Unit 3 The power of the mind قوة العقل
power قوة weekend نهاية الأسبوع
powerful قوى birthday عيد ميلاد
mind عقل pen friend صديق مراسلة
human brain المخ البشرى gym صالة الألعاب الرياضية
photographic memory ذاكرة فوتوغرافية cook يطبخ / طباخ
password كلمة سر warm دافئ
phone number رقم تليفون chain سلسلة
slow بطئ analyse يحلل
incredible لا يصدق breathe يتنفس
test يختبر cells خلايا
list قائمة pain الم
memory ذاكرة temperature درجة الحرارة
eyesight الإبصار results نتائج
maths الرياضيات patients المرضى
fantastic رائع normal طبيعى
repeat يكرر human body الجسم البشرى
close يغلق relax يسترخى
surprised مندهش complex معقد
immediately = at once فى الحال favourite مفضل
hide / hid / hidden يخبئ singer مطرب / مغنى
sound صوت voice صوت (إنسان)
ability قدرة weigh يزن
together معا billion بليون
believe يعتقد / يصدق control يتحكم فى / يسيطر على
group مجموعة receive يستقبل / يستلم
impossible مستحيل information معلومات
special خاص senses الحواس
long distances مسافات طويلة send يرسل
without بدون messages رسائل
glasses نظارة hurt يؤذى / يؤلم
useless غير مجدى experiment تجربة
painting رسم cut يقطع
possible ممكن fruits فاكهة
add يضيف store يخزن
address عنوان past memories ذكريات ماضية
phone يتصل تليفونيا بـ breathing تنفس
free time وقت الفراغ heart القلب
weather الطقس digestion الهضم
calculator آلة حاسبة importance أهمية
strength = force قوة ball كرة
bright ساطع holes حفر
sign علامة sunlight ضوء الشمس
problem مشكلة suggestions اقتراحات
brain damage تلف المخ phrases عبارات
contain يحتوى على disappointed شاعر بخيبة أمل / محبط
ambulance عربة إسعاف suggest يقترح
heat حرارة spell يتهجى
insect حشرة pronounce ينطق
present هدية correctly بطريقة صحيحة
painful مؤلم recently حديثا
taste التذوق / يتذوق recent حديث
sight الرؤية / الإبصار rest باقى
smell الشم / يشم separate منفصل
touch اللمس / يلمس meaning معنى
hearing السمع promise يعد
predict يتنبأ بـ method طريقة
downwards إلى الأسفل successful ناجح
light ضوء badly بطريقة سيئة
sound صوت enough كافى
Idioms & Expressions
make sure يتأكد pick up يلتقط
good at جيد فى feel tired يشعر بالتعب
bad at سيئ فى do homework يحل الواجب
terrible at فظيع فى keep fit يظل لائق بدنيا
useful for مفيد لـ go shopping يتسوق
by the end of بنهاية fall over يقع / يتعثر
on the list فى القائمة feel pain يشعر بالألم
for example على سبيل المثال have a terrible pain يعانى من مرض فظيع
in the future فى المستقبل take …. out يخرج / يسحب
short for اختصار لـ a piece of قطعة من
different from مختلف عن taste the difference يتذوق الاختلاف
key to مفتاح لـ at the same time فى نفس الوقت
concentrate on يركز على compared with بالمقارنة بـ
pass the test ينجح فى الامتحان reply to رد على
hold out your hand افتح يدك agree about يوافق على
feel ill يشعر بالمرض look forward to + v. + ing يتطلع الى
do well in يؤدى أداء جيد فى الامتحان make a note of يدون ملاحظات على
do badly in يؤدى أداء سيئ فى الامتحان ask for يطلب
Confusable words
memory ذكرى / ذاكرة souvenir هدية تذكارية
- He has a good memory for faces.
- My visit to America is a memory.
- He bought some souvenirs from Khan El-khalili.
brain المخ mind العقل / يمانع
- Human brain has 100.000.000 cells
- Your mind has the ability to decide what is right and what is wrong.
- I don’t mind helping you.
remind يُذكر remember يتذكر من تلقاء نفسه / يبلغ تحيات
- He reminds me of his father.
- He is good at remembering names.
- Remember me to your family.
quite إلى حد ما / تماما quiet هادئ quit يترك / يقلع عن
- Are you quite sure you want to go?
- I'm quite tired, but I'm happy to walk a little further.
- They found a table in a quiet corner of the restaurant.
- She quit her job to spend more time with her family.
Language Notes
It takes / took + اسم أو ضمير مفعول + مدة زمنية + to +مصدر :
- He did his homewoprk in two hours. (It took……)
It took him two hours to do his homework.
help + مفعول+ (to) +مصدر : يساعد
- Rain helps plants (to) grow.
help + مفعول+with+اسم : يساعد
- He helped me with my homework.
can يستطيع = am/is/are + able to + مصدر قادر على
= am/is/are + capable of +v. + ing : قادر على
- Our teacher can يستطيعsolve any difficult problem. (able / capable)
- Our teacher is able toقادر على solve any difficult problem.
- Our teacher is capable of قادر علىsolving any difficult problem.
You have 100,000,000 of these!
The brain is more complex than the most powerful computer. With it you can see and smell flowers, remember holidays, feel pain, hear your favourite singer’s voice and think. It weighs a kilo.
Your brain has about a hundred billion (100,000.000.000) cells (the smallest part of an animal or plant that can exist on its own), and controls everything you do. It receives information from your senses, analyses it, then sends messages. For example, when you put your hand in hot water, you think, “That hurts!” and you take your hand out of the water. Your brain receives the message, “Very hot" from your hand, then immediately sends a message back to your hand, "Take your hand out of the water."
Our senses often work together. For example, try this experiment. Cut a piece of apple, banana and orange. Close your eyes, hold your nose, then taste the fruit. Can you taste the difference between the fruits? Probably not. This is because when you eat something, your brain receives messages from your mouth, eyes and nose.
Your brain also stores past memories and this makes learning and remembering possible. At the same time, your brain controls your breathing, your heart, your body temperature and your digestion.
When you hear a sound, your brain tries to guess where it is coming from. So, if you hear a ringing sound and see a telephone, your brain may guess that the telephone is ringing. But if someone picks up the phone and the ringing sound continues, your brain will guess again. Maybe it's a mobile phone or a film on TV.
Scientists say that our brains always think that light comes downwards, perhaps because sunlight comes down. Our brains first think that the telephone is ringing because our eyes can see the telephone and we can hear the ringing.
Questions & answers:
1- What is more complex than the most powerful computer?
