مدرس اون لايندخول

امتحان الترم الثانى 2018

A Listening 12 Marks      

1. Listen and circle:

1. wood
2. fattest
3. fork
2. Listen and complete:

Mum : Well, it’s time to go. Please make up your mind.

Walid : Um, okay. I ………..1............………. a T-shirt.

Mum : ………........2......………. colour do you want?

Walid: I’ll ………....3..........………. the red one.

Mum : Are you ………...4...........……….?

Walid : Yes, I am.

B Reading 14 Marks     

3. Circle the odd one and replace it with a correct one:

1) Dolphin             shark                goat          whale .......................

2. Fast                   small                 slow          time .......................

3. Window            shut                 guess          take .......................

4. Elephant           book                 giraffe        lion .......................

5. volleyball        basketball       sailing            table .......................

4. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. He likes to …………………… fshing.

a )goes            b) go           c) went            d) going

2. The turtle is …………………… than the whale.

a) slow           b) slower      c) slowest     d) the slowest

3. The snake is …………………… .

a) delicious     b) scary      c) cute         d) careful

4. The …………………… is  the  talles t animal.

a) cheetah      b )chimpanzee     c )elephant     d) giraffe

5. Read the passage and answer the questions:

Mona  and  her  friends  went  to  the  beach  in  the   morning. They had a game of volleyball. Mona was very happy because  she won .In the afternoon, she went sailing. She saw a small turtle in the sea.

A. Fill in the blank boxes with True or False:

1. Mona  went  to  the  beach  with  her  sister.

2. Mona  was  happy.

3. Mona  went  sailing   in  the  evening.

B. Answer the following questions:

4. What did Mona see in the sea?


5. When did Mona go to the beach?


C Writing 14 Marks

6. Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences:

1. time – win – This – we’ll.


2. bag – you – Which – do - want ?


3. is – the eel – bigger – The whale – than.


4. slow – this – Is – animal?


7. Look and write a question and its answer:

1. …………...........................................................……………...?

…………................................………………………………………… .

2. …………...........................................................……………...?


8. Look and write a paragraph of four sentences:

(car – the tallest – the elephant – trees)


9. Punctuate the following:

1. where was reem on monday


2. no he did n t

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