Unit 9 It's a small world
advantage ميزة harbour ميناء بحرى
disadvantage عيب metal structure مبنى معدنى
ashamed خجول / مكسوف symbol رمز
criticize ينتقد empire إمبراطورية
foreign أجنبى emperor إمبراطور
overcrowded مزدحم جدا palace قصر
public عام skyscraper ناطحة سحاب
cost يكلف prefer يفضل
sky high prices أسعار مرتفعة capital عاصمة
traffic المرور business centre مركز تجارى
terrible فظيع port ميناء
public transport المواصلات العامة Statue of Liberty تمثال الحرية
tourists سياح welcome يرحب بـ
pay / paid / paid يدفع Empire State امباير ستيت
through عبر / من خلال Chrysler كرايسلر (مبنى فى نيويورك)
traffic jam اختناق المرور the Eiffel Tower برج ايفل
historic buildings مبانى تاريخية percent فى المائة
wonderful رائع wide واسع
museum متحف narrow ضيق
parks حدائق عامة / منتزهات dangerous خطير
Londoner أحد سكان لندن king ملك
too many كثير جدا (للعدد) queen ملكة
too much كثير جدا (للكمية) ships سفن
positive ايجابى safely بأمان
negative سلبى pleased مسرور
architecture الهندسة المعمارية modern حديث
entertainment تسلية / ترفيه by بجوار
boring ممل theatre مسرح
visitor زائر busy port ميناء مفعم بالحركة
sightseeing رؤية المعالم السياحية a symbol of freedom رمز للحرية
swimming pool حمام سباحة popular محبوب / شعبى
politely بأدب fast road طريق سريع
patient مريض / صبور space مكان / فراغ / فضاء
population سكان limited محدود
freedom حرية builder البنا (من يقوم بعملية البناء)
safety أمان upwards لأعلى
enjoy يستمتع بـ mosques مساجد
the underground مترو الأنفاق churches كنائس
identify يحدد هوية visit زيارة
represent يمثل low prices أسعار منخفضة
benefit يستفيد advertising إعلان
benefits فوائد range سلسلة / خط
tourism السياحة employment وظيفة / عمل
tourist agency وكالة سياحية facilities تسهيلات
temples معابد cradle of civilization مهد الحضارة
the High Dam السد العالى Opera House دار الأوبرا
monuments آثار National Assembly الجمعية الوطنية
historical sites مواقع تاريخية Louvre متحف اللوفر
the Arab World العالم العربى River Thames نهر التايمز
Ancient Egyptians المصريون القدماء clear واضح
attractions عوامل جذب poster ملصق
exactly بالضبط London Eye عين لندن (مكان)
Idioms & Expressions
filled with مملوء بـ a good place for مكان جيد لـ
on the underground بمترو الأنفاق from all over the world من كل أنحاء العالم
come on هيا popular with محبوب من
agree with يتفق مع in the centre of فى وسط
afraid of خائف من by train بالقطار
drive through يقود سيارته وسط by underground train بمترو الأنفاق
in the middle of فى وسط for the first time للمرة الأولى
be from يكون من miss a visit تفوته فرصة زيارة
ashamed of مستحى من / مخزى من get to يصل إلى
try his best يبذل قصارى جهده in the world فى العالم
at the same time فى نفس الوقت the home of مقر لـ
bad for ضار لـ the capital of عاصمة كذا
apologize for يعتذر لـ a sign of إشارة لـ / رمز لـ
at the entrance of عند مدخل go up يصعد
stand in يقع فى centre for مركز لـ
a symbol of رمز لـ proud of فخور بـ
an example of مثال لـ overcrowded with مزدحم بـ
ashamed: feeling bad about something. مستحى / خجول
criticise: say bad things about. ينتقد
foreign: not from your own country. أجنبى
overcrowded: filled with too many people. مزدحم
public: for everybody to use. عام
harbour: ميناء بحرىan area of water next to the land where ships can stay safely.
structure: مبنى something that has been built.
symbol: رمز a picture, object, etc. , that is the sign of a particular quality or organization.
emperor: إمبراطور a kind of king
palace: قصر house for a king or queen.
skyscraper: ناطحة سحاب a very tall building
Word Opposite Word Opposite
proud فخور ashamed مستحى narrow ضيق wide واسع
غير محبوب popular محبوب unimportant
غير هام important هام
love يحب hate يكره quiet هادئ noisy صاخب
safe آمن dangerous خطير not well-known
غير مشهور well known مشهور
famous مشهور
Confusable words
historic / historical:
historic: (famous or important in history) ذو أهمية تاريخية
historic building مبنى / place مكان / event حدث / day يوم/ site موقع
historical: (connected with the study of history) مرتبط بدراسة التاريخ
historical research بحث / papers أبحاث / studies دراسات / plays مسرحيات /
films أفلام / novels روايات / importance أهمية
harbour / port:
harbour: ميناء بحرى (منطقة المياه المجاورة للأرض التى ترسو فيها السفن بأمان)
- Many ships are tied up and protected from the sea and bad weather in the harbour of Alex.
port: مدينة و ميناء (مدينة بها منطقة مياه كبيرة حيث تقوم السفن بتحميل البضائع)
- Port Said is a major port.
Language Notes
prefer + v. + ing ………… to + v. + ing: يفضل ...... على
prefer + to + inf. …… than to + inf.:
- Some people prefer driving to using public transport. (than)
Some people prefer to drive than to use public transport.
ashamed + to + inf.: يشعر بالخجل و الخزى عندما
- I'm ashamed to see that the underground is dirty.
ashamed of + v. + ing / noun: مستحى من / مخزى من
- I'm ashamed of myself for doing so badly in the school test.
apologize for + v. + ing: يعتذر عن
- He said he was sorry because he had come late. (apologized)
He apologized for coming late.
