Unit 10 Animals in the wild
animals حيوانات spider عنكبوت
the wild البرية dolphin دولفين / حوت
guess يخمن brave شجاع
backbone عمود فقرى polar bear دب قطبى
insects حشرات survive ينجو من / يتحمل
fish سمك hot حار
scales قشور السمك dry جاف
tail ذيل cold بارد
fins زعانف ice ثلج
rabbit أرنب the Arctic المنطقة القطبية الشمالة
fur فراء / فرو the Antarctic المنطقة القطبية الجنوبية
feathers ريش North pole القطب الشمالى
skin جلد South pole القطب الجنوبى
cover يغطى seal عجل البحر
snake ثعبان penguin طائر البطريق
thick سميك extreme heat حرارة شديدة
soft أملس / ناعم humidity الرطوبة
wing جناح heavy rain أمطار غزيرة
bat خفاش jungles غابات كثيفة
crocodile تمساح rainforest غابة مطيرة
peacock طاووس gorilla غوريلا
shark سمكة القرش sand cat قط صحراوى
giraffe زرافة orangutan إنسان الغابة (قرد)
mostly غالبا extreme شديد / متطرف
fly / flew / flown يطير glacier نهر جليدى
sharp teeth أسنان حادة moisture رطوبة
meat لحم prey فريسة
carrots جزر wildlife الحياة البرية
duck بطة purpose غرض / هدف
elephant فيل mass كتلة
neck عنق / رقبة amount كمية / مقدار
favourite محبب / مفضل surface سطح
zebra حمار وحشي hunt يصطاد
lion أسد natural conditions ظروف طبيعية
lizard سحلية world of extremes عالم المتناقضات
chicken دجاجة / فرخة burning deserts صحارى حارقة
bee نحلة mountains جبال
fly ذبابة enormous ضخم / هائل
freezing water مياه متجمدة shallow water مياه ضحلة
incredibly بصورة لا تصدق / بصورة خيالية evolution تطور
incredible لا يصدق / خيالى lifestyle نمط الحياة
include يشتمل على / يتضمن weather الطقس
rats فئران كبيرة الحجم extinct ينقرض / منقرض
mice فئران صغيرة الحجم climate conditions ظروف مناخية
sense حاسة rivers أنهار
smell الشم / يشم grasslands أراضى عشبية
special خاص steep slopes منحدرات
extreme environments بيئات قاسية branches أغصان الشجر
holes ثقوب / فتحات strangely بصورة غريبة
underground تحت الأرض hold يمسك
feed يطعم / يغذى leaves أوراق الأشجار
food طعام goat عنزة
describe يصف cool رطب
peak منقار nest عش / وكر
feet أقدام behave يتصرف / يسلك
camel جمل human بشر / انسان
cold nights ليالى باردة human being انسان
store يخزن eastern شرقى
weigh يزن northern شمالى
mention يذكر encyclopedia دائرة معارف
extreme conditions ظروف قاسية bite يعض
Idioms & Expressions
covered in / with مغطى بـ home to موطن لـ
hunt animals يصطاد حيوانات lay eggs تبيض / تضع البيض
live on / off يعيش على at one time فى نفس الوقت / فى آن واحد
keep warm يبقى دافئا feed …. with يغذى .... بـ
keep dry يبقى جافا feed on = live on = live off يتغذى على
protect from يحمى من find out يكتشف / يعرف
in weight فى الوزن stay out of يبقى بعيدا عن
catch the prey يصطاد الضحية on the internet على شبكة الانترنت
catch fish يصطاد سمك in colour فى اللون
belong to يخص / ينتمى إلى / ملك cope with يتجاوب مع / يتغلب على
adapt to يتكيف مع on the edge of على حافة
weigh under يزن أقل من drink … up to يشرب .... حتى
look like يشبه think of يفكر فى
live in groups تعيش فى جماعات look after يعتنى بـ
run at…an hourيسير بسرعة .. فى الدقيقة be designed for مصمم لـ / مجهز لـ
Confusable Words
made of / made from:
made of: مصنوع من (مادة أو مواد لا يتغير شكلها بعد التصنيع)
- She bought a bag made of leather.
made from: مصنوع من (مادة أو مواد يتغير شكلها بعد التصنيع)
- Bread is made from flour.
feed / eat:
feed: give food to يطعم
- Let's feed the kids first and have our dinner after.
eat: يأكل
- We usually eat at about 7 o'clock.
adapt / adopt:
adapt to: adjust to يكيف / يتكيف
- Many animals have adapted to life in extreme heat and cold.
adopt: يتبنى
- They have adopted a baby girl.
home to / the home of:
home to: موطن لـ
- All environments are home to many types of wildlife.
the home of: موطن لـ
- The rainforests of Borneo are the home of the orangutan.
belong to / own:
belong to: ملك / يخص
- This car belongs to Sarah.
own: يمتلك
- Sarah owns a car.
lie / lay:
lie / lied / lied: (v.) يكذب
lie to + :شخص يكذب على
lie about + :شئ يكذب بشأن
- She lied to me when she said she loved me.
- She lied about her age in order to get married.
lie / lay /lain: يرقد / ينام / يقع ( للمكان )
- Don’t lie in bed all day. Get up and do something.
- The town lies to the east of the river.
lay / laid / laid: يضع / يعد
- Don’t lay the book on your bed.
- The hens have laid a lot of eggs.
- My mother laid the table for four.
Language Study
where: حيث (ضمير وصل يدل على المكان و يسبقه ظرف مكان)
- She lived in Rome where she taught English.
by + v-ing: بـواسطة / من خلال
- He learned English by listening to the radio.
whether: if إذا
- She asked me whether I was interested in working for her.
Quiz master: Good morning. Are you ready to play the animal game?
Contestant 1: Yes, I am.
Quiz master: OK, number one. I'm thinking of an animal. Can you guess which one it is?
Contestant 1: Has it got a backbone?
Quiz master: Yes, it has.
Contestant 1:Has it got fur or feathers?
Quiz master: It hasn't got fur. It has got feathers.
Contestant 1:Does it eat plants?
Quiz master: Yes, it does eat plants.
Contestant 1: Can it swim?
Quiz master: Yes, it mostly lives on the water.
Contestant 1:Can it move fast?
Quiz master: Yes, it can fly. Can you guess which animal it is now?
Quiz master: Now number two. Can you try and guess this animal?
Contestant 2: Has it got a backbone?
Quiz master: Yes, it has.
Contestant 2: Has it got fur?
Quiz master: No, it hasn't.
Contestant 2: Has it got feathers?