- The brain is more complex than the most powerful computer.
2- What can you do with your brain?
- With it you can see and smell flowers, remember holidays, feel pain, hear your favourite singer’s voice and think. It weighs a kilo.
3- How much does your brain weigh?
- It weighs a kilo.
4- How many cells does the brain have?
- It has about a hundred billion (100,000.000.000) cells.
5- What does the brain do after it receives information from the senses?
- It analyses it, then sends messages to the rest of the body.
6- What fives senses does the brain receive messages from?
- It receives messages from taste, smell, sight, hearing and touch.
7- How does the brain control senses?
- It receives information from senses, analyses it, then sends messages back to the rest of the body.
8- What happens when you put your hand in hot water?
- The brain receives a message saying the water is very hot and sends a message back saying, "Take your hand out of the water."
9- Why is it difficult to taste different fruits if you hold your nose and close your eyes? (Prove that our senses often work together.)
- When you are eating, the brain receives messages from the eyes, nose and mouth. If you hold your nose and close your eyes, it doesn't get some messages.
10- How does the brain help us to learn and remember?
- It acts as a store for past memories.
11- What are the functions of the brain?
- It stores past memories. It sends messages to the rest of your body. It controls your breathing, your heart, your body temperature and your digestion.
12- What does the human brain store?
- It stores past memories.
13- What does the brain control?
-It controls your breathing, your heart, your body temperature and your digestion.
14- Why do our brains first think that the telephone is ringing?
- Because our eyes can see the telephone and we can hear the ringing.
15- Why do our brains think that light comes downwards?
- Because the natural light from the sun always come from above.
Choose the correct answer:
1- Ali is very good (in-on-at-with) remembering people's phone numbers.
2- I've got a very good (mind-brain-souvenir-memory) for faces.
3- A (photographic-photography-photograph-photo) memory is the ability to remember something by looking at it.
4- A (passport-passerby-password-crossword) is a special word you need before you can enter something or use a computer.
5- You will do (well-badly-bad-good) in your test if you don't know enough words and phrases.
6- I'm terrible at (painting-paint-painted-painter).
7- I (made-worked-did-had) very badly in my last English test.
8- She was looking forward to (see-seeing-saw-seen) the grandchildren again.
9- I (sent-received-got-closed) my brother some photos by e-mail.
10- I've got a present for you, so (look-book-lock-close) your eyes and hold out your hands.
11- I've just (sent-received-looked-booked) an-email from my friend in Japan.
12- Doctors need to (analyse-analysis-breathe-close) the results of tests on their patients.
13- After I had fallen over, I had a terrible (painful-patient-paint-pain) in my right leg.
14- Normal human body (heat-temperature-hot-warm) is usually 37 °C.
15- (Cells-Hearts-Brains-Minds) are the smallest part of an animal or plant that can exist on its own.
16- With you brain you can see and (smile-eat-smell-drink) flowers.
17- If you concentrate (in-on-at-for) your studies, will do well at school.
18- I can (remember-remind-mind-member) people's faces, but not their names.
19- After the accident she suffered from loss of (mind-brain-memory-souvenir).
20- She lost her (taste-touch-eyesight-smell) at an early age and became blind.
21- I'm sorry that I wasn't (can-able-capable-enable) to phone you yesterday.
22- My parents help me (in-to-by-with) my maths homework when I find it difficult.
23- It is impossible to believe his story. This means that it is (credible-incredible-true-believed).
24- Only 5% of all students could (pass-succeed-cross-work) the English test.
25- It takes Ali two lessons (learning-learn-to learn-of learning) the names of a new class.
26- You (heart-brain-body-taste) stores past memories and this makes learning and remembering possible.
Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- She can speak four languages. (able-capable)
2- The painter painted the flat in a week. (It took)
3- I'd like very much to travel abroad. (look forward)
4- Emily and her sister are different. (from)
5- It is difficult to believe what he says. (incredible)
Language Focus
Conditionals الجمل الشرطية
The Zero Conditional
الحالة الصفرية
تستخدم هذه الحالة للتعبير عن المواقف التى تكون حقيقية دائما مثل قوانين الطبيعة و الفيزياء و الكيمياء و الفلك……. الخ.
If + present simple مضارع بسيط + present simple مضارع بسيط
- If I feel tired, I go to bed.
- I go to bed if I feel tired.
- If water is heated to 100° c, it boils.
- If plants don’t get enough water, they die.
The first conditional الحالة الأولى
If + present simpleمضارع بسيط + will / shall + inf.
تعبر الحالة الأولى عن أحداث محتملة فى المستقبل.
- If I find his phone number, I’ll ring him.
- I'll ring him if I find his phone number.
يمكن استخدام can / may بدلا من will
- If we have enough time, we can visit Ahmed.
يمكن أن يكون جواب الشرط أمر أو طلب.
- If you see Ali, give him a message for me, please.
لاحظ صيغة السؤال مع if
- What will you do if you win a lot of money?
نستخدم الحالة الأولى فى حالة وجود جملتين فى المستقبل أو وجود كلمات تدل على الاحتمال مثل perhaps / may / I think أو أداة الربط If so.
1- Perhaps it will rain tomorrow. If so, we’ll stay at home. (If…)
If it rains tomorrow, we’ll stay at home.
نستخدم الحالة الأولى فى حالة و جود كلمات تدل على الضرورة مثل must / necessary أو وجود أداة الربط or أو otherwise
2- She must practise well or she won’t play the piano. (If……)
If she doesn’t practise well, she won’t play the piano.
نستخدم الحالة الأولى فى حالة و جود جملة فى المستقبل و الأخرى أمر أو طلب.
3- Take this medicine and you may get better. (If)
If you take this medicine, you may get better.
4- Take this medicine or you won’t get better. (If)
If you don’t take this medicine you won’t get better.
The second conditional الحالة الثانية
If + past simple ماضى بسيط + would/could/might + inf.
تعبر الحالة الثانية عن حدث من غير المحتمل أن يحدث فى الحاضر أو المستقبل
- If I found his phone number, I’d ring him.
- I'd ring him if I found his phone number.
كما تعبر عن افتراض مخالف للواقع
- If I was/were rich, I’d buy my parents a house with a garden.
لاحظ استخدام were مع المفرد للدلالة على الاستحالة
- If I were a bird I'd fly.
تستخدم الحالة الثانية If I were you للنصيحة
- You should look for another job. (If)
If I were you, I’d look for another job.
