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امتحان لغة انجليزية جديد لانج ل 3 ثانوى مواصفات امتحان اخر العام 2015

اللغة الأجنبية الأولى: الإنجليزية (2)
A – Language Functions
A-Ianguage Functions 1. Respond to each of the following situations :-
1. Your wife is really tired of living in this tiny apartment. What do you suggest ?
2. An interviewer has asked you why you have applied for a job in a particular company. Give 2 reasons.
3. Your sister has applied for Columbia university but she has not received a reply yet.
     4. You tell your teacher why it goes dark at night.
2. Mention the place ,the speakers and the language function in the following
Speaker A: .....
Speaker B: ......
Function : ......
two mini-dialogues:-
1. A. Am I allowed to enter ,sir?
B. Oh! No our lecture started half an hour ago.
A. But there was, traffic jam.
B. It's not an excuse.
Speaker A:.....
Speaker B: ......
2. A. How much is this vase?
B. Sorry Sir, it is only on display. A. Never mind.
B. You can buy this one. A. Ok , it is wonderful .
B. Vocabulary & Structure
3. Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1 . She suffers from a .................. coma. The level of sugar in the
blood is uncontrollable.
a) chronic            b) acute            c) diabetic                d) fanatic
2. In the past, wars were. .................. They didn't involve nuclear weapons.
a) fictional                                    b) conventional
c) controversial                             d) intellectual
3. The stock market suffered a severe ............... after the revolution of
25th January.
a) depression         b) disposal       c) deprivation    d) disposition
1. I got .................. by a wasp yesterday . My face is swollen .
a) burnt          b)Iost               c) confused               d) stung
5. She couldn't resist.................. at him in those dirty clothes .
a) laughing         b) iaugh           c) to laugh                d) laughs
6. This year, crops have been ruined by severe .... ............. .
a) fever                 b) draft              c) drought               d) irrigation
7. The British Airways .................. to announce the cancellation of
flight 205 to Madrid .
a) register            b) regret         c) apologize               d) regulate
8. .................. repeated assurances that the product is safe, many
people have stopped buying it.
a) Although       b) In spite          c) Despite                 d) However
9. Cohen , .................. contract expires next week , is likely to play
for a European club .
a) whose              b) who's              c)whom                 d)who
10. You can't get a job .................. you've got experience-
a) if                         b) but                  c) in case of           d) unless
11. The forecast says ," It.................. hot and sunny tomorrow ."
a) will be               b) is going be       c) is going to be     d) would be
12. Vitamin C .................. to help fight colds and flu .
a) is thinking         b) thought     c) thinks                 d) is thought
13. Do you play any other sports .................. football and basketball.
a) beside                b) besides            c) in addition         d) as well
14- They used her photos to .................. her into spying for them.
a) lock                 b) block               c) e-mail                d) blackmail
15. I've got two brothers , .................. of them are older than me .
a) either              b) neither           c)both                   d)all
16. Did you put salt in this sauce ? - Yes , but only .................. .
a) little b) a little             c)few                     d)afew
4. Find the mistake in each of the following sentences , then write it correctly :
1. Have you met Donia's fiancee?
 2-. The scheme is designed to help children whom parents have fallen on hard times-r
3- Phone him or your parents are going to start to worry.
4. Ambulances took brave soldiers to local hospitals .
5.1 have always regretted not study harder at school.
6.1 always keep fruit in the fridge so as to go rotten .
C- Reading 5- Read the following passage then answer the questions:
        The day before a long flight you are frantically doing last-minute chores and errands, packing and reading guide books. Then, on the plane, you have several drinks with dinner and stay up late watching the movie. After a brief nap, it's time for breakfast and a morning arrival in , let's say, Paris or Rome . Adrenaline flowing, you spend the entire day sightseeing and taking pictures. By evening, exhaustion has set in, and the next morning, you can hardly wake up before noon . Jet lag has taken hold.
