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15 امتحان انجليزي بحلهم وشرح الحل ثانوية عامة 2024

15 امتحان انجليزي بحلهم وشرح الحل ثانوية عامة 2024 4439

15 امتحان انجليزي بحلهم (وشرح الحل) I love you
By Mr. Muhammed Esmaiel
الملزمه كاملة 👇🏻👇🏻

عدل سابقا من قبل الاستاذ في الإثنين 04 سبتمبر 2023, 6:01 pm عدل 1 مرات
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نصيحة لطلاب وطالبات الثانوية قبل امتحان اللغة الانجليزية:
مادة اللغة الانجليزية محتاجة حل كتير وخاصة الجرامر
لان بيكون فيه اختيارات كتير متشابهة سواء فى الأزمنة أو تصريفات الأفعال وغيره
الخلاصة : حاول تحل مراجعات كتير وتحل امتحانات اكتر قدر المستطاع وكل ما تحل أكتر الأمور هتبقى أسهل والأسئلة هتتكرر
ربنا يوفقكم ويعينكم I love you
Mr Gamal
كلمات اللغة الإنجليزية تالتة ثانوي في 6 ورقات

15 امتحان انجليزي بحلهم وشرح الحل ثانوية عامة 2024 Oyaoo_10
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15 امتحان انجليزي بحلهم وشرح الحل ثانوية عامة 2024 Oyaoo_13
مراجعة انجليزي الثانوية العامة 2023 . ملخص أهم كلمات منهج انجليزي تالتة ثانوي 2023

15 امتحان انجليزي بحلهم وشرح الحل ثانوية عامة 2024 1983
15 امتحان انجليزي بحلهم وشرح الحل ثانوية عامة 2024 2638
15 امتحان انجليزي بحلهم وشرح الحل ثانوية عامة 2024 342615 امتحان انجليزي بحلهم وشرح الحل ثانوية عامة 2024 4482
15 امتحان انجليزي بحلهم وشرح الحل ثانوية عامة 2024 5298
15 امتحان انجليزي بحلهم وشرح الحل ثانوية عامة 2024 6203
العلم والايمان
When most people look at a painting of a sunset, they see a beautiful work of art. When
Professor Christos Zerefos looks at a painting of a sunset, he sees valuable scientific evidence.
He believes that these paintings contain important information about the effect of volcanoes
on the climate.
Scientists know that after a volcanic eruption, sunsets are very red. This is caused by the
dust and ash that are sent into the sky. Volcanoes also lower the temperature of the Earth.
Professor Zerefos and his team decided to study paintings of sunsets before and after
volcanic eruptions. Red sunsets are a sign of polluted skies, so the scientists believed that
landscapes that were painted after major volcanic eruptions would have bright red sunsets.
They wanted to use the paintings to measure how the volcanoes had affected the climate in
the past.
More than 500 water colours and oils of sunsets that were painted between the years 1500
and 1900 have been studied by a team of experts. Professor Zerefos had the results analysed
by a computer. The computer calculated the amount of red in each picture. They found that
the sunsets that were painted after a volcanic eruption were bright red.
Many scientists are not convinced by this theory. According to them, it is impossible to
make scientific conclusions based on art that was painted so long ago, because it is possible
that the colours have changed since they were originally painted. What is more, artists often
try to make something look very impressive when they paint. As a result, they may not always
paint an accurate picture of nature.
Professor Zerefos disagrees. He is certain that artists accurately copy the actual colours of
the sunsets they see. Paintings that were painted in the 20th century are now being studied
by Professor Zerefos and his team.
So the next time you look at a painting of a beautiful sunset, examine the colours more
1.What does Christos Zerefos see in a painting of a sunset?
a) He sees the beauty of nature.
b) He sees valuable scientific evidence.
c) He sees nothing but red bright spots.
d) He sees a frightening sight.
 2.Why are sunsets very red after a volcanic eruption?
a) Because a lot of dust and ash are sent into the sky.
b) Because volcanoes are red.
c) Because the painter made this in the picture.
d) Because volcanoes are very hot.
3.  How can volcanoes affect the earth’s temperature?
a) The Earth’s temperature reaches zero
b) The Earth’s temperature is high by volcanoes.
c) They lower the Earth’s temperature.
d) The Earth’s temperature reaches more than 100
 4.What do Red sunsets mean?
a) They are burning.                    b) They have measles.
c) There are clouds in front of them. d) They are a sign of polluted skies.
5.  What did the landscapes painted after major volcanic eruptions have?
a) They had bright red sunsets.
b) They had 500 watercolours and oils.
c) volcanic ashes.
d) They had red lines on the face.
6.  How was the computer used in Professor Zerefos’ study?
a) It was used to measure the painting.
b) The computer was used to calculate the amount of red in each picture.
c) It was used to test the volcano.
d) It was used to paint another picture.
 7.What is the best title for the passage?
a) The sun and science
b) The writer’s opinion of the other artists
c) There is more than just beauty in the painting of a landscape
d) The effect of the volcano
 8.The antonym of the word ”valuable” is .................... .
a) invaluable b) precious c) priceless d) worthless
محمد الجمل
العلم والايمان
عدد اسئلة امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية للثانوية العامة بعد التخفيف هو 37 سؤال
٣٤ سؤال اختيارى و٣مقالي
موزعين كالاتى
٢٦ سؤال بدرجه
٨ اسئلة بدرجتين
+ المقال ٤ درجات + سؤالين قصة ٤ درجات
وأعتقد أن الاسئلة اللي بدرجتين هايتم تحديدهم على ورقه الاختبار
دون ان يتم تقييدهم بسؤال معين حتي الان.
15 امتحان انجليزي بحلهم وشرح الحل ثانوية عامة 2024 44412
15 ورقة مهمة في اللغة الانجليزية للثانوية العامة
15 امتحان انجليزي بحلهم وشرح الحل ثانوية عامة 2024 121
15 امتحان انجليزي بحلهم وشرح الحل ثانوية عامة 2024 218
15 امتحان انجليزي بحلهم وشرح الحل ثانوية عامة 2024 314