Quiz master: No, it hasn't.
Contestant 2: Has it got scales or fins?
Quiz master: Yes, it has.
Contestant 2: Can it swim?
Quiz master: Yes, it can.
Contestant 2: Has it got a big mouth and sharp teeth?
Quiz master: Yes, it has both.
Contestant 2: Does it eat animals, fish and people?
Quiz master: Yes, it does. I'm sure you can guess it now.
Quiz master: I'm thinking of another animal. Can you guess which one it is?
Contestant 3: Has it got a backbone?
Quiz master: Yes, it has.
Contestant 3: Has it got fur or feathers?
Quiz master: No, it hasn't.
Contestant 3: Does it eat plants?
Quiz master: Yes, it does.
Contestant 3: Can it move fast?
Quiz master: I'm not sure whether this animal can move fast.
Contestant 3: Is it very big?
Quiz master: It is. It has a very big nose. Can you guess which animal it is?
Quiz master: This is my last animal.
Contestant 4: Has it got a backbone?
Quiz master: Yes, it has.
Contestant 4: Has it got scales or fins?
Quiz master: No, it hasn't.
Contestant 4: Has it got fur?
Quiz master: Yes, it has.
Contestant 4: Does it eat meat?
Quiz master: No, but it likes carrots.
Contestant 4: Has it got a big mouth or sharp teeth?
Quiz master: It has sharp teeth, but a small mouth.
Contestant 4: Can it run fast?
Quiz master: Yes. Can you guess which animal it is?
Reading & Critical Thinking
Many animals have adapted to life in extreme heat and cold. Think of the extremes in Egypt. There are burning deserts and there are the high mountains of Sinai, which are sometimes covered with snow. Now think of the North Pole with its enormous glaciers and freezing water. Think of the rainforests of South America and Asia, with their heavy rain. Incredibly, these environments are home to many types of wildlife.
One of the animals best adapted to heat is Egypt's sand cat. It is not much bigger than city cats, but it is designed for desert life, with thick fur on its feet to protect it from the heat. Sand cats are not often seen because they sleep underground during the day and only come out to hunt at night. Like many other desert animals, they do not have to find water, as they get all the moisture they need from their prey, which includes rats and mice.
At the other extreme, polar bears live on the ice around the North Pole. They are between 2.5 and 4.5 metres long and more than 450 kilograms in weight. Their white fur and thick skin protect them from the extreme cold. They live on fish, which they catch through holes in the ice. They have an incredible sense of smell and can smell their prey as far as 16 kilometres away. They can run faster than 50 kilometres an hour.
The rainforests of Borneo, where it is very hot and wet, are the home of the orangutan. Although their name means 'wild man of the forest', they are quiet, rather lazy animals. They spend most of their lives high up in trees. They sleep all night in nests which they make from branches. In the morning, they feed on fruits and insects, but then they rest before eating again in the evening. Strangely, they do not like water, so when it rains they protect themselves by holding leaves over their heads.
Lions are very large animals which belong to the cat family. They are covered in thick fur which may be white, yellow or orange in colour. Lions can be between 1.4 and 2.5 metres long and 120-250 kilograms in weight. Today lions live in only two parts of the world. Most live in eastern and southern Africa and a small number live in northern India. They live on the edge of desert areas or in forests. Lions live in groups and can run at 80 km an hour. Their prey is other large animals or smaller animals like birds and rabbits.
Lions are my favourite wild animal because they are proud animals which look after their families. I have seen lions in a zoo, but I think they look more beautiful in their own environment.
The camel is the largest animal in the desert. Its thick fur protects it from the hot sun and the cold nights, and its big feet help it walk on the sand of the desert. It is 180-200 cm tall and weighs between 450 and 690 kg. Camels can drink up to 57 litres of water at one time and can travel many kilometres without water. Their bodies can store food so they can go for a long time without eating.
Questions & answers
1- What is special about all the animals in the article?
- They have adapted to extreme environments.
2- What kind of animals live in deserts?
- snakes and sand cats.
3- What kind of animals live in the North Pole and South Pole?
- Seals and polar bears.
4- What kind of animals live in jungles and forests?
- Gorillas and crocodiles.
5- Which animals that have adapted to extreme heat?
- Sand cats.
6- Which animals that have adapted to extreme heat?
- Polar bears.
7- How are the mountains of Sinai different from the Egyptian deserts?
- The mountains are sometimes covered in snow; the desert is very hot.
8- How is the sand cat designed for desert life?
- It has thick fur on its feet to protect it from the heat.
9- Why are sand cats not often seen?
- Because they sleep underground during the day and only come out to hunt at night.
10- Why don't sand cats need to find water?
- They get all the moisture they need from their prey.
11- What do sand cats feed on?
- They feed on rats and mice.
12- Where do polar bears live?
- They live on the ice around the North Pole.
13- How do polar bears keep warm?
- Their thick skin and white fur keeps them warm.
14- What do polar bears live on?
- They live on fish.
15- How do polar bears catch their prey?
- They catch it through holes in the ice.
16- Polar bears have an incredible sense of smell. Explain.
- They can smell their prey as far as 16 km away.
17- How do you think sand cats have adapted to their conditions?
- They live underground during the day and can live without water.
18- How do you think polar bears have adapted to their conditions?
- Polar bears have thick skin and fur which protect them from the extreme cold.
19- Will animals have to adapt to new extreme conditions in the future? Why? Why not?
- Some animals will have to adapt because climates are becoming warmer and deserts are growing.
20- What kind of environment do lions live in?
- Lions live in African grassland (in hot dry conditions).
21- What kind of environment do crocodiles live in?
- Crocodiles live in rainforests, jungles and rivers (in hot, wet conditions).
22- What kind of environment do mountain goats live in?
- Mountain goats live in the mountains. (often in cold conditions).
23- How have lions adapted to their environment?
- They use the open space to catch their prey. They have sharp teeth and are very fast.
24- How have Crocodiles adapted to their environment?
- They use the shallow water to catch their prey. They have sharp teeth to bite their prey.
25- How have mountain goats adapted to their environment?
- They have thick fur to keep them warm and have strong legs to walk on steep slopes.
26- How do you think the orangutan has adapted to its environment?
- It lives in the cool trees to stay out of the heat. It uses leaves to keep dry. It uses the trees to make nests,
27- Where do orangutans live?
- In the rainforests of Borneo.
28- When and where do orangutans sleep?
- They sleep all night in nests in the trees.
29- Why do orangutans sometimes hold leaves over their heads?
- To protect themselves from rain.
