Oliver Twist: Chapter 2
careful حريص Stop! Thief امسك حرامي
hide يختبئ run away يهرب
relaxed مستريح crowd حشد / جمهور
surely بالتأكيد hurt يصيب
follow يتبع roughly بقسوة
sign علامة / لافتة police station قسم الشرطة
opportunities فرص lock يحبس
for nothing مجانا police officer ضابط شرطة
cheerfully بابتهاج magistrate قاضى المحكمة
expect يتوقع puzzled مندهش / متحير
poorer أكثر فقرا fainted مغمى عليه
dirtier أكثر قذارة owner صاحب / مالك
ugly قبيح waste time يضيع الوقت
pan وعاء / إناء coach عربة تجرها الخيول
fall asleep يغلبه النوم lady سيدة
wake up يستيقظ lie down يستلقى
wooden box صندوق خشبى there's a dear تعبير (قديم) يعني: من فضلك
jewellery مجوهرات several عدد
awake مستيقظ painting لوحة / صورة
nervously بعصبية amazed مندهش
knife سكين almost تقريبا
gentleman رجل نبيل throw يرمى
miser بخيل voice صوت
funny مضحك shoulders أكتاف
silk حرير innocent برئ
handkerchiefs مناديل innocence براءة
take off the marks يزيل العلامات guilty مذنب
pretend يتظاهر kindness عطف
shop windows فاترينات المحلات bookshop مكتبة لبيع الكتب
close to قريب من catch / caught يقبض على
realise يدرك kind-hearted طيب القلب
wallet محفظة crime جريمة
question يشك فى commit a crime يرتكب جريمة
practise يمارس get involved in يتورط فى
thieves لصوص dodger شخص مراوغ
Heading for London: التوجه إلى لندن
• Oliver was careful حريص to hide يختبئ when he saw people in the street, thinking they would want to take him back to Mr Sowerberry, but he relaxed استراح after a few hours.
• Oliver saw a sign لافتة which said "London, 70 miles." He decided that London would be a good place for him to go. Mr Bumble would not be able to find him in that great city he had heard of where there would be so many opportunities فرص for him. He followed تتبع the signs to London for seven days, sleeping in fields and eating very little.
• Although a few عدد قليل kind عطوف people gave him food, he felt hungry جوعان and weak ضعيف. Finally, he sat down to rest in the street of a small village.
Meeting Jack Dawkins: مقابلة جاك دوكنز
• Jack Dawkins, a poor boy of about his age who was wearing a man's coat معطف and a tall hat, came and sat next to بجوار him. He noticed لاحظ that Oliver looked hungry and asked where he was going. Oliver said he was going to London.
• Jack Dawkins asked Oliver if he had got a room there. Oliver said that he had almost تقريبا nothing.
• Jack Dawkins said that he knew a man who would give him work and a room for nothing.
Jack's kindness to Gulliver: عطف جاك على أوليفر
• Jack Dawkins, although his friends called him the Artful Dodger, seemed كان يبدو to be kind. He bought Oliver a meal and then said he could show him the way to London, but only when it was dark.
Reaching London: الوصول إلى لندن
• London was not what Oliver had expected يتوقع. Jack took him through عبر streets that were poorer أكثر فقرا and dirtier أكثر فقرا than he had ever seen. Then they arrived in front of أمام an old house, and when Jack called out, a door opened and they went inside.
• Jack led him to a large and dark back room with a fire in one comer.
Meeting Fagin: مقابلة فاجن
• Fagin, an ugly دميم old man with red hair, was cooking something in a big pan وعاء. Four or five boys sat on old beds around حول the fire.
• Jack introduced قدم Oliver to Fagin. The boys stood up and began to take Oliver's few things from him.
• Fagin asked Oliver to sit down and have some food. Oliver sat by the fire and ate. Then he fell asleep غلبه النوم.
What a miser!: ياله من رجل بخيل!
• When Oliver woke up استيقظ, he saw Fagin sitting at a table taking some things out of a wooden box صندوق خشبى. He looked carefully at a gold watch and some expensive jewellery مجوهرات before putting them back in the box.
• When Fagin saw that Oliver was awake مستيقظ, he jumped up and quickly closed the wooden box. He took a knife سكين in one hand and asked Oliver if he had seen something. Oliver said he had seen nothing. Fagin put the knife down.
• Oliver relaxed and looked around the room. He thought the old gentleman رجل نبيل must be a miser رجل بخيل to live in such an old place, with so much jewellery and so many watches. He thought that perhaps Fagin used all his money to look after the boys.
Notebooks and silk handkerchiefs: كراسات و مناديل حرير
• Jack Dawkins arrived with Charley Bates. He showed Fagin some notebooks and some silk handkerchiefs.
• Oliver said that they were very well made جيدة الصنع. Fagin and the boys found that very funny مضحك, although Oliver did not know why.
• Fagin said that the handkerchiefs were good but they had marks علامات on them. He also said that they could show Oliver how to take off يزيل the marks.
A little game: لعبة صغيرة
• Fagin suggested having breakfast first before showing Oliver their little game.
• When they had eaten, Fagin put a watch in one of his pockets جيوب, a notebook in another pocket and a wallet محفظة in another. Then he walked around the room, pretending يتظاهر to be looking in shop windows فاترينات المحل. Oliver thought that this game was very funny مضحك.
• Jack and Charley then walked very close to قريب من Fagin and without Oliver realising يدرك it, they suddenly had the watch, the notebook and the wallet in their hands.
• It was Oliver's turn دور. Oliver walked behind Fagin and took a handkerchief from his pocket. Fagin felt nothing. He praised مدح Oliver saying he was a clever boy and he would be as successful as the Artful Dodger.
• Oliver did not understand how taking handkerchiefs مناديل could make him successful, but because the old man was kind عطوف and gave him food, he did not question يشك فى his advice.
A gang of thieves: عصابة لصوص
• After a few days of practicing يمارس the game, Oliver found himself in a strange London street with his two new friends, Charley and the Artful Dodger. The Artful Dodger pointed to شاور على a gentleman رجل نبيل who was reading a book outside a bookshop.
• Oliver watched as the two boys walked quietly بهدوء behind خلف the gentleman and carefully took a handkerchief from his pocket. Oliver suddenly understood why Fagin had so many watches and silk حرير handkerchiefs and such a lot of jewellery. The boys were thieves! لصوص
Stop thief! امسك حرامى
• The gentleman turned round استدار and called out, "Stop! Thief!" Oliver started to run away يهرب, but everyone in the street was pointing at يشاور على him and calling, "Stop him! He's a thief!" Suddenly Oliver fell over وقع and a crowd حشد of people stood all around him. He saw the gentleman looking down at him.
Taking Oliver to the police station: اصطحاب أوليفر إلى قسم الشرطة
• A policeman arrived and led Oliver roughly بقسوة down the street. The crowd of people and the gentleman followed them. Oliver was locked حبس in a room.
• The gentleman said that it wasn't Oliver who robbed him. A police officer said that a magistrate القاضى would see Oliver soon and decide.
• The gentleman, who was called يسمى Mr Brownlow, was puzzled احتار. He wondered تساءل where he had seen the boy before.
• When the magistrate heard what had happened, he decided that Oliver should go to prison. On hearing the news, Oliver felt ill and fainted أغمى عليه.
Oliver's innocence: براءة أوليفر
• The owner صاحب of the bookshop suddenly appeared ظهر and said that Oliver wasn't the thief but two other boys. Oliver was with them, but he didn't take anything. He saw the other boys running away. Oliver was set free أطلق سراحه and left the police station.
Mr Brownlow, a kind-hearted man: السيد بروانلو ، رجل طيب القلب
• As he left the building, Mr Brownlow saw Oliver lying down on the street outside. He pitied him أشفق عليه and took him in a coach عربة يجرها خيول to his house.