يمكن استخدام were بدلا من if مع ملاحظة أن were هى فعل الجملة الأساسى
- If I were younger, I’d play football with you. (Were)
Were I younger, I’d play football with you.
إذا كان فعل الجملة فعل آخر غير were نستخدم were ثم الفاعل ثم to + inf.
- If it rained, the match would be postponed. (Were)
Were it to rain, the match would be postponed.
يمكن أن نستخدم had بدلا من if
- If he had enough time, he would go to the club. (Had)
Had he enough time, he would go to the club.
لاحظ صيغة الاستفهام مع if
- What would you do if you won a lot of money?
نستخدم الحالة الثانية فى حالة وجود جملتين فى زمن المضارع مع تحويل النفى إلى إثبات و الإثبات إلى نفى
1- He isn’t a lawyer. So he can’t help you. (If)
If he were a lawyer, he could help you.
2- He doesn’t have enough money, so he can’t buy a car. (If)
If he had enough money, he could buy a car.
3- I can’t eat this food because it is bad. (If)
If this food weren’t bad, I could eat it.
4-He can’t join the basketball team, as he is short. (If)
If he weren’t short, he could join the basketball team.
تنطبق حالات if الثلاثة على unless و يأتى بعدها جملة مثبتة
- If Peter doesn’t improve, he will fail the exam. (Unless)
Unless Peter improves, he will fail the exam.
- He is lazy. That’s why he fails the exams. (Unless)
Unless he were lazy, he wouldn’t fail the exam.
Choose the correct answer:
1- If I had to add two long numbers together in my head, it (takes-will take-would take-can take) me two or three minutes.
2- If water freezes, it (will turn-turns-would turn-turned) into ice.
3- If you knew enough English words and phrases, you would pass your English test.
4- If I (see-will see-would see-had seen) the numbers on papers, it is easier to add them.
5- If I remember Ali's address, I (phone-will phone-would phone-could phone) and tell you.
6- I'll help you with your maths homework if you (find-will find-found-had found) it difficult.
7- I wouldn't be able to read if I (lose-lost-will lose-had lost) my glasses.
8- If I can't sleep at night, I (take-would take-might take-took) an aspirin.
9- If I (has-had-had had-has had) more time, I would visit my friends in Dubai.
10- If I (gets-will get-got-get) a good job. I will help my family.
11- Learning will be fun (if-unless-without-in case of) you work with a friend.
12- If you sleep badly tonight, you (feel-felt-will feel-would feel) tired tomorrow.
13- If you don't hear a person's question, (will ask-would ask-can ask-ask) them to repeat it.
14- If you (go-went-had gone-has gone) to England in winter, it would be very cold.
15- If I (were-am-had been-have been) thirsty, I would drink some water.
Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- Heat changes water into steam. (If………..)
2- Heating water to 100 º C makes it boil. (If………)
3- Heat makes ice melt. (If…………..)
4- You must be here on time. You won’t be allowed to enter. (Unless)
5- Perhaps someone will ring the doorbell. If so, don’t let them in. (If)
6- She may have enough time. If so, she will visit us. (If)
7- Take an aspirin and your headache may get better. (If)
8- Hurry up or you’ll miss the train. (If / Unless)
9- He can’t help you because he isn’t a doctor. (If)
10- Hany doesn’t have enough money. He can’t buy that expensive car. (If)
11- I don’t write to him because I don’t know his address. (If)
12- He isn’t well, so he can’t come to the party. (Were)
13- She doesn’t practise, so she won’t learn the piano. (If)
14- He can’t go to the club because he has no money. (Had)
15- If I don't have enough time, I won't go to the cinema. (Unless)
Language Functions
What you say Response
Offering help
عرض بالمساعدة - Shall I + مصدر …….. for you?
- Can I + مصدر…………………?
- Would you like me to + inf…?
- Would you like some…?
- Can I help you? Agreeing: موافقة
- Yes, please. Thank you.
- Yes, please. I’d like…..
Refusing: رفض
- No, thank you. I can manage.
- Thanks a lot. / Thank you.
- Thank you for…………………
- That’s very kind of you.
كم هو لطيف منك
- How thoughtful of you!
كم هو لطيف منك - Not at all. لا شكر على واجب
- Don’t mention it.
- You’re welcome.
- It’s a pleasure. يسعدنى ذلك
الاعتذار - I’m sorry for + v. + ing….
- I must apologize for + v. + ing.
يجب أن أعتذر عن........ Accepting:
- Never mind.
- Don’t worry.
- Oh, it doesn’t matter.
Not accepting:
- Oh, no! It’s new.
-You’d better get me another one.
Seeking information
طلب معلومات - What's your memory/eyesight
- What are you good at?
- Are you (any) good at English /
- It's quite good / not bad / / terrible.
- I’m (quite) good /Ok / terrible
at maths / cooking.
- Yes, I'm quite good / OK.
- No, I'm not. I'm terrible (at singing).
Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- Your friend thanks you for your help.
2- You accept your friend's apology for breaking your camera.
3- Your friend asks you if you are any good at singing.
4- You ask your friend what he is good at.
5- You offer to open the window for your friend.
6- You friend offers to help you with your homework. You agree.
7- You lost your friend's pen. You apologize.
8- Your friend visits you in hospital and offers you some flowers.
Writing Letters
Informal Letters الخطابات غير الرسمية
يتم كتابة الخطاب غير الرسمى (بين الأهل و الأصدقاء) كما يلى:
رقم المنزل و اسم الشارع
اسم المدينة
اسم الدولة (إذا كان الخطاب مرسل خارج البلاد)
التاريخ (اليوم و اسم الشهر و السنة)
Dear + اسم المرسل إليه ,
موضوع الخطاب
اسم الراسل
أولا: بعض الجمل التى يمكن الاستعانة بها كمقدمة:
- I hope that you and all at home are in good health.
أتمنى أن تكون و كل من فى المنزل بصحة جيدة.
- I’m very happy to write you this letter. يسعدنى أن أكتب لك هذا الخطاب.
- It gives me much pleasure to write you this letter.
من دواعى سرورى أن أكتب لك هذا الخطاب.
ثانيا: بعض الجمل التى يمكن الاستعانة بها فى كتابة موضوع الخطاب:
- It gives me pleasure to invite you to my birthday party wedding.
يسعدنى أن أدعوك لحفل عيد ميلادى (خطوبتى / زفافى).
- I invite you to visit Egypt and spend a few days with me.
أدعوك لزيارة مصر و قضاء بضعة أيام معى.
- Thank you for your kind invitation, which I accept with pleasure.
أشكرك على دعوتك الرقيقة التى أقبلها بكل سرور.