30- Do you think 'the wild man of the forest' is a good name for orangutan? Why?/ Why not?
- No, it’s a bad name, because they are quiet animals.
- Yes, because it behaves like human in many actions.
31- Why do you think orangutans spend most of their lives high up in trees?
- They sleep all night in nests which they make from branches and feed on fruits.
32- Why do you think orangutans rest during the middle of the day?
- Because they get tired as they are lazy.
- Because they rest before eating in the evening.
33- What do orangutans feed on in the morning?
- They feed on fruits and insects.
34- Do you think orangutans are dangerous animals? Why or why not?
- Yes, because they are big animals.
- No, because they don't eat humans.
35- Describe a wild animal you like.
- I like the lion. It is a very large cat covered in white, yellow or orange fur. It is 140-250 cm long. It is 120-250 kg in weight. It can run at 80 km an hour. It is a very proud animal.
36- How do you think humans have adapted to the increasingly hot climate?
- By inventing air conditioning, freezers, refrigerators, etc.
Choose the correct answer:
1- In the morning, orangutans (eat-feed-drink-stay) on fruits and insects,
2- Most animals have a backbone but (humans-insects-elephants-rabbits) do not.
3- Polar bears catch (fish-water-dish-animals) through holes in the ice.
4- (Elephants-Lions-Insects-Ducks) are very large animals which belong to the cat family.
5- A fish's tail and (fans-fats-furs-fins) help it to swim.
6- When it rains, orangutans protect themselves by (holding-catching-carrying-eating) leaves over their heads.
7- Dogs, cats and rabbits are covered (by-at-of-in) fur.
8- Birds are covered in (features-feathers-scales-furs).
9- A (glacier-mountain-sea-river) is a large mass of ice.
10- Wildlife means animals and plants that live in (artificial-official-natural-professional) conditions.
11- All environments are home (to-of-at-by) many types of wildlife.
12- Fish are covered in (scales-fins-feathers-hair).
13- A duck (most-more-mostly-less) lives on the water.
14- A (sharp-shark-shriek-shrink) eats animals, fish and people, It can swim.
15- I'm not sure (whether-weather-whatever-unless) this animal can move fast.
16- Many animals have (ended-started-adapted-gone) to life in extreme heat and cold.
17- We do not often see sand cats because they sleep (trees-tunnels-underground-forests).
18- There are (boiling-burning-boil-burn) deserts and there are the high mountains.
19- The high mountains of Sinai are sometimes covered (with-of-from-at) snow.
20- The North Pole has enormous glaciers and (freezing-hot-warm-cold) water.
21- The rainforests of South America and Asia have their (heavy-light-black-rare) rain.
22- One of the animals best adapted to heat is Egypt's (sand-sandy-desert-mountain) cat.
23- Sand cat is designed (by-with-for-to) desert life.
24- Polar bears live (in-on-under-off) the ice around the North Pole.
25- Sand cats come out to (fish-catch-hunt-shoot) at night, like many other desert animals.
26- Sand cats get all the moisture they need from their (prey-pray-victim-pair).
27- Polar bears are between 2.5 and 4.5 metres long and more than 450 kg in (weigh-weight-weightless-height).
28- The white fur and thick skin protect polar bears (from-of-by-for) the extreme cold.
29- Polar bears live on fish, which they catch through (balls-calls-halls-holes) in the ice.
30- Polar bears have an incredible sense of (smell-humour-touch-small) and can smell their prey as far as 16 kilometres away.
31- Polar bears can run faster than 50 kilometres (a-the-some-an) hour
32- The rainforests of Borneo, are the (flat-house-building-home) of the orangutans.
33- Orangutans sleep all night in (nests-houses-homes-buildings) which they make from branches.
34- In the morning, orangutans (feed-eat-stay-leave) on fruits and insects.
35- A (pray-prey-pry-victim) is an animal that is hunted and eaten by another animal.
36- Many types of (wildlife-midwife-housewife-mild life) live in the rainforests.
37- Sand cats have thick (fur-skin-skill-scale) on their feet to protect them from the hot sand.
38- Polar bears live (at-by-with-on) fish, which they catch through holes in the ice.
39- Polar bears live (off-away-in-by) seals and fish.
40- Many animals have adapted (for-to-from-on) life in extreme heat and cold.
Language Focus
Yes, No question
أسئلة الإجابة عليها بنعم أو لا
و هى الأسئلة التى لا يحتوى على أداة استفهام بل يبدأ بفعل مساعد أو فعل ناقص و يكون معناه "هل" و تكون الإجابة عليه بـ "Yes" أو "No"
أ- إذا كانت الجملة تحتوى على فعل مساعد مثل verb to be / verb to have أو فعل ناقص مثل will / would / shall / should/ can / could / may / might/ must نضع الفعل المساعد أو الناقص فى بداية السؤال.
1- Yes, he is a student. (Is…..)
Is he a student?
2- No, he hasn’t got any brothers. (Has……….)
Has he got any brothers?
3- Yes, I can swim. (Can….)
Can you swim?
ب- إذا كان فعل الجملة أساسى نستخدم does إذا كان الفعل مضارع و ينتهى بـحرف s و نستخدم do إذا كان الفعل مضارع و لا ينتهى بـحرف s و نستخدم did إذا كان الفعل ماضى ثم نأتى بمصدر الفعل.
1- Yes, Ali speaks English. (Does…..)
Does Ali speak English?
2- No, I don’t have a car. (Do…..)
Do you have a car?
3- Yes, I bought a new shirt yesterday. (Did…..)
Did you buy a new shirt yesterday?
4- No, I didn't watch the match.. (Did…..)
Did you watch the match?
Questions and short answers
أسئلة و إجابات مختصرة
Question Short answer
Are you Egyptian? Yes, I am. No, I'm not.
Is he Spanish? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
Have you read this book? Yes, I have. No, I haven't.
Has he read the magazine? Yes, he has. No, he hasn't.
Do you live in Cairo? Yes, I do. No, I don't.
Does he work at the university? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Can you come to my party? Yes, I can. No, I can't.
Can he swim? Yes, he can. No, he can't.
Common errors أخطاء شائعة
Correct Wrong Notes
Are you Egyptian?
Yes, I am.
Yes, I'm. إستخدم الفعل بصيغته الكاملة فى الإثبات و لا تختصر .
Do you have a car? = Have you got a car?
Does he have a car? = Has he got a car?
Can you play music? = Are you able to play music?
Can she play tennis? = Is she able to play tennis?
What's your father's job? = What does your father do?
Do you come from England? = Are you English?
Where are you from? = Where do you come from?