• Oliver was very ill. He slept for many days in a warm, comfortable bed in Mr Brownlow's large house in a good part of London.
Mrs Bedwin: السيدة بدون
• Mrs Bedwin, an old lady who looked after اعتنت بـ the house, advised Oliver to be quiet, or he'd be ill again. She asked him to lie down ينام.
• Oliver stayed in bed. It was several days عدة أيام before he was well enough to go downstairs الطابق السفلى. He walked slowly into a beautiful room and saw Mr Brownlow smiling at him.
Oliver's amazement: دهشة أوليفر
• Mr Brownlow looked puzzled مندهشا. He pointed to a painting صورة of a pretty woman امرأة جميلة on the wall above Oliver's head. Oliver was amazed. He could see that the eyes, the head and the mouth were almost تقريبا the same as his own.
Fagin's anger: غضب فاجن
• After Oliver was taken by the policeman, Charley and the Artful Dodger ran quickly back to the old house.
• Fagin was so angry to hear what had happened to Oliver that he threw رمى a cup of coffee at Charley. Bill Sikes asked Fagin to stop wasting يبدد good coffee. Fagin looked round and saw an angry looking man with big, strong shoulders أكتاف.
• Fagin explained شرح to Bill Sikes what had happened to Oliver. He also said that Oliver would probably tell the police where they were and what they did.
Sending Nancy to the police station: إرسال نانسى إلى قسم الشرطه
• As the police didn't know Nancy, Mr Sikes suggested sending her to the police station to find out what had happened.
• Nancy was a young woman who worked for Mr Sikes. She put on her best clothes and went to the police station, where she was told that Oliver had gone.
• Nancy told Fagin that Oliver went somewhere in a coach with a gentleman called Mr Brownlow. On hearing the news, Fagin cried out صاح and said they had to find Oliver before telling anyone about them. He gave Nancy and the Artful Dodger some money and asked them to go and find Oliver.
Questions & answers
1- Why was Oliver careful to hide after running away from Mr Sowerberry's?
- He thought that people would want to take him back to Mr Sowerberry.
2- Why did Oliver decide to go to London?
- Because Mr Bumble would not be able to find him there and there would be so many opportunities فرص for him.
3- How did Oliver go to London?
- He went to London on foot. He followed the signs علامات to London for seven days, sleeping in fields and eating very little.
4- How long did it take Oliver to go to London?
- It took him seven says to go there.
5- How did Oliver feel during his journey to London?
- He felt hungry جوعان and weak ضعيف although a few kind people gave him food.
6- Who helped Oliver to go to London? What was he like?
- Jack Dawkins, the Artful Dodger, helped Oliver to go to London. He was a boy of about Oliver's age عمر. He was wearing يرتدى a man's coat and a tall hat.
7- How did Jack Dawkins seem يبدو to be kind عطوف to Oliver when they first met?
- He bought Oliver a meal and said he could show him the way الطريق to London.
8- Why did Oliver think he should run away يهرب again when Jack took him through the streets of London?
- Because London was not as he expected يتوقع. The streets were poorer أكثر فقرا and dirtier أكثر قذارة than he had ever seen.
9- Who was Fagin? What was he like?
- He was the leader زعيم of a group of thieves مجموعة لصوص who got young boys to steal يسرق for him. He was an ugly قبيح old man with red hair.
10- What did the boys do when Jack introduced قدم Oliver to Fagin?
- They stood up وقفوا and began to take Oliver's few things from him.
11- What did Oliver see Fagin doing when he woke up استيقظ?
- Oliver saw Fagin taking some things out of a wooden box صندوق خشبى and looking carefully بعناية at a gold watch and some expensive jewellery مجوهرات before putting them back in the box.
12- What did Fagin do when he saw that Oliver was awake مستيقظ? Why?
- He jumped up and quickly closed the wooden box. He threatened هدد Oliver with a knife سكين to make sure يتأكد that Oliver didn't see his gold watches and expensive jewellery.
13- Why did Oliver think that Fagin was a miser بخيل?
- Because he had so much jewellery and so many watches, however مع ذلك he lived in such an old place.
14- Why did Fagin live in such an old dirty house if he had a box of gold watches and jewellery?
- He was a miser بخيل; he didn't like to spend money.
15- What did Oliver think about the way طريقة Fagin used all his money?
- He thought that perhaps Fagin used all his money to look after the boys.
16- Oliver agreed that the notebooks كراسات were well made. Why did Fagin and the boys find this very funny مضحك?
- Because Oliver was an innocent برئ child, he didn't know that the things were stolen.
17- What do Fagin and the boys do for a living لكسب الرزق?
- They steal things.
18- What would Fagin teach Oliver to do with the stolen المسروقة handkerchiefs?
- He would show him how to take off يزيل the marks العلامات on them.
19- What was the game that Fagin played with the boys?
- It was how to steal يسرق watches, notebooks كراسات and handkerchiefs مناديل from people. Oliver thought that the game was very funny.
20- Why did Fagin walk around the room pretending يتظاهر to be looking in shop windows?
- He was showing Oliver how to steal things from people.
21- Why did Fagin praise امتدح Oliver?
- Because he could take a handkerchief منديل from Fagin's pocket جيب without feeling anything.
22- Why did Oliver not question لم يشك في Fagin's advice?
- Because Fagin was kind عطوف to him and gave him food.
23- When did Oliver understand why Fagin had so many watches and silk handkerchiefs and such a lot of jewellery?
- When he saw the Artful Dodger and Charley steal a handkerchief from Mr Brownlow, he realised أدرك that the boys were thieves.
24- How did Oliver get involved تورط in a crime جريمة he didn't commitيرتكب?
- He just watched the Artful Dodger and Charley steal a handkerchief from the gentleman who called out صاح, "Stop! Thief!" When Oliver started to run away يهرب, he was caught by people.
25- Why was Mr Brownlow puzzled مندهشا when he first saw Oliver?
- He thought he had seen the boy before, but he didn't know where.
26- What happened to Oliver when the magistrate القاضى decided that Oliver should go to prison?
- He felt ill سقط مريضا and fainted أغمى عليه.
27- Why didn't the magistrate القاضى send Oliver to prison?
- Because Mr Brownlow said that it wasn't Oliver who robbed him قام بسرقته and the owner صاحب of the bookshop said that Oliver wasn't the thief but two other boys.
28- Why did Mr Brownlow take Oliver home?
- He was kind-hearted طيب القلب.
29- Show that Mr Brownlow was a kind-hearted طيب القلب gentleman.
- He tried to prove يثبت Oliver's innocence براءة in the police station. When he saw Oliver lying down مستلقيا on the street, he took him to his house to look after him.
30- How was Oliver when he went to Mr Brownlow's house for the first time?
- He was very ill مريض. He slept for many days.
31- Who was Mrs Bedwin?
- She was an old lady who looked after تعتنى بـ Mr Brownlow's house.
32- Why did Mr Brownlow look puzzled مندهش when he looked at Oliver and the painting صورة?
- Because he could see that the eyes, the head and the mouth of the pretty جميلة woman were almost تقريبا the same as Oliver's.
33- Why was Oliver amazed مندهش to see the painting of the pretty woman?
- Because he could see that the eyes, the head and the mouth were almost the same as his own.
34- When the policeman took Oliver, What did Charley and the Artful do?
- They ran quickly back to the old house.
35- Why was Fagin so angry to hear that Oliver was caught by the police?
- He was afraid that Oliver would tell the police about the group of thieves.
36- Who was Bill Sikes?
- He was a thief and a friend of Fagin's. He was an angry looking man with big, strong shoulders أكتاف.
37- Who was Nancy?
- She was a young woman who worked for Mr Sikes.
38- Why did Mr Sikes suggest sending Nancy to the police station?
