Industrial revolution الثورة الصناعية alone بمفرده
factories مصانع beat يضرب
nowhere ليس في أي مكان gate بوابة
workhouse ورشة / ملجأ للفقراء coffin maker صانع التوابيت
breathe يتنفس apprentice صبى (تحت التمرين)
weak ضعيف surprised مندهش
weakly بضعف shout يصيح
cry يصرخ opportunity فرصة
pick up يلتقط quietly بهدوء
tiny صغير interested in مهتم بـ
gently برقة feelings مشاعر
cheek خد continue يستمر فى
orphans أيتام employer صاحب العمل
destitute فقراء complain يشكو
look after يعتنى بـ explain يشرح
decide يقرر cost يكلف
need يحتاج feed يطعم
kind عطوف don't mind لا يمانع
sad حزين strange غريب
wretched بائس surrounded by محاط بـ
manager مدير unfinished coffins أكفان لم تكتمل
thin نحيف sound يبدو / صوت
realise يدرك kick يركل
uncomfortable غير مريح shutter ترباس الباب
soup شوربة freeze يتجمد
hungry جوعان broken heart قلب منكسر
close قريب ashamed خجول
starving الموت جوعا punish يعاقب
plan خطة unkindly بدون عطف
hall صالة hit يضرب
usual معتاد pull يجر
ask for يطلب cellar القبو
furious غضبان hurry يسرع
silence صمت / سكون menacing voice صوت تهديد
repeat يكرر awake ييقظ
angrily بغضب unbearable لا يحتمل
immediately فى الحال setting مكان
generosity كرم in charge of مسئول عن
look يبدو shortly بعد فترة قصيرة
away from بعيدا عن run away from يهرب من
wake up يستيقظ loudly بصوت عال
@ Setting and time: المكان و الزمان
• The setting المكان is England (United Kingdom) in the 19th century.
@ Conditions during the Industrial Revolution: الظروف أثناء الثورة الصناعية
• Most English towns مدن needed people to work in the factories that were beginning to open all over the country.
• Many people came to the towns to find work, but they were often so poor that they could not buy enough to eat and they had nowhere to sleep. So they went to the workhouses where they had a bed and some sort نوع of food.
@ The birth of Oliver: مولد أوليفر
• In a workhouse ملجأ, Oliver was born.
• The baby found it difficult to breathe يتنفس.
@ Oliver's mother:
• Oliver's mother arrived at the workhouse ملجأ at night. She was ill and weak ضعيفة.
• When the baby cried, the mother asked to see her new baby.
• When she saw him, she kissed him gently برقة on the cheek الخد and smiled. Then she died.
@ Sending Oliver to an old house: إرسال أوليفر إلى منزل قديم
• The baby was called دعى Oliver Twist.
• He was sent to live with other orphans أيتام in an old house.
• The orphans were all the children of parents who had been destitute فقراء.
@ Mrs Mann, a cruel woman: السيدة مان ، سيدة قاسية
• Mrs Mann was given a little money to look after تعتنى بـ the orphans الفقراء, but she decided قررت that she needed some of this money for herself.
• For this reason لهذا السبب, the boys never had very much to eat.
• On his ninth birthday, Oliver was a small, weak child.
• He had spent all his life in the old building with Mrs Mann, who was no kjnder to Oliver than she was to the other orphans.
• Oliver did not go to school and he did not know the world outside.
@ Mr Bumble's visit: زيارة السيد بامبل
• Mr Bumble visited Mrs Mann.
• Mr Bumble was an official موظف from the workhouse, where the older children from poor families were big enough to work for their food.
@ Taking Oliver to a workhouse: اصطحاب أوليفر إلى الملجأ
• Oliver was nine, so Mrs Mann didn't need to look after him
• Mr Bumble told Mrs Mann that Oliver was old enough to work for them in the workhouse.
@ Oliver's feelings on leaving the old house: مشاعر أوليفر عند مغادرة المنزل القديم
• Oliver was not sad حزين to leave Mrs Mann, but he was sad to leave his friends and the only home he had ever known.
