مدرس اون لايندخول

براجراف A review about the pros and cons of modern technology ممیزات وعیوب التكنولوجیا

A review about the pros and cons of modern technology
ممیزات وعیوب التكنولوجیا
Technology is very important. It has changed our lives greatly. Technology has
become a symbol of progress especially at our homes. It’s a must to use technology in
modern life. Mobile phones, TV sets, tablets and laptops are forms of modern technology.
These technological devices have made our life easier and more enjoyable. In addition,
they tell us about what happens in our world. They also make us watch football matches all
over the world and follow our likes in an easy and quick way. They help us to watch the news
and listen to the weather forecasts. On the other hand, they made us lazy, feel bored and be
away from our real life. Many people stopped visiting their relatives
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