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امتحان unit__7_8 انجليزي ثالثة اعدادي ترم ثاني 2024 مستر حمادة حشيش

3rd Year Exam on Unit (7&Cool
1. Finish the following dialogue (5 M)
Basant is reading a novel called "Black Beauty"
Mohamed What are you doing?
Basant (1)...............................................................
Mohamed What is the title of the novel?
Basant (2).................................................................
Mohamed (3).................................................................?
Basant It was written by Anna Sewell.
Mohamed What is it about?
Basant (4)...................................................................
Mohamed I like horses . How should we treat animals like horses?
Basant (5)...................................................................
2. Read and complete the text with words from the list (4 M)
weather - wanders - is - are - wonders - habitats
Tourists like visiting many countries around the world. Egypt (1)..............visited by
millions of tourists. They enjoy visiting natural (2)......................like Wadi al- Hitan
.They want to see animals in their natural (3).........................They enjoy the
(4).........of Egypt which is fine all the year.
3. Read the following text, then answer the questions (6 M)
Heba is a very good girl. She is always energetic. She is not tall. Ten years ago
Heba, who was seven years old then, went into her father's library and asked him if
she could borrow some books. This made him very happy. Heba's father thought
that his daughter was interested in reading. He asked her to take any book. She did
what her father told her. She chose many big books and took them to the garden
outside the house and put them under an orange tree. Heba's father and mother
followed her to see what she would do with the books. They tried not to let her see
them. They were surprised when they saw their daughter standing on the big books
and picking some oranges. Her father helped her to pick some oranges and told her
not to stand on the books again.
a. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d
1. Heba is...................................years old now.
a. fifteen b. five c. seven d. seventeen
2. Heba's father and mother were ..................to see their daughter standing on the
a. usual b. amazed c. ill d. tired
3. Heba's father followed her to the ..................
a. library b. kitchen c. garden d. school
امتحان الوحده السابعة والثامنة انجليزي ثالثة اعدادي ترم ثاني 2024 مستر حمادة حشيش
امتحان unit__7_8 انجليزي ثالثة اعدادي ترم ثاني 2024 مستر حمادة حشيش Third_11
امتحان unit__7_8 انجليزي ثالثة اعدادي ترم ثاني 2024 مستر حمادة حشيش Third_10
تحميل امتحان يونت 7 و 8 انجليزي ثالثة اعدادي ترم ثاني 2024 pdf  من هنــا
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امتحان انجليزي على الوحدة السابعة تالتة اعدادى ترم ثانى 2024
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امتحان unit__7_8 انجليزي ثالثة اعدادي ترم ثاني 2024 مستر حمادة حشيش Darsen12
امتحان unit__7_8 انجليزي ثالثة اعدادي ترم ثاني 2024 مستر حمادة حشيش Darsen11امتحان unit__7_8 انجليزي ثالثة اعدادي ترم ثاني 2024 مستر حمادة حشيش Darsen13
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