• He felt wretched محطم و بائس as the door to the house was closed behind him.
@ Reaching the workhouse: الوصول إلى الملجأ
• Oliver was crying.
• When he arrived, the managers of the workhouse مديرو الملجأ told him that he was lucky to work in the workhouse.
• They would give him food and a bed for nothing.
@ Oliver's life in the workhouse: حياة أوليفر في الملجأ
• The boys were all thin نحيف and weak. They wore ارتدوا old clothes.
• Oliver worked hard at the workhouse and realised أدرك that his life was not going to become any easier.
• His bed was very uncomfortable غير مريح and the food was never enough.
• All they ate was a thin soup شوربة خفيفة.
• The boys he worked with were always hungry.
• After a few months, they were all so close to قريب من starving الموت جوعا that they made a plan.
• They decided they must have more food, and they chose Oliver to ask for it.
@ Asking for more food: طلب مزيد من الطعام
• Oliver asked for more food.
• The master was furious غاضب جدا. No one had ever asked for more before!
• The master angrily بغضب took Oliver's arm and led him قاده to the managers of the workhouse. He told them what Oliver had said.
@ Punishing Oliver: معاقبة أوليفر
• Oliver was locked حبس in a room.
• A message was put on the door of the workhouse. It said that the workhouse would give five pounds to anyone who could take the boy away from them.
@ Oliver's suffering: معاناة أوليفر
• For weeks, Oliver stayed مكث in the cold, dark room.
• He cried صرخ himself to sleep each night, then woke up استيقظ each morning and began to cry again. He had never felt so alone بمفرده.
• He was only taken from the room when it was time to eat.
• Mr Bumble did not want any of the other boys to ask for more food, so while they were eating, Mr Bumble made Oliver stand in front of them. Then he beat ضرب Oliver.
@ Mr Sowerberry's visit: زيارة السيد ساوربيرى
• Mr Sowerberry, the coffin maker صانع التوابيت, decided that he needed an apprentice صبى تحت التمرين.
• He told Mr Bumble that he could take Oliver Twist.
• A new chapter فصل in the boy's life was about to start.
@ Taking Oliver to Mr Sowerberry's house: اصطحاب أوليفر إلى منزل السيد ساوربيرى
• Mr Bumble took Oliver from the workhouse and walked with him to Mr Sowerberry's house.
• Mr Bumble was surprised اندهش to see that Oliver was crying.
• Oliver was crying.
• Mr Bumble told Oliver that he should be happy to have the opportunity فرصة to work with Mr Sowerberry.
• Oliver said he had no friends.
@ The Sowerberries' complaint: شكوى عائلة ساوربيرى
• Mr Bumble was not interested in Oliver's feelings مشاعر .
• When Mr Sowerberry saw Oliver, he was not very happy.
• Mr Sowerberry complained اشتكى that Oliver was very small.
• Mrs Sowerberry complained that it would cost يكلف money to feed يطعم Oliver.
• She took Oliver downstairs الطابق السفلى and gave him some old food that they had not eaten.
• She told him to sleep down in the shop because there's nowhere else to sleep in their house.
@ Oliver's first night at the at the Sowerberrys':
أول ليلة لأوليفر في منزل عائلة ساوربيرى
• Oliver was alone in a strange غريب, dark room, surrounded محاط by unfinished coffins توابيت لم تكتمل.
• It was not easy for him to sleep.
@ Noah Claypole: نوا كلايبول
• The next morning, Oliver woke up استيقظ to the sound صوت of Noah Claypole kicking يركل the shop door.
• Oliver opened it and saw a tall boy with a red nose eating some bread.
• Noah Claypole helped Mr Sowerberry.
• He always called him Workhouse Boy.
• He ordered Oliver to open the shutters الترباس, giving him a small kick ركلة to make sure he knew who the master was.
@ Unequal treatment: معاملة غير متساوية
• Mrs Sowerberry asked Noah to sit by the fire to have some breakfast.
• She gave Oliver a little bread and told him to eat it down below.
@ Noah's jealousy: غيرة نوا
• For the next few months, Oliver worked with Mr Sowerberry.
