مدرس اون لايندخول

المستوى الرفيع من سنه 1981 سؤال المقال

المستوى الرفيع من سنه 1981 سؤال المقال
1- University graduates of today try to avoid working in government offices. (1981)

2- In modern wars both sides are losers. (1981)

3- The importance of leisure activities in modern life. ( 1982)

4- Egyptian customs that you would like to change. (1982)

5-Your freedom ends where other people's freedom begins. (1983)

6- Do sports really strengthen the ties among nations ? Discuss. (1983)

7- Life would be more worth living if the philosophers and poets took over from scientists and politicians.
Discuss. (1984)

8- Never before in the history of man has there been such widespread cause for mental stress. Discuss. (1984)

9- Clothes are an important way of expressing your personality.
Write your view on this statement. (1985)

10-This year many African countries suffered from starvation as a result of severe drought. We in Egypt
Were safe thanks to the High Dam. Discuss. (1985)

11-The advantages of living and working in Sinai. You have just graduated and obtained your degree
From Cairo University. There is a very interesting job in Sharm El-Sheikh. (1986)

12- Some of the greatest people have been handicapped. Describe the achievement of a famous
Handicapped person you know of. (1986)

13- Egypt in the year 2020. ( Draw a plan for the Egyptian society in the year 2020 in various fields, and show how you could contribute to the realization of such plan.) (1987)

14- Technology in Education. ( How introducing technology, such as computers, into the system of education and into schools helps in promoting the students' creativity.) (1987)

مع تحيات
مستر/ عصام الجاويش
مدرس أول اللغه الانجليزيه بمدرسه التل الكبير الثانويه بنات بمحافظه الاسماعيليه
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المستوى الرفيع من سنه 1981 سؤال المقال
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