Tapescript, Reading & Critical thinking
Around the world in ten minutes
London is one of the most expensive cities in the world. Everything costs so much. Prices are sky high, and the traffic is terrible. Public transport is expensive and slow. The underground is overcrowded and dirty. You have to pay to drive through the middle of London. Buses in London can be slow, but the underground is quite fast. London is a really safe city. Three are so many historic buildings and wonderful places to visit: museums, theatres, beautiful shops and big parks.
New York is the biggest city in the USA, but it is not the capital of the country. Washington is the capital. But, New York is one of the world's most important business centers and a busy port. The statue of liberty, which is at the entrance of the harbour, is a symbol of freedom and welcomes visitors from other countries. New York has more skyscrapers than any other city in the world. There are 47 buildings taller than 200 metres and three taller than 300 metres! Two of the most famous ones are the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building.
Paris is France's capital and its largest city. Many people think it is the most beautiful city in the world. Every year, more than two million tourists visit Paris. The most popular place to visit is the Eiffel Tower, a tall metal structure which is the symbol of Paris.
Tokyo is the capital of Japan. About seven percent of the population of the country live there, so it is very overcrowded. It is Japan's main business centre, and like New York, has skyscrapers and fast, wide roads. These are always filled with traffic, so Tokyo has some of the worst pollution in the world. Tokyo is the home of Japan's emperor, whose palace stands in a beautiful park in the centre of the city.
Cairo has the largest population of any city in Africa, and is the most important city in the Arab world. For more than a hundred years, Cairo has been an important centre for tourism, and visitors from all over the world come to see buildings from the time of the Ancient Egyptians, especially the Pyramids.
Questions & answers
1- What are the disadvantages of living in London?
- Prices are sky high.
- The traffic is terrible.
- Public transport is expensive and slow.
- The underground is overcrowded and dirty.
2- What are the advantages of living in London?
- London is a really safe city.
- There are so many historic buildings and wonderful places to visit: museums, theatres, beautiful shops and big parks.
3- Why is New York important?
- It is one of the world's most important business centers and a busy port.
4- Where is the Statue of Liberty?
- At the entrance of New York harbour.
5- What is the Statue of Liberty a symbol of?
- It is a symbol of freedom.
6- What are the most famous skyscrapers in New York?
- The Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building.
7- What do you know about Paris?
- Paris is France's capital and its largest city. Many people think it is the most beautiful city in the world.
8- Why do tourists visit Paris?
- To visit is the Eiffel Tower.
9- What is the symbol of Paris?
- The Eiffel Tower.
10- What is the capital of Japan?
- Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
11- Why is Tokyo very overcrowded?
- Because about seven percent of the population of the country live there.
12- Why is Tokyo important?
- It is Japan's main business centre, and has skyscrapers and fast, wide roads.
13- Why does Tokyo have some of the worst pollution in the world?
- The roads are always filled with traffic.
14- Where does the emperor of Japan live?
- In a palace in Tokyo.
15- Where does the emperor's palace stand?
- It stands in a beautiful park in the centre of the city.
16- Why is Cairo important?
- Because it has been an important centre for tourism, and visitors from all over the world come to see buildings from the time of the Ancient Egyptians, especially the Pyramids.
17- What makes a beautiful city?
- Mosques, churches, public buildings, rivers, parks or museums.
18- Why is it important for cities to have symbols like the Eiffel tower?
- Symbols identify and represent a city. They are also useful for tourist agencies as a way of advertising a city.
19- What is the symbol for Cairo and other cities in Egypt?
- The Pyramids for Cairo, Library for Alexandria, Karnak for Luxor and the High Dam for Aswan.
20- What kind of places do tourists like to visit?
- Museums, monuments, palaces, temples, etc.
21- What makes Cairo a good place for tourists to visit?
- Historical sites, the Pyramids, museums, good shopping, etc.
22- Why is it important for tourists to come to Cairo?
- To see buildings from the time of the Ancient Egyptians.
23- How can we help tourists enjoy their visits to Egypt?
- We can build beautiful hotels and restaurants.
24- What are the benefits of living in a large, modern city?
- You can find work, restaurants and hotels.
- You can visit a lot of interesting places.
- You can find what you need.
25- What can you do in your life now to conserve يحافظ على energy?
- I can use public transport and try not to waste water or electricity.
@ Choose the correct answer:
1- London is one of the most expensive cities (at-of-about-in) the world.
2- Everything costs so much. Prices are (high sky-highly sky-sky high-sky highly).
3- He isn't afraid (at-in-with-of) going out at night in London.
4- you have to pay to drive (through-over-up-at) the middle of London.
5- Jane hates travelling (in-on-at-by) the underground.
6- (General-Secret-Public-Private) transport in London is expensive and slow.
7- More and more (strange-modern-public-foreign) visitors are coming to Egypt for holidays and sightseeing.
8- You shouldn't (criticize-laugh-smile-talk) people if they are trying their best.
9- Tourists like visiting (history-historian-historic-historical) buildings and wonderful places.
10- If too many people want to travel at the same time, trains get (empty-cheap-expensive-overcrowded).
11- Ali is (from-of-about-at) Egypt.
12- New York is one of the world's most important business centers and a busy (airport-bank-coast-port).
13- You can see the statue of liberty (at-in-to-of) the entrance of New York harbour.
14- The statue of liberty is a (symbol-simple-sample-simply) of freedom and welcomes visitors from other countries.
15- New York has more (skyscrapers-huts-cottages-pyramids) than any other city in the world .