- Because the police didn't know her. She could go and find out what had happened to Oliver.
39- Why did Fagin give some money to Nancy and the Artful Dodger?
- To look for Oliver and not to stop until they found him.
40- How did Fagin find out يعرف where Oliver was?
- He sent Nancy to the police station, where she was told that Oliver had gone.
41- Why did Fagin want to find Oliver?
- Because he was afraid that Oliver would tell Mr Brownlow about them and Mr Brownlow would send the police after them.
1- "You look hungry. Where are you going?"
1- Who said this to whom?
- Jack, the Artful Dodger, said this to Oliver.
2- Where was the addressed person الشخص المخاطب going?
- He was going to London.
3- What did the speaker المتحدث do when he knew that the other person was hungry جوعان?
- He bought him a meal وجبة.
2- ''I'm going to London."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Oliver said this to Jack, the Artful Dodger.
2- Why did the speaker decide يقرر to go to London?
- Because Mr Bumble would not be able to قادر على find him there and there would be so many opportunities فرص for him.
3- How did the addressed person help the speaker to go to London?
- He showed him the way الطريق to London.
3- "Have you got a room there? Or any money?"
1- Who said this to whom?
- Jack, the Artful Dodger, said this to Oliver.
2- What was the addressed person's answer?
- He said that he had almost تقريبا nothing.
3- How did the speaker help the other person?
- He said he knew a man who would give him work and a room for nothing مجانا.
4- "Well, I know a man who will give you work and a room for nothing."
1- Who said this?
- Jack Dawkins said this.
2- To who was it said?
- It was said to Oliver.
3- What kind of work will Oliver do for this man?
- He will steal يسرق things — notebooks and silk handkerchiefs مناديل حرير.
5- "What did you see?" he shouted صاح, taking a knife سكين in one hand.
1- Who said this o whom?
- Fagin said this to Oliver.
2- What was the other person's answer?
- He said that he saw nothing.
3- What did that person really فعلا see?
- He saw Fagin taking gold watches and expensive jewellery مجوهرات out of a wooden box صندوق خشبى and putting them back again.
6- "I hope you've been at work this morning, boys."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Fagin said this to Charley Bates and Jack Dawkins.
2- What kind of work were they doing?
- They were stealing يسرق things — notebooks and silk handkerchiefs.
3- What did Oliver think they had done?
- He thought they had made the things.
7- "They're well made, aren't they?”
1- Who said this to whom?
- Fagin said this to Oliver.
2- What were they talking about?
- They were talking about some notebooks.
3- Who brought those things? How did he / she get them?
- Jack brought them. He stole سرق them from people.
8- "They're good ones. But they have marks on them."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Fagin said this to Jack, Charley and Oliver.
2- What was the speaker talking about?
- He was talking about some silk handkerchiefs.
3- What did the speaker suggest يقترح concerning بشأن taking off ازالة the marks العلامات?
- He suggested showing Oliver how to take off the marks.
9- "The boy is so very young."
1- Who said this?
- Charley said this.
2- Which boy was he talking about?
- He was talking about Oliver Twist.
3- Why did the speaker say so?
- Because of Oliver's innocent remarks ملاحظاته البريئة on the stolen things.
10- "Let's have breakfast, then we'll show Oliver our little game."
1- Who said this o whom?
- Fagin said this to Jack, Charley and Oliver.
2- What did he mean يعنى by "our little game"?
- He meant stealing سرقة things from people's pockets.
3- What did Oliver think at first of this game?
- He thought that this game was very funny مضحكة.
11- "Very good. Now you try, Oliver."
1- Who said this?
- Fagin said this.
2- Whom did the speaker praise امتدح by saying "very good"?
- He praised Jack and Charley.
3- What did the speaker want Oliver to try?
- He wanted him to try to take a handkerchief منديل from his pocket جيب.
12- "Has it gone? Well done, I felt nothing. You're a clever boy. You'll be as successful as the Artful Dodger."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Fagin said this to Oliver.
2- What does the pronoun "it" refer to يشير إلى?
- It refers to the handkerchief that was in Fagin's pocket.
3- What did the addressed person fail to understand when he heard this?
- He failed to understand how taking handkerchiefs could make you successful.
13- "Look! He'll do."
1- Who said this? To whom?
- Jack, the Artful Dodger said this to Charley.
2- Who were they talking about?
- Mr Brownlow.
3- What did the speaker mean by "he'll do"?
- He meant that the victim الضحية was a gentleman and that they could steal something from him.
14- "Stop him! He's a thief!"
1- Who said this? About whom was it said?
- People in the street. It was said about Oliver.
2- Was that person really a thief? Why / Why not?
- No, he wasn't. He didn't steal anything.
3- Why was that person accused اتهم of being a thief?
- He was with Jack and Charley when they stole a handkerchief from Mr Brownlow who called out, "Stop! Thief!" When Oliver started to run away, people caught him.
15- "It wasn't me!"
1- Who said this to whom?
- Oliver said this to the policeman.
2- What did the speaker deny أنكر?
- He denied stealing anything from the gentleman.
3- Was the speaker innocent برئ or guilty مذنب?
- He was innocent.
16- "Don't worry, sir. A magistrate قاضى will see him soon. He'll decide."
1- Who said this to whom?
- A police officer said this to Mr Brownlow.
2- Who would the magistrate see?
- Oliver Twist.
3- What would he decide about him??
- He would decide if Oliver was the thief or not.
17- "It wasn't that boy! It was two other boys. He was with them, but he didn't take anything. "
1- Who said this?
- The bookshop owner said this.
2- Who is "that boy" and "two other boys"?
- “That boy” is Oliver. “Two other boys” are Charley Bates and Jack Dawkins / the Artful Dodger.
3- What happened as a result of these words?
- The magistrate set Oliver free.
18- "Why didn't you tell me this before?"
1- Who said this to whom?
- The magistrate said this to the owner of the bookshop.
2- What did the speaker mean by "this"?
- He meant that Oliver was not the thief but two other boys.
3- What did the speaker decide to do?
- He decided to set Oliver free.
19- "Poor boy. Somebody call a coach. He must come home with me."
1- Who said these words?
- Mr Brownlow.
2- Why did the speaker want to take Oliver to his house?
- Because he was lying down on the street outside the police station. He wanted to look after him.
3- What does this show يبينabout the speaker's character شخصيته?
- This shows that Mr Brownlow was a kind-hearted person.
20- "Lie down, there's a dear."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Mrs Bedwin said this to Oliver.
2- What was the speaker's job?
- She looked after Mr Brownlow's house.
3- Why did the speaker ask the other person to lie down?
- Because he was very ill.
21- "But what is this? Look there."
1- Who said this?
- Mr Brownlow said this.
2- Where was the speaker?
- He was in a room in his house.
3- What was the speaker looking at?
- He was looking at a painting صورة of a young woman who looked like Oliver.
22- "Stop wasting يبدد good coffee."
1- Who said this?
- Bill Sikes said this to Fagin.
2- To whom was this said?
- This was said to Fagin.
3- Why did the speaker say so?
- Because Fagin threw a cup of coffee at Charley.
23- "Sorry, Bill, but we have a problem."
1- Who said these words?
- Fagin said these words.
2- Why did the speaker apologize يعتذر?
- He apologized because he threw ألقى a cup of coffee at Charley.
3- What problem did they have?
- Oliver was arrested قبض عليه and he could tell the police about them.
24- "We need يحتاج to speak to him quickly."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Mr Sikes said this to Fagin.
2- Who did they need to speak to?
- They needed to speak to Oliver.
3- Why did they need to speak to him quickly?
- They needed to speak to him quickly before he told the police about them.
25- "The police don't know Nancy, so she can go and find out يعرف what's happened."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Mr Sikes said this to Fagin.