Correct the mistakes:
Do elephants have thick skin? Yes, they have. ………………………….
Do fish lay eggs? Yes, they don't. ………………………….
Has a crocodile got sharp teeth? No, it has. ………………………….
Did the cat climb the tree? No, it doesn't. ………………………….
Do rabbits have fur? Yes, they did. ………………………….
Was the duck flying? No, it was. ………………………….
Can lions run fast? Yes, it can. ………………………….
Compound Nouns
الأسماء المركبة
الأسماء المركبة عبارة عن أسماء ترتبط مع بعضها لتكون كلمة واحدة وتكتب هذه الأسماء بطرق مختلفة.
1- One word: كلمة واحدة
wildlife الحياة البرية rainforest غابة ممطرة
motorway طريق سريع teapot براد شاى
2- Two words:كلمتان
sand cat قط الصحراء killer whale حوت قاتل
bus driver سائق أتوبيس motor racing سباق سيارات
bus stop محطة أتوبيس mobile phone تليفون محمول
3- Two words joined by hyphens: كلمتان بينهما شرطة
horse-riding ركوب الخيل horse-racing سباق الخيل
roller-blading رياضة التزلق motor-racing سباق سيارات
A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
(A telephone call between Mark and his friend John)
Mark: Hello. I am phoning to invite you to a small party tonight.
John: …………………………………………………………………………………?
Mark: Because we have just moved into a new house.
John: Really! That’s great news.
Mark: ……………………………………………………………………….……….?
John: I’d love to. When will you have the party ?
Mark: ……………………………………………………………………………………..
John: ……………………………………………………………………………….. ?
Mark: Yes, all our friends will come.
2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You invite your friend to your birthday.
2- You accept your friend's invitation to his party.
3- You offer your friend some flowers.
4- Your friend suggests going to Alexandria but you are busy.
B) Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Fish are covered in ……………………. .
a) fins b) scales c) feathers d) hair
2- Many animals have …………………… to life in extreme environments.
a) ended b) started c) adapted d) gone
3- The rainforests of Borneo, …………… it is very hot, are the home of orangutan.
a) where b) when c) who d) which
4- Birds are covered in ………………… which keep them warm and protect them.
a) scales b) fins c) feathers d) fur
5- Sand cats, elephants and lions are all ………………….. animals .
a) wild b) huge c) extreme d) dry
6- Birds live in …………………… .
a) houses b) holes c) branches d) nests
7- The Sand cat has thick fur on its feet to …………….. it from the heat.
a) protect b) defend c) prevent d) predict
8- Mobiles are ………………… for modern life.
a) done b) made c) designed d) worked
9- Do you play music? – No, I …………………..
a) don't b) doesn't c) didn't d) hadn't
10- Can you drive a car? – Yes, I …………………….. .
a) do b) have c) will d) can
4- Correct the underlined mistakes in the following paragraph :
Lions are very large animals which belong to the cat family. They are covered in thick fat which may be white, yellow or orange in colour. Lions can be between 1.4 and 2.5 metres tall and 120-250 kilograms in weight. Today lions lives in only two parts of the world. Lions are my favourite wild animal because they are pride animals which look after their families.
1-................. 2-..................... 3-................... 4-......................
5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
Orangutans live in the rainforests of Borneo. Although their (1) ………… means 'wild man of the forest', they are quiet, rather lazy (2)…………….. . They spend most of their (3)……………….. high up in trees. They sleep all night in nests which they make from (4)…………….. of trees. In the morning, they feed on fruits and insects, but then they rest before (5)……………… again in the evening. Strangely, they do not like (6)………………., so when it rains they protect themselves by holding leaves over their heads.
C) Read Comprehension and Set Books
6- Read the following passage , then answer the questions:
Animals that live in the wild are capable of adapting themselves to the conditions around them, to life in the extremes of cold and heat, wet or dry climate. However, man has always proved throughout all times to be the greatest authority that has power over them. In ancient times, man used to hunt animals to get their meat and skins. In the middle ages man used to hunt animals for sport. Kings used to keep animals in their palaces as companions treated with care and affection.
King Henry the eighth kept a large bear in his palace. People who happened to walk along the river Thames during his reign might have seen a large white bear walking down the bank of the river accompanied by a man holding it with a large leather strap. King Henry was not the first one to keep large “pets”. Both the Ancient Egyptians and the Chinese collected animals for pleasure. Birds and snakes were also popular in Rome. When the Emperor. Augustus defeated his enemies, he was presented a parrot that could utter Hail Caesar! Victorious leader
Not only did people at the time keep pets, but they were happy to see these animals doing strange tricks which entertained “them”. Napoleon's wife was said to have an orangutan that sat at her table wearing a coat.
Nowadays, many people who care much for social position and for being respected by others usually keep a dog, a cat, a tortoise or canaries at their homes .
A) Answer the following questions :
1- How were animals made use of in the middle ages?
2- What was the relation between man and animals in all ages all times?
3- How did king Henry treat his bear?
4- Why do people keep animals nowadays?
B) Choose the correct answer :
5- When Emperor Augustus won a battle, he was presented a parrot to .....
a) defeat him. b) be trained. c) greet him. d) entertain him.
6- The underlined word “pets” means ...... .
a) wild animals. b) bears. c) tame animals. d) huge animals.
7- The underlined word “them" refers to ...... .
a) pets b) tricks c) animals d) people at the time
7- Answer Only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- How are the mountains of Sinai different from the Egyptian deserts?
2- Why don't sand cats need to find water?
3- What kind of environment do lions live in?
4- How do polar bears catch their prey?
5- What kind of environment do lions live in?
6- What kind of environment do crocodiles live in?
D) The Novel
8- A) Answer the following questions:
1- When the storyteller asks Mr Ormond Wall for his card, Mr Wall doesn't ask him why he wants it. What does the storyteller say about this?
2- Why did the storyteller go to football matches and railway stations?
3- What was the face on the wall made of?
4- What is the nationality of Mr Ormond?
B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"Excuse me. I said uncertainly, but do you mind giving me your card?"
1- Who said this to whom?
2- What did he read on the card?
3- What happened to the speaker when he read the card?
E) Writing
9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
"A wild animal you like"
F) Translation
10- A) Translate into Arabic:
1- Many animals have adapted to life in extreme heat and cold.
2- Some animals are very rare nowadays, so we must look after their habitat or they will soon die out .