16- Paris is France's (town-city-capital-village) and its largest city.
17- Tokyo is the capital (about-at-for-of) Japan.
18- Big cities are always (full-fall-fell-filled) with traffic.
19- In big cities, it is often quicker to travel (by-in-on-with) underground train.
20- Tokyo is the (house-building-flat-home) of Japan's emperor
21- The palace of Japan's emperor (sits-stands-walks-jumps) in a beautiful park in the centre of the city.
22- I'm ashamed (to-of-about-by) myself for doing so badly in the school test.
23- Tourists can go (down-up-through-under) the Eiffel Tower and see the whole of Paris.
24- Cairo has been an important (building-tower-centre-symbol) for tourism.
25- Don't (miss-lose-waste-pay) a visit to Luxor. It's fantastic.
26- The Eiffel Tower in Paris is very popular (to-with-off-by) tourists.
27- Tokyo has the worst (population-pollution-people-news) in the world.
28- (Freedom-Population-Pollution-Production) is the right to live your life the way you want to.
29- Living in big cities has some advantages and (results-consequences-effects-disadvantages).
30- Narrow is the opposite of (light-wide-side-white).
@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- I prefer playing tennis to watching television. (than)
2- He said he was sorry because he had forgotten his book. (apologized)
3- I like staying at home more than going to the cinema. (prefer)
4- Big cities are full of people, cars and buses. (filled)
5- Some young children fear dogs. (afraid)
Language Focus
Verbs أفعال+ Gerund ing فعل ينتهى بـ Or To + inf.مصدر
1- الأفعال الآتية يليها (to + inf.) :
agree يوافق learn يتعلم try يحاول refuse يرفض
decide يقرر offer يعرض want يريد enable يمكن
expect يتوقع plan يخطط hope يأمل promise يعد / يوعد
- We're planning to live in Cairo.
- I don't want to buy a new house.
- We hope to buy a flat.
- He offered to help me.
2- الأفعال الآتية يليها فعل ينتهى بــ ing :
avoid يتجنب stop يتوقف عن love fancy يريد / يتخيل
dislike يكره hate يكره suggest يقترح put off يؤجل
enjoy يستمتع بـ like يحب imagine mind يمانع
finish ينتهى من give up يقلع عن practise يمارس regret يندم
- I dislike sitting in a traffic jam.
- You should avoid going out at night.
- He suggested going to the club.
- I don't mind lending you my camera.
3- الأفعال الآتية يليها (فعل ينتهى بـ (ing أو (المصدر (to + مع عدم وجود أى اختلاف فى المعنى:
begin يبدأ continue يستمر فى like يحب prefer يفضل
hate يكره love يحب start يبدأ
- He prefers to go to university by car.
He prefers going to university by car.
- We like to swim in the sea.
We like swimming in the sea
لاحظ الفرق فى المعنى بين هذه الجمل:
- I like living in London. = I live there.
I like to live in London. = I do not live there.
4- التعبيرات الآتية يليها فعل ينتهى بـ ing :
look forward to يتطلع إلى object to يعترض على
feel like يريد be accustomed to يعتاد على
have difficulty in لديه صعوبة فى be (get) used to يعتاد على
- I don't feel like going out.
- I look forward to traveling abroad.
- He had difficulty in breathing.
@ Choose the correct answer:
1- A famous scientist has agreed (to write-writing-write-wrote) an article.
2- I finished (do-to do-doing-done) my homework at 11 o'clock at night.
3- The doctor decided (seeing-see-to seeing-seeing) his patients immediately.
4- Our school wanted (buy-to buy-buying-bought) more computers.
5- Would you mind (driving-to driving-of driving-to drive) me to the airport?
6- Do you like (swim-swimming-to swimming-of swimming) in the sea?
7- Ali enjoys (visiting-to visit-visited-with visiting) historic buildings.
8- I prefer (swim-to swim-to swimming-swam) in a swimming pool.
9- We hope (see-seeing-to see-to seeing) our French friends when we visit Paris.
10- We're planning (to go-going-to going-of going) to Greece for our holidays.
11- You should stop (smoke-smoking-to smoke-smoker). It's very bad for your health.
12- I really enjoy (speak-spoke-to speak-speaking) other languages.
13- He refused (apologize-apologized-to apologize-apologizing) for what he had done.
14- My four-year-old brother is learning (to ride-riding-rides-rode) a bicycle.
15- She agreed (write-to write-writing-wrote) an article on classical music.
16- He practises (playing-to play-of playing-to playing) the guitar every day.
17- He suggested (go-going-to go-of going) to the theatre.
18- I don’t fancy (watch-watched-watches-watching) that film. There’s a lot of violence in it.
19- Mona promised (she comes-to come-coming-will come) and she usually keeps her promises.
20- We all noticed that she avoided (looks-to look-looking-to be looked) at us.
21- He practises (to play-to be played-to have played-playing) the guitar everyday.
22- The salesman denied (taking-to take-takes-take) money from the lady.
23- I regretted (criticize-to criticize-criticizing-to criticizing) her in public.
24- I don't fancy (watch-watched-watches-watching) that film. There is a lot of violence in it.
25- He is learning (to play-play-playing-played) the guitar.
@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He felt sorry he left his job . ( regretted )
2- He said, "I am happy to work with you”. (mind)
3- My mother said that she'd get me a present if I passed the exam. (promised)
4- I am happy that I started my business. (regret)
5- She said that she would write an article on classical music. (agreed)
6- I'm happy to stay up late to help finish the work. (don't mind)
7- They said it might be a good idea to telephone him. (suggested)
8- Nadia said she wouldn’t lend me her camera. (refused)
9- He said he would lend me his camera. (agreed)
10- I like very much to visit London. (look forward)
11- It's not an easy matter for him to solve this problem. (difficulty)
12- It's not a good idea to travel during rush hours. (It's better to avoid…)
13- Nadia says she's happy to stay with the children. (doesn't mind)
14- I've done my homework. (I've finished…)
15- Could you turn the radio down, please? (Would you mind….)
