The most الاكثر amazing مذهل area منطقه
drawings رسومات(بالقلم) extraordinary فوق العادى-رائع discuss يناقش
paintings رسومات(بالالوان) name اسم – يسمى Good at جيد فى
certain معين –محدد/متاكد Well known معروف جيدا sport رياضة
person شخص mathematics الرياضيات dance الرقص-يرقص
floating عائم -طافى movement حركة form شكل- يتشكل
dream حلم In brackets ما بين القوسين include يشمل
probably ربما develop يطور- يتطور circle دائرة
Die / died يموت – مات Musical skills مهارات موسيقية option اختيار
death موت French horn آلة نفخ موسيقية Run onto يقتحم
Dead (adj) ميت communicating متواصل مع through خلال
stage خشبة المسرح architecture عمارة - مبانى develop يطور- يتطور
A series of سلسلة من Each كل alphabet حروف الهجاء
programme برنامج landmarks معالم بارزة subject موضوع
foolish احمق popular مشهور- شائع phone يتصل بـ
wise حكيم Is fascinated by مبهور بـ building مبنى
once مرة واحدة - ذات مرة - بمجرد ان incredible مذهل artist فنان
as a result وكنتيجة لذلك In detail بالتفصيل A number of عدد من
published نشر In incredible detail بالتفصيل الدقيق quite الى حد ما
Since then ومنذ ذلك الوقت detailed تفصيلى others اخرون
More seriously بجد اكثر extremely للغاية success نجاح
Care for يهتم بـ A little bit قليلا partner شريك - زميل
still لا زال relax يسترخى - يستريح situation موقف
tonight الليلة Rock climbing تسلق الصخور promise يوعد
Infinitive Translation Past Past participle
Become يصبح became Become
Hear يسمع heard heard
forget ينسى forgot Forgotten
Know يعرف knew Known
Come ياتى came come
Begin يبدا began Begun
2- Expressions with mind
1- Change your mind يغير رايه :
( make a new and different decision)
2- make up your mind يصمم ان – يقرر ان :
(to decide / to reach a decision)
3- in two minds فى حيرة بين امرين- غير قادر على اتخاذ قرار :
(find it difficult or hard to decide)
He suggested visiting the zoo but I'm still in two minds
4- is out of his mind فقد عقله – جن :
(be crazy)
5- take your mind off + شىء يساعده على الا يفكرفى متاعبه او مشكلاته :
( help you not to think about a problem.)
Working hard is the best way to take my mind off my troubles
6- Read your mind اقرا افكارك :
(know what you are thinking)
7- keep شىء in mind يضع شىء فى اعتباره :
(try not to forget about it )
8- have got something on your mind قلق – هناك ما يشغل باله :
(be worried)
9- slip my mind ينسى – :
( to forget )
I'm sorry , I forgot the appointment , it slipped my mind
3- Additional expressions
To my mind = in my opinion فى رايى
Keep your mind on ركز انتباهك او اهتمامك على
Mind your own business خليك فى حالك / لاتتدخل فيما لا يعنيك
We are of the same mind لنا نفس الراى او التفكير
I don't mind كلاهما عندى سواء
Nany : Would you like tea or coffe ?
Doha : I don't mind ( اى حاجه )
4- language notes
Start to + مصدر = start + ving
He started to watch TV
= He started watching TV
at the age of فى عمر كذا
in the age of فى عهد / عصر كذا
Rewrite :
He went to school at the age of 6 ( when )
By the age of وعند سن كذا
Since the age of منذ عمر كذا
Quiet هادى – ساكن
Quite الى حد ما
Quit يخرج – يترك
Would you most like to هل تود بشكل كبير ان
Over the next forty years خلال الاربعون سنه التالية
Had to اضطر ان
تسخدم the مع الالات الموسيقية مع الافعال listen – play :
The lute – the piano – the violin – the guitar
He plays the flute very well
5- Grammar
As well as + Ving / اسم بالاضافة الى = in addition to
Rewrite :
he watched TV and did his homework (As well as ) ( as well )
As well as watching TV , he did his homework
he watched TV and did his homework as well
تاتى own بمعنى يملك او لديه
We own a large house
تاتى own بين ضمير الملكية والشىء الممتلك للتاكيد
This is my own car
Of my own age فى نفس عمرى
On my own = by myself = alone بمفردى
He did his homework by himself ( own )
In spite of = despite بالرغم من
Although he got up early , he missed the bus ( in spite of )
In spite of the hot weather , we went out ( although )
Choose : After ………………….TV, he went to bed
a) watched b) was watching c) watching d) had watched
Can + مصدر = is able to + مصدر = is capable of + Ving = has the ability to + مصدر
He can swim fast
He is able to swim fast
He is capable of swimming fast
He has the ability to swim fast
Rewrite :
Can you open the door ? ( able )
2- he could walk alone ( capable of )
3- he could answer uestion ( ability )
……………………………………… …………………………………………………
Present simple
Present cont.