2- Who was Nancy?
- She was a young woman who worked for Mr Sikes.
3- What did Nancy find out?
- She found out عرفت that Oliver went somewhere in a coach with a gentleman called Mr Brownlow.
26- "A police officer told me that he went somewhere in a coach عربة with a gentleman called Mr Brownlow."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Nancy said this to Fagin.
2- Who were they talking about?
- They were talking about Oliver.
3- Why did they want to find that person?
- Because they were afraid he would tell the police about them.
27- "Don't stop until you find him, not even for a minute."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Fagin said this to Nancy and the Artful Dodger.
2- Who did they want to find?
- They wanted to find Oliver.
3- Why did they want to find that person?
- Because they were afraid he would tell the police about them.
Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it
1- Oliver walked 80 miles to London.
Oliver walked 70 miles to London.
2- Olive followed تتبع the signs to London for six days.
Olive followed تتبع the signs to London for seven days.
3- Although a few kind people gave him food, Oliver felt angry and weak.
Although a few kind people gave him food, Oliver felt hungry and weak.
4- Jack Dawkins's friends call him 'The Skillful Dodger'.
Jack Dawkins's friends call him 'The Artful Dodger'.
5- Oliver told Jack Dawkins he was going to Paris.
Oliver told Jack Dawkins he was going to London.
6- Oliver said he knew a man who would give him work and a room for nothing.
Jack Dawkins said he knew a man who would give him work and a room for nothing.
7- Mr Brownlow showed Oliver the way to London when it was dark.
Jack Dawkins showed Oliver the way to London when it was dark.
8- They entered London in the morning.
They entered London after dark.
9- London was as beautiful as Oliver had expected.
London was poorer and dirtier than Oliver had ever seen.
10- Bill Sikes was an ugly old man with red hair.
Fagin was an ugly old man with red hair.
11- Oliver thought Fagin must be a miser to live in such an old place, with so much jewellery and so many watches.
Oliver thought Fagin must be a miser to live in such an old place, with so much jewellery and so many watches.
12- Fagin was happy that Oliver had seen his watches and jewellery.
Fagin was angry that Oliver had seen his watches and jewellery.
13- Rose and the boys lived in a dirty old house.
Fagin and the boys lived in a dirty old house.
14- Fagin praised Oliver saying that he would be as successful as Bill Sikes.
Fagin praised Oliver saying that he would be as successful as the Artful Dodger.
15- The magistrate said that it wasn't Oliver who robbed him.
Mr Brownlow said that it wasn't Oliver who robbed him.
16- Mr Brownlow wondered تساءل where he had seen Fagin before.
Mr Brownlow wondered تساءل where he had seen Oliver before.
17- At first, the magistrate decided that Oliver should go to hospital.
At first, the magistrate decided that Oliver should go to prison.
18- The owner صاحب of the bookshop said that Oliver was guilty. مذنب
The owner صاحب of the bookshop said that Oliver was innocent. برئ
19- Mrs Nancy was an old lady who looked after اعتنت بـ Mr Brownlow's house.
Mrs Bedwin was an old lady who looked after اعتنت بـ Mr Brownlow's house.
20- Bill Sikes was sent to look for Oliver and bring him back.
Nancy and the Artful Dodger were sent to look for Oliver and bring him back.
Chapter 2 in dialogue
Jack Dawkins: You look hungry. Where are you going?
Oliver: I'm going to London.
Jack Dawkins: Have you got a room there? Or any money?
Well, I know a man who will give you work and a room for nothing.
My name's Jack Dawkins, although my friends call me the Artful Dodger.
Jack Dawkins: This is Oliver.
Fagin: I'm Fagin. Sit down and have some food.
Fagin: What did you see?
Oliver: Nothing, sir. Can I get up now?
Fagin: I hope you've been at work this morning, boys.
Jack: We've been working hard.
Fagin: Good. What have you got?
Fagin: They're well made, aren't they?
Oliver: Yes, very well made.
Fagin: They're good ones. But they have marks on them. We can show Oliver how to take off the marks.
Charley: The boy is so very young!
Fagin: Let's have breakfast, then we'll show Oliver our little game.
Fagin: Very good. Now you try, Oliver.
Fagin: Has it gone? Well done, I felt nothing. You're a clever boy. You'll be as successful as the Artful Dodger.
Artful Dodger: Look! He'll do.
The gentleman: Stop! Thief!
Everyone in the street: Stop him! He's a thief!
Someone: Is this the boy?
The gentleman: Yes, that's him. The poor boy is hurt.
Oliver: It wasn't me!
The policeman: Oh, yes it was.
The gentleman: I don't think he did.
A police officer: Don't worry, sir. A magistrate will see him soon. He'll decide.
The owner of the bookshop: It wasn't that boy! It was two other boys. He was with them, but he didn't take anything. I saw the other boys running away.
The magistrate: Why didn't you tell me this before?
Let the boy go free and stop wasting my time.
Mr Brownlow: Poor boy. Somebody call a coach. He must come home with me.
Oliver: What room is this?
Mrs Bedwin: You must be quiet, or you'll be ill again. Lie down, there's a dear!
Mr Brownlow: You look a little better. But what is this? Look there.
Mr Sikes: Stop wasting good coffee. What are you doing, Fagin?
Fagin: Sorry, Bill, but we have a problem.
Fagin: Oliver will probably tell the police where we are and what we do.
Mr Sikes: We need to speak to him quickly. The police don't know Nancy, so she can go and find out what's happened.
Nancy: A police officer told me that he went somewhere in a coach with a gentleman called Mr Brownlow.
Fagin: We must find out where he is before he tells anyone about us!
Go and find Oliver. Don't stop until you find him, not even for a minute.
Test 1
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Oliver decide to go to London?
2- Who was Jack Dawkins?
3- Show that Mr Brownlow was a kind-hearted man.
4- When the policeman took Oliver, What did Charley and the Artful do?
B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
"I hope you've been at work this morning, boys.”
1- Who said this to whom?
2- What kind of work was it?
3- What did they get that day?
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it:
1- Jack Dawkins's friends call him 'The Skillful Dodger'.
2- Oliver told Jack Dawkins he was going to Paris.
Test 2
A) Answer the following questions:
1- How long did it take Oliver to go to London?
2- Why did Fagin live in such an old dirty house if he had a box of gold watches and jewellery?
3- Who was Bill Sikes?
4- Why was Oliver amazed to see the painting of the pretty woman?
B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
"It wasn't that boy. It was two other boys."
1- Who said this to whom?
2- Who were those two boys?
3- How were these words very helpful to an innocent person?
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it:
1- London was as beautiful as Oliver had expected.
2- Mrs Nancy was an old lady who looked after Mr Brownlow's house.
Test 3
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Who was Nancy?
2- What was the game that Fagin played with the boys?
3- Why did Fagin give some money to Nancy and the Artful Dodger?
4- How did Fagin find out where Oliver was?
B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
"Don't stop until you find him, not even for a minute."
1- Who said this to whom?
2- Who did they want to find?
3- Why did they want to find that person?
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it:
1- Mr Sikes suggested sending Lucy to the police station.
2- Oliver went somewhere in a coach with a gentleman called Mr Bedwin.
Test 4
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Oliver agreed that the notebooks were well made. Why did Fagin and the boys find this very funny?
2- Why was Fagin so angry to hear that Oliver was caught by the police?
3- Who was Mrs Bedwin?
4- Who helped Oliver to go to London? What was he like?
B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
"Have you got a room there? Or any money?"
1- Who said this to whom?
2- What was the addressed person's answer?
3- How did the speaker help the other person?
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it:
1- Oliver saw Fagin looking carefully at a gold watch and some expensive rings.