• He did not like the work, but Mr Sowerberry seemed بدا pleased مسرور with him.
• This did not please Noah Claypole, who was told to work inside when Oliver went out with Mr Sowerberry.
@ Insulting Oliver: اهانة أوليفر
• One day, Noah told Oliver that he heard his mother died in the workhouse because she was no good at ماهرة فى anything and that if she hadn't died, they would have punished يعاقب her.
• Oliver felt both ashamed خجول and angry. He started to hit Noah hard.
• Noah shouted صاح for help and said that Oliver was killing him.
@ Punishing Gulliver: معاقبة أوليفر
• Mr and Mrs Sowerberry ran in and pulled جذب Oliver away from Noah.
• They pulled Oliver into a dark cellar قبو and locked أغلقوا the door.
@ Oliver's bravery: شجاعة أوليفر
• Mr Bumble came to Mr Sowerberry's house and knocked on the door to the cellar.
• He asked Oliver if he wasn't afraid and Oliver said, "No!"
• Mr Bumble looked at Mr Sowerberry in surprise مندهشا.
• Mr Bumble told Mrs Sowerberry that she had given Oliver too much meat and that she had been too kind to him.
• He advised her to leave him in the cellar without food for a few days, then feed him only soup.
@ Oliver's escape:
• Oliver tried to cry himself to sleep again. But he felt too angry to sleep.
• When the house was quiet, he went to the door and realised it was not locked.
• He waited until it was just light and quietly opened the door.
• No one was awake and it was easy to leave the house without anyone realising.
• He knew he could not stay in that place any longer. His life was unbearable لا يطاق. It was time for him to run away يهرب.
Questions & Answers
1- What is the setting (time and place) of Oliver Twist?
- The setting is England (United Kingdom) in the 19th century.
2- What did most English towns مدن need تحتاج during the Industrial Revolution الثورة الصناعية?
- Most English towns needed people to work in the factories that were beginning to open all over the country.
3- Why did many people go to the towns? What problems مشكلات did people have because of the changes تغيرات in society مجتمع?
- They went to the towns to find work, but they were often so poor that they could not buy enough to eat and they had nowhere to sleep.
4- Why did people work at the workhouses ورش?
- They worked the workhouses because at least على الأقل they had a bed and some sort of food.
5- Where was Oliver born?
- He was born in a workhouse ملجأ.
6- How was Oliver when he was born?
- He found it difficult to breathe يتنفس.
7- Why did the doctor and the old nurse not know if the newly born المولود baby would live?
- Because he found it difficult to breathe.
8- How was Oliver's mother when she arrived at the workhouse?
- She was ill and weak ضعيفة.
9- What did Oliver's mother do just before she died?
- She kissed قيلت her baby gently برقة on the cheek الخد and smiled.
10- Why was Oliver Twist sent to an old house after he was born?
- He was sent to live with other orphans أيتام there.
11- Who were the orphans أيتام?
- They were all the children of parents who had been destitute فقراء.
12- Who was Mrs Mann?
- She was the woman who looked after تعتنى بـ the orphans in the old house.
13- Why didn't the boys like Mrs Mann?
- Because she was not a kind عطوفة woman.
14- Why did the orphans أيتام in the old house never have very much to eat?
- Because Mrs Mann was given a little money to look after them. She took some of this money for herself.
15- What was Oliver's life like on his ninth birthday?
- He was a small, weak child. He did not go to school and he did not know the world outside.
16- Who was Mr Bumble?
- He was an official موظف from the workhouse.
17- Why did Mr Bumble visit Mrs Mann?
- He visited Mrs Mann to take Oliver to work in the workhouse ملجأ, where the older children from poor families were big enough to work for their food.
18- Why did Mr Bumble take Oliver to work in the workhouse?
- Because he was old enough to work for Mr Bumble in the workhouse.
19- Why was Oliver not sad to leave Mrs Mann?
- Because she was not kind to him.
20- Why did Oliver feel wretched محطم when the door to the old house closed behind him?
- He was sad to leave his friends and the only home he had ever known.