16- Can I borrow your story book, please? (mind)
17- She said that she hadn’t stolen the bicycle. (denied)
18- They don’t read English novels very often. (hardly)
A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Hazem is talking to a tourist who is visiting Egypt for the first time:
Hazem: Have you enjoyed your visit to Egypt?
Tourist: ........................................
Hazem: .....……........................................?
Tourist: The Pyramids, the citadel and the Egyptian Museum.
Hazem: Have you been to Upper Egypt?
Tourist: Not yet! ............................................ Aswan?
Hazem: By plane, by train or on a Nile cruise.
Tourist: That sounds good. Thank you very much.
Hazem: ................................... Have a nice trip!
2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- A tourist wants to know where the Karnak Temple is.
2- You accept your friend's suggestion to go to the cinema.
3- You have just told your friend something that is untrue. Now you feel ashamed. What do you say to him or her.
4- Suggest to your little brother some activities that are more useful than watching television.
B) Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- The manager decided…………… the reports before he left the office.
a) read b) reading c) reads d) to read
2- Ahmed hopes ………………. a job next summer
a) finding b) to find c) finds d) find
3- "Dangerous" is the opposite of ………………….. .
a) sad b) serious c) scared d) safe
4- You should avoid ………………… friends with such bad people.
a) to make b) make c) making d) to making
5- The Eiffel Tower is the ……………. of Paris.
a) simple b) sample c) slogan d) symbol
6- My new shoes aren't expensive. They ……………… LE 50.
a) paid b) cost c) sold d) weighed
7- Big cities are often crowded and have air ……………….
a) environment b) traffic c) pollution d) condensation
8- New York is an important business ……………………. .
a) circle b) century c) patron d) actor
9- My grandfather has promised ……………… smoking next week.
a) stop b) stopping c) club d) centre
10- A palace is a …………………………………. .
a) very tall building b) symbol
c) house for a king or queen d) tower
4- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- I don't like meeting bad people. (avoid)
2- The father told his son that he wouldn’t give him any more money. (refused)
3- He said, "Why don't we stay at home and play chess?" (suggested)
4- I'm willing to stay till you return. (don't mind)
5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
London is one of the most expensive cities in the world. Everything (1)………….... so much. Prices are sky (2)……………….., and the traffic is terrible. Public transport is expensive and slow. You have to pay to drive (3)……………. the middle of London. Buses in London can be slow, but the underground is quite (4)……………... . London is a really safe (5)………………... Three are so many (6)……………………. buildings and wonderful places to visit.
C) Read Comprehension and Set Books
6- Read the following passage , then answer the questions:
In Egypt, the tourism industry has come to hold a position of great importance lately. It is felt that it could help increase the national income. In some European countries, tourism has brought in millions of dollars yearly, although they lack the natural and historical attractions we have in Egypt.
We could, for instance, establish tourist villages for children on the Red Sea. We could teach fishing, swimming, diving and sailing there. Another good idea would be a village in the New Valley for horse riding. And what about villages for people with health problems like rheumatism? The warm dry climate of Aswan and Helwan would certainly help them get better.
Our tourist today wants efficient and friendly service. He would probably prefer to try our samples of our local food rather than to eat the international meals, which are served, in some places.
It must also be remembered that most tourists nowadays are seldom rich. Many of them are students or hardworking employees. So what is needed is not expensive hotels but clean comfortable places to sleep and eat in at reasonable prices. This, too, would encourage Egyptians to travel more and more around their lovely country.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- How could we encourage Egyptians to see more and more of their country?
2- Why has tourism become very important?
3- What sort of people did the writer suggest to enjoy our warm dry climate?
4- What does the underlined pronoun “it” in the first paragraph refer to?
B) Choose the correct answer:
5- The writer feels that Egypt has got………………..the other countries which make so much money from tourism.
a) less attractions than b) the least attractions of
c) the same attractions as d) more attractions than
6- According to the writer, if someone has pains in his muscles and joints, he should go to………………………
a) Europe b) Aswan
c) The Red Sea d) The New Valley
7- Our hotels should be ……………………………….
a) expensive b) too cheap
c) too expensive d) at reasonable prices
7- Answer Only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- What do you know about New York?
2- What can you do in your life now to conserve يحافظ على energy?
3- Why does Tokyo have some of the worst pollution in the world?
4- Where does the emperor of Japan live?
5- What is the Statue of Liberty a symbol of?
6- What are the most famous skyscrapers in New York?
D) The Novel
A) Answer the following questions:
1- When did the writer discover that the stranger on the train was a criminal wanted by the police?
2- Why did the writer boast about a bit of business he had done?
3- Why was the writer annoyed when he met the stranger on the train?
4- How did the writer's trouble was names put him in difficulties from time to time?
B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
“My wife says sometimes I ought to be a reporter for the newspapers and wait about at first night at cinemas looking for all the famous who go to see films.”
1- Why did the writer’s wife say he ought to be a reporter?
2- Why did the writer think that he couldn't work as a reporter?
3- How did he get out of the difficulty of forgetting names?
E) Writing
9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
"The advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city"
F) Translation
10- A) Translate into Arabic:
1- New York is famous for its skyscrapers.
2- Cairo has been an important centre for tourism.
