مدرس اون لايندخول

revision 5 first term

1-Light can easily transmit through…………..…and…….………materials.
2-The like poles……....each other, while the unlike poles………….each other.
3-There are two types of commensalism which are..…………..and….………….
4-The ecosystem is a………….….area that contains…………..and……..………
5-Electric current has……………effect.
6-The spectrum colors start with…….…..color and ends with…..……color.
7-Materials are classified according to their ability of magnetization into………….……..and……….………materials.
8-Vinegar and water is…..…….mixture, while sand and water is……..….mixture.
9-Predation is less common in…………...world than in………..…world.
10-….…………and………..….are from the magnetic materials.
11-…………………plants have to prey some insects to get their needed elements for making………………substances.
12-Mixtures can be formed by……….…... , ………………and………..……
13-…………….and……………are examples of pure substances.
14-Examples of saprophytes include some fungi such as……… ,………..and………..
15-Materials can be classified according to their ability to transmit light into…………..….,…….……..….and………….……materials.
16-The English scientist……………..made a magnetized needle which is used nowadays in making………………
17-……………..and…………….are from the ways of self-defense against predation in living organisms.
18-The electric current produced by the electric generator (dynamo) increases by…………………or…………….…..
19-Liver worms ,……………… and…………...are from parasites that live internally inside the host’s body.
20-The electromagnet consists of………..….. , ………..….and………..………
21-Camouflage phenomenon is found in some living organisms such as birds,… …………….and………….….
22-…………..……process is used to separate a soluble salt from its solution.
23-Predators help preys to get rid of………..……or…………….members.
24-The image of an object that is formed through a narrow hole is……………....
25-The apparatus that converts kinetic energy into electric energy is called…………….………..
26-……………..…….is used to separate water-oil mixture.
27-The glass prism is used to separate the………………….light into seven colors called………………..…
28-Components of a mixture can be separated by……..….. , ……..….or…………
29-In parasitism relationship, the death of the ………………..is considered a loss to the……….……..
30-The presence of………….…and……….…..are factors necessary for light reflection.
31-Plants that feed on some insects are known as ………………….plants, such as………….…..plant and………….…plant
32-……………………converts the electrical energy into magnetic energy, while dynamo converts…………………energy into…………….…energy
33-Nodular bacteria provides the bean plant with……………...by fixing it on the plant in an………………form
34-The magnet has the most powerful of attraction at its ……….….
35-……………….…. , …………..…and………….…are from parasites that live externally on the host’s body.
36-The components of ecosystem are……………….and……………....
37-In the…………………..., the light rays reflected directly in one direction.

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