2- Mr Sikes thought that perhaps Fagin used all his money to look after the boys.
careful حريص Stop! Thief امسك حرامي
hide يختبئ run away يهرب
relaxed مستريح crowd حشد / جمهور
surely بالتأكيد hurt يصيب
follow يتبع roughly بقسوة
sign علامة / لافتة police station قسم الشرطة
opportunities فرص lock يحبس
for nothing مجانا police officer ضابط شرطة
cheerfully بابتهاج magistrate قاضى المحكمة
expect يتوقع puzzled مندهش / متحير
poorer أكثر فقرا fainted مغمى عليه
dirtier أكثر قذارة owner صاحب / مالك
ugly قبيح waste time يضيع الوقت
pan وعاء / إناء coach عربة تجرها الخيول
fall asleep يغلبه النوم lady سيدة
wake up يستيقظ lie down يستلقى
wooden box صندوق خشبى there's a dear تعبير (قديم) يعني: من فضلك
jewellery مجوهرات several عدد
awake مستيقظ painting لوحة / صورة
nervously بعصبية amazed مندهش
knife سكين almost تقريبا
gentleman رجل نبيل throw يرمى
miser بخيل voice صوت
funny مضحك shoulders أكتاف
silk حرير innocent برئ
handkerchiefs مناديل innocence براءة
take off the marks يزيل العلامات guilty مذنب
pretend يتظاهر kindness عطف
shop windows فاترينات المحلات bookshop مكتبة لبيع الكتب
close to قريب من catch / caught يقبض على
realise يدرك kind-hearted طيب القلب
wallet محفظة crime جريمة
question يشك فى commit a crime يرتكب جريمة
practise يمارس get involved in يتورط فى
thieves لصوص dodger شخص مراوغ
Heading for London: التوجه إلى لندن
• Oliver was careful حريص to hide يختبئ when he saw people in the street, thinking they would want to take him back to Mr Sowerberry, but he relaxed استراح after a few hours.
• Oliver saw a sign لافتة which said "London, 70 miles." He decided that London would be a good place for him to go. Mr Bumble would not be able to find him in that great city he had heard of where there would be so many opportunities فرص for him. He followed تتبع the signs to London for seven days, sleeping in fields and eating very little.
• Although a few عدد قليل kind عطوف people gave him food, he felt hungry جوعان and weak ضعيف. Finally, he sat down to rest in the street of a small village.
Meeting Jack Dawkins: مقابلة جاك دوكنز
• Jack Dawkins, a poor boy of about his age who was wearing a man's coat معطف and a tall hat, came and sat next to بجوار him. He noticed لاحظ that Oliver looked hungry and asked where he was going. Oliver said he was going to London.
• Jack Dawkins asked Oliver if he had got a room there. Oliver said that he had almost تقريبا nothing.
• Jack Dawkins said that he knew a man who would give him work and a room for nothing.
Jack's kindness to Gulliver: عطف جاك على أوليفر
• Jack Dawkins, although his friends called him the Artful Dodger, seemed كان يبدو to be kind. He bought Oliver a meal and then said he could show him the way to London, but only when it was dark.
Reaching London: الوصول إلى لندن
• London was not what Oliver had expected يتوقع. Jack took him through عبر streets that were poorer أكثر فقرا and dirtier أكثر فقرا than he had ever seen. Then they arrived in front of أمام an old house, and when Jack called out, a door opened and they went inside.
• Jack led him to a large and dark back room with a fire in one comer.
Meeting Fagin: مقابلة فاجن
• Fagin, an ugly دميم old man with red hair, was cooking something in a big pan وعاء. Four or five boys sat on old beds around حول the fire.
• Jack introduced قدم Oliver to Fagin. The boys stood up and began to take Oliver's few things from him.
• Fagin asked Oliver to sit down and have some food. Oliver sat by the fire and ate. Then he fell asleep غلبه النوم.
What a miser!: ياله من رجل بخيل!
• When Oliver woke up استيقظ, he saw Fagin sitting at a table taking some things out of a wooden box صندوق خشبى. He looked carefully at a gold watch and some expensive jewellery مجوهرات before putting them back in the box.
• When Fagin saw that Oliver was awake مستيقظ, he jumped up and quickly closed the wooden box. He took a knife سكين in one hand and asked Oliver if he had seen something. Oliver said he had seen nothing. Fagin put the knife down.
• Oliver relaxed and looked around the room. He thought the old gentleman رجل نبيل must be a miser رجل بخيل to live in such an old place, with so much jewellery and so many watches. He thought that perhaps Fagin used all his money to look after the boys.
Notebooks and silk handkerchiefs: كراسات و مناديل حرير
• Jack Dawkins arrived with Charley Bates. He showed Fagin some notebooks and some silk handkerchiefs.
• Oliver said that they were very well made جيدة الصنع. Fagin and the boys found that very funny مضحك, although Oliver did not know why.
• Fagin said that the handkerchiefs were good but they had marks علامات on them. He also said that they could show Oliver how to take off يزيل the marks.
A little game: لعبة صغيرة
• Fagin suggested having breakfast first before showing Oliver their little game.
• When they had eaten, Fagin put a watch in one of his pockets جيوب, a notebook in another pocket and a wallet محفظة in another. Then he walked around the room, pretending يتظاهر to be looking in shop windows فاترينات المحل. Oliver thought that this game was very funny مضحك.
• Jack and Charley then walked very close to قريب من Fagin and without Oliver realising يدرك it, they suddenly had the watch, the notebook and the wallet in their hands.
• It was Oliver's turn دور. Oliver walked behind Fagin and took a handkerchief from his pocket. Fagin felt nothing. He praised مدح Oliver saying he was a clever boy and he would be as successful as the Artful Dodger.
• Oliver did not understand how taking handkerchiefs مناديل could make him successful, but because the old man was kind عطوف and gave him food, he did not question يشك فى his advice.
A gang of thieves: عصابة لصوص
• After a few days of practicing يمارس the game, Oliver found himself in a strange London street with his two new friends, Charley and the Artful Dodger. The Artful Dodger pointed to شاور على a gentleman رجل نبيل who was reading a book outside a bookshop.
• Oliver watched as the two boys walked quietly بهدوء behind خلف the gentleman and carefully took a handkerchief from his pocket. Oliver suddenly understood why Fagin had so many watches and silk حرير handkerchiefs and such a lot of jewellery. The boys were thieves! لصوص
Stop thief! امسك حرامى
• The gentleman turned round استدار and called out, "Stop! Thief!" Oliver started to run away يهرب, but everyone in the street was pointing at يشاور على him and calling, "Stop him! He's a thief!" Suddenly Oliver fell over وقع and a crowd حشد of people stood all around him. He saw the gentleman looking down at him.
Taking Oliver to the police station: اصطحاب أوليفر إلى قسم الشرطة
• A policeman arrived and led Oliver roughly بقسوة down the street. The crowd of people and the gentleman followed them. Oliver was locked حبس in a room.
• The gentleman said that it wasn't Oliver who robbed him. A police officer said that a magistrate القاضى would see Oliver soon and decide.
• The gentleman, who was called يسمى Mr Brownlow, was puzzled احتار. He wondered تساءل where he had seen the boy before.
• When the magistrate heard what had happened, he decided that Oliver should go to prison. On hearing the news, Oliver felt ill and fainted أغمى عليه.
Oliver's innocence: براءة أوليفر
• The owner صاحب of the bookshop suddenly appeared ظهر and said that Oliver wasn't the thief but two other boys. Oliver was with them, but he didn't take anything. He saw the other boys running away. Oliver was set free أطلق سراحه and left the police station.
Mr Brownlow, a kind-hearted man: السيد بروانلو ، رجل طيب القلب
• As he left the building, Mr Brownlow saw Oliver lying down on the street outside. He pitied him أشفق عليه and took him in a coach عربة يجرها خيول to his house.