B) Translate into English:
هناك بعض الطيور لا تستطيع الطيران لأنها ليست لديها أجنحة.
animals حيوانات spider عنكبوت
the wild البرية dolphin دولفين / حوت
guess يخمن brave شجاع
backbone عمود فقرى polar bear دب قطبى
insects حشرات survive ينجو من / يتحمل
fish سمك hot حار
scales قشور السمك dry جاف
tail ذيل cold بارد
fins زعانف ice ثلج
rabbit أرنب the Arctic المنطقة القطبية الشمالة
fur فراء / فرو the Antarctic المنطقة القطبية الجنوبية
feathers ريش North pole القطب الشمالى
skin جلد South pole القطب الجنوبى
cover يغطى seal عجل البحر
snake ثعبان penguin طائر البطريق
thick سميك extreme heat حرارة شديدة
soft أملس / ناعم humidity الرطوبة
wing جناح heavy rain أمطار غزيرة
bat خفاش jungles غابات كثيفة
crocodile تمساح rainforest غابة مطيرة
peacock طاووس gorilla غوريلا
shark سمكة القرش sand cat قط صحراوى
giraffe زرافة orangutan إنسان الغابة (قرد)
mostly غالبا extreme شديد / متطرف
fly / flew / flown يطير glacier نهر جليدى
sharp teeth أسنان حادة moisture رطوبة
meat لحم prey فريسة
carrots جزر wildlife الحياة البرية
duck بطة purpose غرض / هدف
elephant فيل mass كتلة
neck عنق / رقبة amount كمية / مقدار
favourite محبب / مفضل surface سطح
zebra حمار وحشي hunt يصطاد
lion أسد natural conditions ظروف طبيعية
lizard سحلية world of extremes عالم المتناقضات
chicken دجاجة / فرخة burning deserts صحارى حارقة
bee نحلة mountains جبال
fly ذبابة enormous ضخم / هائل
freezing water مياه متجمدة shallow water مياه ضحلة
incredibly بصورة لا تصدق / بصورة خيالية evolution تطور
incredible لا يصدق / خيالى lifestyle نمط الحياة
include يشتمل على / يتضمن weather الطقس
rats فئران كبيرة الحجم extinct ينقرض / منقرض
mice فئران صغيرة الحجم climate conditions ظروف مناخية
sense حاسة rivers أنهار
smell الشم / يشم grasslands أراضى عشبية
special خاص steep slopes منحدرات
extreme environments بيئات قاسية branches أغصان الشجر
holes ثقوب / فتحات strangely بصورة غريبة
underground تحت الأرض hold يمسك
feed يطعم / يغذى leaves أوراق الأشجار
food طعام goat عنزة
describe يصف cool رطب
peak منقار nest عش / وكر
feet أقدام behave يتصرف / يسلك
camel جمل human بشر / انسان
cold nights ليالى باردة human being انسان
store يخزن eastern شرقى
weigh يزن northern شمالى
mention يذكر encyclopedia دائرة معارف
extreme conditions ظروف قاسية bite يعض
Idioms & Expressions
covered in / with مغطى بـ home to موطن لـ
hunt animals يصطاد حيوانات lay eggs تبيض / تضع البيض
live on / off يعيش على at one time فى نفس الوقت / فى آن واحد
keep warm يبقى دافئا feed …. with يغذى .... بـ
keep dry يبقى جافا feed on = live on = live off يتغذى على
protect from يحمى من find out يكتشف / يعرف
in weight فى الوزن stay out of يبقى بعيدا عن
catch the prey يصطاد الضحية on the internet على شبكة الانترنت
catch fish يصطاد سمك in colour فى اللون
belong to يخص / ينتمى إلى / ملك cope with يتجاوب مع / يتغلب على
adapt to يتكيف مع on the edge of على حافة
weigh under يزن أقل من drink … up to يشرب .... حتى
look like يشبه think of يفكر فى
live in groups تعيش فى جماعات look after يعتنى بـ
run at…an hourيسير بسرعة .. فى الدقيقة be designed for مصمم لـ / مجهز لـ
Confusable Words
made of / made from:
made of: مصنوع من (مادة أو مواد لا يتغير شكلها بعد التصنيع)
- She bought a bag made of leather.
made from: مصنوع من (مادة أو مواد يتغير شكلها بعد التصنيع)
- Bread is made from flour.
feed / eat:
feed: give food to يطعم
- Let's feed the kids first and have our dinner after.
eat: يأكل
- We usually eat at about 7 o'clock.
adapt / adopt:
adapt to: adjust to يكيف / يتكيف
- Many animals have adapted to life in extreme heat and cold.
adopt: يتبنى
- They have adopted a baby girl.
home to / the home of:
home to: موطن لـ
- All environments are home to many types of wildlife.
the home of: موطن لـ
- The rainforests of Borneo are the home of the orangutan.
belong to / own:
belong to: ملك / يخص
- This car belongs to Sarah.
own: يمتلك
- Sarah owns a car.
lie / lay:
lie / lied / lied: (v.) يكذب
lie to + :شخص يكذب على
lie about + :شئ يكذب بشأن
- She lied to me when she said she loved me.
- She lied about her age in order to get married.
lie / lay /lain: يرقد / ينام / يقع ( للمكان )
- Don’t lie in bed all day. Get up and do something.
- The town lies to the east of the river.
lay / laid / laid: يضع / يعد
- Don’t lay the book on your bed.
- The hens have laid a lot of eggs.
- My mother laid the table for four.
Language Study
where: حيث (ضمير وصل يدل على المكان و يسبقه ظرف مكان)
- She lived in Rome where she taught English.
by + v-ing: بـواسطة / من خلال
- He learned English by listening to the radio.
whether: if إذا
- She asked me whether I was interested in working for her.
Quiz master: Good morning. Are you ready to play the animal game?
Contestant 1: Yes, I am.
Quiz master: OK, number one. I'm thinking of an animal. Can you guess which one it is?
Contestant 1: Has it got a backbone?
Quiz master: Yes, it has.
Contestant 1:Has it got fur or feathers?
Quiz master: It hasn't got fur. It has got feathers.
Contestant 1:Does it eat plants?
Quiz master: Yes, it does eat plants.
Contestant 1: Can it swim?
Quiz master: Yes, it mostly lives on the water.
Contestant 1:Can it move fast?
Quiz master: Yes, it can fly. Can you guess which animal it is now?
Quiz master: Now number two. Can you try and guess this animal?
Contestant 2: Has it got a backbone?
Quiz master: Yes, it has.
Contestant 2: Has it got fur?
Quiz master: No, it hasn't.
Contestant 2: Has it got feathers?
Quiz master: No, it hasn't.
Contestant 2: Has it got scales or fins?
