Unit 12 People at work
teacher معلم / مدرس mainly أساسا
policeman رجل شرطة flights رحلات جوية
architect مهندس معمارى international دولى / عالمى
designer مصصم / مهندس تصميمات passengers ركاب
doctor طبيب drinks مشروبات
dentist طبيب أسنان serve يخدم
baker خباز national وطنى / قومى
early مبكرا town مدينة صغيرة
oven فرن city مدينة كبيرة
bread خبز carpenter نجار
temperature درجة حرارة apprentice صبى (يتعلم حرفة)
mix يخلط workshop ورشة
flour دقيق saw منشار
loaves أرغفة خبز neatly بطريقة منظمة
tin وعاء لتسوية الخبز (الصاج) repair يصلح
customer زبون stairs سلالم
the rest الباقى tidy منظم
cleaner عامل نظافة taste يتذوق
office workers عمال المكتب furniture أثاث
impossible مستحيل cupboard دولاب المطبخ
floor أرضية المنزل snack وجبة خفيفة
toilet حمام leave يترك / أجازة
empty يفرغ repair company شركة لإصلاح الأجهزة
bin صفيحة قمامة save يوفر
untidy غير منظم course مقرر تعليمى / دورة دراسية
a tiring job عمل متعب improve يحسن
fireman رجل إطفاء qualifications مؤهلات
dangerous خطير translate يترجم
burning building مبنى يحترق consider يفكر فى / يعتبر
road accidents حوادث الطرق officially رسميا
vehicles مركبات / وسائل نقل college كلية
badly injured مصاب إصابات شديدة especially بصفة خاصة
a block of flats عمارة سكنية series سلسلة
rangers = risks أخطار language school مدرسة لغات
rescue ينقذ The middle east الشرق الأوسط
frightening مخيف interview مقابلة رسمية
flight attendant مضيفة جوية travel company شركة سفريات
education التعليم good pay أجر (راتب) جيد
certificate شهادة job advertisements إعلانات الوظائف
national holiday عطلة قومية life guard عامل إنقاذ
public holiday عطلة رسمية documents وثائق / مستندات
e-mail بريد اليكتروني tourist guide مرشد سياحى
training تدريب qualities صفات
train يدرب / يتدرب swimming pool حمام سباحة
reason سبب swimmer سباح
tourist سائح foreigner أجنبى
sales assistant بائع فى محل good pay مرتب مغرى
open مفتوح modern حديث / عصرى
book يحجز availability توافر
reservation حجز interviewer محاور تليفزيونى
check يراجع / يفحص historic city مدينة تاريخية
accommodation إقامة / سكن prepare يعد / يجهز
research يقوم بعمل بحث description وصف
destination المكان المقصود exchange information يتبادل المعلومات
tourist attractions أماكن جذب السياح brochures نشرات
Idioms & Expressions
get up يستيقظ be on a flight يكون على متن رحلة جوية
in the morning فى الصباح take a long time يستغرق وقتا طويلا
in the afternoon بعد الظهر make bread يصنع خبز
get to work يصل إلى مكان العمل apprentice for صبى لـ
turn on يشغل / يدير (جهاز مثلا) at the end of فى نهاية
full of مملوء بـ near to قريب من
ready for جاهز لـ at weekends فى العطلات
cut out of يفصل عن / يخرج من work for يعمل لدى (عند / من أجل)
die in a fire يموت فى الحريق serve food يقدم الطعام
at the age of فى سن translate from … into يترجم من .. إلى ..
do a job يقوم بوظيفة four weeks' holiday أجازة لمدة 4 أسابيع
do work يقوم بعمل work with يعمل مع
make a cake يعمل كيك on a course فى برنامج
apply for يتقدم بطلب لوظيفة be best at + v. + ing يكون الأفضل فى
in the future فى المستقبل reason for سبب لـ
interested in مهتم بـ look for يبحث عن
do a course يدرس مقرر find out يعرف / يكتشف
good at + v. + ing ماهر فى ask for يطلب
from other countries من بلاد أخرى be good with people يحسن معاملة الناس
Vocabulary Study
apply: to officially رسميا ask to be considered for a job, place at a college etc., especially خاصة by writing a letter company. يتقدم بطلب
course: series of lessons about a subject. كورس / دورة تدريبية
improve: to become better, or to make something better. يحسن
qualifications: examinations that you have passed at school or university. مؤهلات
translate: to change speech or writing from one language to another. يترجم
confusable words
@ hard / hardly:
hard:(adj.) (v. to be صلب / صعب (تأتى قبل الاسم الموصوف و بعد
- I'm not very good at maths - I find it quite a hard subject.
hard: (adv.) باجتهاد (تأتى بعد الفعل الأساسي)
- My brother always works hard at school.
hardly: (adv.) almost no بصعوبة / بشقّ النفس / بالكاد (تدل على النفى)
تأتى قبل الفعل الأساسى و غالبا يسبقها can / could و يمكن أن يليها any
- I could hardly hear her at the back.
- I've hardly done any school work this weekend.
apply for / apply to:
apply for: يتقدم بطلب للحصول على (وظيفة)
- He applied for the job of an accountant.
apply to: يقدم طلب إلى (شركة / شخص)
- He applied to the court for compensation تعويض.
Language Study
on: تستخدم مع الأيام
on Friday يوم الجمعة on Thursday يوم الخميس
in: تستخدم مع الشهور و السنين
in October in 2008
when + ماضى تام / ماضى بسيط + ماضى بسيط :
- I telephone Ali when I heard the news.
busy + v. + ing: مشفول
- He's busy doing his homework.
enjoy + v. + ing: يستمتع بـ
- I enjoy reading detective stories.
finish + v. + ing: ينتهى من
- He finished doing the homework.
spend + مفعول + v. + ing: يقضى
- He spent the afternoon playing tennis.