- Thank you very much for the present you sent me.
شكرا جزيلا على الهدية التى أرسلتها لى
- I’d love to come, but I’m afraid I can’t.
أود أن أتى و لكن يؤسفنى أنني لن أستطيع.
- Thank you for lending me ……………………… . أشكرك على إقراضي...
- I congratulate you on your success (marriage). أهنئك على نجاحك (زفافك)
- I’m sorry to hear that you are ill. يؤسفنى سماع أنك مريض
- I’m sorry to hear that you had an accident. يؤسفنى أن أسمع أنه قد حدث لك حادثة
ثالثا: جمل يمكن الاستعانة بها فى كتابة الخاتمة:
- Looking forward to seeing you. إنني أتطلع إلى رؤياك
- Looking forward to meeting you. إنني أتطلع إلى لقاؤك
- I wish you a speedy recovery. أتمنى لك الشفاء العاجل
- With my best wishes. مع أطيب أمنياتى
- Remember me to all. بلغ تحياتى للجميع
Write a letter to your friend, Ali, telling him about the best way to remember new vocabulary. Your name is Hani and you live at 12 Shoubra Street, Cairo.
Model Answer
12 Shoubra Street,
21st October,2008-10-31
Dear Ali,
How are you? I hope you are well. Thank you for your letter. I think the best way to remember new vocabulary is by reading them in context and writing them many times. Another good way is to listen to these words on a tape. This will help you remember them quickly. You should write what you have heard. You shouldn't repeat isolated words. I hope you will be more successful in the future.
A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue between George and John who have just graduated from the faculty of engineering.
George : Hi John. Congratulation.
John : Thank you. What are you going to do, then?
George : ……………………………………………………………….. .
John : Your father’s factory? What does it produce?
George : Robot toys. What about you?
John : …………………………………………………………………. .
George : But you don’t have enough money to start your own business, do you?
John : Not really, but ………………………………………………………………. .
George : From the bank? …………………………………………………………………
John : I’m going to start next week.
George : Good luck, John.
2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You thank your friend who has done you a favour.
2- You break your friend's camera.
3- You ask about your friend's eyesight.
4- Your friend asks you about your memory.
B) Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- If I ………… a camera, I would take a photo of the family party.
a) had b) have c) has d) would have
2- My brother has got a good ………….. for phone numbers.
a) souvenir b) memory c) mind d) brain
3- If you …………… very fast, you'll catch your train.
a) ran b) running c) runs d) run
4- The smallest parts of animals and plants are called ……………….. .
a) hearts b) cells c) brains d) pieces
5- If my friend ………… from Italy, I'll show him around Cairo.
a) come b) comes c) is coming d) came
6- I'm …………… sure that he has passed his driving test.
a) quit b) quiet c) quite d) quietly
7- If I …………….. enough money, I'd buy a second-hand car.
a) have b) will have c) would have d) had
8- Rania is good at ………………………… .
a) cook b) cooking c) cooked d) cooks
9- If you have a ………. memory, you are able to remember things in exact detail.
a) photographic b) photography c) photograph d) photo
10- I'm looking forward ………………… from you.
a) hearing b) to hearing c) hear d) heard
4- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He can't defend you because he isn't a lawyer. (If)
2- Perhaps he will play well. If so, he will win. (If)
3- If he didn't study his lessons, he wouldn't pass the exams. (Unless)
4- If I were a bird, I'd fly. (Were……………..)
5- He can't go for a swim because he doesn't have a swim suit. (If…)
5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
The brain is more complex than the most powerful computer. It has about a hundred billion …(1)…, and controls everything you do. It …(2)…. information from your senses and analyses it. It also …(3)…. past memories and this ……... learning and remembering possible. …………the same time, it controls your breathing, your heart, your body temperature ……… your digestion.
a) ………………………..
b) ………………………..
c) ………………………..
d) ………………………..
e) ………………………..
f) …………………………
C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
6- Read the following passage , then answer the questions:
In Egypt, the tourism industry has come to hold a position of great importance lately. It is felt that it could help increase the national income. In some European countries, tourism has brought in millions of dollars yearly, although they lack the natural and historical attractions we have in Egypt.
We could, for instance, establish tourist villages for children on the Red Sea. We could teach fishing, swimming, diving and sailing there. Another good idea would be a village in the New Valley for horse riding. And what about villages for people with health problems like rheumatism? The warm dry climate of Aswan and Helwan would certainly help them get better.
Our tourist today wants efficient and friendly service. He would probably prefer to try our samples of our local food rather than to eat the international meals, which are served, in some places.
It must also be remembered that most tourists nowadays are seldom rich. Many of them are students or hardworking employees. So what is needed is not expensive hotels but clean comfortable places to sleep and eat in at reasonable prices. This, too, would encourage Egyptians to travel more and more around their lovely country.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- How could we encourage Egyptians to see more and more of their country?
2- Why has tourism become very important?
3- What sort of people did the writer suggest to enjoy our warm dry climate?
4- What does the underlined pronoun “it” in the first paragraph refer to?
B) Choose the correct answer:
5- The writer feels that Egypt has got………………..the other countries which make so much money from tourism.
a) less attractions than b) the least attractions of
c) the same attractions as d) more attractions than
6- According to the writer, if someone has pains in his muscles and joints, he should go to………………………
a) Europe b) Aswan c) The Red Sea d) The New Valley
7- Our hotels should be ……………………………….
a) expensive b) too cheap c) too expensive d) at reasonable prices
7- Answer Only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- How heavy is your brain?
2- What does your brain store?
3- Mention two functions of the brain.
4- How many cells does your brain contain?
5- Prove that our senses work together.
6- What can you do with your brain?
D) The Novel
8- A) Answer the following questions:
1- What was Augusts Pokewhistle?
2- Why was he lying in his bed?
3- Why did Augustus insist on telling the stranger his life story?
4- Do you think that the reader should feel sympathy for Augustus or not? Give reasons for your answer.
B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"I turned from painting people to painting the country."
1- Who said this, to whom?
2- Why did the speaker turn from painting people to painting the country?
3- Did he manage to sell any of his paintings? Why? Why not?
E) Writing
9- Write a letter to your friend, Fady, inviting him to your birthday party. Your name is Mark and you live at 10 Manyal Street, Cairo.
F) Translation
10- A) Translate into Arabic:
1- Ibrahim thinks the human brain is incredible.
2- The brain is more complex than the most powerful computer.