Quiz master: Yes, it has.
Contestant 2: Can it swim?
Quiz master: Yes, it can.
Contestant 2: Has it got a big mouth and sharp teeth?
Quiz master: Yes, it has both.
Contestant 2: Does it eat animals, fish and people?
Quiz master: Yes, it does. I'm sure you can guess it now.
Quiz master: I'm thinking of another animal. Can you guess which one it is?
Contestant 3: Has it got a backbone?
Quiz master: Yes, it has.
Contestant 3: Has it got fur or feathers?
Quiz master: No, it hasn't.
Contestant 3: Does it eat plants?
Quiz master: Yes, it does.
Contestant 3: Can it move fast?
Quiz master: I'm not sure whether this animal can move fast.
Contestant 3: Is it very big?
Quiz master: It is. It has a very big nose. Can you guess which animal it is?
Quiz master: This is my last animal.
Contestant 4: Has it got a backbone?
Quiz master: Yes, it has.
Contestant 4: Has it got scales or fins?
Quiz master: No, it hasn't.
Contestant 4: Has it got fur?
Quiz master: Yes, it has.
Contestant 4: Does it eat meat?
Quiz master: No, but it likes carrots.
Contestant 4: Has it got a big mouth or sharp teeth?
Quiz master: It has sharp teeth, but a small mouth.
Contestant 4: Can it run fast?
Quiz master: Yes. Can you guess which animal it is?
Reading & Critical Thinking
Many animals have adapted to life in extreme heat and cold. Think of the extremes in Egypt. There are burning deserts and there are the high mountains of Sinai, which are sometimes covered with snow. Now think of the North Pole with its enormous glaciers and freezing water. Think of the rainforests of South America and Asia, with their heavy rain. Incredibly, these environments are home to many types of wildlife.
One of the animals best adapted to heat is Egypt's sand cat. It is not much bigger than city cats, but it is designed for desert life, with thick fur on its feet to protect it from the heat. Sand cats are not often seen because they sleep underground during the day and only come out to hunt at night. Like many other desert animals, they do not have to find water, as they get all the moisture they need from their prey, which includes rats and mice.
At the other extreme, polar bears live on the ice around the North Pole. They are between 2.5 and 4.5 metres long and more than 450 kilograms in weight. Their white fur and thick skin protect them from the extreme cold. They live on fish, which they catch through holes in the ice. They have an incredible sense of smell and can smell their prey as far as 16 kilometres away. They can run faster than 50 kilometres an hour.
The rainforests of Borneo, where it is very hot and wet, are the home of the orangutan. Although their name means 'wild man of the forest', they are quiet, rather lazy animals. They spend most of their lives high up in trees. They sleep all night in nests which they make from branches. In the morning, they feed on fruits and insects, but then they rest before eating again in the evening. Strangely, they do not like water, so when it rains they protect themselves by holding leaves over their heads.
Lions are very large animals which belong to the cat family. They are covered in thick fur which may be white, yellow or orange in colour. Lions can be between 1.4 and 2.5 metres long and 120-250 kilograms in weight. Today lions live in only two parts of the world. Most live in eastern and southern Africa and a small number live in northern India. They live on the edge of desert areas or in forests. Lions live in groups and can run at 80 km an hour. Their prey is other large animals or smaller animals like birds and rabbits.
Lions are my favourite wild animal because they are proud animals which look after their families. I have seen lions in a zoo, but I think they look more beautiful in their own environment.
The camel is the largest animal in the desert. Its thick fur protects it from the hot sun and the cold nights, and its big feet help it walk on the sand of the desert. It is 180-200 cm tall and weighs between 450 and 690 kg. Camels can drink up to 57 litres of water at one time and can travel many kilometres without water. Their bodies can store food so they can go for a long time without eating.
Questions & answers
1- What is special about all the animals in the article?
- They have adapted to extreme environments.
2- What kind of animals live in deserts?
- snakes and sand cats.
3- What kind of animals live in the North Pole and South Pole?
- Seals and polar bears.
4- What kind of animals live in jungles and forests?
- Gorillas and crocodiles.
5- Which animals that have adapted to extreme heat?
- Sand cats.
6- Which animals that have adapted to extreme heat?
- Polar bears.
7- How are the mountains of Sinai different from the Egyptian deserts?
- The mountains are sometimes covered in snow; the desert is very hot.
8- How is the sand cat designed for desert life?
- It has thick fur on its feet to protect it from the heat.
9- Why are sand cats not often seen?
- Because they sleep underground during the day and only come out to hunt at night.
10- Why don't sand cats need to find water?
- They get all the moisture they need from their prey.
11- What do sand cats feed on?
- They feed on rats and mice.
12- Where do polar bears live?
- They live on the ice around the North Pole.
13- How do polar bears keep warm?
- Their thick skin and white fur keeps them warm.
14- What do polar bears live on?
- They live on fish.
15- How do polar bears catch their prey?
- They catch it through holes in the ice.
16- Polar bears have an incredible sense of smell. Explain.
- They can smell their prey as far as 16 km away.
17- How do you think sand cats have adapted to their conditions?
- They live underground during the day and can live without water.
18- How do you think polar bears have adapted to their conditions?
- Polar bears have thick skin and fur which protect them from the extreme cold.
19- Will animals have to adapt to new extreme conditions in the future? Why? Why not?
- Some animals will have to adapt because climates are becoming warmer and deserts are growing.
20- What kind of environment do lions live in?
- Lions live in African grassland (in hot dry conditions).
21- What kind of environment do crocodiles live in?
- Crocodiles live in rainforests, jungles and rivers (in hot, wet conditions).
22- What kind of environment do mountain goats live in?
- Mountain goats live in the mountains. (often in cold conditions).
23- How have lions adapted to their environment?
- They use the open space to catch their prey. They have sharp teeth and are very fast.
24- How have Crocodiles adapted to their environment?
- They use the shallow water to catch their prey. They have sharp teeth to bite their prey.
25- How have mountain goats adapted to their environment?
- They have thick fur to keep them warm and have strong legs to walk on steep slopes.
26- How do you think the orangutan has adapted to its environment?
- It lives in the cool trees to stay out of the heat. It uses leaves to keep dry. It uses the trees to make nests,
27- Where do orangutans live?
- In the rainforests of Borneo.
28- When and where do orangutans sleep?
- They sleep all night in nests in the trees.
29- Why do orangutans sometimes hold leaves over their heads?
- To protect themselves from rain.
30- Do you think 'the wild man of the forest' is a good name for orangutan? Why?/ Why not?
