مدرس اون لايندخول

Language Functions 3 ثانوى

Language Functions

Function: Agreeing with an opinion: الموافقة على رأى ما
- I completely agree. أوافق تماما - I couldn’t agree more. أوافق تماما
- I’d go along with that. أوافق على ذلك - That’s true. هذا حقيقى
- Yes, you’re quite right. نعم. أنت على حق تماما

Function: Disagreeing with an opinion: عدم الموافقة على رأى ما
- I completely disagree. لا أوافق تماما
- I don’t agree. لا أوافق
- I’m not so sure. لست متأكدا جدا
- That’s just not true. هذا غير حقيقى تماما
- I don’t think so. لا أعتقد ذلك

Function: Expressing surprise: التعبير عن الدهشة
- Really? I didn’t know that. أحقا كذلك؟ لا أعرف ذلك
- Good heavens! أمر مدهش
- How amazing! كم هو مدهش
- That’s unbelievable! انه أمر لا يصدق

Function: Expressing interest: التعبير عن الاهتمام
- How interesting! ياله من أمر مثير
- Is that right? أحقا كذلك
- That’s very interesting انه أمر مثير
- Really? أحقا كذلك

Function: Asking for and giving information: طلب معلومات و تقديم معلومات
- Excuse me, could I ask you some questions about..?
Yes, of course.
- Can / Could you tell me .........?
Yes, that's fine.
- Do you know anything about.......?
Yes, certainly.
- How do you usually go to school?
I usually go to school by car.
- What does "…" mean?
It means ……….
You can look it up in the dictionary.
- Do you think the price of oil will increase in the future? Why / Why not?
Yes, because it will soon be harder to find.
- How do you think air conditioning damages the environment
It makes the outdoors hotter.
It uses a lot of energy, which comes from burning oil or coal.
- How can people save energy?
They can use cars less.
They can switch off lights.
- How can we keep fit?
We can walk or cycle more.
- How often do you travel by car?
I travel by car two or three times a week.

Function: Asking for and giving opinions: طلب الرأى وإبداء الرأى
- How do you think we can reduce pollution? I think that ..
- What's your opinion about modern novels? I don't think that ..
- What do you think I should do to improve my English? I'd say that …
- What do you think of / about yesterday's match?
As far as I am concerned ..
In my opinion ..
In my point of view ..

Function: Asking for and giving advice: طلب النصيحة وتقديم النصيحة
- What do you think I should do to ….. ? I think you should ………
- Can I ask your advice about ……… ? Why don’t you ……….. ?
- Can you give me some advice about …..? If I were you, I’d …………
- What do you think about + v. + ing? I think it’d be a good idea to …….
- What do you think I ought to do about …? What about …………..?
- I want to ask your advice about …….. The best thing you could do would be to ..

Function: Asking for and giving instructions: طلب تعليمات و تقديم تعليمات
- How can I operate this coffee machine?
First switch it on, then press اضغط على the red button.
- Can you show me how to use this vacuum cleaner?
First, connect it to the electricity supply. After that, press the red button.
- Can you tell me how to make tea the English way
First, boil some water. Then, put some tea into the put. Finally, pour the boiling water on the tea.

Function: Asking for information and Deducing Information
طلب معلومات و استنتاج المعلومات
- Why do you think they built the Suez Canal?
I think they must have built it to make travelling by sea easier.
- How do you think they built the Suez Canal?
Well, they might have used thousands of workers.
- What problems and difficulties do you think there were in (building..)?
I'm sure it can't have been easy.
Surely, it must have cost a lot of money.