B) Translate into English:
تساعدنا الحواس على التعلم و الاستمتاع بكل ما حولنا
power قوة weekend نهاية الأسبوع
powerful قوى birthday عيد ميلاد
mind عقل pen friend صديق مراسلة
human brain المخ البشرى gym صالة الألعاب الرياضية
photographic memory ذاكرة فوتوغرافية cook يطبخ / طباخ
password كلمة سر warm دافئ
phone number رقم تليفون chain سلسلة
slow بطئ analyse يحلل
incredible لا يصدق breathe يتنفس
test يختبر cells خلايا
list قائمة pain الم
memory ذاكرة temperature درجة الحرارة
eyesight الإبصار results نتائج
maths الرياضيات patients المرضى
fantastic رائع normal طبيعى
repeat يكرر human body الجسم البشرى
close يغلق relax يسترخى
surprised مندهش complex معقد
immediately = at once فى الحال favourite مفضل
hide / hid / hidden يخبئ singer مطرب / مغنى
sound صوت voice صوت (إنسان)
ability قدرة weigh يزن
together معا billion بليون
believe يعتقد / يصدق control يتحكم فى / يسيطر على
group مجموعة receive يستقبل / يستلم
impossible مستحيل information معلومات
special خاص senses الحواس
long distances مسافات طويلة send يرسل
without بدون messages رسائل
glasses نظارة hurt يؤذى / يؤلم
useless غير مجدى experiment تجربة
painting رسم cut يقطع
possible ممكن fruits فاكهة
add يضيف store يخزن
address عنوان past memories ذكريات ماضية
phone يتصل تليفونيا بـ breathing تنفس
free time وقت الفراغ heart القلب
weather الطقس digestion الهضم
calculator آلة حاسبة importance أهمية
strength = force قوة ball كرة
bright ساطع holes حفر
sign علامة sunlight ضوء الشمس
problem مشكلة suggestions اقتراحات
brain damage تلف المخ phrases عبارات
contain يحتوى على disappointed شاعر بخيبة أمل / محبط
ambulance عربة إسعاف suggest يقترح
heat حرارة spell يتهجى
insect حشرة pronounce ينطق
present هدية correctly بطريقة صحيحة
painful مؤلم recently حديثا
taste التذوق / يتذوق recent حديث
sight الرؤية / الإبصار rest باقى
smell الشم / يشم separate منفصل
touch اللمس / يلمس meaning معنى
hearing السمع promise يعد
predict يتنبأ بـ method طريقة
downwards إلى الأسفل successful ناجح
light ضوء badly بطريقة سيئة
sound صوت enough كافى
Idioms & Expressions
make sure يتأكد pick up يلتقط
good at جيد فى feel tired يشعر بالتعب
bad at سيئ فى do homework يحل الواجب
terrible at فظيع فى keep fit يظل لائق بدنيا
useful for مفيد لـ go shopping يتسوق
by the end of بنهاية fall over يقع / يتعثر
on the list فى القائمة feel pain يشعر بالألم
for example على سبيل المثال have a terrible pain يعانى من مرض فظيع
in the future فى المستقبل take …. out يخرج / يسحب
short for اختصار لـ a piece of قطعة من
different from مختلف عن taste the difference يتذوق الاختلاف
key to مفتاح لـ at the same time فى نفس الوقت
concentrate on يركز على compared with بالمقارنة بـ
pass the test ينجح فى الامتحان reply to رد على
hold out your hand افتح يدك agree about يوافق على
feel ill يشعر بالمرض look forward to + v. + ing يتطلع الى
do well in يؤدى أداء جيد فى الامتحان make a note of يدون ملاحظات على
do badly in يؤدى أداء سيئ فى الامتحان ask for يطلب
Confusable words
memory ذكرى / ذاكرة souvenir هدية تذكارية
- He has a good memory for faces.
- My visit to America is a memory.
- He bought some souvenirs from Khan El-khalili.
brain المخ mind العقل / يمانع
- Human brain has 100.000.000 cells
- Your mind has the ability to decide what is right and what is wrong.
- I don’t mind helping you.
remind يُذكر remember يتذكر من تلقاء نفسه / يبلغ تحيات
- He reminds me of his father.
- He is good at remembering names.
- Remember me to your family.
quite إلى حد ما / تماما quiet هادئ quit يترك / يقلع عن
- Are you quite sure you want to go?
- I'm quite tired, but I'm happy to walk a little further.
- They found a table in a quiet corner of the restaurant.
- She quit her job to spend more time with her family.
Language Notes
It takes / took + اسم أو ضمير مفعول + مدة زمنية + to +مصدر :
- He did his homewoprk in two hours. (It took……)
It took him two hours to do his homework.
help + مفعول+ (to) +مصدر : يساعد
- Rain helps plants (to) grow.
help + مفعول+with+اسم : يساعد
- He helped me with my homework.
can يستطيع = am/is/are + able to + مصدر قادر على
= am/is/are + capable of +v. + ing : قادر على
- Our teacher can يستطيعsolve any difficult problem. (able / capable)
- Our teacher is able toقادر على solve any difficult problem.
- Our teacher is capable of قادر علىsolving any difficult problem.
You have 100,000,000 of these!
The brain is more complex than the most powerful computer. With it you can see and smell flowers, remember holidays, feel pain, hear your favourite singer’s voice and think. It weighs a kilo.
Your brain has about a hundred billion (100,000.000.000) cells (the smallest part of an animal or plant that can exist on its own), and controls everything you do. It receives information from your senses, analyses it, then sends messages. For example, when you put your hand in hot water, you think, “That hurts!” and you take your hand out of the water. Your brain receives the message, “Very hot" from your hand, then immediately sends a message back to your hand, "Take your hand out of the water."
Our senses often work together. For example, try this experiment. Cut a piece of apple, banana and orange. Close your eyes, hold your nose, then taste the fruit. Can you taste the difference between the fruits? Probably not. This is because when you eat something, your brain receives messages from your mouth, eyes and nose.
Your brain also stores past memories and this makes learning and remembering possible. At the same time, your brain controls your breathing, your heart, your body temperature and your digestion.
When you hear a sound, your brain tries to guess where it is coming from. So, if you hear a ringing sound and see a telephone, your brain may guess that the telephone is ringing. But if someone picks up the phone and the ringing sound continues, your brain will guess again. Maybe it's a mobile phone or a film on TV.
Scientists say that our brains always think that light comes downwards, perhaps because sunlight comes down. Our brains first think that the telephone is ringing because our eyes can see the telephone and we can hear the ringing.
Questions & answers:
1- What is more complex than the most powerful computer?
