مدرس اون لايندخول

امتحان على اول فصلين قصه العناكب

1. From your reading of the novel, give an example to show that crime doesn't pay.
2. What is the difference between the first passage and the second passage?
3. The Egyptian archaeologists rarely use GPR as……………….
4. The oldest robber and the small robber had different opinions about the spiders. What were they and who was right?
5. The six archaeologists made a great achievement. What was it?
6. What were the precautions that the robbers took so as not to be discovered?
7. The small man carried a machine whose function was to………
8. "It's like an underground city. A city of dead people."
a) Who said this to whom?
b) What is the place they are talking about?
c) What is the importance of discovering this place in the novel?

1. Ayman was a sociable person. Illustrate.
2. Ayman's house was not suitable for the spider because………
3. Providence saved Najat from death. Discuss.
4. How did Dr. Shereen account for the disappearance of the town?
5. What was the problem discussed by Ayman and his internet friends?
6. The internet conversations are different from telephone conversations as……………………………………….
7. Describe the spider which Ayman saw.
8. On seeing the female spider, Ayman was surprised because…..
9. What is the world wide web like?
10."I have just seen a large black and yellow spider which I can't identify."
a) Who wrote that statement and to whom was it written?
b) What did the writer do to get information about the spider?

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