B) Translate into English:
يأتى السياح من كل أنحاء العالم لرؤية أثارها القديمة
advantage ميزة harbour ميناء بحرى
disadvantage عيب metal structure مبنى معدنى
ashamed خجول / مكسوف symbol رمز
criticize ينتقد empire إمبراطورية
foreign أجنبى emperor إمبراطور
overcrowded مزدحم جدا palace قصر
public عام skyscraper ناطحة سحاب
cost يكلف prefer يفضل
sky high prices أسعار مرتفعة capital عاصمة
traffic المرور business centre مركز تجارى
terrible فظيع port ميناء
public transport المواصلات العامة Statue of Liberty تمثال الحرية
tourists سياح welcome يرحب بـ
pay / paid / paid يدفع Empire State امباير ستيت
through عبر / من خلال Chrysler كرايسلر (مبنى فى نيويورك)
traffic jam اختناق المرور the Eiffel Tower برج ايفل
historic buildings مبانى تاريخية percent فى المائة
wonderful رائع wide واسع
museum متحف narrow ضيق
parks حدائق عامة / منتزهات dangerous خطير
Londoner أحد سكان لندن king ملك
too many كثير جدا (للعدد) queen ملكة
too much كثير جدا (للكمية) ships سفن
positive ايجابى safely بأمان
negative سلبى pleased مسرور
architecture الهندسة المعمارية modern حديث
entertainment تسلية / ترفيه by بجوار
boring ممل theatre مسرح
visitor زائر busy port ميناء مفعم بالحركة
sightseeing رؤية المعالم السياحية a symbol of freedom رمز للحرية
swimming pool حمام سباحة popular محبوب / شعبى
politely بأدب fast road طريق سريع
patient مريض / صبور space مكان / فراغ / فضاء
population سكان limited محدود
freedom حرية builder البنا (من يقوم بعملية البناء)
safety أمان upwards لأعلى
enjoy يستمتع بـ mosques مساجد
the underground مترو الأنفاق churches كنائس
identify يحدد هوية visit زيارة
represent يمثل low prices أسعار منخفضة
benefit يستفيد advertising إعلان
benefits فوائد range سلسلة / خط
tourism السياحة employment وظيفة / عمل
tourist agency وكالة سياحية facilities تسهيلات
temples معابد cradle of civilization مهد الحضارة
the High Dam السد العالى Opera House دار الأوبرا
monuments آثار National Assembly الجمعية الوطنية
historical sites مواقع تاريخية Louvre متحف اللوفر
the Arab World العالم العربى River Thames نهر التايمز
Ancient Egyptians المصريون القدماء clear واضح
attractions عوامل جذب poster ملصق
exactly بالضبط London Eye عين لندن (مكان)
Idioms & Expressions
filled with مملوء بـ a good place for مكان جيد لـ
on the underground بمترو الأنفاق from all over the world من كل أنحاء العالم
come on هيا popular with محبوب من
agree with يتفق مع in the centre of فى وسط
afraid of خائف من by train بالقطار
drive through يقود سيارته وسط by underground train بمترو الأنفاق
in the middle of فى وسط for the first time للمرة الأولى
be from يكون من miss a visit تفوته فرصة زيارة
ashamed of مستحى من / مخزى من get to يصل إلى
try his best يبذل قصارى جهده in the world فى العالم
at the same time فى نفس الوقت the home of مقر لـ
bad for ضار لـ the capital of عاصمة كذا
apologize for يعتذر لـ a sign of إشارة لـ / رمز لـ
at the entrance of عند مدخل go up يصعد
stand in يقع فى centre for مركز لـ
a symbol of رمز لـ proud of فخور بـ
an example of مثال لـ overcrowded with مزدحم بـ
ashamed: feeling bad about something. مستحى / خجول
criticise: say bad things about. ينتقد
foreign: not from your own country. أجنبى
overcrowded: filled with too many people. مزدحم
public: for everybody to use. عام
harbour: ميناء بحرىan area of water next to the land where ships can stay safely.
structure: مبنى something that has been built.
symbol: رمز a picture, object, etc. , that is the sign of a particular quality or organization.
emperor: إمبراطور a kind of king
palace: قصر house for a king or queen.
skyscraper: ناطحة سحاب a very tall building
Word Opposite Word Opposite
proud فخور ashamed مستحى narrow ضيق wide واسع
غير محبوب popular محبوب unimportant
غير هام important هام
love يحب hate يكره quiet هادئ noisy صاخب
safe آمن dangerous خطير not well-known
غير مشهور well known مشهور
famous مشهور
Confusable words
historic / historical:
historic: (famous or important in history) ذو أهمية تاريخية
historic building مبنى / place مكان / event حدث / day يوم/ site موقع
historical: (connected with the study of history) مرتبط بدراسة التاريخ
historical research بحث / papers أبحاث / studies دراسات / plays مسرحيات /
films أفلام / novels روايات / importance أهمية
harbour / port:
harbour: ميناء بحرى (منطقة المياه المجاورة للأرض التى ترسو فيها السفن بأمان)
- Many ships are tied up and protected from the sea and bad weather in the harbour of Alex.
port: مدينة و ميناء (مدينة بها منطقة مياه كبيرة حيث تقوم السفن بتحميل البضائع)
- Port Said is a major port.
Language Notes
prefer + v. + ing ………… to + v. + ing: يفضل ...... على
prefer + to + inf. …… than to + inf.:
- Some people prefer driving to using public transport. (than)
Some people prefer to drive than to use public transport.
ashamed + to + inf.: يشعر بالخجل و الخزى عندما
- I'm ashamed to see that the underground is dirty.
ashamed of + v. + ing / noun: مستحى من / مخزى من
- I'm ashamed of myself for doing so badly in the school test.
apologize for + v. + ing: يعتذر عن
- He said he was sorry because he had come late. (apologized)
He apologized for coming late.
