
الثانوية العامة مراجعة physics افكار مسائل مهمة

لكل طلاب الثانوية العامة اللي عايزين يراجعوا physics ويشوفوا افكار مسائل مهمة
Mohamed Salah
‏٣‏ س  ·
8 اسئلة متفوتهاش على المنهج
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Can classical mechanics explain the motion of subatomic particles?
Classical mechanics is not suitable for explaining the motion of subatomic particles. This is because classical mechanics is based on the assumption that the position and momentum of a particle can be known with arbitrary precision at any given time, and that the laws governing the motion of particles are deterministic.

However, in the quantum world, particles such as electrons and photons behave in ways that are fundamentally different from the classical world. According to quantum mechanics, the position and momentum of a particle cannot be known with arbitrary precision at the same time, and the laws governing the motion of particles are probabilistic rather than deterministic.

Therefore, classical mechanics cannot fully explain the behavior of subatomic particles. Instead, quantum mechanics provides a more accurate description of the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. Quantum mechanics has its own set of principles and equations that are used to describe the behavior of particles and their interactions with other particles and fields.

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