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بالاجابات.. أسئلة المقابلات الشخصية الخاصة باللغة الانجليزية خارج او داخل مصر

بالاجابات.. أسئلة المقابلات الشخصية الخاصة باللغة الانجليزية خارج او داخل مصر 22312
دى تقريبا معظم الاسئلة للمقابلات الشخصية ودة جهد ناس كتير لا اعلمهم نرجو الدعاء لهم
عينات من اسئلة مقابلات خاصة بمادة اللغة الانجليزية*خارج او داخل مصر*
اولا: اكيد اول سؤال قدمي نفسك......... Introduce Yourself
طبعا لازم تشكري الشخص اللي بيقابلك انه أصلا قرأ ورقك وطلبك و أعطاكي فرصة لتقديم نفسك
First i want to thank you for reading my application . My name is ............ Am an English Teacher, Am living in........... Am single / married
دي طبعا معلومات شخصية مش هنطول في الكلام فيها ونبتدي بعد كدة نقول مؤهلاتنا
I graduated from ............ University, I have........... degree in............., I completed my post graduate education in...............University
ثانيا: هيسألك عن خبراتك Do you have an experience in teaching before................
طبعا هتردي بكل ثقة لان الثبات و الاتزان بيكون عليهم درجات
I taught (PRIMARY/ PREPARATORY/ SECONDARY) ......... students,,,,,,, this is according to your experience
I worked in ...................school,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, also this is according to school you worked for.
ثالثا: هيسألك ليه عاوزه تشتغلي عندنا........... why do you want work for our school
هتردي تقولي.................
Am searching for a chance to work as an English teacher in your school ,, as your school has a good position among other schools this is what make me really want to work for your school
رابعا: طبعا ممكن يسألك عن فكرتك عن العمل الجماعي او الفريق What are your thoughts on team-teaching.........................
هتردي وتقولي
Its a good strategy for teaching students as it makes teachers able to generate ideas and this is very useful for students learning and makes the class a suitable environment for learning
خامسا: ايه هي نقاط الضعف اللي شايفاها في نفسك................What are your greatest weakness
هتردي وتقولي
There are so many activities and ideas i plane for my students but class time is limited so its difficult to incorporate all of the activities and ideas so i realized to prioritize what are important to my students because i cant do every thing i would like to
سادسا: ازاي هتقدري تخلي الفصل منضبط.............How do you handle class room discipline
وده سؤال اجابته طوووووووووووويلة طبعا انت مش مضطرة تقولي كل الاجابة اللي انا هكتبها اللي تحسي انك قادرة تقوليه ومستوعباه عشان ميبقاش شكلك زي اللي بتسمع حاجه حافظاها
نرجع للاجابة هتردي وتقولي
Its important to develop rules in the first week of class, this allows the students to know what is suitable behavior and this rules must be discussed with students
وطبعا في جزء من الاجابة عن CLASS MANGEMENT الجزء ده اجابته
Class Managementادارة الصف
Class management refers to the organization of the classroom in order to create the most effective learning environment class control.
Two factors determine class management .. teacher behavior and classroom environment .
&&Teacher behavior ..the teacher has many roles inside and outside the classroom ..
1- Professionalism .. the teacher should look and behave as a professional , she should 1- wear a suitable attire , 2- have a suitable hair style and 3- use suitable make-up , much jewelers is not advisable .
2- Eye contact ,,it means looking to a student while talking to her , it is a way of keeping students attentive and organizing class work .
3- Gestures and facial expressions ,, a teacher uses both verbal and non-verbal communication forms , can be used in the following purposes ; 1- to present the meaning of new words and structure , 2- to manage drill
4- Position and movement ,, 1-the teacher stands in the front when presenting the new material , 2- she should be in the middle or the back during practice to supervise class work ,3-she should avoid sitting on a student's desk
*Movements ; 1- move around the class to give help in pair and group work , 2 avoid unnecessary movement and 3- avoid distract students while listening to a tape .
5- Voice volume ,, the teacher should change her voice volume according to ; 1- the activity being performed , 2- the size of class , 3- the stage of lesson .
* A high volume : used when the teacher wants to quiet the class and when she moves from one stage to another .
* A normal volume ; used when giving a language model during presentation and drill .
* A soft volume ; used when giving help during group work .
&& Classroom Environment .. it refers to the physical , social and psychological conditions in which the teaching and learning processes take place .
• Rules which help to create the most effective classroom environment ;
1-lite and airy rooms .
2- seating ,, the teacher should make sure that every studaents can see the blackboard
3- instruction giving ,,instructions are given for many reasons … 1- to keep discipline , 2- to arrange classroom , 3- and to carry out activities .
5- Checking attendance ,, is good to recognize students' names , teacher should follow certain policy with the late comers .
6- Monitoring ,, it refers to the situation where the teacher observes and listens to what students do
Huda ELgamal
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