Tapescript, Reading & Critical thinking
Around the world in ten minutes
London is one of the most expensive cities in the world. Everything costs so much. Prices are sky high, and the traffic is terrible. Public transport is expensive and slow. The underground is overcrowded and dirty. You have to pay to drive through the middle of London. Buses in London can be slow, but the underground is quite fast. London is a really safe city. Three are so many historic buildings and wonderful places to visit: museums, theatres, beautiful shops and big parks.
New York is the biggest city in the USA, but it is not the capital of the country. Washington is the capital. But, New York is one of the world's most important business centers and a busy port. The statue of liberty, which is at the entrance of the harbour, is a symbol of freedom and welcomes visitors from other countries. New York has more skyscrapers than any other city in the world. There are 47 buildings taller than 200 metres and three taller than 300 metres! Two of the most famous ones are the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building.
Paris is France's capital and its largest city. Many people think it is the most beautiful city in the world. Every year, more than two million tourists visit Paris. The most popular place to visit is the Eiffel Tower, a tall metal structure which is the symbol of Paris.
Tokyo is the capital of Japan. About seven percent of the population of the country live there, so it is very overcrowded. It is Japan's main business centre, and like New York, has skyscrapers and fast, wide roads. These are always filled with traffic, so Tokyo has some of the worst pollution in the world. Tokyo is the home of Japan's emperor, whose palace stands in a beautiful park in the centre of the city.
Cairo has the largest population of any city in Africa, and is the most important city in the Arab world. For more than a hundred years, Cairo has been an important centre for tourism, and visitors from all over the world come to see buildings from the time of the Ancient Egyptians, especially the Pyramids.
Questions & answers
1- What are the disadvantages of living in London?
- Prices are sky high.
- The traffic is terrible.
- Public transport is expensive and slow.
- The underground is overcrowded and dirty.
2- What are the advantages of living in London?
- London is a really safe city.
- There are so many historic buildings and wonderful places to visit: museums, theatres, beautiful shops and big parks.
3- Why is New York important?
- It is one of the world's most important business centers and a busy port.
4- Where is the Statue of Liberty?
- At the entrance of New York harbour.
5- What is the Statue of Liberty a symbol of?
- It is a symbol of freedom.
6- What are the most famous skyscrapers in New York?
- The Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building.
7- What do you know about Paris?
- Paris is France's capital and its largest city. Many people think it is the most beautiful city in the world.
8- Why do tourists visit Paris?
- To visit is the Eiffel Tower.
9- What is the symbol of Paris?
- The Eiffel Tower.
10- What is the capital of Japan?
- Tokyo is the capital of Japan.
11- Why is Tokyo very overcrowded?
- Because about seven percent of the population of the country live there.
12- Why is Tokyo important?
- It is Japan's main business centre, and has skyscrapers and fast, wide roads.
13- Why does Tokyo have some of the worst pollution in the world?
- The roads are always filled with traffic.
14- Where does the emperor of Japan live?
- In a palace in Tokyo.
15- Where does the emperor's palace stand?
- It stands in a beautiful park in the centre of the city.
16- Why is Cairo important?
- Because it has been an important centre for tourism, and visitors from all over the world come to see buildings from the time of the Ancient Egyptians, especially the Pyramids.
17- What makes a beautiful city?
- Mosques, churches, public buildings, rivers, parks or museums.
18- Why is it important for cities to have symbols like the Eiffel tower?
- Symbols identify and represent a city. They are also useful for tourist agencies as a way of advertising a city.
19- What is the symbol for Cairo and other cities in Egypt?
- The Pyramids for Cairo, Library for Alexandria, Karnak for Luxor and the High Dam for Aswan.
20- What kind of places do tourists like to visit?
- Museums, monuments, palaces, temples, etc.
21- What makes Cairo a good place for tourists to visit?
- Historical sites, the Pyramids, museums, good shopping, etc.
22- Why is it important for tourists to come to Cairo?
- To see buildings from the time of the Ancient Egyptians.
23- How can we help tourists enjoy their visits to Egypt?
- We can build beautiful hotels and restaurants.
24- What are the benefits of living in a large, modern city?
- You can find work, restaurants and hotels.
- You can visit a lot of interesting places.
- You can find what you need.
25- What can you do in your life now to conserve يحافظ على energy?
- I can use public transport and try not to waste water or electricity.
@ Choose the correct answer:
1- London is one of the most expensive cities (at-of-about-in) the world.
2- Everything costs so much. Prices are (high sky-highly sky-sky high-sky highly).
3- He isn't afraid (at-in-with-of) going out at night in London.
4- you have to pay to drive (through-over-up-at) the middle of London.
5- Jane hates travelling (in-on-at-by) the underground.
6- (General-Secret-Public-Private) transport in London is expensive and slow.
7- More and more (strange-modern-public-foreign) visitors are coming to Egypt for holidays and sightseeing.
8- You shouldn't (criticize-laugh-smile-talk) people if they are trying their best.
9- Tourists like visiting (history-historian-historic-historical) buildings and wonderful places.
10- If too many people want to travel at the same time, trains get (empty-cheap-expensive-overcrowded).
11- Ali is (from-of-about-at) Egypt.
12- New York is one of the world's most important business centers and a busy (airport-bank-coast-port).
13- You can see the statue of liberty (at-in-to-of) the entrance of New York harbour.
14- The statue of liberty is a (symbol-simple-sample-simply) of freedom and welcomes visitors from other countries.
15- New York has more (skyscrapers-huts-cottages-pyramids) than any other city in the world .
