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first evaluation math

First evaluation test
Math. Junior 1
69 – 69 =
The smallest 2 –digit number is…………
The value of 5 in the number 52 is………
29 = ……..unit + …….tens.
10 tens=……….

The greatest number formed from 5 and 9 is……… (59 – 95 – 50)
The place value of 7 in the number 17 is……… (Units – tens)
9 units = …….. (90 – 9 – 19)
Put <,>or =:-
4 tens 5 4 units
69 5 88
Write the name of each shape:-

Write the numbers in letters:-
65 ………………………
99 ……………………….
Write in numbers:-
Forty seven ………
Eighty one………..

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