Time phrases
eight hours a day 8 ساعات يوميا
five days a week 5 أيام أسبوعيا
two months' holiday a year أجازة لمدة شهرين سنويا
four weeks' holiday a year أجازة لمدة 4 أسابيع سنويا
Main points
A baker makes bread and cakes.
A cleaner cleans the floors and the toilets and he empties all the bins.
A fireman puts out fires and rescues people in burning houses.
A flight attendant does lots of things like getting passengers drinks and serving food.
A carpenter makes furniture and repairs things in people's houses, like doors and windows, stairs and floors.
Questions & answers
1- What do bakers do?
- Bakers make bread and cakes.
2- What do cleaners do?
- Cleaners clean the floors and the toilets and empty all the bins.
3- What do firemen do?
- Firemen put out fires and rescue people in burning houses.
4- What do flight attendants do?
- Flight attendants help passengers on the plane. They get them drinks and serve food.
5- What do carpenters do?
- Carpenters make furniture and repair things in people's houses, like doors and windows, stairs and floors.
Samira : Who do you work for?
Leila : One World Travel. It's one of the biggest travel companies in the country.
Samira : Why did you apply for the job?
Leila : I applied for the job there because I wanted to work for a modern company that works with foreign companies. The company also said they would train me.
Samira : What qualifications did you need?
Leila : I had to have the Secondary Education Certificate. I also had to speak and write English.
Samira: What training did you do? What training did you need to do?
Leila : Before I started, the company sent me on a language course to improve my English and to learn to translate Arabic into English and English into Arabic. I was also taught to use the internet.
Samira : How many hours do you work?
Leila :I work eight hours a day, six days a week, starting on Saturday and finishing on Thursday.
Samira : How much holiday do you have / get?
Leila : I have three weeks' holiday a year, and I have all the national holidays.
Samira : What work did you do at first?
Leila : When I started, I spent a week finding out what other people in the company did.
Samira : What work do you do now?
Leila : Now I write letters and e-mails and I answer telephone calls from other countries. Sometimes I also translate letters from English into Arabic.
Samira : Do you Like your job ?
Leila : Yes, I really enjoy my job. I enjoy meeting and talking to customers from all over the world.
Questions & answers
1- Why did Leila apply for a job in a travel company?
- Because she wanted to work for a modern company that works with foreign companies.
2- What qualifications did Leila need to work in a travel company?
- She need to have the Secondary Education Certificate. She also need to speak and write English.
3- What training did Leila do?
- She was sent me on a language course to improve her English and to learn to translate Arabic into English and English into Arabic. She was also taught to use the internet.
4- How many hours does Leila work?
- She works eight hours a day, six days a week, starting on Saturday and finishing on Thursday.
5- How much holiday does Leila have?
- She has three weeks' holiday a year, and she has all the national holidays.
6- What work did Leila do when she started her job?
- She spent a week finding out what other people in the company did.
7- What work does Leila do now?
- Now she writes letters and e-mails and answers telephone calls from other countries. Sometimes I also translate letters from English into Arabic.
8- Does Leila like her job?
- Yes, she really enjoys her job. She enjoy meeting and talking to customers from all over the world.
9- Does Leila have to work on 6th October?
- No, because it's a public holiday.
Critical Thinking
1- Why is it important for someone in a travel company to speak English well?
- English is an international language spoken by many people as a second language. A person in a travel company would need to speak to people from many countries.
2- Do you think Leila will need to be best at speaking, listening, reading or writing English?
- She will need listening and speaking for phone calls and meetings, reading and writing for letters and e-mails.
3- Why do you think Leila will need to be able to translate from and into Arabic?
- There will be documents and letters which need to be read by people who know only Arabic and others by people who don't know any Arabic.
4- How do you think Leila uses the internet in her work?
- She uses the internet to book flights and other travel reservations; to check times; to find accommodation; to research holiday destinations and tourist attractions.
5- Which languages do people need for the job of a sales assistant?
- They need English and Arabic.
Choose the correct answer:
1- Leila applied (to-for-at-in) a new job last week.
2- She was interested (of-with-by-in) working for a modern company.
3- She would like to work in another country (in-at-with-from) the future.
4- She's learning how to translate English (for-from-at-into) Arabic.
5- She starts work (on-in-at-of) Saturday morning.
6- She answers telephone calls (in-from-to-with) other countries.
7- She likes the people she works (on-out-into-with)
8- My brother always works (hard-hardly-lately-hardy) at school.
9- I'm not very good at maths - I find it quite a (hardly-hardy-lately-hard) subject.
10- I've (hard-hardly-hardy-harder) done any school work this weekend.
11- I've had (hard-hardly-hardy-harder) any sleep for three days.
12- He gets up very (late-early-hardly-lately) in the morning - about four o 'clock.
13- The (flight attendants-customers-pilots-carpenters) were busy because the plane was full of passengers.
14- The (customers-firemen-carpenters-bakers) rescued two old people from the burning flat.
15- The bread that our baker makes always (tests-touches-feels-tastes) good.
16- A famous (archaeologist-biologist-architect-carpenter) designed my house.
17- A (carpenter-baker-cleaner-policeman) is going to make us a new cupboard for our kitchen.
18- If your tooth hurts, you should go and see a (hospital-dentist-scientist-baker).
19- I don't finish (at-until-in-on) three o 'clock in the afternoon, but I really love my job.
20- Some weeks I work (on-in-at-for) the evenings and some weeks I work in the morning.
21- It would be impossible to (work-do-stay-spend) my job when everyone was working.
22- He cleans the floors and the toilets and empties all the (bins-pens-tins-rens).
23- Firemen don't (spend-waste-lose-miss) all their time in burning buildings.
24- I enjoy (talk-talks-talked-talking) to people.
25- He applied (to-for-in-into) a job in a travel company.
26- She was sent on a language course to (improve-best-good-higher) her English.
27- Mr Ali has three (week-weeks-weeks'-week's) holiday a year.