16- Paris is France's (town-city-capital-village) and its largest city.
17- Tokyo is the capital (about-at-for-of) Japan.
18- Big cities are always (full-fall-fell-filled) with traffic.
19- In big cities, it is often quicker to travel (by-in-on-with) underground train.
20- Tokyo is the (house-building-flat-home) of Japan's emperor
21- The palace of Japan's emperor (sits-stands-walks-jumps) in a beautiful park in the centre of the city.
22- I'm ashamed (to-of-about-by) myself for doing so badly in the school test.
23- Tourists can go (down-up-through-under) the Eiffel Tower and see the whole of Paris.
24- Cairo has been an important (building-tower-centre-symbol) for tourism.
25- Don't (miss-lose-waste-pay) a visit to Luxor. It's fantastic.
26- The Eiffel Tower in Paris is very popular (to-with-off-by) tourists.
27- Tokyo has the worst (population-pollution-people-news) in the world.
28- (Freedom-Population-Pollution-Production) is the right to live your life the way you want to.
29- Living in big cities has some advantages and (results-consequences-effects-disadvantages).
30- Narrow is the opposite of (light-wide-side-white).
@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- I prefer playing tennis to watching television. (than)
2- He said he was sorry because he had forgotten his book. (apologized)
3- I like staying at home more than going to the cinema. (prefer)
4- Big cities are full of people, cars and buses. (filled)
5- Some young children fear dogs. (afraid)
Language Focus
Verbs أفعال+ Gerund ing فعل ينتهى بـ Or To + inf.مصدر
1- الأفعال الآتية يليها (to + inf.) :
agree يوافق learn يتعلم try يحاول refuse يرفض
decide يقرر offer يعرض want يريد enable يمكن
expect يتوقع plan يخطط hope يأمل promise يعد / يوعد
- We're planning to live in Cairo.
- I don't want to buy a new house.
- We hope to buy a flat.
- He offered to help me.
2- الأفعال الآتية يليها فعل ينتهى بــ ing :
avoid يتجنب stop يتوقف عن love fancy يريد / يتخيل
dislike يكره hate يكره suggest يقترح put off يؤجل
enjoy يستمتع بـ like يحب imagine mind يمانع
finish ينتهى من give up يقلع عن practise يمارس regret يندم
- I dislike sitting in a traffic jam.
- You should avoid going out at night.
- He suggested going to the club.
- I don't mind lending you my camera.
3- الأفعال الآتية يليها (فعل ينتهى بـ (ing أو (المصدر (to + مع عدم وجود أى اختلاف فى المعنى:
begin يبدأ continue يستمر فى like يحب prefer يفضل
hate يكره love يحب start يبدأ
- He prefers to go to university by car.
He prefers going to university by car.
- We like to swim in the sea.
We like swimming in the sea
لاحظ الفرق فى المعنى بين هذه الجمل:
- I like living in London. = I live there.
I like to live in London. = I do not live there.
4- التعبيرات الآتية يليها فعل ينتهى بـ ing :
look forward to يتطلع إلى object to يعترض على
feel like يريد be accustomed to يعتاد على
have difficulty in لديه صعوبة فى be (get) used to يعتاد على
- I don't feel like going out.
- I look forward to traveling abroad.
- He had difficulty in breathing.
@ Choose the correct answer:
1- A famous scientist has agreed (to write-writing-write-wrote) an article.
2- I finished (do-to do-doing-done) my homework at 11 o'clock at night.
3- The doctor decided (seeing-see-to seeing-seeing) his patients immediately.
4- Our school wanted (buy-to buy-buying-bought) more computers.
5- Would you mind (driving-to driving-of driving-to drive) me to the airport?
6- Do you like (swim-swimming-to swimming-of swimming) in the sea?
7- Ali enjoys (visiting-to visit-visited-with visiting) historic buildings.
8- I prefer (swim-to swim-to swimming-swam) in a swimming pool.
9- We hope (see-seeing-to see-to seeing) our French friends when we visit Paris.
10- We're planning (to go-going-to going-of going) to Greece for our holidays.
11- You should stop (smoke-smoking-to smoke-smoker). It's very bad for your health.
12- I really enjoy (speak-spoke-to speak-speaking) other languages.
13- He refused (apologize-apologized-to apologize-apologizing) for what he had done.
14- My four-year-old brother is learning (to ride-riding-rides-rode) a bicycle.
15- She agreed (write-to write-writing-wrote) an article on classical music.
16- He practises (playing-to play-of playing-to playing) the guitar every day.
17- He suggested (go-going-to go-of going) to the theatre.
18- I don’t fancy (watch-watched-watches-watching) that film. There’s a lot of violence in it.
19- Mona promised (she comes-to come-coming-will come) and she usually keeps her promises.
20- We all noticed that she avoided (looks-to look-looking-to be looked) at us.
21- He practises (to play-to be played-to have played-playing) the guitar everyday.
22- The salesman denied (taking-to take-takes-take) money from the lady.
23- I regretted (criticize-to criticize-criticizing-to criticizing) her in public.
24- I don't fancy (watch-watched-watches-watching) that film. There is a lot of violence in it.
25- He is learning (to play-play-playing-played) the guitar.
@ Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He felt sorry he left his job . ( regretted )
2- He said, "I am happy to work with you”. (mind)
3- My mother said that she'd get me a present if I passed the exam. (promised)
4- I am happy that I started my business. (regret)
5- She said that she would write an article on classical music. (agreed)
6- I'm happy to stay up late to help finish the work. (don't mind)
7- They said it might be a good idea to telephone him. (suggested)
8- Nadia said she wouldn’t lend me her camera. (refused)
9- He said he would lend me his camera. (agreed)
10- I like very much to visit London. (look forward)
11- It's not an easy matter for him to solve this problem. (difficulty)
12- It's not a good idea to travel during rush hours. (It's better to avoid…)
13- Nadia says she's happy to stay with the children. (doesn't mind)
14- I've done my homework. (I've finished…)
15- Could you turn the radio down, please? (Would you mind….)