Function: Making Suggestions and responding to suggestions
عمل اقتراحات و الرد على الاقتراحات
- How about + v + ing..? ما رأيك فى ..... ؟ I'd go along with that. أوافق على ذلك
- What about + v + ing..? ما رأيك فى ..... ؟ That's a good idea. يا لها من فكرة جيدة
- Shall we + مصدر ? هيا بنا I'm not sure about that.لست متأكدا من ذلك
- Why don't we / you / they..? لما لا .... ؟ Personally, I'd prefer.. شخصيا أفضل
- I'd say ………….. أود أن أقول Sorry, I don't agree. اسف. لا أوافق
- Let's say ………... دعنا نقول That's what I think هذا هو ما أفكر فيه
- We could ….... من الممكن أن ... I agree / That sounds fine. هذا يبدو رائعا

1-A: How often do you think we should go shopping?
B: How about once a month?
A: Personally, I'd prefer once a week.
2-A: How many people should we invite to the party?
B: I'd say ten at the most.
A: I'd go along with that.
3-A: When would you like to go?
B: What about early evening?
A: That's a good idea.
4-A: What kinds of books should we read?
B: Let's say any kind of fiction.
A: I'm not sure about that. I don't want to read science fiction books.

Function: Asking for an explanation giving an explanation
طلب تفسير و تقديم تفسير
- Can you explain why…? Let me explain …….
- Do you know how…? I'll try and explain …...
- I'd like to know how…? Here's what happens …...
- How on earth…? كيف .... بالله عليك؟ What happens is that ….….
- Could you tell me how/ why…? I'll explain that to you.

Function: Expressing wishes التعبير عن الأمنيات
- I wish I could help you with your homework. - I wish I could ride a horse.
- I wish it were fine today. - I wish I had a car.
- My goal is to get a PhD in engineering. - I'd like to be rich.
- I dream of getting married and having children.

Function: Expressing regrets: التعبير عن الندم
- I wish I had joined the Faculty of Science, but I didn't.
- If only I could speak Chinese, but I can't.
- I would really like to be able to swim, but he can't.
- I'm sorry I had a quarrel with my brother.
- I'm disappointed that I didn't get the job.
- I regret ignoring my father’s advice.

Function: Offer to help & replies to offers عرض بالمساعدة و الرد
- Is there anything I can do to help? That's very kind of you.
- Would you like me to…………? Would you mind?
- If you like, I could …….… for you. Thanks very much.
- Shall I …..…for you? That's great.
- Let me ……. I’d really appreciate that. Thanks.
Function: Asking about liking: السؤال عن ما تحب
- Do you like…………………..? هل تحب.......... ؟
- What do you think about / of………..? ما رأيك فى........ ؟

Function: Expressing likes: التعبير عن ما نحب
- I like / love …… - It’s brilliant/fantastic/great. رائع
- I’m mad about ………. مجنون بــ - I’m crazy about ………. مهووس بــ
- I’m a great fan of ………… مشجع لــ

Function: Expressing dislikes:
- I dislike (don’t like) …… - I’m not very keen on …. شغوف بــ
- I’m not fond of … غير مغرم بــ - I hate / detest يبغض / loathe يحتقر / despise يبغض …

Function: Ask for and give reasons: السؤال عن السبب و تقديم السبب
1-A: I gave my mobile phone to my sister yesterday?
B: What did you do that for?
A: Mainly because someone bought me a new one for my birthday.
2-A: Can you tell me why you were late for school?
B: To start with, I didn’t hear my alarm clock.
3-A: Why do you want to study science at university?
B: For two reasons. Firstly, because I enjoy science, and secondly because I want to be a doctor when I leave.
4-A: I was busy all day yesterday.
B: Is that the reason you didn’t phone me?

Function: Give and respond to warnings: التحذير و الرد
- Be careful! This is a really busy road.
It’s OK. I wouldn’t cross if a car was coming.
- If you don’t take care, you will fall off the ladder.
Don’t worry. I’ll be careful.
- Watch out! There’s a snake in front of you.
Thank you for your warning.
- Watch out! There’s a car coming!
It’s OK. I’ve seen it.
- Whatever you do, don’t forget your keys! You’ll need them later.
It’ll be fine. I always keep them in my school bag.
Be careful! That plate is really hot! If you touch it, you’ll burn yourself.
Don’t worry. I won’t pick it up until it is cool.