15 ورقة مهمة في اللغة الانجليزية للثانوية العامة pdf
Choose the correct answer:
1. Doctors and nurses are responsible for the care and--------- of their patients.
a. well-born               b. well-being             c. self-harm                    d. self-denial
2. The manager ----------- the meeting because he was seriously ill.
a. had to postpone                             b. shouldn't have postponed
c. must postpone                                d. needn't have postponed
3. I am completely ----------- that buying this bag is a good decision.
a. agreed                   b. disagreed                c. convinced             d. forced
4. I was made --------- the composition again, as it was full of mistakes.
a. to revise                  b. revise                  c. revising d. to revising
5. He used to talk proudly about his possessions.  He…… about how much money he had made.
a. complained                 b. told                c. boasted                            d. beat
6. I recommend that you……... late anymore.
a. aren't late                 b. don't be                 c. not be                     d. not to be
7. She usually works hard; she -------------- herself in her work.
a. avoids                     b. immerses               c. imagines                       d. frees
8. We will go for a trip as soon as our car---------------.
a. has repaired               b. will be repaired       c. has been repaired        d. had repaired
9. Rami is very happy; he --------- a medal for writing poetry.
a. is winning                 b. won                  c. has won                       d. had won
10. The giant ship had broken down and -------- navigation in the Suez Canal for seven days.
a. allowed                    b. blocked                  c. refused                       d. eased
11. My brother ---------- short stories for three years before he published them.
a. will write                   b. had written             c. had been writing       d. has written
12. The ---- of the woman as a homemaker no longer exists; she now holds key positions around the world.
a. stereo                   b. stereotype                    c. location                      d. site
13. A/An………. question is the one that you don’t expect to get a specific answer to.
a. amusing                  b. ordinary                   c. retelling                  d. rhetorical
14. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world economy ………. .
a. has greatly affected                               b. had been greatly affected
c. has been greatly affected                       d. had greatly affected
15. Hurricanes and tropical storms are different kinds of natural………. that threaten man.
a. disasters                     b. holidays                  c. celebrations                   d. festivals
16. After I returned home, I found that my clothes ……….. by my sister.
a. is being ironed               b. was ironing              c. had been ironed                 d. had ironed
17- Which of the following has the correct ending punctuation mark ?
a) Had she enough money, she' d buy a villa!
b) Had she enough money, she' d buy a villa.
c) Had she enough money, she' d buy a villa;
d) Had she enough money, she' d buy a villa?
18. "I'm coming back to my home town tomorrow," Mai said . this sentences means……
a. Mai said that she is coming back to her home town the next day
b. Mai said that she was coming back to her home town the following day
c. Mai said that she was coming back to her home town tomorrow
d. Mai said that I am coming back to my home town tomorrow
19. Which of the following can be used to show reason?
A As a result                   B Regardless of               C Due to                D Moreover
20. In an essay about “The importance of keeping cultural heritage”, which of the following sentences can  be a topic sentence?
A On the other hand, schools should spread national awareness to keep our cultural heritage.
B However, a lot of people are still unaware of the importance of keeping our cultural heritage.
C It is taken for granted that cultural heritage is the backbone of the civilisation of every nation all over  the world.
D Therefore, it is highly recommended to show our children how to keep the country’s cultural heritage by all means.
Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
I'm sure, like me, you have goals you would like to reach some time in the future. In this blog post I want to share the research I have done to find the secrets to achieving my goals.
First of all I identified my weaknesses by reflecting carefully and asking friends and family. I should have done this many years earlier as I discovered that I was disorganised, scared of failing, and that I get distracted easily. Were there too many problems to solve at once? Well, I started with one at a time and here's what I learnt.
I read a book about organising my room. The author, Sheila Chandra, suggested starting at one place in the room and when you pick things up not to put them down until you find the perfect location for  them. Then, the next time you use it, always return it to its home so you'll know where to find it next  time, just like you do with your toothbrush!
The next issue was my fear of failing. Mark H. McCormack was the author of a book which advised me  to divide my objectives into smaller steps and then set a time limit for each of these steps. He said that if we look at the top of a huge mountain we will be put off climbing it, but if we focus on reaching different points in the mountain, it is less scary. Breaking down bigger goals into smaller objectives with  specific time limits helped me focus for short periods of time with greater concentration too.
As you can see, I started by identifying the problems and researching possible solutions, then I put the  ideas into practice. I hope the secrets to my success help you as much as they have helped me.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :-  