• Oliver was very ill. He slept for many days in a warm, comfortable bed in Mr Brownlow's large house in a good part of London.
Mrs Bedwin: السيدة بدون
• Mrs Bedwin, an old lady who looked after اعتنت بـ the house, advised Oliver to be quiet, or he'd be ill again. She asked him to lie down ينام.
• Oliver stayed in bed. It was several days عدة أيام before he was well enough to go downstairs الطابق السفلى. He walked slowly into a beautiful room and saw Mr Brownlow smiling at him.
Oliver's amazement: دهشة أوليفر
• Mr Brownlow looked puzzled مندهشا. He pointed to a painting صورة of a pretty woman امرأة جميلة on the wall above Oliver's head. Oliver was amazed. He could see that the eyes, the head and the mouth were almost تقريبا the same as his own.
Fagin's anger: غضب فاجن
• After Oliver was taken by the policeman, Charley and the Artful Dodger ran quickly back to the old house.
• Fagin was so angry to hear what had happened to Oliver that he threw رمى a cup of coffee at Charley. Bill Sikes asked Fagin to stop wasting يبدد good coffee. Fagin looked round and saw an angry looking man with big, strong shoulders أكتاف.
• Fagin explained شرح to Bill Sikes what had happened to Oliver. He also said that Oliver would probably tell the police where they were and what they did.
Sending Nancy to the police station: إرسال نانسى إلى قسم الشرطه
• As the police didn't know Nancy, Mr Sikes suggested sending her to the police station to find out what had happened.
• Nancy was a young woman who worked for Mr Sikes. She put on her best clothes and went to the police station, where she was told that Oliver had gone.
• Nancy told Fagin that Oliver went somewhere in a coach with a gentleman called Mr Brownlow. On hearing the news, Fagin cried out صاح and said they had to find Oliver before telling anyone about them. He gave Nancy and the Artful Dodger some money and asked them to go and find Oliver.
Questions & answers
1- Why was Oliver careful to hide after running away from Mr Sowerberry's?
- He thought that people would want to take him back to Mr Sowerberry.
2- Why did Oliver decide to go to London?
- Because Mr Bumble would not be able to find him there and there would be so many opportunities فرص for him.
3- How did Oliver go to London?
- He went to London on foot. He followed the signs علامات to London for seven days, sleeping in fields and eating very little.
4- How long did it take Oliver to go to London?
- It took him seven says to go there.
5- How did Oliver feel during his journey to London?
- He felt hungry جوعان and weak ضعيف although a few kind people gave him food.
6- Who helped Oliver to go to London? What was he like?
- Jack Dawkins, the Artful Dodger, helped Oliver to go to London. He was a boy of about Oliver's age عمر. He was wearing يرتدى a man's coat and a tall hat.
7- How did Jack Dawkins seem يبدو to be kind عطوف to Oliver when they first met?
- He bought Oliver a meal and said he could show him the way الطريق to London.
8- Why did Oliver think he should run away يهرب again when Jack took him through the streets of London?
- Because London was not as he expected يتوقع. The streets were poorer أكثر فقرا and dirtier أكثر قذارة than he had ever seen.
9- Who was Fagin? What was he like?
- He was the leader زعيم of a group of thieves مجموعة لصوص who got young boys to steal يسرق for him. He was an ugly قبيح old man with red hair.
10- What did the boys do when Jack introduced قدم Oliver to Fagin?
- They stood up وقفوا and began to take Oliver's few things from him.
11- What did Oliver see Fagin doing when he woke up استيقظ?
- Oliver saw Fagin taking some things out of a wooden box صندوق خشبى and looking carefully بعناية at a gold watch and some expensive jewellery مجوهرات before putting them back in the box.
12- What did Fagin do when he saw that Oliver was awake مستيقظ? Why?
- He jumped up and quickly closed the wooden box. He threatened هدد Oliver with a knife سكين to make sure يتأكد that Oliver didn't see his gold watches and expensive jewellery.
13- Why did Oliver think that Fagin was a miser بخيل?
- Because he had so much jewellery and so many watches, however مع ذلك he lived in such an old place.
14- Why did Fagin live in such an old dirty house if he had a box of gold watches and jewellery?
- He was a miser بخيل; he didn't like to spend money.
15- What did Oliver think about the way طريقة Fagin used all his money?
- He thought that perhaps Fagin used all his money to look after the boys.
16- Oliver agreed that the notebooks كراسات were well made. Why did Fagin and the boys find this very funny مضحك?
- Because Oliver was an innocent برئ child, he didn't know that the things were stolen.
17- What do Fagin and the boys do for a living لكسب الرزق?
- They steal things.
18- What would Fagin teach Oliver to do with the stolen المسروقة handkerchiefs?
- He would show him how to take off يزيل the marks العلامات on them.
19- What was the game that Fagin played with the boys?
- It was how to steal يسرق watches, notebooks كراسات and handkerchiefs مناديل from people. Oliver thought that the game was very funny.
20- Why did Fagin walk around the room pretending يتظاهر to be looking in shop windows?
- He was showing Oliver how to steal things from people.
21- Why did Fagin praise امتدح Oliver?
- Because he could take a handkerchief منديل from Fagin's pocket جيب without feeling anything.
22- Why did Oliver not question لم يشك في Fagin's advice?
- Because Fagin was kind عطوف to him and gave him food.
23- When did Oliver understand why Fagin had so many watches and silk handkerchiefs and such a lot of jewellery?
- When he saw the Artful Dodger and Charley steal a handkerchief from Mr Brownlow, he realised أدرك that the boys were thieves.
24- How did Oliver get involved تورط in a crime جريمة he didn't commitيرتكب?
- He just watched the Artful Dodger and Charley steal a handkerchief from the gentleman who called out صاح, "Stop! Thief!" When Oliver started to run away يهرب, he was caught by people.
25- Why was Mr Brownlow puzzled مندهشا when he first saw Oliver?
- He thought he had seen the boy before, but he didn't know where.
26- What happened to Oliver when the magistrate القاضى decided that Oliver should go to prison?
- He felt ill سقط مريضا and fainted أغمى عليه.
27- Why didn't the magistrate القاضى send Oliver to prison?
- Because Mr Brownlow said that it wasn't Oliver who robbed him قام بسرقته and the owner صاحب of the bookshop said that Oliver wasn't the thief but two other boys.
28- Why did Mr Brownlow take Oliver home?
- He was kind-hearted طيب القلب.
29- Show that Mr Brownlow was a kind-hearted طيب القلب gentleman.
- He tried to prove يثبت Oliver's innocence براءة in the police station. When he saw Oliver lying down مستلقيا on the street, he took him to his house to look after him.
30- How was Oliver when he went to Mr Brownlow's house for the first time?
- He was very ill مريض. He slept for many days.
31- Who was Mrs Bedwin?
- She was an old lady who looked after تعتنى بـ Mr Brownlow's house.
32- Why did Mr Brownlow look puzzled مندهش when he looked at Oliver and the painting صورة?
- Because he could see that the eyes, the head and the mouth of the pretty جميلة woman were almost تقريبا the same as Oliver's.
33- Why was Oliver amazed مندهش to see the painting of the pretty woman?
- Because he could see that the eyes, the head and the mouth were almost the same as his own.
34- When the policeman took Oliver, What did Charley and the Artful do?
- They ran quickly back to the old house.
35- Why was Fagin so angry to hear that Oliver was caught by the police?
- He was afraid that Oliver would tell the police about the group of thieves.
36- Who was Bill Sikes?
- He was a thief and a friend of Fagin's. He was an angry looking man with big, strong shoulders أكتاف.
37- Who was Nancy?
- She was a young woman who worked for Mr Sikes.
38- Why did Mr Sikes suggest sending Nancy to the police station?
- Because the police didn't know her. She could go and find out what had happened to Oliver.