16- Can I borrow your story book, please? (mind)
17- She said that she hadn’t stolen the bicycle. (denied)
18- They don’t read English novels very often. (hardly)
A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
Hazem is talking to a tourist who is visiting Egypt for the first time:
Hazem: Have you enjoyed your visit to Egypt?
Tourist: ........................................
Hazem: .....……........................................?
Tourist: The Pyramids, the citadel and the Egyptian Museum.
Hazem: Have you been to Upper Egypt?
Tourist: Not yet! ............................................ Aswan?
Hazem: By plane, by train or on a Nile cruise.
Tourist: That sounds good. Thank you very much.
Hazem: ................................... Have a nice trip!
2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- A tourist wants to know where the Karnak Temple is.
2- You accept your friend's suggestion to go to the cinema.
3- You have just told your friend something that is untrue. Now you feel ashamed. What do you say to him or her.
4- Suggest to your little brother some activities that are more useful than watching television.
B) Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- The manager decided…………… the reports before he left the office.
a) read b) reading c) reads d) to read
2- Ahmed hopes ………………. a job next summer
a) finding b) to find c) finds d) find
3- "Dangerous" is the opposite of ………………….. .
a) sad b) serious c) scared d) safe
4- You should avoid ………………… friends with such bad people.
a) to make b) make c) making d) to making
5- The Eiffel Tower is the ……………. of Paris.
a) simple b) sample c) slogan d) symbol
6- My new shoes aren't expensive. They ……………… LE 50.
a) paid b) cost c) sold d) weighed
7- Big cities are often crowded and have air ……………….
a) environment b) traffic c) pollution d) condensation
8- New York is an important business ……………………. .
a) circle b) century c) patron d) actor
9- My grandfather has promised ……………… smoking next week.
a) stop b) stopping c) club d) centre
10- A palace is a …………………………………. .
a) very tall building b) symbol
c) house for a king or queen d) tower
4- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- I don't like meeting bad people. (avoid)
2- The father told his son that he wouldn’t give him any more money. (refused)
3- He said, "Why don't we stay at home and play chess?" (suggested)
4- I'm willing to stay till you return. (don't mind)
5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
London is one of the most expensive cities in the world. Everything (1)………….... so much. Prices are sky (2)……………….., and the traffic is terrible. Public transport is expensive and slow. You have to pay to drive (3)……………. the middle of London. Buses in London can be slow, but the underground is quite (4)……………... . London is a really safe (5)………………... Three are so many (6)……………………. buildings and wonderful places to visit.
C) Read Comprehension and Set Books
6- Read the following passage , then answer the questions:
In Egypt, the tourism industry has come to hold a position of great importance lately. It is felt that it could help increase the national income. In some European countries, tourism has brought in millions of dollars yearly, although they lack the natural and historical attractions we have in Egypt.
We could, for instance, establish tourist villages for children on the Red Sea. We could teach fishing, swimming, diving and sailing there. Another good idea would be a village in the New Valley for horse riding. And what about villages for people with health problems like rheumatism? The warm dry climate of Aswan and Helwan would certainly help them get better.
Our tourist today wants efficient and friendly service. He would probably prefer to try our samples of our local food rather than to eat the international meals, which are served, in some places.
It must also be remembered that most tourists nowadays are seldom rich. Many of them are students or hardworking employees. So what is needed is not expensive hotels but clean comfortable places to sleep and eat in at reasonable prices. This, too, would encourage Egyptians to travel more and more around their lovely country.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- How could we encourage Egyptians to see more and more of their country?
2- Why has tourism become very important?
3- What sort of people did the writer suggest to enjoy our warm dry climate?
4- What does the underlined pronoun “it” in the first paragraph refer to?
B) Choose the correct answer:
5- The writer feels that Egypt has got………………..the other countries which make so much money from tourism.
a) less attractions than b) the least attractions of
c) the same attractions as d) more attractions than
6- According to the writer, if someone has pains in his muscles and joints, he should go to………………………
a) Europe b) Aswan
c) The Red Sea d) The New Valley
7- Our hotels should be ……………………………….
a) expensive b) too cheap
c) too expensive d) at reasonable prices
7- Answer Only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- What do you know about New York?
2- What can you do in your life now to conserve يحافظ على energy?
3- Why does Tokyo have some of the worst pollution in the world?
4- Where does the emperor of Japan live?
5- What is the Statue of Liberty a symbol of?
6- What are the most famous skyscrapers in New York?
D) The Novel
A) Answer the following questions:
1- When did the writer discover that the stranger on the train was a criminal wanted by the police?
2- Why did the writer boast about a bit of business he had done?
3- Why was the writer annoyed when he met the stranger on the train?
4- How did the writer's trouble was names put him in difficulties from time to time?
B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
“My wife says sometimes I ought to be a reporter for the newspapers and wait about at first night at cinemas looking for all the famous who go to see films.”
1- Why did the writer’s wife say he ought to be a reporter?
2- Why did the writer think that he couldn't work as a reporter?
3- How did he get out of the difficulty of forgetting names?
E) Writing
9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
"The advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city"
F) Translation
10- A) Translate into Arabic:
1- New York is famous for its skyscrapers.
2- Cairo has been an important centre for tourism.
B) Translate into English:
يأتى السياح من كل أنحاء العالم لرؤية أثارها القديمة