- The brain is more complex than the most powerful computer.
2- What can you do with your brain?
- With it you can see and smell flowers, remember holidays, feel pain, hear your favourite singer’s voice and think. It weighs a kilo.
3- How much does your brain weigh?
- It weighs a kilo.
4- How many cells does the brain have?
- It has about a hundred billion (100,000.000.000) cells.
5- What does the brain do after it receives information from the senses?
- It analyses it, then sends messages to the rest of the body.
6- What fives senses does the brain receive messages from?
- It receives messages from taste, smell, sight, hearing and touch.
7- How does the brain control senses?
- It receives information from senses, analyses it, then sends messages back to the rest of the body.
8- What happens when you put your hand in hot water?
- The brain receives a message saying the water is very hot and sends a message back saying, "Take your hand out of the water."
9- Why is it difficult to taste different fruits if you hold your nose and close your eyes? (Prove that our senses often work together.)
- When you are eating, the brain receives messages from the eyes, nose and mouth. If you hold your nose and close your eyes, it doesn't get some messages.
10- How does the brain help us to learn and remember?
- It acts as a store for past memories.
11- What are the functions of the brain?
- It stores past memories. It sends messages to the rest of your body. It controls your breathing, your heart, your body temperature and your digestion.
12- What does the human brain store?
- It stores past memories.
13- What does the brain control?
-It controls your breathing, your heart, your body temperature and your digestion.
14- Why do our brains first think that the telephone is ringing?
- Because our eyes can see the telephone and we can hear the ringing.
15- Why do our brains think that light comes downwards?
- Because the natural light from the sun always come from above.
Choose the correct answer:
1- Ali is very good (in-on-at-with) remembering people's phone numbers.
2- I've got a very good (mind-brain-souvenir-memory) for faces.
3- A (photographic-photography-photograph-photo) memory is the ability to remember something by looking at it.
4- A (passport-passerby-password-crossword) is a special word you need before you can enter something or use a computer.
5- You will do (well-badly-bad-good) in your test if you don't know enough words and phrases.
6- I'm terrible at (painting-paint-painted-painter).
7- I (made-worked-did-had) very badly in my last English test.
8- She was looking forward to (see-seeing-saw-seen) the grandchildren again.
9- I (sent-received-got-closed) my brother some photos by e-mail.
10- I've got a present for you, so (look-book-lock-close) your eyes and hold out your hands.
11- I've just (sent-received-looked-booked) an-email from my friend in Japan.
12- Doctors need to (analyse-analysis-breathe-close) the results of tests on their patients.
13- After I had fallen over, I had a terrible (painful-patient-paint-pain) in my right leg.
14- Normal human body (heat-temperature-hot-warm) is usually 37 °C.
15- (Cells-Hearts-Brains-Minds) are the smallest part of an animal or plant that can exist on its own.
16- With you brain you can see and (smile-eat-smell-drink) flowers.
17- If you concentrate (in-on-at-for) your studies, will do well at school.
18- I can (remember-remind-mind-member) people's faces, but not their names.
19- After the accident she suffered from loss of (mind-brain-memory-souvenir).
20- She lost her (taste-touch-eyesight-smell) at an early age and became blind.
21- I'm sorry that I wasn't (can-able-capable-enable) to phone you yesterday.
22- My parents help me (in-to-by-with) my maths homework when I find it difficult.
23- It is impossible to believe his story. This means that it is (credible-incredible-true-believed).
24- Only 5% of all students could (pass-succeed-cross-work) the English test.
25- It takes Ali two lessons (learning-learn-to learn-of learning) the names of a new class.
26- You (heart-brain-body-taste) stores past memories and this makes learning and remembering possible.
Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- She can speak four languages. (able-capable)
2- The painter painted the flat in a week. (It took)
3- I'd like very much to travel abroad. (look forward)
4- Emily and her sister are different. (from)
5- It is difficult to believe what he says. (incredible)
Language Focus
Conditionals الجمل الشرطية
The Zero Conditional
الحالة الصفرية
تستخدم هذه الحالة للتعبير عن المواقف التى تكون حقيقية دائما مثل قوانين الطبيعة و الفيزياء و الكيمياء و الفلك……. الخ.
If + present simple مضارع بسيط + present simple مضارع بسيط
- If I feel tired, I go to bed.
- I go to bed if I feel tired.
- If water is heated to 100° c, it boils.
- If plants don’t get enough water, they die.
The first conditional الحالة الأولى
If + present simpleمضارع بسيط + will / shall + inf.
تعبر الحالة الأولى عن أحداث محتملة فى المستقبل.
- If I find his phone number, I’ll ring him.
- I'll ring him if I find his phone number.
يمكن استخدام can / may بدلا من will
- If we have enough time, we can visit Ahmed.
يمكن أن يكون جواب الشرط أمر أو طلب.
- If you see Ali, give him a message for me, please.
لاحظ صيغة السؤال مع if
- What will you do if you win a lot of money?
نستخدم الحالة الأولى فى حالة وجود جملتين فى المستقبل أو وجود كلمات تدل على الاحتمال مثل perhaps / may / I think أو أداة الربط If so.
1- Perhaps it will rain tomorrow. If so, we’ll stay at home. (If…)
If it rains tomorrow, we’ll stay at home.
نستخدم الحالة الأولى فى حالة و جود كلمات تدل على الضرورة مثل must / necessary أو وجود أداة الربط or أو otherwise
2- She must practise well or she won’t play the piano. (If……)
If she doesn’t practise well, she won’t play the piano.
نستخدم الحالة الأولى فى حالة و جود جملة فى المستقبل و الأخرى أمر أو طلب.
3- Take this medicine and you may get better. (If)
If you take this medicine, you may get better.
4- Take this medicine or you won’t get better. (If)
If you don’t take this medicine you won’t get better.
The second conditional الحالة الثانية
If + past simple ماضى بسيط + would/could/might + inf.
تعبر الحالة الثانية عن حدث من غير المحتمل أن يحدث فى الحاضر أو المستقبل
- If I found his phone number, I’d ring him.
- I'd ring him if I found his phone number.
كما تعبر عن افتراض مخالف للواقع
- If I was/were rich, I’d buy my parents a house with a garden.
لاحظ استخدام were مع المفرد للدلالة على الاستحالة
- If I were a bird I'd fly.
تستخدم الحالة الثانية If I were you للنصيحة
- You should look for another job. (If)
If I were you, I’d look for another job.
يمكن استخدام were بدلا من if مع ملاحظة أن were هى فعل الجملة الأساسى
- If I were younger, I’d play football with you. (Were)
Were I younger, I’d play football with you.
