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كيف تكون سؤال Question Formation تدريبات ممتازة

Question Formation
1. A farmer keeps goats. Who
2. Salwa forgot her books at home. Where
3. This sign means stop. What
4. The weather was hot yesterday. How
5. I like reading books. What
6. My mother makes nice cakes. Who
7. I can't play because I must do my homework. Why
8. We visited our aunt last holiday. When
9. Gamal was born in Cairo. Where
10. The weather is fine in Alexandria. How
11. Maha visited her aunt yesterday. When
12. Salah went to the club. Where
13. Hala sent a postcard. What
14. I went to Luxor on holiday. Where
15. We saw the valley of the kings at Luxor. What
16. They took photographs in the morning. When
17. The cat ate some fish. What
18. We played football in the afternoon. When
19. The baby crocodile is in the bag. Where
20. She's from Japan. Where
21. Tourists visit Egypt in winter. When
22. English is my favourite subject. What
23. They go to school by bus. How
24. You can see donkey ncarts in the street. Where
25. Mona went to Siwa on holiday. Where
26. Siwa is in the Western Desert. Where
27. Ahmed goes to the beach every week. Where
28. I visited my grandfather yesterday. Who
29. They do their homework in the afternoon. When
30. I read books at home. Where
31. He likes visiting Aswan in winter. When
32. People go to the beach in summer. When
33. Mona bought a new blouse. What
34. Tourists like visiting Egypt. What
35. He went to a primary school at the age of six. When
36. The Pharaohs built the pyramids at Giza. Where
37. The Great Pyramid is one hundred and thirty seven metres high. How high
38. The Pharaohs built gardens and temples. What
39. The pyramids are at Giza. Where

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Mr Gamal
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