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- The hotel is open from April to October. (a year)
2- I'm at school from 8 o'clock until 2 o'clock every day. (a day)
3- Every day, we have five lessons. (a day)
4- My grandfather only works on Tuesday and Wednesday. (a week)
5- Every year, my father has four weeks' holiday. (a year)
Language Focus
Direct & Indirect Speech
الكلام المباشر و الكلام غير المباشر
هناك طريقتين لإخبار شخص بما فعله شخص آخر و هما:
1- Direct speech: الكلام المباشر
فى الكلام المباشر نقدم الكلمات الفعلية التى قيلت و توضع بين علامتى التنصيص كما يلى
- Nabila: What did Ahmed say?
Ali : He said, "I want to be a doctor."
2- Reported speech: الكلام غير المباشر
و هو الكلام المنقول و فيه نغير الكلمات التى قيلت لتتناسب مع الجملة و هناك بعض القواعد التى يجب إتباعها مثل الأزمنة و الضمائر
- Nabila: What did Ahmed say?
Ali : He said that he wanted to be a doctor.
Statement الجملة الخبرية
خطوات تحويل الجملة من كلام مباشر direct إلى كلام غير مباشر direct :
1- نحول فعل القول كما يلى:
Direct Reported Direct Reported
say to tell say say
says to tells says says
said to told said said
2- نحذف الأقواس و نربط بكلمة that التى يمكن الاستغناء عنها
3- نغير الضمائر حسب المعنى
4- إذا كان فعل القول مضارع (أو مستقبل) تتغير الضمائر فقط داخل الأقواس ولا تتغير الأزمنة أو الظروف.
أما إذا كان فعل القول ماضى نغير الأزمنة كما يلى:
Direct Reported
Present simple مضارع بسيط Past simple ماضى بسيط
Present continuous مضارع مستمر Past continuous ماضى مستمر
Present perfect مضارع تام Past perfect ماضى تام
Past simple ماضى بسيط Past perfect ماضى تام
Past continuous ماضى مستمر Past perfect cont ماضى تام مستمر
Present perfect cont مضارع تام مستمر Past perfect cont ماضى تام مستمر
كما يتم تغيير الأفعال الناقصة كما يلى:
Direct Reported Direct Reported
will would can could
shall should won't wouldn't
may might must had to
can't couldn't am / is / are going to Was / were going to
كما نغير أسماء الإشارة و المكان و الكلمات الدالة على الزمن كما يلى:
Direct Reported Direct Reported
this that these those
here there now then
ago before today that day
tonight that night tomorrow the next (following) day
next year the following year
the year after yesterday the day before
the previous day
last year the year before
the previous year
Direct speech Reported speech
"I live in London," he said. He said (that) he lived in London.
"The phone is ringing," she said. She said (that) the phone was ringing.
"Jo left ten minutes ago," they said. They said (that) Jo had left ten minutes before.
"Jo has just left," they said. They said (that) Jo had just left.
"I'll see you tomorrow," she said. She said (that) she'd see him the next day.
"I'm going to learn to drive next month," he said. He said (that) he was going to learn to drive the following month.
"You can go home," she said. She said (that) I could go home.
"I didn't finish my homework last night," he said. He said that he hadn't finished his homework the night before.
Special Changes: -تحويلات خاصة
Direct speech Reported speech
She said to me "Good luck". She wished me good luck.
She said "what about going to.?" She suggested going to …… .
She said "Yes, I can help him". She agreed to help him .
She said "No, I can't help him". She refused to help him .
She said to me " congratulations" She congratulated me .
1- إذا كان الكلام المباشر عبارة عن حقيقة علمية لا يحدث أى تغيير.
- He said, "Water boils at 100 ° C." (He said that………..)
He said that water boils at 100 ° C.
2- إذا كان فعل القول ماضى و الكلام قد إنتهى منذ فترة وجيزة تتغير الضمائر فقط داخل الأقواس ولا تتغير الأزمنة أو الظروف. وهذه هى الكلمات الدالة :
now, just now, a moment ago, a minute ago,........
- He said just now, "I'll visit you next week." (He said just now that)
He said just now that he'll visit me next week.
3- فى حالة قاعدة if يتغير الزمن فى الحالة الأولى فقط.
- He said to me, "I'll buy a car if I have enough money." (He told……….)
He told me that he'd buy a car if he had enough money.
4- فى حالة وجود جملتين نربطهما بـ and that / and added that
- He said, "I can't do my homework today. I'll do it later."
He said that he couldn't do his homework that day and that he'd do it later.
- She said, "I spent a lot of time in hospital last year." (She complained)
She complained that she had spent a lot of time in hospital the previous year.
6- إذا كان المخاطب داخل الأقواس يوضع خارج الأقواس بعد فعل القول
- He said, "I'll visit you, Ali." (He told….)
He told Ali that he would visit him.
Choose the correct answer:
1- Ahmed says that he (went-gone-goes-had gone) to Alex every year.
2- He (told-said-asked-ordered) he was living with his uncle.
3- He said that he (had written-would write-is writing-was writing) a letter then.
4- He told me that he (will reach-would reach-reached-had reached) Cairo the following week.
5- Samir (said-told-asked-spoke) he had never been to Luxor.
6- He said that he (attended-was attending-had attended-has attended) the meeting the day before.
7- He said that he (would see-has seen-had seen-was seen) a new film on TV the night before.
8- He told me that he (will visit-would visit-is visiting-visited) me the next day.
9- He said just now that he (bought-has bought-would buy-will buy) a new car next month.
10- He said that he (doesn't go-wouldn't go-hadn't gone-won't go ) to school the previous day.
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He said" I will marry next week".
2- He said to me, " I'm reading a story now. "
3- He said to me," I have finished my work."
4- He said just now, "I have bought a new car".
5- She said, "I met my friend yesterday".
6- He says, "I will marry next week."
7- The baker said," I really love my job."