21- Why did the managers of the workhouse مديرو الملجأ tell Oliver he was very lucky محظوظ?
- Because they would give him food and a bed for nothing.
22- What kind نوع of life did the orphans أيتام lead يعيش in the workhouse?
- They lead a hard life. They were thin نحيف and weak ضعيف. They wore old clothes. They were always hungry جوعان.
23- Why was Oliver's life in the workhouse not easy?
- He worked hard at the workhouse. His bed was very uncomfortable غير مريح and the food was never enough.
24- Why were Oliver and the other boys in the workhouse close to قريب من starving الموت جوعا?
- Because the food was never enough. All they ate was a thin soup. They were hungry.
25- Why was the master furious غاضب جدا with Oliver at the workhouse?
- Because he asked for more food.
26- How was Oliver punished عوقب for asking for more food?
- He was locked in a dark room and at every meal he was beaten in front of the other boys. And the workhouse put up a sign to find someone to take Oliver away.
27- What did the managers مديرو of the workhouse do to get rid of يتخلص من Oliver?
- They put a message on the door of the workhouse. It offered عرض five pounds to anyone who could take Oliver away.
28- How was Oliver's life when he was locked حبس in the cold, dark room in the workhouse?
- He had never felt so alone بمفرده. He cried himself to sleep each night, then he woke up استيقظ each morning and began to cry again.
29- What did Mr Bumble do to prevent يمنع any of the boys from asking for more food?
- He made Oliver stand in front of them while they were eating. Then he beat Oliver.
30- Who was Mr Sowerberry?
- H was a coffin maker صانع توابيت.
31- Why did Mr Sowerberry take Oliver from the workhouse?
- Because he needed an apprentice. صبى تحت التمرين
32- Why did Oliver cry صرخ when Mr Bumble took him to Mr Sowerberry?
- Because he had no friends after he had left the workhouse.
33- Why was Mr Sowerberry not very happy when he saw Oliver?
- Because Oliver was very small.
34- Why did Mrs Sowerberry object to اعترضت على Oliver's being very small?
- Because it would cost يكلف money to feed him.
35- How was Mrs Sowerberry unkind to Oliver?
- She treated him unkindly بلا عطف. She gave him some old food that they had not eaten. She made him sleep down in the shop.
36- Why was it not easy for Oliver to sleep when he went to Mr Sowerberry's?
- Because he was alone in a strange غريب, dark room, surrounded محاط by unfinished coffins توابيت لم تكتمل.
37- Who was Noah Claypole? What did he look like يشبه?
- He was a boy who helped Mr Sowerberry. He was tall with a red nose.
38- What did Noah do to make sure Oliver knew who the master was?
- He gave orders أوامر to Oliver and gave him a small kick ركلة.
39- Show وضح that Mrs Sowerberry didn't treat تعامل Oliver and Noah Claypole equally بالتساوى.
- She asked Noah to sit by the fire to have some breakfast, but she gave Oliver a little bread and told him to eat it down below where it was freezing cold.
40- Why was Noah jealous of غيور من Oliver?
- Because Mr Sowerberry seemed بدا pleased مسرور with Oliver. Noah was told to work inside when Oliver went out with Mr Sowerberry.
41- What did Noah say about Oliver's mother that made Oliver so angry?
- He said that she died in the workhouse because she was no good at ماهرة فى anything and that if she hadn't died, they would have punished يعاقب her.
42- What did Oliver feel when Noah talked about his mother?
- He felt ashamed خجل and angry Because Noah talked badly تحدث بالسوء about his mother. He said she died in the workhouse because she was no good at anything.
43- What did Oliver do when Noah talked badly of his mother?
- He hit ضرب him hard.
44- How was Oliver punished عوقب when he hit ضرب Noah hard?
- They locked حبس Oliver in a dark cellar القبو and complained اشتكى to Mr Bumble.
45- Show that Oliver was a brave شجاع boy.
- When he was locked حبس in the cellar القبو, Mr Bumble talked to him menacinglyمهددا , but Oliver told him that he was not afraid.
