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مراجعة انجليزي 90 سؤال اختياري للصف السادس الترم الثاني 2023

مراجعة انجليزي
 90 سؤال اختياري ع الوحدتين 6.7
للصف السادس الابتدائي الفصل الدراسي الثاني 2023 - 2022

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Mr Gamal
Write an email to your friend hany. Telling her about the school concert.
Your name is ayman and your email address Ayman @yahoo.com.your friend's
address is Hany18@gmail.com
To : Hany18@gmail.com
From Ayman @yahoo.com
Subject: The school concert
Dear Hany,
I'm very pleased to write this email to you. My school is getting ready for the
school concert. We are very busy. We are cleaning up the music room. We
are playing the musical instruments to be ready. We like playing music. My
friend Khaled like playing the violin. He is the soloist on it. See you soon.
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