إذا كان فعل الجملة فعل آخر غير were نستخدم were ثم الفاعل ثم to + inf.
- If it rained, the match would be postponed. (Were)
Were it to rain, the match would be postponed.
يمكن أن نستخدم had بدلا من if
- If he had enough time, he would go to the club. (Had)
Had he enough time, he would go to the club.
لاحظ صيغة الاستفهام مع if
- What would you do if you won a lot of money?
نستخدم الحالة الثانية فى حالة وجود جملتين فى زمن المضارع مع تحويل النفى إلى إثبات و الإثبات إلى نفى
1- He isn’t a lawyer. So he can’t help you. (If)
If he were a lawyer, he could help you.
2- He doesn’t have enough money, so he can’t buy a car. (If)
If he had enough money, he could buy a car.
3- I can’t eat this food because it is bad. (If)
If this food weren’t bad, I could eat it.
4-He can’t join the basketball team, as he is short. (If)
If he weren’t short, he could join the basketball team.
تنطبق حالات if الثلاثة على unless و يأتى بعدها جملة مثبتة
- If Peter doesn’t improve, he will fail the exam. (Unless)
Unless Peter improves, he will fail the exam.
- He is lazy. That’s why he fails the exams. (Unless)
Unless he were lazy, he wouldn’t fail the exam.
Choose the correct answer:
1- If I had to add two long numbers together in my head, it (takes-will take-would take-can take) me two or three minutes.
2- If water freezes, it (will turn-turns-would turn-turned) into ice.
3- If you knew enough English words and phrases, you would pass your English test.
4- If I (see-will see-would see-had seen) the numbers on papers, it is easier to add them.
5- If I remember Ali's address, I (phone-will phone-would phone-could phone) and tell you.
6- I'll help you with your maths homework if you (find-will find-found-had found) it difficult.
7- I wouldn't be able to read if I (lose-lost-will lose-had lost) my glasses.
8- If I can't sleep at night, I (take-would take-might take-took) an aspirin.
9- If I (has-had-had had-has had) more time, I would visit my friends in Dubai.
10- If I (gets-will get-got-get) a good job. I will help my family.
11- Learning will be fun (if-unless-without-in case of) you work with a friend.
12- If you sleep badly tonight, you (feel-felt-will feel-would feel) tired tomorrow.
13- If you don't hear a person's question, (will ask-would ask-can ask-ask) them to repeat it.
14- If you (go-went-had gone-has gone) to England in winter, it would be very cold.
15- If I (were-am-had been-have been) thirsty, I would drink some water.
Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- Heat changes water into steam. (If………..)
2- Heating water to 100 º C makes it boil. (If………)
3- Heat makes ice melt. (If…………..)
4- You must be here on time. You won’t be allowed to enter. (Unless)
5- Perhaps someone will ring the doorbell. If so, don’t let them in. (If)
6- She may have enough time. If so, she will visit us. (If)
7- Take an aspirin and your headache may get better. (If)
8- Hurry up or you’ll miss the train. (If / Unless)
9- He can’t help you because he isn’t a doctor. (If)
10- Hany doesn’t have enough money. He can’t buy that expensive car. (If)
11- I don’t write to him because I don’t know his address. (If)
12- He isn’t well, so he can’t come to the party. (Were)
13- She doesn’t practise, so she won’t learn the piano. (If)
14- He can’t go to the club because he has no money. (Had)
15- If I don't have enough time, I won't go to the cinema. (Unless)
Language Functions
What you say Response
Offering help
عرض بالمساعدة - Shall I + مصدر …….. for you?
- Can I + مصدر…………………?
- Would you like me to + inf…?
- Would you like some…?
- Can I help you? Agreeing: موافقة
- Yes, please. Thank you.
- Yes, please. I’d like…..
Refusing: رفض
- No, thank you. I can manage.
- Thanks a lot. / Thank you.
- Thank you for…………………
- That’s very kind of you.
كم هو لطيف منك
- How thoughtful of you!
كم هو لطيف منك - Not at all. لا شكر على واجب
- Don’t mention it.
- You’re welcome.
- It’s a pleasure. يسعدنى ذلك
الاعتذار - I’m sorry for + v. + ing….
- I must apologize for + v. + ing.
يجب أن أعتذر عن........ Accepting:
- Never mind.
- Don’t worry.
- Oh, it doesn’t matter.
Not accepting:
- Oh, no! It’s new.
-You’d better get me another one.
Seeking information
طلب معلومات - What's your memory/eyesight
- What are you good at?
- Are you (any) good at English /
- It's quite good / not bad / / terrible.
- I’m (quite) good /Ok / terrible
at maths / cooking.
- Yes, I'm quite good / OK.
- No, I'm not. I'm terrible (at singing).
Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- Your friend thanks you for your help.
2- You accept your friend's apology for breaking your camera.
3- Your friend asks you if you are any good at singing.
4- You ask your friend what he is good at.
5- You offer to open the window for your friend.
6- You friend offers to help you with your homework. You agree.
7- You lost your friend's pen. You apologize.
8- Your friend visits you in hospital and offers you some flowers.
Writing Letters
Informal Letters الخطابات غير الرسمية
يتم كتابة الخطاب غير الرسمى (بين الأهل و الأصدقاء) كما يلى:
رقم المنزل و اسم الشارع
اسم المدينة
اسم الدولة (إذا كان الخطاب مرسل خارج البلاد)
التاريخ (اليوم و اسم الشهر و السنة)
Dear + اسم المرسل إليه ,
موضوع الخطاب
اسم الراسل
أولا: بعض الجمل التى يمكن الاستعانة بها كمقدمة:
- I hope that you and all at home are in good health.
أتمنى أن تكون و كل من فى المنزل بصحة جيدة.
- I’m very happy to write you this letter. يسعدنى أن أكتب لك هذا الخطاب.
- It gives me much pleasure to write you this letter.
من دواعى سرورى أن أكتب لك هذا الخطاب.
ثانيا: بعض الجمل التى يمكن الاستعانة بها فى كتابة موضوع الخطاب:
- It gives me pleasure to invite you to my birthday party wedding.
يسعدنى أن أدعوك لحفل عيد ميلادى (خطوبتى / زفافى).
- I invite you to visit Egypt and spend a few days with me.
أدعوك لزيارة مصر و قضاء بضعة أيام معى.
- Thank you for your kind invitation, which I accept with pleasure.
أشكرك على دعوتك الرقيقة التى أقبلها بكل سرور.