46- What did Mr Bumble blame يلوم Mrs Sowerberry for?
- He blamed her for giving Oliver too much meat and for being too kind o him.
47- What advice نصيحة did Mr Bumble give to Mrs Sowerberry?
- He advised her to leave Oliver in the cellar القبو without food for a few days and to feed يطعم him only soup شوربة.
48- Why did Oliver run away from يهرب من Mr Sowerberry's house?
- He knew he could not stay in that place any longer. His life was unbearable لا تطاق.
49- How did Oliver run away from يهرب من Mr Sowerberry's house?
- He realised أدرك that the door was not locked مغلق. No one was awake مستيقظ and it was easy to leave the house without anyone realising.
1- "What's the mother's name?"
1- Who said this to whom?
- The doctor said this to the nurse.
2- Who were they talking about?
- They were talking about Oliver's mother.
3- Did they know the mother's name? Why? Why not?
- No they didn't because she died.
2- "She arrived at the workhouse last night. She was ill and weak when she came."
1- Who said this to whom?
- The nurse said this to the doctor.
2- What were they talking about?
- They were talking about Oliver's mother.
3- Where were they?
- They were in the workhouse.
3- "Can I see my new baby?"
1- Who said this to whom?
- Oliver's mother said this to
2- What did the speaker say this?
- She said this when the baby cried.
3- What did the speaker do on seeing the baby?
- She kissed قبلت her baby gently برقة on the cheek الخد and smiled.
4- "Poor woman. She was so beautiful. We'll never know who she was."
1- Who said these words? To whom?
- The nurse said these words to the doctor.
2- Who is the beautiful woman?
- She is Oliver's mother.
3- Why will they never know who she was?
- Because she died.
5- "Now Oliver's nine, you don't need to look after him."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Mr Bumble said this to Mrs Mann
2- Why didn't the addressed person need to look after Oliver?
- Because Oliver was old enough to work for Mr Bumble in the workhouse.
3- Why did Oliver feel wretched محطم when the door to the old house closed behind him?
- He was sad to leave his friends and the only home he had ever known.
6- "Why are you crying? You're very lucky to work here."
1- Who said this to whom?
- The managers of the workhouse said this to Oliver.
2- Why was the addressed person crying?
- He was sad to leave his friends and the only home he had ever known.
3- Was the addressed person really lucky? Why? Why not?
- No, he wasn't because he worked hard at the workhouse. His bed was very uncomfortable غير مريح and the food was never enough.
7- "Please, sir, I want some more."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Oliver said this to the master of the workhouse.
2- Why did this person say it?
- He wanted more to eat. / The other boys chose Oliver to speak for them all.
3- What was the result of this request?
- He was locked in a dark room and at every meal he was beaten in front of the other boys. And the workhouse put up a sign to find someone to take Oliver away.
8- "If he is not happy with our generosity, he must leave."
1- Who said this to whom?
- The managers of the workhouse said this to the master
2- Who was the speaker talking about?
- He was talking about Oliver.
3- Were they really generous? Why? Why not?
- No, they weren't because the food they gave to the boys was never enough.
9- "Why are you crying? You should be happy to have the opportunity to work with someone like Mr Sowerberry."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Mr Bumble said this to Oliver.
2- Why was the addressed person crying?
- Because he had no friends after he had left the workhouse.
3- Who was Mr Sowerberry?
- H was a coffin maker صانع توابيت.
10- "I'll be a good boy, but I have no …"
1- Who said this to whom?
- Oliver said this to Mr Bumble.
2- What didn't that boy have?
- He didn't have friends.
3- What did the speaker mean by "but I have no …."?
- He meant he had no friends.
11- "He's very small, Mr Bumble."
1- Who said this?
- Mr Sowerberry said this.
2- Who was the speaker talking about?
- He was talking about Oliver.
3- Why did the speaker object to اعترضت على Oliver's being very small?
- Because it would cost يكلف money to feed him.
12- "He is small, but he'll grow."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Mr Bumble said this to Mr Sowerberry.
2- Who was the speaker talking about?
- He was talking about Oliver.