- No, it’s a bad name, because they are quiet animals.
- Yes, because it behaves like human in many actions.
31- Why do you think orangutans spend most of their lives high up in trees?
- They sleep all night in nests which they make from branches and feed on fruits.
32- Why do you think orangutans rest during the middle of the day?
- Because they get tired as they are lazy.
- Because they rest before eating in the evening.
33- What do orangutans feed on in the morning?
- They feed on fruits and insects.
34- Do you think orangutans are dangerous animals? Why or why not?
- Yes, because they are big animals.
- No, because they don't eat humans.
35- Describe a wild animal you like.
- I like the lion. It is a very large cat covered in white, yellow or orange fur. It is 140-250 cm long. It is 120-250 kg in weight. It can run at 80 km an hour. It is a very proud animal.
36- How do you think humans have adapted to the increasingly hot climate?
- By inventing air conditioning, freezers, refrigerators, etc.
Choose the correct answer:
1- In the morning, orangutans (eat-feed-drink-stay) on fruits and insects,
2- Most animals have a backbone but (humans-insects-elephants-rabbits) do not.
3- Polar bears catch (fish-water-dish-animals) through holes in the ice.
4- (Elephants-Lions-Insects-Ducks) are very large animals which belong to the cat family.
5- A fish's tail and (fans-fats-furs-fins) help it to swim.
6- When it rains, orangutans protect themselves by (holding-catching-carrying-eating) leaves over their heads.
7- Dogs, cats and rabbits are covered (by-at-of-in) fur.
8- Birds are covered in (features-feathers-scales-furs).
9- A (glacier-mountain-sea-river) is a large mass of ice.
10- Wildlife means animals and plants that live in (artificial-official-natural-professional) conditions.
11- All environments are home (to-of-at-by) many types of wildlife.
12- Fish are covered in (scales-fins-feathers-hair).
13- A duck (most-more-mostly-less) lives on the water.
14- A (sharp-shark-shriek-shrink) eats animals, fish and people, It can swim.
15- I'm not sure (whether-weather-whatever-unless) this animal can move fast.
16- Many animals have (ended-started-adapted-gone) to life in extreme heat and cold.
17- We do not often see sand cats because they sleep (trees-tunnels-underground-forests).
18- There are (boiling-burning-boil-burn) deserts and there are the high mountains.
19- The high mountains of Sinai are sometimes covered (with-of-from-at) snow.
20- The North Pole has enormous glaciers and (freezing-hot-warm-cold) water.
21- The rainforests of South America and Asia have their (heavy-light-black-rare) rain.
22- One of the animals best adapted to heat is Egypt's (sand-sandy-desert-mountain) cat.
23- Sand cat is designed (by-with-for-to) desert life.
24- Polar bears live (in-on-under-off) the ice around the North Pole.
25- Sand cats come out to (fish-catch-hunt-shoot) at night, like many other desert animals.
26- Sand cats get all the moisture they need from their (prey-pray-victim-pair).
27- Polar bears are between 2.5 and 4.5 metres long and more than 450 kg in (weigh-weight-weightless-height).
28- The white fur and thick skin protect polar bears (from-of-by-for) the extreme cold.
29- Polar bears live on fish, which they catch through (balls-calls-halls-holes) in the ice.
30- Polar bears have an incredible sense of (smell-humour-touch-small) and can smell their prey as far as 16 kilometres away.
31- Polar bears can run faster than 50 kilometres (a-the-some-an) hour
32- The rainforests of Borneo, are the (flat-house-building-home) of the orangutans.
33- Orangutans sleep all night in (nests-houses-homes-buildings) which they make from branches.
34- In the morning, orangutans (feed-eat-stay-leave) on fruits and insects.
35- A (pray-prey-pry-victim) is an animal that is hunted and eaten by another animal.
36- Many types of (wildlife-midwife-housewife-mild life) live in the rainforests.
37- Sand cats have thick (fur-skin-skill-scale) on their feet to protect them from the hot sand.
38- Polar bears live (at-by-with-on) fish, which they catch through holes in the ice.
39- Polar bears live (off-away-in-by) seals and fish.
40- Many animals have adapted (for-to-from-on) life in extreme heat and cold.
Language Focus
Yes, No question
أسئلة الإجابة عليها بنعم أو لا
و هى الأسئلة التى لا يحتوى على أداة استفهام بل يبدأ بفعل مساعد أو فعل ناقص و يكون معناه "هل" و تكون الإجابة عليه بـ "Yes" أو "No"
أ- إذا كانت الجملة تحتوى على فعل مساعد مثل verb to be / verb to have أو فعل ناقص مثل will / would / shall / should/ can / could / may / might/ must نضع الفعل المساعد أو الناقص فى بداية السؤال.
1- Yes, he is a student. (Is…..)
Is he a student?
2- No, he hasn’t got any brothers. (Has……….)
Has he got any brothers?
3- Yes, I can swim. (Can….)
Can you swim?
ب- إذا كان فعل الجملة أساسى نستخدم does إذا كان الفعل مضارع و ينتهى بـحرف s و نستخدم do إذا كان الفعل مضارع و لا ينتهى بـحرف s و نستخدم did إذا كان الفعل ماضى ثم نأتى بمصدر الفعل.
1- Yes, Ali speaks English. (Does…..)
Does Ali speak English?
2- No, I don’t have a car. (Do…..)
Do you have a car?
3- Yes, I bought a new shirt yesterday. (Did…..)
Did you buy a new shirt yesterday?
4- No, I didn't watch the match.. (Did…..)
Did you watch the match?
Questions and short answers
أسئلة و إجابات مختصرة
Question Short answer
Are you Egyptian? Yes, I am. No, I'm not.
Is he Spanish? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
Have you read this book? Yes, I have. No, I haven't.
Has he read the magazine? Yes, he has. No, he hasn't.
Do you live in Cairo? Yes, I do. No, I don't.
Does he work at the university? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Can you come to my party? Yes, I can. No, I can't.
Can he swim? Yes, he can. No, he can't.
Common errors أخطاء شائعة
Correct Wrong Notes
Are you Egyptian?
Yes, I am.
Yes, I'm. إستخدم الفعل بصيغته الكاملة فى الإثبات و لا تختصر .
Do you have a car? = Have you got a car?
Does he have a car? = Has he got a car?
Can you play music? = Are you able to play music?
Can she play tennis? = Is she able to play tennis?
What's your father's job? = What does your father do?
Do you come from England? = Are you English?
Where are you from? = Where do you come from?
Correct the mistakes:
Do elephants have thick skin? Yes, they have. ………………………….