2. 21.The article is about …….....…
A the most influential books the writer has ever read.
B the importance of being a reflective learner.
C how the writer progressed towards his goals.
D how to decide on the best research methods.
3. 22.The author says …………..…
A he asked the people he knew for advice.
B he asked the authors of the books for help.
C he did not need to ask anyone for help.
D he will read more self-help books.
4. 23.The author says that ………..…
A Sheila Chandra taught him about toothbrushes.
B cleaning your room makes you feel more positive.
C the toothbrush principle helped him become organised.
D it is important to put your toothbrush in the same place.
5. 24.The message in the second book was that …
A big goals are always easy to achieve.
B many smaller objectives are lots of fun.
C mountain climbing can be very scary.
D you should divide bigger goals into smaller ones.
6. 25.The message from the second book helped the author to …
A reduce the fear of failing and find a new hobby.
B stay organised and reach their goals more quickly.
C reduce the fear of failing and improve concentration.
D improve the writer's time management problems.
7. 26. The process the writer uses to help him become more successful can be summarised as:
A Identify the problems, research the solutions and implement them.
B Identify the problems, talk to friends and family and ask for solutions.
C Identify the problems, go to the library and find useful books to help.
D Identify the friends and family that can help you and ask lots of questions
8. 27.What is the best title for this passage?
A The secret of my success.
B The secrets of my marraige.
C The secret of my friend’s life.
D The secrets of my failure.
9. 28.The word put off in paragraph {4} is closest in meaning to ……….  
A turn off.               B see off.               C cut off.                      D postpone.
Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
    The neighbours closest to my house are my favourite people. The man is  a retired
army officer and his wife is still working for the nearby university. They are very hospitable  and usually invite friends to lunch. It's particularly enjoyable to wake up on a Friday  morning to the sound of their music playing which are really quite artistic. However, I also  love to hear them laughing when they make a mistake in their music playing. Besides  music, carpentry is still the man's main interest and most days he is outside in his work  space in the garden, making an artistic piece of furniture.  
      My neighbours are ideal to live next door to, because they can be very helpful if I need  them. I respect them as they never interfere in my private life and I behave with them in the  same way. We have helped each other with numerous emergencies such as fire and a car  accident. We also co-operate with each other in little ways such as bringing in the mail  when one of us is away. We sometimes meet when they invite me over for coffee with  some of their friends who are usually very interesting people: poets, painters, professors  and other lively persons whom I enjoy meeting. Sometimes, we go out together to share  some special occasions such as the 6th October, when we watch the fireworks display.  Apart from this, we simply live next door to each other peacefully, side by side.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
29.The neighbour's two hobbies are …………… and …………… .                
a. photography and playing music b. running and carpentry
c. playing music and swimming d. carpentry and playing music
30. The underlined words " little ways " refer to …………………………                                                                                
a. sort roads b. not long streets
c. personal business d. simple services offered
31. The  main idea of the passage is " ………………………………………"                                              
a. The writer's neighbours interfere in his affairs.                                                        
b. The writer's friends are interesting people.                                                        
c. The writer's neighbours are unreliable ones.                                                          
d. The writer's neighbours are perfect to live next door to.      
32. "……………" is a synonym of " respect " .                                                                        
a. Appreciate b. Associate
c. Negociate d. facilitate
33. The word " numerous " means …………                                                                  
a. much b. a little
c. many d. a few
34.From the passage, find out the word that means " friendly “ welcoming and generous to  visitors. "                                                                                                          
a. private b. hospitable
c. retired d. artistic
35. The underlined " usually " means ……………………………… .                                                              
a. always b. never
c. seldom d. many times
36.The neighbour……………………… great interest in carpentry and playing music.                
a. is b. has
c. was d. having
Choose the best answer
37- Global trade leads to a big economic growth in different regions all over the world. So, all the world countries aim to develop it greatly.
ا- التجارة العالمية تؤدى إلى نمو إقتصادى كبير فى أقاليم مختلفة فى كل أنحاء العالم. لذلك تسعى دول العالم لتنميتها بشكل كبير.
ب- التجارة العالمية تؤدى إلى نمو إقتصادى كبير فى أقاليم مختلفة فى كل أنحاء العالم. لذلك لا تسعى دول العالم لتنميتها بشكل كبير.
ج- التجارة العالمية تؤدى إلى نمو إقتصادى محلى فى أقاليم مختلفة فى كل أنحاء العالم. لذلك تسعى دول العالم لتنميتها بشكل كبير.
د- التجارة العالمية تؤدى إلى نمو إقتصادى كبير فى أقاليم مختلفة فى كل أنحاء العالم. لذلك تسعى دول العالم لتنميتها بشكل ضعيف.
38- I like living in open places and fresh air and spending much time in parks among the trees and flowers. I don’t like closed or crowded places with people.