8- He said," I live near to Alexandria."
9- He said," I'm working for a computer repair company".
10- He said," I must drive for my work. I have my own car."
11- He said," I sometimes work on Saturday mornings."
12- He said," I want to do something more interesting."
13- He said," I'm getting married soon, so I'm saving to buy a flat.
14- I was late for work this morning." (Mona told me(
15- Adel said ," Our train has just arrived , Sami" (Adel told)
16- I'm planning to buy a new car." (Ahmed said(
17- "I've seen the film before." (She told me)
18- " I don't like going to parties." (He told me)
19- "I need the money to visit my parents." (She told me)
20- He said to me, " I have to go to the dentist tomorrow." (He told me......")
21- "I'm visiting London next week." (He told me)
22- He said, "I'll do it today." (He said that…………..)
23- He said, "I'll see you tomorrow.” (He said he…….…)
24- She said, "I worked yesterday." (She said that…………)
A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue between a passenger and the receptionist at a travel agent’s :
Passenger : I want to fly to Paris. Can I book a ticket ,please ?
Receptionist : Yes, there’s a flight next Friday.
Passenger : ................................................................?
Receptionist : Flight No 753 L .
Passenger : When will the plane take off?
Receptionist : ...................................................................
Passenger :That’s too early. What is the time of the next one ?
Receptionist : At 12 P.M.
Passenger : ..................................... How much am I going to pay?
Receptionist : ............................................................
2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- Your friend tells you some bad news.
2- Your friend suggests spending the weekend studying . You don't agree.
3- Your friend has lost your book that you lent him.
4- I think that life is better now than in the past.
B) Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Hussein said he ……………… flown to Istanbul the week before.
a) has b) had c) is d) was
2- I want to ……………… my English. I'm taking extra lessons next week.
a) improve b) best c) good d) higher
3- John said his favourite drink ………………. Orange juice.
a) has been b) was c) was being d) are
4- A carpenter can cut wood …………………. with a saw.
a) neat b) neatly c) good d) nice
5- The supermarket is full of ……………….. . It's a busy day.
a) guards b) assistants c) owners d) customers
6- The firemen could ……………….. people inside the burning factory.
a) hide b) kill c) rescue d) destroy
7- Ali was ………………… injured in a car accident.
a) badly b) bad c) worse d) worst
8- My mother works …………….. a computer repair company.
a) on b) for c) up d) forward
9- He has the academic (qualifications-qualities-quantities-inquiries) essential for the job.
a) qualifications b) qualities c) quantities d) inquiries
10- Graduates who apply (on-about-for-with) this job must be fluent in English.
a) on b) about c) for d) with
4- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- Samia finished her homework and then watched television. (When)
2- He said, "I live in London." (He said that ………..)
3- He said to me, "I've forgotten your name.” (He told me…….)
4- He said, "The dentist phoned." (He said that……..)
5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
I read an advertisement in the papers for the job of secretary. The ..(1)... should master office ..(2).. and ..(3).. fluent in English and French. He should ..(4).. from Arabic ..(5).. English and can use the fax machine and the computer. I had an ..(6).., with the manager and the monthly salary offered is suitable.
C) Read Comprehension and Set Books
6- Read the following passage , then answer the questions:
In order to make a good impression during a job interview, you need to prepare yourself for the interview. You must arrive in plenty of time for the interview, so that you give yourself a little time to relax before the interview begins.
You have to look your best for the interview. The impression you make as you walk into the room is very important. Try to find out if the company or organization has any rules about dress. Then try to dress according to their regulations. If they don’t allow their staff to come to work in casual clothes, you may ruin your chances for a job by wearing the wrong sort of clothes to the interview.
You also need to plan what you are going to say. In some interviews you will have to do a lot of talking, and in others you will only have to answer a few questions about yourself, your schoolwork, your strong points, your reasons for applying for the job, and the salary you expect. You will be allowed to ask some questions of your own. The questions you ask will show the interviewer that you have given careful thought to the position. You can ask questions like these: What duties will I have to do in the job? Will I be allowed to join a health insurance programme? Does the company provide opportunities for further education?
You must also try to find out as much as you can about the company by talking to someone who works there, or by asking for copies of the company’s booklets, brochures or advertising.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- why should one relax before an interview?
2- What does “You have to look your best for the interview” mean?
3- Mention two things that would help an interviewee to get a job.
4- How can the interviewee get knowledge about the company?
B) Choose the correct answer:
5- An interviewee should arrive ……………….. for a job interview.
a) on time b) in time
c) at the time d) in no time
6- The underlined word “they” refers to ………………………………. .
a) organizations b) interviewers
c) regulations d) companies
7- The underlined word “casual” means …………………………………. .
a) formal b) informal
c) expensive d) cheap
7- Answer Only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- What do flight attendants do?
2- What do bakers do?
3- What qualifications did Leila need?
4- Do you think Leila will need to be best at speaking, listening, reading or writing English?
5- Why do you think Leila will need to be able to translate from and into Arabic?
6- How do you think Leila uses the internet in her work?
D) The Novel
A) Answer the following questions:
1- What kind of story is "The Face on the Wall"?
2- How did the face get a firm hold of the storyteller ?
3- When did the face on the wall disappear?
4- How does the story teller surprise us at the end of his story?
B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"I stood at busy corners watching the crowd until people thought me mad."
1- Who is the speaker?
2- Why did he stand at busy corners?
3- Why did the police suspect him?
E) Writing
9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
"A few days you spent on a desert island"
F) Translation
10- A) Translate into Arabic:
1-The company sent me on a language course to improve my English and to learn to translate Arabic into English and English into Arabic.
2- We can't catch up with developed countries without using the computer in all fields.