Function: Talking about the future: الحديث عن المستقبل
- Do you think we will have libraries in the future?
Yes, I’m sure we will.
- What do you think will happen to the internet in the future?
It will definitely become more popular.
- Do you think that man will live on other planets one day?
I don’t think that will happen in the near future.
Function: Ask and answer personal questions: أسئلة شخصية و الرد عليها
- Do you / Can you speak English? Yes, I (speak) can speak it very well.
- Have you passed (your driving test)? Yes, I have.
- Do you have (a driving licence)? Yes, I do.
- What have you been doing since (you left university)? I have been working as …
- Could you tell me why you want to work for us?
Because I have the right qualifications for this job.
- Why do you think you'd be good at the job?
I'm (a sociable person, so I'll enjoy meeting and talking to customers).

Function: Persuading: الإقناع
- Are you sure you can't lend him the money? Sorry, I really need it
- Can't I persuade you to stay with the company?
No, I'm sorry. I've already found a new job.
- I really think you should get more sleep.
Yes, you are right. I've been working so hard recently.
- Why don't you see a doctor? I'll do that.
- Please, come to my party at the weekend. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
I'd like to come, but I need to ask my parents first.
- Surely the best thing to do is to look for another job. Yes, I agree with you.

Function: Ask and answer interview questions:
- How can I help you?
I need to improve my computer skills.
- Do you have a job at the moment?
Yes, but I don’t earn much. That’s why I need to improve my skills.
- What qualifications do you have already?
I have a BSc in IT, but the problem is I graduated over ten years ago.
- Have you thought about doing a distance learning course?
Yes, I have, but I’d prefer to be in a class with other students.
- Then perhaps you should try an evening course at a local college.
That’s a good idea. Thank you.

Function: Greeting: التحية
- How do you do? - Pleased to meet you.
- Nice to see you. - Where have you been?
- Fancy seeing you here! - How nice to see you again!
- How are you? - Happy new year.
- Welcome to Egypt.

Function: Introducing people: تقديم الناس
- This is …………………. - I’d like you to meet………….
- May I introduce you to………. - Let me introduce you to………….

Function: Introducing yourself: تقديم نفسك
- May I introduce myself?
- My name is…………….
Function: Seeing someone off: توديع شخص ما
- Have a nice journey. - Have a nice flight. - Have a nice time.

Function: Requesting: الطلب
- Could (Can) you + inf.…..…please? - Would you + inf. ……., please?
- I’d be grateful if you could…… - I wonder if you could……
- I’d like……………, please.
- Yes, of course. / Certainly. - It’s a pleasure. / With pleasure.
- I’m sorry. / I’m afraid I can’t.
? لاحظ صيغة هذا الطلب و طريقة الرد
- Would (Do) you mind + v. + ing……?
No, not at all. / No, of course not. (Agreeing موافقة)
Yes, I would (do). (Refusingرفض )

Function: Thanking: الشكر
- Thanks a lot. / Thank you. - Thank you for…………………
- That’s very kind of you. - How thoughtful of you!
- Not at all. - Don’t mention it. - You’re welcome. - It’s a pleasure.

Function: Apologizing: الاعتذار
- I’m sorry for + v. + ing…. - I must apologize for + v. + ing..
- Never mind. - Don’t worry. - Oh, it doesn’t matter.
Not accepting:
- Oh, no! It’s new. - You’d better get me another one.

Function: Inviting: الدعوة
- Come and + inf…….. . - I invite you to + inf. ………..
- I’d like to invite you to + inf…. - Would you like to + inf………
- May I invite you to + inf………. - Will you join us?
- How about + v. + ing…….
- Thank you. I’d love to. - I’d be pleased to come. - Great idea.
- I’m sorry I’m busy. - I’d love to but I’m afraid I can’t.

Function: Permission: طلب الإذن
- May I + inf……………..? - Can I + inf……………..?
- Could I + inf……………? - I wonder if I can + inf………….
- Certainly / Sure / Yes of course / Here you are.
- Sorry, I need it myself.
Function: Congratulating: التهنئة
- Congratulations! - I congratulate you on + v. + ing / noun

Function: Good wishes: الأمنيات الطيبة
- I wish you success. - Good luck.
- I wish you a speedy recovery. أتمنى لك الشفاء العاجل

Function: Blaming: التوبيخ
- If you were more careful, this wouldn’t happen. - You are to blame.
- It was careless / wrong of you to… - It’s your fault.
- I’m sorry. - I didn’t mean it. - I’ll be careful next time.

