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مراجعة science للصف الرابع الابتدائي لغات | Primary 4 unit 1 lesson 1 part 2 /2 The structure of digestive system

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مراجعة science للصف الرابع الابتدائي لغات | Primary 4 unit 1 lesson 1 part 2 /2 The structure of digestive system

شرح دروس science للمراحل الابتدائيه والاعداديه
The structure of the digestive system: - الهضمي الجهاز تركيب
The digestive system is composed of two main parts
Which are
الجهاز الهضمي يتكون من جزءين رئيسيين هم
The alimentary canal the accessory glands of the digestive system
(Alimentary canal associates)
الغدد الملحقة للجهاز الهضمي
) ملحقات القناة الهضمية (

-It is muscular duct starting with the mouth and ends
with anus with Length of 9-10 m.
- It contains circular muscles which push the food through it.
ا - القناة الهضمية : -
- إنها قناة عضلية تبدأ من الفم وتنتهي بفتحة الشرج بطول 9-10متر .
- تتكون من عضالت دائرية تدفع الغذاء خاللها .
القناة الهضمية تتكون من : -
- 1 – Mouth الفم 2 – Pharynx البلعوم 3 – Esophagus المريء
- 4 – Stomach المعدة 5 – Small intestine الدقيقة األمعاء
- 6 – Large intestine الغليظة األمعاء 7– Rectum المستقيم
فتحة الشرج Anus– 8-
The Human Digestive system
A – The alimentary canal
The alimentary canal consists
وظيفة القناة الهضمية :-
In the alimentary canal, the food is digested and absorbed.
- في القناة الهضمية الغذاء يهضم ويمتص .
Digesting process: changing the food from complex form
into a simple one to let the body get benefited.
عمليه الهضم: تحول الغذاء من صوره معقده الى صوره بسيطه لتدع الجسم يأخذ فوائده
1- Mouth The mouth cavity contains teeth, tongue
and salivary glands.
The salivary glands: open in the mouth cavity.
الفم:تجويف الفم يحتوى على االسنان ،اللسان ،الغدد اللعابيه.
الغدد اللعابيه: تفتح فى التجويف الفمى.
(A) Teeth: the teeth number in adult are 32, each jaw has 16
teeth divided into (4 incisors, 2canines and 10 molars).
Incisors and canines: cut and tear food into small pieces.
Molars: grind the food to ease its swallowing process.
االسنننننان: عددددسن ن فدددددالغ ندددد ن ددددل 32فدددداكلن ددددد ندددد 16 فدددداك الىدددد ن ددددد
القواطع واالنياب: تلط ع و مزيق ن طعلم ن قطع ص ره
الضروس: طح ن طعلم حت يىه عمل ك ن لع.
(B) Tongue: it turns food in the mouth and mixes it up with saliva
ن لىلغ:يللب ن ذنء ن ن ف ويخلطك بل لعلب
The function of the alimentary canal:-
(C)Salivary glands: they are three pairs of glands secrete a
liquid (Saliva)Which contains digestive
substances called enzymes
Saliva: it changes starch into sugar which dissolves in water easier.
الغده اللعابيه:يوجس ثالث غسن فرز فلئ )ن لعلب(ن ذى يحتوى عل مونن هلضمك ىم ن نزيملت
اللعاب:يحول ن اشل ن فكر حت يذوب ن ن ملء نفه
2 - Pharynx it is common cavity leads to the esophagus
and trachea.
البلعوم: جويف مشترك يؤنى ن ن مرئ ون لص ك ن هونئ ك.
3 –Esophagus it is muscular tube that the food passes
from mouth to the stomach.
المرئى:نن وبك عضل ك يمر ماهل ن ذنء ن ن معسه.
4 stomach  muscular sac works on mix food up with
 The food change into semi liquid substance
after a few hours.
 -the protein is digested partially by gastric juice.
المعده: س عضل يعم عل خلط ن ذنء بل نزيملت
ن ذنء يتحول ن صوره ش ك فلئلك بعس عسه فلعلت
ن رو يهض جزئ ل بونفطك ن عص ر ن معسى
5- Small intestine  Its length about seven meters.
 It coils inside the abdominal cavity.
 It starts with duodenum.
The bile juice (secrete by liver) and the
Pancreatic juice (secrete by pancreas)
are Poured in duodenum.
Duodenum is followed by ileum.
Intestine juice is poured in the small
intestine where the digestion process
to the food is completed.
 طولها حوالى 7متر .
 تلتف فى التجويف البطنى
 تبدا باالثنى عشر
 العصاره الصفراء)تفرز من الكبد( والعصاره البنكرياسيه ) تفرز من البنكرياس( تصب فى
االثنى عشر
 االثنى عشر تتبع باللفائفى.
 العصاره المعويه تصب فى االمعاء الدقيقه حيث تكتمل عمليه الهضم.

To show the effect of the bile on the
digestion of fats .
1-Put some drops of oil in a test tube.
2-Add some drops of bile (from a hen) to it
3-Shake it well.
Oil change to fatty emulsion (in presence of bile)
Activity 1
Bile juice breaks down the oil (fats) into small
particles that dissolve in water (fatty
6- Large intestine ♣ starts from the end of small
intestine and ending in the anus.
♣ Anus is located at the end of rectum
♣Water is abosorbed in the rectum from
food remains
♣ the wastes are ejected ouside the body
Through the anus.
Absorption process:-
It is the process of transferring the digested food
from the small intestine to the blood.
Keeping the digestive system healthy
1- Chew the food well.
2- Don't eat much food that contains large amounts of fats
such as fast meals.
3- Skip having food containing the additive compounds and
4- Skip purchasing food from streets to avoid infectious
5- Practice sports regularly.
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