C) Translate into English:
من الضرورى أن تجيد تحدث وكتابة اللغة الإنجليزية و استخدام الحاسب الآلى لكى تحصل على فرصة عمل.
teacher معلم / مدرس mainly أساسا
policeman رجل شرطة flights رحلات جوية
architect مهندس معمارى international دولى / عالمى
designer مصصم / مهندس تصميمات passengers ركاب
doctor طبيب drinks مشروبات
dentist طبيب أسنان serve يخدم
baker خباز national وطنى / قومى
early مبكرا town مدينة صغيرة
oven فرن city مدينة كبيرة
bread خبز carpenter نجار
temperature درجة حرارة apprentice صبى (يتعلم حرفة)
mix يخلط workshop ورشة
flour دقيق saw منشار
loaves أرغفة خبز neatly بطريقة منظمة
tin وعاء لتسوية الخبز (الصاج) repair يصلح
customer زبون stairs سلالم
the rest الباقى tidy منظم
cleaner عامل نظافة taste يتذوق
office workers عمال المكتب furniture أثاث
impossible مستحيل cupboard دولاب المطبخ
floor أرضية المنزل snack وجبة خفيفة
toilet حمام leave يترك / أجازة
empty يفرغ repair company شركة لإصلاح الأجهزة
bin صفيحة قمامة save يوفر
untidy غير منظم course مقرر تعليمى / دورة دراسية
a tiring job عمل متعب improve يحسن
fireman رجل إطفاء qualifications مؤهلات
dangerous خطير translate يترجم
burning building مبنى يحترق consider يفكر فى / يعتبر
road accidents حوادث الطرق officially رسميا
vehicles مركبات / وسائل نقل college كلية
badly injured مصاب إصابات شديدة especially بصفة خاصة
a block of flats عمارة سكنية series سلسلة
rangers = risks أخطار language school مدرسة لغات
rescue ينقذ The middle east الشرق الأوسط
frightening مخيف interview مقابلة رسمية
flight attendant مضيفة جوية travel company شركة سفريات
education التعليم good pay أجر (راتب) جيد
certificate شهادة job advertisements إعلانات الوظائف
national holiday عطلة قومية life guard عامل إنقاذ
public holiday عطلة رسمية documents وثائق / مستندات
e-mail بريد اليكتروني tourist guide مرشد سياحى
training تدريب qualities صفات
train يدرب / يتدرب swimming pool حمام سباحة
reason سبب swimmer سباح
tourist سائح foreigner أجنبى
sales assistant بائع فى محل good pay مرتب مغرى
open مفتوح modern حديث / عصرى
book يحجز availability توافر
reservation حجز interviewer محاور تليفزيونى
check يراجع / يفحص historic city مدينة تاريخية
accommodation إقامة / سكن prepare يعد / يجهز
research يقوم بعمل بحث description وصف
destination المكان المقصود exchange information يتبادل المعلومات
tourist attractions أماكن جذب السياح brochures نشرات
Idioms & Expressions
get up يستيقظ be on a flight يكون على متن رحلة جوية
in the morning فى الصباح take a long time يستغرق وقتا طويلا
in the afternoon بعد الظهر make bread يصنع خبز
get to work يصل إلى مكان العمل apprentice for صبى لـ
turn on يشغل / يدير (جهاز مثلا) at the end of فى نهاية
full of مملوء بـ near to قريب من
ready for جاهز لـ at weekends فى العطلات
cut out of يفصل عن / يخرج من work for يعمل لدى (عند / من أجل)
die in a fire يموت فى الحريق serve food يقدم الطعام
at the age of فى سن translate from … into يترجم من .. إلى ..
do a job يقوم بوظيفة four weeks' holiday أجازة لمدة 4 أسابيع
do work يقوم بعمل work with يعمل مع
make a cake يعمل كيك on a course فى برنامج
apply for يتقدم بطلب لوظيفة be best at + v. + ing يكون الأفضل فى
in the future فى المستقبل reason for سبب لـ
interested in مهتم بـ look for يبحث عن
do a course يدرس مقرر find out يعرف / يكتشف
good at + v. + ing ماهر فى ask for يطلب
from other countries من بلاد أخرى be good with people يحسن معاملة الناس
Vocabulary Study
apply: to officially رسميا ask to be considered for a job, place at a college etc., especially خاصة by writing a letter company. يتقدم بطلب
course: series of lessons about a subject. كورس / دورة تدريبية
improve: to become better, or to make something better. يحسن
qualifications: examinations that you have passed at school or university. مؤهلات
translate: to change speech or writing from one language to another. يترجم
confusable words
@ hard / hardly:
hard:(adj.) (v. to be صلب / صعب (تأتى قبل الاسم الموصوف و بعد
- I'm not very good at maths - I find it quite a hard subject.
hard: (adv.) باجتهاد (تأتى بعد الفعل الأساسي)
- My brother always works hard at school.
hardly: (adv.) almost no بصعوبة / بشقّ النفس / بالكاد (تدل على النفى)
تأتى قبل الفعل الأساسى و غالبا يسبقها can / could و يمكن أن يليها any
- I could hardly hear her at the back.
- I've hardly done any school work this weekend.
apply for / apply to:
apply for: يتقدم بطلب للحصول على (وظيفة)
- He applied for the job of an accountant.
apply to: يقدم طلب إلى (شركة / شخص)
- He applied to the court for compensation تعويض.
Language Study
on: تستخدم مع الأيام
on Friday يوم الجمعة on Thursday يوم الخميس
in: تستخدم مع الشهور و السنين
in October in 2008
when + ماضى تام / ماضى بسيط + ماضى بسيط :
- I telephone Ali when I heard the news.
busy + v. + ing: مشفول
- He's busy doing his homework.
enjoy + v. + ing: يستمتع بـ
- I enjoy reading detective stories.
finish + v. + ing: ينتهى من
- He finished doing the homework.
spend + مفعول + v. + ing: يقضى
- He spent the afternoon playing tennis.