Function: Release from blame: الإعفاء من اللوم
- Don’t worry - Never mind. - It doesn’t matter.
- It wasn’t your fault. - Forget all about it.

Situations With model Answers

Someone says that space exploration is too expensive. You agree.
I completely agree. We should use the money to feed people.

Someone says that computers are a bad thing. You do not have the same opinion.
I don’t agree. Computers make our work faster and easier.

One of your friends says he thinks walking in space would be very frightening. You think he's right.
I agree. If you made one small mistake you could be lost in space forever.

You hear someone say that all astronauts are very rich. You know this is not true.
That’s just not true. I researched astronaut salaries on the internet.

Your friend has joined a reading group. You want to know the number of people in the group.
How many people are in your reading group?

Someone tells you that Anthony Hope wrote The Prisoner of Zenda in three months. You are very surprised by this.
Really? I didn’t know that.

You are told that Anthony Hope paid for the publication of his first novel himself. Express how you feel about this.
That’s interesting.

Someone tells you that Anthony Hope wrote more than 37 works of fiction altogether. You are interested but not surprised by this.
Is that right?

You are doing a survey about energy use in your town. You would like to ask someone some questions. Explain the situation.
Hello, I’m doing a survey about energy use in our town. Could I ask you some questions, please?

You want to know about a friend's energy-saving habits. What do you ask?
What do you do to save energy?
How do you save energy?

You hear someone use a word you do not understand. The word is hydroelectric. What do you ask?
What does ‘hydroelectric’ mean?
Could you explain the word ‘hydroelectric’, please?
Could you tell me what ‘hydroelectric’ means?
Someone asks you how you usually travel to school every day. How do you reply?
I usually go / travel by bus.
I usually walk.

A friend asks for your opinion about modern novels.
In my opinion, modern novels are not as good as the classics.

Someone asks you what you were doing at six o'clock yesterday evening.
At six o’clock yesterday evening, I was finishing my homework.

Someone asks you what you think the best thing is about short stories. Give your opinion.
I think the best thing about short stories is that things happen quickly.

A friend asks you what you used to read when you were five.
When I was five, I used to read a newspaper written especially for children.

A friend asks for your advice about keeping fit. Advise him.
If I were you, I’d go swimming every day.

You want some advice from a friend about how you can eat more healthily. What do you ask?
I’d like to eat more healthily. What do you think I should do.

A friend wants to meet new people, but he / she is very shy. Make a recommendation.
I think it’d be a good idea to join a sports club.

Ask your teacher for advice about how to do well in the next English test.
I’d like to do well in the next English test. What do you think I should do.

You want to make tea the English way. Ask your friend for advice.
Can you tell me how to make tea the English way?
You ask your mother for instructions to operate the vacuum cleaner.
Can you show me how to use this vacuum cleaner?

You are asked how to make tea. Give instructions.
First, boil some water. Then, pot some tea into the put. Finally, pour the boiling water on the tea.

You are asked how to operate the coffee machine.
First switch it on, then press اضغط على the red button.

A friend asks you your opinion about the importance of the rainforests. Say what you think.
In my opinion, the rainforests are very important for the future of the earth.

A friend who has never visited your country asks for your advice about place to see in Egypt.
If you ask me, I think you should visit the Pyramids and the Sphinx.

A friend from another country wants to phone someone from a public phone in Egypt. He / she has never done this before. Tell him / her what to do first.
First of all, pick up the telephone, insert a coin, and wait until you hear a high noise. Then dial the number.

Someone asks what you think about films which have been made from books.
I think films are usually more interesting than books.

Your brother asks you how they built the Great Wall of China.
Well, they might have used thousands of workers.

Someone asks you why the Pyramids were built.
I think they must have built them as tombs.

You suddenly find out that there is no money in your pocket. You make a deduction.
I think I must have forgotten my wallet at home.