ا- أحب الحياة فى الأماكن المفتوحة و الهواء الطلق، وقضاء وقتًا قلي ً لً فى الحدائق بين الأشجار والورود، ولا أحب الأماكن المغلقة أو المزدحمة بالناس.
ب- لا أحب الحياة فى الأماكن المفتوحة و الهواء الطلق، وقضاء وقت كبير فى الحدائق بين الأشجار والورود، ولا أحب الأماكن المغلقة أو المزدحمة بالناس
ج- أحب الحياة فى الأماكن المفتوحة و الهواء الطلق، وقضاء وقتًا كبي ً را فى الحدائق بين الأشجار والورود، وأحب الأماكن المغلقة أو المزدحمة بالناس.
د- أحب الحياة فى الأماكن المفتوحة والهواء الطلق، وقضاء وقتًا كبي ً را فى الحدائق بين الأشجار والورود، ولا أحب الأماكن المغلقة أو المزدحمة بالناس
.39.تعتبر السياحة البيئية أحد أهم أنواع السياحة الآن ، لذلك تشجع مصر السياحة البيئية لحماية البيئات المختلفة فى جميع أنحاء البلاد وخاصة على ساحل البحر الأحمر.
a) Ecotourism is one of the least important kinds of tourism nowadays, so Egypt discourages ecotourism to
protect the different environments all over the country especially along the Red Sea coast.
b) Ecotourism is one of the most important kinds of tourism nowadays, so Egypt encourages ecotourism to
destroy the different environments all over the country especially along the Red Sea coast.
c) Ecotourism is one of the most important kinds of tourism last years, so Egypt encourages ecotourism to
prevent the different environments all over the country especially along the Red Sea coast.
d) Ecotourism is one of the most important kinds of tourism nowadays, so Egypt encourages ecotourism to
protect the different environments all over the country especially along the Red Sea coast.
-40أشياء غريبة نلاحظها فى مجتمعاتنا فى الفترة الأخيرة ، فهناك من الأباء والأمهات من لا يعتنون بأطفالهم كما ينبغى لأنهم أشخاص لا يتحملوا المسئولية. ونتيجة ذلك هو أطفال الشوارع.
a) Strange things can be noticed in our societies recently. Some parents look after their children well
because they aren’t irresponsible people. The result of this is homeless children.
b) Strange things can be noticed in our societies recently. Some parents don’t look for their children well
because they aren’t responsible people. The result of this is homeless children.
c) Strange things can notice in our societies recently. Some parents don’t look after their children well
because they are irresponsible people. The result of this is homeless children.
d) Strange things can be noticed in our societies recently. Some parents don’t look after their children well because they are irresponsible people. The result of this is homeless children.
15 امتحان انجليزي بحلهم وشرح الحل ثانوية عامة 2024 1696
تحميل ملف قطع انجليزي مجمعة للمرحلة الثانوية 2024. pdf
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