Time phrases
eight hours a day 8 ساعات يوميا
five days a week 5 أيام أسبوعيا
two months' holiday a year أجازة لمدة شهرين سنويا
four weeks' holiday a year أجازة لمدة 4 أسابيع سنويا
Main points
A baker makes bread and cakes.
A cleaner cleans the floors and the toilets and he empties all the bins.
A fireman puts out fires and rescues people in burning houses.
A flight attendant does lots of things like getting passengers drinks and serving food.
A carpenter makes furniture and repairs things in people's houses, like doors and windows, stairs and floors.
Questions & answers
1- What do bakers do?
- Bakers make bread and cakes.
2- What do cleaners do?
- Cleaners clean the floors and the toilets and empty all the bins.
3- What do firemen do?
- Firemen put out fires and rescue people in burning houses.
4- What do flight attendants do?
- Flight attendants help passengers on the plane. They get them drinks and serve food.
5- What do carpenters do?
- Carpenters make furniture and repair things in people's houses, like doors and windows, stairs and floors.
Samira : Who do you work for?
Leila : One World Travel. It's one of the biggest travel companies in the country.
Samira : Why did you apply for the job?
Leila : I applied for the job there because I wanted to work for a modern company that works with foreign companies. The company also said they would train me.
Samira : What qualifications did you need?
Leila : I had to have the Secondary Education Certificate. I also had to speak and write English.
Samira: What training did you do? What training did you need to do?
Leila : Before I started, the company sent me on a language course to improve my English and to learn to translate Arabic into English and English into Arabic. I was also taught to use the internet.
Samira : How many hours do you work?
Leila :I work eight hours a day, six days a week, starting on Saturday and finishing on Thursday.
Samira : How much holiday do you have / get?
Leila : I have three weeks' holiday a year, and I have all the national holidays.
Samira : What work did you do at first?
Leila : When I started, I spent a week finding out what other people in the company did.
Samira : What work do you do now?
Leila : Now I write letters and e-mails and I answer telephone calls from other countries. Sometimes I also translate letters from English into Arabic.
Samira : Do you Like your job ?
Leila : Yes, I really enjoy my job. I enjoy meeting and talking to customers from all over the world.
Questions & answers
1- Why did Leila apply for a job in a travel company?
- Because she wanted to work for a modern company that works with foreign companies.
2- What qualifications did Leila need to work in a travel company?
- She need to have the Secondary Education Certificate. She also need to speak and write English.
3- What training did Leila do?
- She was sent me on a language course to improve her English and to learn to translate Arabic into English and English into Arabic. She was also taught to use the internet.
4- How many hours does Leila work?
- She works eight hours a day, six days a week, starting on Saturday and finishing on Thursday.
5- How much holiday does Leila have?
- She has three weeks' holiday a year, and she has all the national holidays.
6- What work did Leila do when she started her job?
- She spent a week finding out what other people in the company did.
7- What work does Leila do now?
- Now she writes letters and e-mails and answers telephone calls from other countries. Sometimes I also translate letters from English into Arabic.
8- Does Leila like her job?
- Yes, she really enjoys her job. She enjoy meeting and talking to customers from all over the world.
9- Does Leila have to work on 6th October?
- No, because it's a public holiday.
Critical Thinking
1- Why is it important for someone in a travel company to speak English well?
- English is an international language spoken by many people as a second language. A person in a travel company would need to speak to people from many countries.
2- Do you think Leila will need to be best at speaking, listening, reading or writing English?
- She will need listening and speaking for phone calls and meetings, reading and writing for letters and e-mails.
3- Why do you think Leila will need to be able to translate from and into Arabic?
- There will be documents and letters which need to be read by people who know only Arabic and others by people who don't know any Arabic.
4- How do you think Leila uses the internet in her work?
- She uses the internet to book flights and other travel reservations; to check times; to find accommodation; to research holiday destinations and tourist attractions.
5- Which languages do people need for the job of a sales assistant?
- They need English and Arabic.
Choose the correct answer:
1- Leila applied (to-for-at-in) a new job last week.
2- She was interested (of-with-by-in) working for a modern company.
3- She would like to work in another country (in-at-with-from) the future.
4- She's learning how to translate English (for-from-at-into) Arabic.
5- She starts work (on-in-at-of) Saturday morning.
6- She answers telephone calls (in-from-to-with) other countries.
7- She likes the people she works (on-out-into-with)
8- My brother always works (hard-hardly-lately-hardy) at school.
9- I'm not very good at maths - I find it quite a (hardly-hardy-lately-hard) subject.
10- I've (hard-hardly-hardy-harder) done any school work this weekend.
11- I've had (hard-hardly-hardy-harder) any sleep for three days.
12- He gets up very (late-early-hardly-lately) in the morning - about four o 'clock.
13- The (flight attendants-customers-pilots-carpenters) were busy because the plane was full of passengers.
14- The (customers-firemen-carpenters-bakers) rescued two old people from the burning flat.
15- The bread that our baker makes always (tests-touches-feels-tastes) good.
16- A famous (archaeologist-biologist-architect-carpenter) designed my house.
17- A (carpenter-baker-cleaner-policeman) is going to make us a new cupboard for our kitchen.
18- If your tooth hurts, you should go and see a (hospital-dentist-scientist-baker).
19- I don't finish (at-until-in-on) three o 'clock in the afternoon, but I really love my job.
20- Some weeks I work (on-in-at-for) the evenings and some weeks I work in the morning.
21- It would be impossible to (work-do-stay-spend) my job when everyone was working.
22- He cleans the floors and the toilets and empties all the (bins-pens-tins-rens).
23- Firemen don't (spend-waste-lose-miss) all their time in burning buildings.
24- I enjoy (talk-talks-talked-talking) to people.
25- He applied (to-for-in-into) a job in a travel company.
26- She was sent on a language course to (improve-best-good-higher) her English.
27- Mr Ali has three (week-weeks-weeks'-week's) holiday a year.