Someone asks you “Why do you think the Great Wall of China was built?”
I think they must have built it to keep attackers out.

You ask a friend about how he thinks they built the Pyramids.
How do you think they built the Pyramids?

Someone asks you “What problems and difficulties do you think there were in building the Pyramids?”
I'm sure it can't have been easy.
Surely, it must have cost a lot of money.

A friend asks you whether you would like to go somewhere together at the weekend.
What about going to the beach?
Your friend does not want to go to the beach, but suggests the swimming pool.
Let’s go to the swimming pool.

A friend suggests that you join a book club together, but you would like to join a sports club.
I would prefer to join a sports club.

A friend suggests going to the cinema in your town tomorrow. You are not sure.
I’m not sure about that.

You ask a friend how floods occur so quickly.
How on earth do floods occur so quickly?

You ask friend why cities sometimes flood.
Can you explain why cities sometimes flood?

Someone says they think magazines are a waste of money. Disagree, giving a reason.
I don’t agree. Magazines are an excellent means of spreading news and educating people.

A friend tells you he / she has won a prize in a writing competition. You are very surprised.
Really? / Have you?

One of your friends watched a football match on TV and found it boring. You have the same opinion.
I agree. / that’s true. / I’d go along with that.

You hear someone use a word you do not understand. The word is energy.
What does energy mean? / could you explain the word energy, please?

A foreign friend wants to know how to make tea the English way. Tell him / her what to do first.
First of all, boil some water, then add it to some tea leaves in a mug.

Someone asks you what you were doing at eight o’clock this morning.
I was having / eating my breakfast. / I was going to school.

Someone asks you what you think about TV news programme.
I think they’re too long / too short / too serious / very interesting.

A friend wants a job to help poor people. Advise him or her.
If I were you, I’d train to be a volunteer in a charity.

You do not understand why it goes dark at night. Ask someone to explain it.
Can you explain why it goes dark at night?

A friend suggests that swimming is a good way to keep fit. You think the same.
I agree. / I’d go along with that.
A friend suggests that you join a squash club together. Suggest something else.
Personally, I’d prefer to join a tennis club.
How about joining a tennis club.

Someone asks where your friend Ali is. You have not seen him for a long time. You are almost certain he is on holiday.
Ali must be on holiday. I haven’t seen him for a long time.

A friend is looking worried. You want to know why. What do you ask?
What’s the matter?

Someone asks if you had a good holiday. You enjoyed your holiday, but the weather was not very good. This was a disappointment.
I had a good time, but I wish the weather had been better.

A friend asks what subject you would like to be better at. You say history.
I wish I were better at history.
I’d like to be better at history.

Someone asks you about a school trip you went on. You learnt a lot, but you did not take as many photos as you had planned to.
I learnt a lot but I wish I had taken more photos.

An old man can't cross the road alone. You are willing to help her. What do you say?
Let me help you cross the road.

Your friend doesn't want to go to the club alone. You offer to go with him.
Would you like me to go to the club with you?

Your offer to phone your friend’s parents and tell them he is going to be late.
Would you like me to phone your parents and tell them you are going to be late.

Your friend offers to phone your parents and tell them you are going to be late. You appreciate that. / I'd really appreciate that. Thanks.

You would like to find out what music your friend likes. What do you ask?
What kind of music do you like?

A friend asks you what sort of music you enjoy. Say your favourite music is folk music.
I’m a big fan of folk music.

You want to find out if your friend plays a musical instrument.
Do / Can you play a musical instrument?

A friend asks you whether there is any sort of music you don't like. You don't like modern music.
I can’t stand modern music. / I really dislike modern music.

A friend asks how you feel about an important English test you have next week.
I wish I knew more English words.

A friend asks you if you had a good weekend. You enjoyed the weekend, but you think you wasted a lot of time.
I enjoyed the weekend but I wish I hadn’t wasted so much time.

One of your friends is very busy. You would like to help him.
Is there anything I can do. / Would you like me to help?

A friend asks you what kind of books you enjoy reading. Your favourite books are historical novels.
I’m very keen on historical novels. / I’m a nig fan of historical novels.