- Thank you very much for the present you sent me.
شكرا جزيلا على الهدية التى أرسلتها لى
- I’d love to come, but I’m afraid I can’t.
أود أن أتى و لكن يؤسفنى أنني لن أستطيع.
- Thank you for lending me ……………………… . أشكرك على إقراضي...
- I congratulate you on your success (marriage). أهنئك على نجاحك (زفافك)
- I’m sorry to hear that you are ill. يؤسفنى سماع أنك مريض
- I’m sorry to hear that you had an accident. يؤسفنى أن أسمع أنه قد حدث لك حادثة
ثالثا: جمل يمكن الاستعانة بها فى كتابة الخاتمة:
- Looking forward to seeing you. إنني أتطلع إلى رؤياك
- Looking forward to meeting you. إنني أتطلع إلى لقاؤك
- I wish you a speedy recovery. أتمنى لك الشفاء العاجل
- With my best wishes. مع أطيب أمنياتى
- Remember me to all. بلغ تحياتى للجميع
Write a letter to your friend, Ali, telling him about the best way to remember new vocabulary. Your name is Hani and you live at 12 Shoubra Street, Cairo.
Model Answer
12 Shoubra Street,
21st October,2008-10-31
Dear Ali,
How are you? I hope you are well. Thank you for your letter. I think the best way to remember new vocabulary is by reading them in context and writing them many times. Another good way is to listen to these words on a tape. This will help you remember them quickly. You should write what you have heard. You shouldn't repeat isolated words. I hope you will be more successful in the future.
A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue between George and John who have just graduated from the faculty of engineering.
George : Hi John. Congratulation.
John : Thank you. What are you going to do, then?
George : ……………………………………………………………….. .
John : Your father’s factory? What does it produce?
George : Robot toys. What about you?
John : …………………………………………………………………. .
George : But you don’t have enough money to start your own business, do you?
John : Not really, but ………………………………………………………………. .
George : From the bank? …………………………………………………………………
John : I’m going to start next week.
George : Good luck, John.
2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You thank your friend who has done you a favour.
2- You break your friend's camera.
3- You ask about your friend's eyesight.
4- Your friend asks you about your memory.
B) Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- If I ………… a camera, I would take a photo of the family party.
a) had b) have c) has d) would have
2- My brother has got a good ………….. for phone numbers.
a) souvenir b) memory c) mind d) brain
3- If you …………… very fast, you'll catch your train.
a) ran b) running c) runs d) run
4- The smallest parts of animals and plants are called ……………….. .
a) hearts b) cells c) brains d) pieces
5- If my friend ………… from Italy, I'll show him around Cairo.
a) come b) comes c) is coming d) came
6- I'm …………… sure that he has passed his driving test.
a) quit b) quiet c) quite d) quietly
7- If I …………….. enough money, I'd buy a second-hand car.
a) have b) will have c) would have d) had
8- Rania is good at ………………………… .
a) cook b) cooking c) cooked d) cooks
9- If you have a ………. memory, you are able to remember things in exact detail.
a) photographic b) photography c) photograph d) photo
10- I'm looking forward ………………… from you.
a) hearing b) to hearing c) hear d) heard
4- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He can't defend you because he isn't a lawyer. (If)
2- Perhaps he will play well. If so, he will win. (If)
3- If he didn't study his lessons, he wouldn't pass the exams. (Unless)
4- If I were a bird, I'd fly. (Were……………..)
5- He can't go for a swim because he doesn't have a swim suit. (If…)
5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
The brain is more complex than the most powerful computer. It has about a hundred billion …(1)…, and controls everything you do. It …(2)…. information from your senses and analyses it. It also …(3)…. past memories and this ……... learning and remembering possible. …………the same time, it controls your breathing, your heart, your body temperature ……… your digestion.
a) ………………………..
b) ………………………..
c) ………………………..
d) ………………………..
e) ………………………..
f) …………………………
C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books
6- Read the following passage , then answer the questions:
In Egypt, the tourism industry has come to hold a position of great importance lately. It is felt that it could help increase the national income. In some European countries, tourism has brought in millions of dollars yearly, although they lack the natural and historical attractions we have in Egypt.
We could, for instance, establish tourist villages for children on the Red Sea. We could teach fishing, swimming, diving and sailing there. Another good idea would be a village in the New Valley for horse riding. And what about villages for people with health problems like rheumatism? The warm dry climate of Aswan and Helwan would certainly help them get better.
Our tourist today wants efficient and friendly service. He would probably prefer to try our samples of our local food rather than to eat the international meals, which are served, in some places.
It must also be remembered that most tourists nowadays are seldom rich. Many of them are students or hardworking employees. So what is needed is not expensive hotels but clean comfortable places to sleep and eat in at reasonable prices. This, too, would encourage Egyptians to travel more and more around their lovely country.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- How could we encourage Egyptians to see more and more of their country?
2- Why has tourism become very important?
3- What sort of people did the writer suggest to enjoy our warm dry climate?
4- What does the underlined pronoun “it” in the first paragraph refer to?
B) Choose the correct answer:
5- The writer feels that Egypt has got………………..the other countries which make so much money from tourism.
a) less attractions than b) the least attractions of
c) the same attractions as d) more attractions than
6- According to the writer, if someone has pains in his muscles and joints, he should go to………………………
a) Europe b) Aswan c) The Red Sea d) The New Valley
7- Our hotels should be ……………………………….
a) expensive b) too cheap c) too expensive d) at reasonable prices
7- Answer Only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- How heavy is your brain?
2- What does your brain store?
3- Mention two functions of the brain.
4- How many cells does your brain contain?
5- Prove that our senses work together.
6- What can you do with your brain?
D) The Novel
8- A) Answer the following questions:
1- What was Augusts Pokewhistle?
2- Why was he lying in his bed?
3- Why did Augustus insist on telling the stranger his life story?
4- Do you think that the reader should feel sympathy for Augustus or not? Give reasons for your answer.
B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"I turned from painting people to painting the country."
1- Who said this, to whom?
2- Why did the speaker turn from painting people to painting the country?
3- Did he manage to sell any of his paintings? Why? Why not?
E) Writing
9- Write a letter to your friend, Fady, inviting him to your birthday party. Your name is Mark and you live at 10 Manyal Street, Cairo.
F) Translation
10- A) Translate into Arabic:
1- Ibrahim thinks the human brain is incredible.
2- The brain is more complex than the most powerful computer.
B) Translate into English:
تساعدنا الحواس على التعلم و الاستمتاع بكل ما حولنا