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- The hotel is open from April to October. (a year)
2- I'm at school from 8 o'clock until 2 o'clock every day. (a day)
3- Every day, we have five lessons. (a day)
4- My grandfather only works on Tuesday and Wednesday. (a week)
5- Every year, my father has four weeks' holiday. (a year)
Language Focus
Direct & Indirect Speech
الكلام المباشر و الكلام غير المباشر
هناك طريقتين لإخبار شخص بما فعله شخص آخر و هما:
1- Direct speech: الكلام المباشر
فى الكلام المباشر نقدم الكلمات الفعلية التى قيلت و توضع بين علامتى التنصيص كما يلى
- Nabila: What did Ahmed say?
Ali : He said, "I want to be a doctor."
2- Reported speech: الكلام غير المباشر
و هو الكلام المنقول و فيه نغير الكلمات التى قيلت لتتناسب مع الجملة و هناك بعض القواعد التى يجب إتباعها مثل الأزمنة و الضمائر
- Nabila: What did Ahmed say?
Ali : He said that he wanted to be a doctor.
Statement الجملة الخبرية
خطوات تحويل الجملة من كلام مباشر direct إلى كلام غير مباشر direct :
1- نحول فعل القول كما يلى:
Direct Reported Direct Reported
say to tell say say
says to tells says says
said to told said said
2- نحذف الأقواس و نربط بكلمة that التى يمكن الاستغناء عنها
3- نغير الضمائر حسب المعنى
4- إذا كان فعل القول مضارع (أو مستقبل) تتغير الضمائر فقط داخل الأقواس ولا تتغير الأزمنة أو الظروف.
أما إذا كان فعل القول ماضى نغير الأزمنة كما يلى:
Direct Reported
Present simple مضارع بسيط Past simple ماضى بسيط
Present continuous مضارع مستمر Past continuous ماضى مستمر
Present perfect مضارع تام Past perfect ماضى تام
Past simple ماضى بسيط Past perfect ماضى تام
Past continuous ماضى مستمر Past perfect cont ماضى تام مستمر
Present perfect cont مضارع تام مستمر Past perfect cont ماضى تام مستمر
كما يتم تغيير الأفعال الناقصة كما يلى:
Direct Reported Direct Reported
will would can could
shall should won't wouldn't
may might must had to
can't couldn't am / is / are going to Was / were going to
كما نغير أسماء الإشارة و المكان و الكلمات الدالة على الزمن كما يلى:
Direct Reported Direct Reported
this that these those
here there now then
ago before today that day
tonight that night tomorrow the next (following) day
next year the following year
the year after yesterday the day before
the previous day
last year the year before
the previous year
Direct speech Reported speech
"I live in London," he said. He said (that) he lived in London.
"The phone is ringing," she said. She said (that) the phone was ringing.
"Jo left ten minutes ago," they said. They said (that) Jo had left ten minutes before.
"Jo has just left," they said. They said (that) Jo had just left.
"I'll see you tomorrow," she said. She said (that) she'd see him the next day.
"I'm going to learn to drive next month," he said. He said (that) he was going to learn to drive the following month.
"You can go home," she said. She said (that) I could go home.
"I didn't finish my homework last night," he said. He said that he hadn't finished his homework the night before.
Special Changes: -تحويلات خاصة
Direct speech Reported speech
She said to me "Good luck". She wished me good luck.
She said "what about going to.?" She suggested going to …… .
She said "Yes, I can help him". She agreed to help him .
She said "No, I can't help him". She refused to help him .
She said to me " congratulations" She congratulated me .
1- إذا كان الكلام المباشر عبارة عن حقيقة علمية لا يحدث أى تغيير.
- He said, "Water boils at 100 ° C." (He said that………..)
He said that water boils at 100 ° C.
2- إذا كان فعل القول ماضى و الكلام قد إنتهى منذ فترة وجيزة تتغير الضمائر فقط داخل الأقواس ولا تتغير الأزمنة أو الظروف. وهذه هى الكلمات الدالة :
now, just now, a moment ago, a minute ago,........
- He said just now, "I'll visit you next week." (He said just now that)
He said just now that he'll visit me next week.
3- فى حالة قاعدة if يتغير الزمن فى الحالة الأولى فقط.
- He said to me, "I'll buy a car if I have enough money." (He told……….)
He told me that he'd buy a car if he had enough money.
4- فى حالة وجود جملتين نربطهما بـ and that / and added that
- He said, "I can't do my homework today. I'll do it later."
He said that he couldn't do his homework that day and that he'd do it later.
- She said, "I spent a lot of time in hospital last year." (She complained)
She complained that she had spent a lot of time in hospital the previous year.
6- إذا كان المخاطب داخل الأقواس يوضع خارج الأقواس بعد فعل القول
- He said, "I'll visit you, Ali." (He told….)
He told Ali that he would visit him.
Choose the correct answer:
1- Ahmed says that he (went-gone-goes-had gone) to Alex every year.
2- He (told-said-asked-ordered) he was living with his uncle.
3- He said that he (had written-would write-is writing-was writing) a letter then.
4- He told me that he (will reach-would reach-reached-had reached) Cairo the following week.
5- Samir (said-told-asked-spoke) he had never been to Luxor.
6- He said that he (attended-was attending-had attended-has attended) the meeting the day before.
7- He said that he (would see-has seen-had seen-was seen) a new film on TV the night before.
8- He told me that he (will visit-would visit-is visiting-visited) me the next day.
9- He said just now that he (bought-has bought-would buy-will buy) a new car next month.
10- He said that he (doesn't go-wouldn't go-hadn't gone-won't go ) to school the previous day.
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He said" I will marry next week".
2- He said to me, " I'm reading a story now. "
3- He said to me," I have finished my work."
4- He said just now, "I have bought a new car".
5- She said, "I met my friend yesterday".
6- He says, "I will marry next week."
7- The baker said," I really love my job."
8- He said," I live near to Alexandria."