Your friend would like to know why you have decided to study engineering.
For two reasons. Firstly, because I enjoy engineering, and secondly because I want to be an engineer when I leave.

You want to ask your friend about the reason why he came to school late.
Can you tell me why you were late for school?

Your mother asks you why you didn't tidy up your room.
I was busy all day.

You ask your father the reason why he has decided to move house.
Can you tell me why you have decided to move house?

You are warning your friend who is going to cross a busy road. What do you say?
Be careful! This is a really busy road.

Your brother is using a ladder to get something from the top shelf. You warn him.
If you don't take care, you will fall off the ladder.

Your mother tells you to work a bit harder or you'll fail the test. What do you say to assure her?
Don’t worry. I’ll do my best.

A friend asks you if you think people will read books in a hundred years time. You think they will.
Yes, I’m sure they will.

In a conversation, a friend uses the word gadgets. You do not understand the word.
What are gadgets?

A friend asks if you think people will have their own spaceships in 50 years. You think not.
No, I don’t think they will.
A friend uses the words travel and journey in the same sentence.
What’s the difference between travel and journey?

A friend asks you why you enjoy sport. Name two reasons.
For two reasons. Firstly, it keeps me fit, and secondly I like being with my friends.

Warn your friend who is about to cross the road, because there is a car coming very fast.
Watch out! There’s a car coming.

Your brother is not working hard enough at school. You think he will get very low marks. Warn him.
If you don’t work harder, you’ll get low marks.
Unless you work harder, you’ll get low marks.

A friend asks you whether you think people will continue to explore space in the future.
Yes, I’m sure they’ll continue.
Yes, they’ll definitely continue.

An interviewer asks if you would work some evenings during the week. You would be happy to do this.
Yes, that would be no problem.

You want to be able to contact a person you have just met, but you do not have their details.
Could you tell / give me your phone number and e-mail address, please?

Your friend is applying for a new job. This is a surprise and you ask him the reason.
Why are you applying for a new job?

You want to persuade your friend to read "The Grapes of Wrath" by Steinbeck.
Can't I persuade you to read “The Grapes of Wrath" by Steinbeck?

An educational adviser asks you what skills you would like to improve. You have never been very good at maths.
I need to improve my maths skills.

Someone has asked you for educational advice. Find out what qualifications this person has.
What qualifications do you have already?

A friend wants to go back to education, but cannot leave home to go to university. Suggest a distance learning course.
What about doing a distance learning course?

A friend suggests that you do an evening course to improve your English. Thank your friend and say this is a good idea.
Thank you. That’s a good / great idea.

Your brother looks worried. You want to know whether he has a problem.
What’s the matter? / Is something wrong?

Your mother was very busy yesterday. You regret not helping her.
I wish I had helped my mother yesterday.
I regret not helping my mother yesterday.

Someone offers to help you to organize a party. Accept this offer politely.
That’s very kind of you.
I’d really appreciate that.

You forgot to thank a friend for a present he / she gave you. Tell someone you are sorry for this.
I’m very sorry I forgot to thank him / her for the present.

Your friend starts to cross a road when you see a car coming. Warn your friend.
Look out! There’s a car coming.

Someone asks if you think people will still have cars in 50 years.
I’m sure they will.

You hear the word ‘magnet’ on the radio. Ask a friend what it means.
What is the meaning of the word ‘magnet’?

A friend asks you why you have a mobile phone. You have two reasons.
For two reasons. Firstly, because I can keep it with me all the time, and secondly because I can keep in touch with my friends easily.

You are interviewing someone for a job. Find out about their qualifications and experience.
What qualifications and experience do you have?

You want to persuade a friend not to work so hard because you think it is making them ill.
How can I persuade you not to work so hard?
You really shouldn’t work so hard.

An interviewer has asked you why you have applied for a job in a particular company. The main reason is that a friend has recommended the company to you.
The main reason is that has recommended this company to me.

You do not understand what distance learning is. Ask a friend.
Can you explain what distance learning is?

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privacy_tip صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:
لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى