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امتحان لغة انجليزية الثانوية العامة 2016 + نموذج الاجابة

امتحان لغة انجليزية الثانوية العامة 2016 + نموذج الاجابة
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امتحان لغة انجليزية الثانوية العامة 2016 + نموذج الاجابة 1
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There are many ways that poverty is linked to reproductive rights, to workers' rights, to environmental justice. By educating yourself, you will figure out where your time and energy is best spent in helping the impoverished gain the skills and the power they need to help themselves.[1]
There is a good deal of research that shows how the cycle of poverty is linked to the criminal justice system, which does little to re-educate its felons. Especially in a country like the U.S. the downward spiral of prisoners fuels their poverty and is a system that must change. This toxic feedback loop is especially difficult for people of color, who are already usually disenfranchised by poverty and the structure of society.[2]
Reproductive rights are linked to poverty. Access to reproductive control, especially for women, means fewer children, which typically links to higher education and higher opportunities for work. Reproductive health programs mean fewer teenage pregnancies and better education for women.
القطعه الاولي
1- Keeping your -> oral disease. ف السطر التاني
2 Third rule -> Between teeth اخر السطر السادس الفقرة التانيه
3- ٍsecondly -> the growth of bacetira
القطعة التانية
1 - Einstein was famous for being the smartest man in the world and being known as the absent minded genius.
2 - Because he was sure that Albert had already bought a ticket.
3 - Because he didn't know where he was going.
4 - D
5 - C
السوال التاسع رقم A
هناك الكثير ليُقال في حق التكنولوجيا، فإنها بلا شك تجعل حياة الناس أكثر سهولة. وبدون التكنولوجيا الحديثة، لكان العالم مكان أكثر صعوبة للعيش فيه.
السوال السابع القصه
1- because there were alote of important men of the country and army in the coronation who were waiting for him.
2- rudolf rassendyll would be the king forever or duke michael
3- she blamed hime for leaving his work in the capital and his people and going to hunt animals
4- because rupert had tried to punish her, he wanted to kill her
1 rubert rassendyll to rudolf rassendyll
2- to ruritania
3- he didn't want to tell them in order not to know that he was lazy
1- gardens --> streets
2- johann --> rupert

السوال التاسع رقم A
هناك الكثير ليُقال في حق التكنولوجيا، فإنها بلا شك تجعل حياة الناس أكثر سهولة. وبدون التكنولوجيا الحديثة، لكان العالم مكان أكثر صعوبة للعيش فيه.

السوال السابع القصه
1-ب سبب وجود alote من الرجال المهمين في البلد وال جيش في التتويج الذين كانوا في ان تظ اره
2-رودولف rassendyll سيكو ن الملك أو دوك (مايكل) إ لى ال أ بد
3-أ لقت hime ل ترك ع مله في العاصمة و شع به و ذهب ل لصي د الحيوانات
4-لأ ن روبرت قد حاولت معاقبت ها, أ راد أ ن يقتل ها
1 rubert rassendyll to رودولف rassendyll
2-إ لى روري تانيا
3-أ نه لا يريد أ ن أ خ برهم من أ جل أ ن لا أ عرف أ نه كان كسول

1-حدائق -- > الشوارع
2-يو هان -- > روبرت
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