9- He said," I'm working for a computer repair company".
10- He said," I must drive for my work. I have my own car."
11- He said," I sometimes work on Saturday mornings."
12- He said," I want to do something more interesting."
13- He said," I'm getting married soon, so I'm saving to buy a flat.
14- I was late for work this morning." (Mona told me(
15- Adel said ," Our train has just arrived , Sami" (Adel told)
16- I'm planning to buy a new car." (Ahmed said(
17- "I've seen the film before." (She told me)
18- " I don't like going to parties." (He told me)
19- "I need the money to visit my parents." (She told me)
20- He said to me, " I have to go to the dentist tomorrow." (He told me......")
21- "I'm visiting London next week." (He told me)
22- He said, "I'll do it today." (He said that…………..)
23- He said, "I'll see you tomorrow.” (He said he…….…)
24- She said, "I worked yesterday." (She said that…………)
A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue between a passenger and the receptionist at a travel agent’s :
Passenger : I want to fly to Paris. Can I book a ticket ,please ?
Receptionist : Yes, there’s a flight next Friday.
Passenger : ................................................................?
Receptionist : Flight No 753 L .
Passenger : When will the plane take off?
Receptionist : ...................................................................
Passenger :That’s too early. What is the time of the next one ?
Receptionist : At 12 P.M.
Passenger : ..................................... How much am I going to pay?
Receptionist : ............................................................
2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- Your friend tells you some bad news.
2- Your friend suggests spending the weekend studying . You don't agree.
3- Your friend has lost your book that you lent him.
4- I think that life is better now than in the past.
B) Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Hussein said he ……………… flown to Istanbul the week before.
a) has b) had c) is d) was
2- I want to ……………… my English. I'm taking extra lessons next week.
a) improve b) best c) good d) higher
3- John said his favourite drink ………………. Orange juice.
a) has been b) was c) was being d) are
4- A carpenter can cut wood …………………. with a saw.
a) neat b) neatly c) good d) nice
5- The supermarket is full of ……………….. . It's a busy day.
a) guards b) assistants c) owners d) customers
6- The firemen could ……………….. people inside the burning factory.
a) hide b) kill c) rescue d) destroy
7- Ali was ………………… injured in a car accident.
a) badly b) bad c) worse d) worst
8- My mother works …………….. a computer repair company.
a) on b) for c) up d) forward
9- He has the academic (qualifications-qualities-quantities-inquiries) essential for the job.
a) qualifications b) qualities c) quantities d) inquiries
10- Graduates who apply (on-about-for-with) this job must be fluent in English.
a) on b) about c) for d) with
4- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- Samia finished her homework and then watched television. (When)
2- He said, "I live in London." (He said that ………..)
3- He said to me, "I've forgotten your name.” (He told me…….)
4- He said, "The dentist phoned." (He said that……..)
5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
I read an advertisement in the papers for the job of secretary. The ..(1)... should master office ..(2).. and ..(3).. fluent in English and French. He should ..(4).. from Arabic ..(5).. English and can use the fax machine and the computer. I had an ..(6).., with the manager and the monthly salary offered is suitable.
C) Read Comprehension and Set Books
6- Read the following passage , then answer the questions:
In order to make a good impression during a job interview, you need to prepare yourself for the interview. You must arrive in plenty of time for the interview, so that you give yourself a little time to relax before the interview begins.
You have to look your best for the interview. The impression you make as you walk into the room is very important. Try to find out if the company or organization has any rules about dress. Then try to dress according to their regulations. If they don’t allow their staff to come to work in casual clothes, you may ruin your chances for a job by wearing the wrong sort of clothes to the interview.
You also need to plan what you are going to say. In some interviews you will have to do a lot of talking, and in others you will only have to answer a few questions about yourself, your schoolwork, your strong points, your reasons for applying for the job, and the salary you expect. You will be allowed to ask some questions of your own. The questions you ask will show the interviewer that you have given careful thought to the position. You can ask questions like these: What duties will I have to do in the job? Will I be allowed to join a health insurance programme? Does the company provide opportunities for further education?
You must also try to find out as much as you can about the company by talking to someone who works there, or by asking for copies of the company’s booklets, brochures or advertising.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- why should one relax before an interview?
2- What does “You have to look your best for the interview” mean?
3- Mention two things that would help an interviewee to get a job.
4- How can the interviewee get knowledge about the company?
B) Choose the correct answer:
5- An interviewee should arrive ……………….. for a job interview.
a) on time b) in time
c) at the time d) in no time
6- The underlined word “they” refers to ………………………………. .
a) organizations b) interviewers
c) regulations d) companies
7- The underlined word “casual” means …………………………………. .
a) formal b) informal
c) expensive d) cheap
7- Answer Only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- What do flight attendants do?
2- What do bakers do?
3- What qualifications did Leila need?
4- Do you think Leila will need to be best at speaking, listening, reading or writing English?
5- Why do you think Leila will need to be able to translate from and into Arabic?
6- How do you think Leila uses the internet in her work?
D) The Novel
A) Answer the following questions:
1- What kind of story is "The Face on the Wall"?
2- How did the face get a firm hold of the storyteller ?
3- When did the face on the wall disappear?
4- How does the story teller surprise us at the end of his story?
B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"I stood at busy corners watching the crowd until people thought me mad."
1- Who is the speaker?
2- Why did he stand at busy corners?
3- Why did the police suspect him?
E) Writing
9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
"A few days you spent on a desert island"
F) Translation
10- A) Translate into Arabic:
1-The company sent me on a language course to improve my English and to learn to translate Arabic into English and English into Arabic.
2- We can't catch up with developed countries without using the computer in all fields.
C) Translate into English:
من الضرورى أن تجيد تحدث وكتابة اللغة الإنجليزية و استخدام الحاسب الآلى لكى تحصل على فرصة عمل.
ابو عبيدةالسبت 07 فبراير 2015, 11:17 pm