Do fish lay eggs? Yes, they don't. ………………………….
Has a crocodile got sharp teeth? No, it has. ………………………….
Did the cat climb the tree? No, it doesn't. ………………………….
Do rabbits have fur? Yes, they did. ………………………….
Was the duck flying? No, it was. ………………………….
Can lions run fast? Yes, it can. ………………………….
Compound Nouns
الأسماء المركبة
الأسماء المركبة عبارة عن أسماء ترتبط مع بعضها لتكون كلمة واحدة وتكتب هذه الأسماء بطرق مختلفة.
1- One word: كلمة واحدة
wildlife الحياة البرية rainforest غابة ممطرة
motorway طريق سريع teapot براد شاى
2- Two words:كلمتان
sand cat قط الصحراء killer whale حوت قاتل
bus driver سائق أتوبيس motor racing سباق سيارات
bus stop محطة أتوبيس mobile phone تليفون محمول
3- Two words joined by hyphens: كلمتان بينهما شرطة
horse-riding ركوب الخيل horse-racing سباق الخيل
roller-blading رياضة التزلق motor-racing سباق سيارات
A) Language Functions
1- Finish the following dialogue:
(A telephone call between Mark and his friend John)
Mark: Hello. I am phoning to invite you to a small party tonight.
John: …………………………………………………………………………………?
Mark: Because we have just moved into a new house.
John: Really! That’s great news.
Mark: ……………………………………………………………………….……….?
John: I’d love to. When will you have the party ?
Mark: ……………………………………………………………………………………..
John: ……………………………………………………………………………….. ?
Mark: Yes, all our friends will come.
2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You invite your friend to your birthday.
2- You accept your friend's invitation to his party.
3- You offer your friend some flowers.
4- Your friend suggests going to Alexandria but you are busy.
B) Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Fish are covered in ……………………. .
a) fins b) scales c) feathers d) hair
2- Many animals have …………………… to life in extreme environments.
a) ended b) started c) adapted d) gone
3- The rainforests of Borneo, …………… it is very hot, are the home of orangutan.
a) where b) when c) who d) which
4- Birds are covered in ………………… which keep them warm and protect them.
a) scales b) fins c) feathers d) fur
5- Sand cats, elephants and lions are all ………………….. animals .
a) wild b) huge c) extreme d) dry
6- Birds live in …………………… .
a) houses b) holes c) branches d) nests
7- The Sand cat has thick fur on its feet to …………….. it from the heat.
a) protect b) defend c) prevent d) predict
8- Mobiles are ………………… for modern life.
a) done b) made c) designed d) worked
9- Do you play music? – No, I …………………..
a) don't b) doesn't c) didn't d) hadn't
10- Can you drive a car? – Yes, I …………………….. .
a) do b) have c) will d) can
4- Correct the underlined mistakes in the following paragraph :
Lions are very large animals which belong to the cat family. They are covered in thick fat which may be white, yellow or orange in colour. Lions can be between 1.4 and 2.5 metres tall and 120-250 kilograms in weight. Today lions lives in only two parts of the world. Lions are my favourite wild animal because they are pride animals which look after their families.
1-................. 2-..................... 3-................... 4-......................
5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
Orangutans live in the rainforests of Borneo. Although their (1) ………… means 'wild man of the forest', they are quiet, rather lazy (2)…………….. . They spend most of their (3)……………….. high up in trees. They sleep all night in nests which they make from (4)…………….. of trees. In the morning, they feed on fruits and insects, but then they rest before (5)……………… again in the evening. Strangely, they do not like (6)………………., so when it rains they protect themselves by holding leaves over their heads.
C) Read Comprehension and Set Books
6- Read the following passage , then answer the questions:
Animals that live in the wild are capable of adapting themselves to the conditions around them, to life in the extremes of cold and heat, wet or dry climate. However, man has always proved throughout all times to be the greatest authority that has power over them. In ancient times, man used to hunt animals to get their meat and skins. In the middle ages man used to hunt animals for sport. Kings used to keep animals in their palaces as companions treated with care and affection.
King Henry the eighth kept a large bear in his palace. People who happened to walk along the river Thames during his reign might have seen a large white bear walking down the bank of the river accompanied by a man holding it with a large leather strap. King Henry was not the first one to keep large “pets”. Both the Ancient Egyptians and the Chinese collected animals for pleasure. Birds and snakes were also popular in Rome. When the Emperor. Augustus defeated his enemies, he was presented a parrot that could utter Hail Caesar! Victorious leader
Not only did people at the time keep pets, but they were happy to see these animals doing strange tricks which entertained “them”. Napoleon's wife was said to have an orangutan that sat at her table wearing a coat.
Nowadays, many people who care much for social position and for being respected by others usually keep a dog, a cat, a tortoise or canaries at their homes .
A) Answer the following questions :
1- How were animals made use of in the middle ages?
2- What was the relation between man and animals in all ages all times?
3- How did king Henry treat his bear?
4- Why do people keep animals nowadays?
B) Choose the correct answer :
5- When Emperor Augustus won a battle, he was presented a parrot to .....
a) defeat him. b) be trained. c) greet him. d) entertain him.
6- The underlined word “pets” means ...... .
a) wild animals. b) bears. c) tame animals. d) huge animals.
7- The underlined word “them" refers to ...... .
a) pets b) tricks c) animals d) people at the time
7- Answer Only Four (4) of the following questions:
1- How are the mountains of Sinai different from the Egyptian deserts?
2- Why don't sand cats need to find water?
3- What kind of environment do lions live in?
4- How do polar bears catch their prey?
5- What kind of environment do lions live in?
6- What kind of environment do crocodiles live in?
D) The Novel
8- A) Answer the following questions:
1- When the storyteller asks Mr Ormond Wall for his card, Mr Wall doesn't ask him why he wants it. What does the storyteller say about this?
2- Why did the storyteller go to football matches and railway stations?
3- What was the face on the wall made of?
4- What is the nationality of Mr Ormond?
B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"Excuse me. I said uncertainly, but do you mind giving me your card?"
1- Who said this to whom?
2- What did he read on the card?
3- What happened to the speaker when he read the card?
E) Writing
9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
"A wild animal you like"
F) Translation
10- A) Translate into Arabic:
1- Many animals have adapted to life in extreme heat and cold.
2- Some animals are very rare nowadays, so we must look after their habitat or they will soon die out .
B) Translate into English:
هناك بعض الطيور لا تستطيع الطيران لأنها ليست لديها أجنحة.
ابو عبيدةالسبت 07 فبراير 2015, 11:19 pm