39- Why did Fagin give some money to Nancy and the Artful Dodger?
- To look for Oliver and not to stop until they found him.
40- How did Fagin find out يعرف where Oliver was?
- He sent Nancy to the police station, where she was told that Oliver had gone.
41- Why did Fagin want to find Oliver?
- Because he was afraid that Oliver would tell Mr Brownlow about them and Mr Brownlow would send the police after them.
1- "You look hungry. Where are you going?"
1- Who said this to whom?
- Jack, the Artful Dodger, said this to Oliver.
2- Where was the addressed person الشخص المخاطب going?
- He was going to London.
3- What did the speaker المتحدث do when he knew that the other person was hungry جوعان?
- He bought him a meal وجبة.
2- ''I'm going to London."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Oliver said this to Jack, the Artful Dodger.
2- Why did the speaker decide يقرر to go to London?
- Because Mr Bumble would not be able to قادر على find him there and there would be so many opportunities فرص for him.
3- How did the addressed person help the speaker to go to London?
- He showed him the way الطريق to London.
3- "Have you got a room there? Or any money?"
1- Who said this to whom?
- Jack, the Artful Dodger, said this to Oliver.
2- What was the addressed person's answer?
- He said that he had almost تقريبا nothing.
3- How did the speaker help the other person?
- He said he knew a man who would give him work and a room for nothing مجانا.
4- "Well, I know a man who will give you work and a room for nothing."
1- Who said this?
- Jack Dawkins said this.
2- To who was it said?
- It was said to Oliver.
3- What kind of work will Oliver do for this man?
- He will steal يسرق things — notebooks and silk handkerchiefs مناديل حرير.
5- "What did you see?" he shouted صاح, taking a knife سكين in one hand.
1- Who said this o whom?
- Fagin said this to Oliver.
2- What was the other person's answer?
- He said that he saw nothing.
3- What did that person really فعلا see?
- He saw Fagin taking gold watches and expensive jewellery مجوهرات out of a wooden box صندوق خشبى and putting them back again.
6- "I hope you've been at work this morning, boys."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Fagin said this to Charley Bates and Jack Dawkins.
2- What kind of work were they doing?
- They were stealing يسرق things — notebooks and silk handkerchiefs.
3- What did Oliver think they had done?
- He thought they had made the things.
7- "They're well made, aren't they?”
1- Who said this to whom?
- Fagin said this to Oliver.
2- What were they talking about?
- They were talking about some notebooks.
3- Who brought those things? How did he / she get them?
- Jack brought them. He stole سرق them from people.
8- "They're good ones. But they have marks on them."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Fagin said this to Jack, Charley and Oliver.
2- What was the speaker talking about?
- He was talking about some silk handkerchiefs.
3- What did the speaker suggest يقترح concerning بشأن taking off ازالة the marks العلامات?
- He suggested showing Oliver how to take off the marks.
9- "The boy is so very young."
1- Who said this?
- Charley said this.
2- Which boy was he talking about?
- He was talking about Oliver Twist.
3- Why did the speaker say so?
- Because of Oliver's innocent remarks ملاحظاته البريئة on the stolen things.
10- "Let's have breakfast, then we'll show Oliver our little game."
1- Who said this o whom?
- Fagin said this to Jack, Charley and Oliver.
2- What did he mean يعنى by "our little game"?
- He meant stealing سرقة things from people's pockets.
3- What did Oliver think at first of this game?
- He thought that this game was very funny مضحكة.
11- "Very good. Now you try, Oliver."
1- Who said this?
- Fagin said this.
2- Whom did the speaker praise امتدح by saying "very good"?
- He praised Jack and Charley.
3- What did the speaker want Oliver to try?
- He wanted him to try to take a handkerchief منديل from his pocket جيب.
12- "Has it gone? Well done, I felt nothing. You're a clever boy. You'll be as successful as the Artful Dodger."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Fagin said this to Oliver.
2- What does the pronoun "it" refer to يشير إلى?
- It refers to the handkerchief that was in Fagin's pocket.
3- What did the addressed person fail to understand when he heard this?
- He failed to understand how taking handkerchiefs could make you successful.
13- "Look! He'll do."
1- Who said this? To whom?
- Jack, the Artful Dodger said this to Charley.
2- Who were they talking about?
- Mr Brownlow.
3- What did the speaker mean by "he'll do"?
- He meant that the victim الضحية was a gentleman and that they could steal something from him.
14- "Stop him! He's a thief!"
1- Who said this? About whom was it said?
- People in the street. It was said about Oliver.
2- Was that person really a thief? Why / Why not?
- No, he wasn't. He didn't steal anything.
3- Why was that person accused اتهم of being a thief?
- He was with Jack and Charley when they stole a handkerchief from Mr Brownlow who called out, "Stop! Thief!" When Oliver started to run away, people caught him.
15- "It wasn't me!"
1- Who said this to whom?
- Oliver said this to the policeman.
2- What did the speaker deny أنكر?
- He denied stealing anything from the gentleman.
3- Was the speaker innocent برئ or guilty مذنب?
- He was innocent.
16- "Don't worry, sir. A magistrate قاضى will see him soon. He'll decide."
1- Who said this to whom?
- A police officer said this to Mr Brownlow.
2- Who would the magistrate see?
- Oliver Twist.
3- What would he decide about him??
- He would decide if Oliver was the thief or not.
17- "It wasn't that boy! It was two other boys. He was with them, but he didn't take anything. "
1- Who said this?
- The bookshop owner said this.
2- Who is "that boy" and "two other boys"?
- “That boy” is Oliver. “Two other boys” are Charley Bates and Jack Dawkins / the Artful Dodger.
3- What happened as a result of these words?
- The magistrate set Oliver free.
18- "Why didn't you tell me this before?"
1- Who said this to whom?
- The magistrate said this to the owner of the bookshop.
2- What did the speaker mean by "this"?
- He meant that Oliver was not the thief but two other boys.
3- What did the speaker decide to do?
- He decided to set Oliver free.
19- "Poor boy. Somebody call a coach. He must come home with me."
1- Who said these words?
- Mr Brownlow.
2- Why did the speaker want to take Oliver to his house?
- Because he was lying down on the street outside the police station. He wanted to look after him.
3- What does this show يبينabout the speaker's character شخصيته?
- This shows that Mr Brownlow was a kind-hearted person.
20- "Lie down, there's a dear."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Mrs Bedwin said this to Oliver.
2- What was the speaker's job?
- She looked after Mr Brownlow's house.
3- Why did the speaker ask the other person to lie down?
- Because he was very ill.
21- "But what is this? Look there."
1- Who said this?
- Mr Brownlow said this.
2- Where was the speaker?
- He was in a room in his house.
3- What was the speaker looking at?
- He was looking at a painting صورة of a young woman who looked like Oliver.
22- "Stop wasting يبدد good coffee."
1- Who said this?
- Bill Sikes said this to Fagin.
2- To whom was this said?
- This was said to Fagin.
3- Why did the speaker say so?
- Because Fagin threw a cup of coffee at Charley.
23- "Sorry, Bill, but we have a problem."
1- Who said these words?
- Fagin said these words.
2- Why did the speaker apologize يعتذر?
- He apologized because he threw ألقى a cup of coffee at Charley.
3- What problem did they have?
- Oliver was arrested قبض عليه and he could tell the police about them.
24- "We need يحتاج to speak to him quickly."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Mr Sikes said this to Fagin.
2- Who did they need to speak to?
- They needed to speak to Oliver.
3- Why did they need to speak to him quickly?
- They needed to speak to him quickly before he told the police about them.
25- "The police don't know Nancy, so she can go and find out يعرف what's happened."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Mr Sikes said this to Fagin.
2- Who was Nancy?
- She was a young woman who worked for Mr Sikes.