      Most people who travel by air across multiple time zones fall victim to this affliction of modern air travel. They may suffer from any of a number of unpleasant symptoms, including insomnia, fatigue, nausea , sleepiness , and lethargy .
       Dr Minsky points out that there are three primary causes of jet lag , and of these , two are avoidable . First , people often wear themselves out getting ready for a trip , so they are already exhausted when they get on the plane . Second, long-distance travellers often have a couple of drinks to pass the time. The alcohol can cause stomach distress and interfere with getting a good night's sleep. The third and unavoidable cause of jet lag is the fact that long distance air travel upsets your internal biological clock.
A) Give short answers to the following questions :
1. According to this article, is jet lag worse when you travel eastward or westward? Why?
2. What is jet lag caused by ?
3. What can you do to minimize jet lag ?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d :
4. If your internal biological clock is upset by long distance air travel, ..................... occurs.
a) flood                b) volcano         c) jet lag         d) earthquake
5. To have a good night's sleep , you mustn't drink ..................... .
a) fizzy drinks                           b) heavy drinks
c) sour drinks                               d) sweet drinks
6. Read the following passage, then answer the questions :
     Throughout New England, people know that fall has arrived when the Mcintosh apples begin to turn red in the orchards in early September. All through September and October, the aroma of ripe apples fills the air on sunny days - an invitation to come picking.
' 'A day of apple picking is , in fact, a popular way to spend a fall day in New England . It is generally possible to find an orchard within an hour's drive and the trip is well worth the time . Not only will it provide you with plenty of the freshest apples to be found , but it also will give you a chance to take in some sunshine and autumn scenery and get some exercise . And the picking is usually best done by adults . Children should not climb up into trees and risk hurting themselves and damaging the trees - younger members of the family can have fun just romping around the orchard.
     The picking may not take long - two hours at most - but many of the orchard owners now offer other kinds of entertainment. At some orchards , you can go for pony rides or ride on a hay-filled wagon . You may be able to watch a horse-show or visit the cows or sheep in the pasture . Or you may decide to take a hike and have a picnic along a country lane . Some orchards have set up refreshment stands in their bams where you can taste local products, such as apple cider and homemade baked goods .
A) Give short answers to the following questions :
1. Which season does this article recommend picking apples ?
2. What kind of apples are the very first to ripen ?
3. What else can you do at an orchard besides picking apples ?
B) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
4. The word "aroma" in the first paragraph means ..................... .
a) strong pleasant smell                        b) strong bad smell
c) strong nasty smell                             d) strong unpleasant smell
5. The word " pony " may be replaced by ..................... .
b) a small donkey d) a small tiger
a) a small horse
c) a small camel
7-  The Prisoner of Zenda.
A-Answer the following questions:-
       1. Why was Rudolf Rassendyll wet ?
        2. In what condition was the king after eating the cakes offered by the Duke ?
       3. What were the measures , taken by Sapt, to save validity ?
       4. Why didn't Sapt and Fritz trust Johann's mother ?
B.Read the following quotation and answer the questions:-
                                        "Is all safe here"
          a. Who asked this and to whom ?
          b. What was the listener's response ?
          c. Where were the speaker and the listener heading for ?
C. Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it:
       1 - Rassendyll was lying on the floor unconscious and senseless .
        2- Sapt told Rassendyll everything about the princess's life on their way to the station  .
D- Writing
8-Write a paragraph of about 100 words about:
" The different ways people can do to save energy."
9-A- Translate into Arabic :
      One of the current reform programmes is to stimulate investment in the industrial sector. The declared aim of the government in its plan is to increase the share of the private sector to 25 per cent of the total investment expenditure.
B- Translate into English :
- لقد اصبحت هناك ضرورة حتمية أن نكتنز كل قطرة مياة فى مواردنا المائية بسبب ندرة المياة.
– إن تماسك المجتمع المصرى هو السبيل الوحيد للتغلب على كل مشاكلنا الراهنة. 
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