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 برجراف خامسة ابتدائي ترم أول مستر ايهاب عزمي

paragraphs (first term)
الصف الخامس الابتدائي
1- unit one
1. The food chain
....Plants and trees are called producers. Animals are called consumers.
Primary consumers eat plants. Secondary consumers eat small animals and
insects. Tertiary consumers eat larger animals.
2. My favorite food
....My favourite food is chicken. Chicken is delicious. I like it very much. It
has protein. It's a healthy food. Healthy food is good for us. I like eating
chicken with rice. My mum buys it at the market. I can eat chicken at
home or a nice restaurant.
3. Chickpeas
....Chickpeas are an important ingredients in many recipes such as koshari.
Chickpeas are not a fruit or a vegetable. They belong to a group of food
called legumes. They are a healthy food. They can help to keep our
digestive system working properly
 برجراف خامسة ابتدائي ترم أول مستر ايهاب عزمي

 برجراف خامسة ابتدائي ترم أول مستر ايهاب عزمي 5_oya_10
 برجراف خامسة ابتدائي ترم أول مستر ايهاب عزمي 5_oya_11
 برجراف خامسة ابتدائي ترم أول مستر ايهاب عزمي 5_oya_12
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