3- What did Nancy find out?
- She found out عرفت that Oliver went somewhere in a coach with a gentleman called Mr Brownlow.
26- "A police officer told me that he went somewhere in a coach عربة with a gentleman called Mr Brownlow."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Nancy said this to Fagin.
2- Who were they talking about?
- They were talking about Oliver.
3- Why did they want to find that person?
- Because they were afraid he would tell the police about them.
27- "Don't stop until you find him, not even for a minute."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Fagin said this to Nancy and the Artful Dodger.
2- Who did they want to find?
- They wanted to find Oliver.
3- Why did they want to find that person?
- Because they were afraid he would tell the police about them.
Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it
1- Oliver walked 80 miles to London.
Oliver walked 70 miles to London.
2- Olive followed تتبع the signs to London for six days.
Olive followed تتبع the signs to London for seven days.
3- Although a few kind people gave him food, Oliver felt angry and weak.
Although a few kind people gave him food, Oliver felt hungry and weak.
4- Jack Dawkins's friends call him 'The Skillful Dodger'.
Jack Dawkins's friends call him 'The Artful Dodger'.
5- Oliver told Jack Dawkins he was going to Paris.
Oliver told Jack Dawkins he was going to London.
6- Oliver said he knew a man who would give him work and a room for nothing.
Jack Dawkins said he knew a man who would give him work and a room for nothing.
7- Mr Brownlow showed Oliver the way to London when it was dark.
Jack Dawkins showed Oliver the way to London when it was dark.
8- They entered London in the morning.
They entered London after dark.
9- London was as beautiful as Oliver had expected.
London was poorer and dirtier than Oliver had ever seen.
10- Bill Sikes was an ugly old man with red hair.
Fagin was an ugly old man with red hair.
11- Oliver thought Fagin must be a miser to live in such an old place, with so much jewellery and so many watches.
Oliver thought Fagin must be a miser to live in such an old place, with so much jewellery and so many watches.
12- Fagin was happy that Oliver had seen his watches and jewellery.
Fagin was angry that Oliver had seen his watches and jewellery.
13- Rose and the boys lived in a dirty old house.
Fagin and the boys lived in a dirty old house.
14- Fagin praised Oliver saying that he would be as successful as Bill Sikes.
Fagin praised Oliver saying that he would be as successful as the Artful Dodger.
15- The magistrate said that it wasn't Oliver who robbed him.
Mr Brownlow said that it wasn't Oliver who robbed him.
16- Mr Brownlow wondered تساءل where he had seen Fagin before.
Mr Brownlow wondered تساءل where he had seen Oliver before.
17- At first, the magistrate decided that Oliver should go to hospital.
At first, the magistrate decided that Oliver should go to prison.
18- The owner صاحب of the bookshop said that Oliver was guilty. مذنب
The owner صاحب of the bookshop said that Oliver was innocent. برئ
19- Mrs Nancy was an old lady who looked after اعتنت بـ Mr Brownlow's house.
Mrs Bedwin was an old lady who looked after اعتنت بـ Mr Brownlow's house.
20- Bill Sikes was sent to look for Oliver and bring him back.
Nancy and the Artful Dodger were sent to look for Oliver and bring him back.
Chapter 2 in dialogue
Jack Dawkins: You look hungry. Where are you going?
Oliver: I'm going to London.
Jack Dawkins: Have you got a room there? Or any money?
Well, I know a man who will give you work and a room for nothing.
My name's Jack Dawkins, although my friends call me the Artful Dodger.
Jack Dawkins: This is Oliver.
Fagin: I'm Fagin. Sit down and have some food.
Fagin: What did you see?
Oliver: Nothing, sir. Can I get up now?
Fagin: I hope you've been at work this morning, boys.
Jack: We've been working hard.
Fagin: Good. What have you got?
Fagin: They're well made, aren't they?
Oliver: Yes, very well made.
Fagin: They're good ones. But they have marks on them. We can show Oliver how to take off the marks.
Charley: The boy is so very young!
Fagin: Let's have breakfast, then we'll show Oliver our little game.
Fagin: Very good. Now you try, Oliver.
Fagin: Has it gone? Well done, I felt nothing. You're a clever boy. You'll be as successful as the Artful Dodger.
Artful Dodger: Look! He'll do.
The gentleman: Stop! Thief!
Everyone in the street: Stop him! He's a thief!
Someone: Is this the boy?
The gentleman: Yes, that's him. The poor boy is hurt.
Oliver: It wasn't me!
The policeman: Oh, yes it was.
The gentleman: I don't think he did.
A police officer: Don't worry, sir. A magistrate will see him soon. He'll decide.
The owner of the bookshop: It wasn't that boy! It was two other boys. He was with them, but he didn't take anything. I saw the other boys running away.
The magistrate: Why didn't you tell me this before?
Let the boy go free and stop wasting my time.
Mr Brownlow: Poor boy. Somebody call a coach. He must come home with me.
Oliver: What room is this?
Mrs Bedwin: You must be quiet, or you'll be ill again. Lie down, there's a dear!
Mr Brownlow: You look a little better. But what is this? Look there.
Mr Sikes: Stop wasting good coffee. What are you doing, Fagin?
Fagin: Sorry, Bill, but we have a problem.
Fagin: Oliver will probably tell the police where we are and what we do.
Mr Sikes: We need to speak to him quickly. The police don't know Nancy, so she can go and find out what's happened.
Nancy: A police officer told me that he went somewhere in a coach with a gentleman called Mr Brownlow.
Fagin: We must find out where he is before he tells anyone about us!
Go and find Oliver. Don't stop until you find him, not even for a minute.
Test 1
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Oliver decide to go to London?
2- Who was Jack Dawkins?
3- Show that Mr Brownlow was a kind-hearted man.
4- When the policeman took Oliver, What did Charley and the Artful do?
B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
"I hope you've been at work this morning, boys.”
1- Who said this to whom?
2- What kind of work was it?
3- What did they get that day?
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it:
1- Jack Dawkins's friends call him 'The Skillful Dodger'.
2- Oliver told Jack Dawkins he was going to Paris.
Test 2
A) Answer the following questions:
1- How long did it take Oliver to go to London?
2- Why did Fagin live in such an old dirty house if he had a box of gold watches and jewellery?
3- Who was Bill Sikes?
4- Why was Oliver amazed to see the painting of the pretty woman?
B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
"It wasn't that boy. It was two other boys."
1- Who said this to whom?
2- Who were those two boys?
3- How were these words very helpful to an innocent person?
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it:
1- London was as beautiful as Oliver had expected.
2- Mrs Nancy was an old lady who looked after Mr Brownlow's house.
Test 3
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Who was Nancy?
2- What was the game that Fagin played with the boys?
3- Why did Fagin give some money to Nancy and the Artful Dodger?
4- How did Fagin find out where Oliver was?
B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
"Don't stop until you find him, not even for a minute."
1- Who said this to whom?
2- Who did they want to find?
3- Why did they want to find that person?
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it:
1- Mr Sikes suggested sending Lucy to the police station.
2- Oliver went somewhere in a coach with a gentleman called Mr Bedwin.
Test 4
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Oliver agreed that the notebooks were well made. Why did Fagin and the boys find this very funny?
2- Why was Fagin so angry to hear that Oliver was caught by the police?
3- Who was Mrs Bedwin?
4- Who helped Oliver to go to London? What was he like?
B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
"Have you got a room there? Or any money?"
1- Who said this to whom?
2- What was the addressed person's answer?
3- How did the speaker help the other person?
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it:
1- Oliver saw Fagin looking carefully at a gold watch and some expensive rings.
2- Mr Sikes thought that perhaps Fagin used all his money to look after the boys.
احمد بن ماجدالسبت 29 نوفمبر 2014, 7:36 pm