Present perfect
Present perfect con
Part 2
Word Meaning Word Meaning Word Meaning
Interview مقابلة شخصية Day- dream يحلم أحلام يقظة tights رداء
Psychologist اخصائى نفسى Autistic- savant متوحد scratch خدش
Be stuck فى مازق detective بوليس سرى hole فتحه- ثقب
Stuck to ملتصق بـ Like no other ليس له مثيل leaf ورقه شجر
Murder جريمة قتل A great deal قدر كبير loaves ارغفه خبز
Mystery سر غامض Human beings البشر Poking تبرز - تظهر
narrator راوى القصة lists قوائم toward باتجاه
pattern نموذج – عينه On his own بمفرده lift يرفع
The truth الحقيقة neighbour جار grass حشائش
hate يكره Set out ينطلق precisely بدقه
Being touched يتم لمسه terrifying مخيف hold يمسك
Further than ابعد من Upside down راسا على عقب properly بشكل دقيق
uniform زى رسمى In the middle of فى وسط Work out يحسب - يفهم
bottom قاع Took hold of امسك بـ fork شوكه
operate يشغل squatted جلس قرفصاء seem يبدو
slicing تقطيع الى شرائح What’s going on ماذا يجرى upset منزعج
enough بشكل كافى I’d got that far علمت منذ زمن stacking متكدس
blockage انسداد explain يشرح bakery مخبز
roll يتدحرج press يضغط forehead جبين - جبهة
volume الصوت noise ضوضاء tune يضبط النغمة او المحطة
immediately على الفور groaning انين halfway فى الوسط
envelope مظروف dash اندفع نحو station محطة
tightly باحكام Was gone فقدت -ضاعت shock صدمة
direction اتجاه Get off ينزل من Bumped into خبط فى
Get out of her mind تخرجه من تفكيرها There was no sign of him اختفى ( فص ملح وداب) At the back of her mind يشغل تفكيره
reflection انعكاس-صورة بالمراه Neither of them ولا واحد منهم yell يصرخ
platform الرصيف thought تفكير nor ولا
grab يخطف- ينتزع wrestling يتصارعون Let go يترك-يفرط فى
speechless اخرس perception ملاحظه- ادراك embarrassing محير
Focus on يركز على partake يشارك فى uneven غير منتظم
perform يؤدى curled مجعد redemption
2- Expressions with brain
1- pick (somebody’s) brain ياخذ فكرة او طريقة من :
( get ideas from someone)
2- have/has got موضوع / شىء on the brain يفكر فيه دائما وباستمرار
(think about something continually )
3- brain storm عصف ذهنى ( تدور براسه العديد من الافكار )
(think of as many ideas as you can )
4- is out of his mind فقد عقله – جن :
(be crazy)
5- ( he is ) the brain الاكثر ذكاء او تفوقا
(the cleversest / the most intelligent )
6- brain wave فكرة جهنمية / عبقرية
( brilliant idea )
7- brain child من بنات افكاره
( original idea)
3- pressions with brain
1. Music ! that is all you ever think about . you have ……… music …….
2. if you don’t know the answer ,don’t ask my father! .Ask my mother . She is …………in the family.
3. I’ve just had a ……………and I think I’ve got the answer to my problem
4. I built the machine but it was Steve who had the idea and designed it . So it is his………..
5. Joe – I need help with this . can I ………………..your for a moment ?
6. we really need to get some new ideas . lets all sit down and ………….for a while
حمل الملف وورد من هنا
Mr.Riadالثلاثاء 25 نوفمبر 2014, 4:37 pm