3- When did the speaker say this?
- He said this when Mr Sowerberry complained that Oliver was very small.
13- "But it will cost money to feed him."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Mr Sowerberry's wife said this to Mr Bumble.
2- Who was the speaker talking about?
- She was talking about Oliver.
3- How did the speaker feed him?
- She gave him old food or a little bread.
14- "Now get some sleep. You don't mind sleeping down in the shop, do you? There's nowhere else to sleep in our house."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Mrs Sowerberry said this to Oliver.
2- Was it easy for the addressed person to sleep? Why? Why not?
- No, because he was alone in a strange غريب, dark room, surrounded محاط by unfinished coffins توابيت لم تكتمل.
3- How did the speaker treat تعامل the addressed person?
- She treated him unkindly بلا عطف. She gave him some old food that they had not eaten. She made him sleep down in the shop.
15- "You're from the workhouse, aren't you?"
1- Who said this to whom?
- Noah Claypole said this to Oliver.
2- What did the speaker do?
- He helped Mr Sowerberry
3- What did the speaker look like?
- He was a tall boy with a red nose.
16- "You do what I say, Workhouse Boy. Now open the shutters."
1- Who said this?
- Noah Claypole said this.
2- To whom was this said?
- This was said to Oliver.
3- Why did the speaker give the addressed person orders?
- He wanted to make sure that Oliver knew who the master was.
17- "Why can't I have a good breakfast like Noah?"
1- Who said this?
- Oliver said this.
2- When did the speaker say this?
- He said this when Mrs Sowerberry called and asked Noah to sit by the fire to have some breakfast. She gave Oliver a little bread and told him to eat it down below
3- What does this show?
- This shows that Mrs Sowerberry didn't treat تعامل Oliver and Noah equally بالتساوى.
18- "What happened to your mother, Workhouse Boy?"
1- Who said this to whom?
- Noah Claypole said this to Oliver.
2- What was the addressed person's answer?
- He told him that the nurse said she died of a broken heart.
3- How did the speaker insult يهين the addressed person?
- He told him he heard she died in the workhouse because she was no good at anything and that that if she hadn't died, they would have punished her.
19- "Help! He's killing me!"
1- Who was shouting for help?
- Noah Claypole was shouting for help.
2- Why was he shouting for help?
- Because Oliver started to hit him hard.
3- Who hurried to help him?
- Mr and Mrs Sowerberry hurried to help him.
20- "Help me lock him in here."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Mr and Mrs Sowerberry said this to Noah Claypole.
2- Who are they going to lock?
- They are going to lock Oliver.
3- Where are they going to lock him? Why?
- They are going to lock him in a dark cellar because he hit Noah hard.
21- "You poor boy. We must get Mr Bumble at once."
1- Who said this to whom?
- Mrs Sowerberry said this to Noah Claypole.
2- Who was Mr Bumble?
- Mr Bumble was an official from the workhouse.
3- Why did they have to get Mr Bumble at once?
- Because Oliver, who came from the workhouse, hit Noah hard.
22- "Oliver, do you know who's speaking? Aren't you afraid, Oliver?"
1- Who said this?
- Mr Bumble said this.
2- Where was Oliver?
- He was locked in the dark cellar at Mr Sowerberry's house.
3- What was Oliver's reply?
- He said that he knew who was speaking and that he wasn't afraid.
23- "You've given him too much meat. You've been too kind to him. Leave him in this cellar without food for a few days, then feed him only soup."
1- Who said these words?
- Mr Bumble said this.
2- Where was the speaker?
- He was at Mr Sowerberry’s (outside the cellar where Oliver was locked in).
3- What had happened shortly before these words were said?
- Noah Claypole teased Oliver about his mother, so Oliver started hitting him. They locked Oliver in the cellar and called for Mr Bumble.
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it
1- Oliver was born in the orphanage.
Oliver was born in the workhouse.
2- The nurse was present when Noah Claypole was born.
The nurse was present when Oliver was born.
3- Oliver's mother died before she saw him.
Oliver's mother died before she saw him.
4- On his tenth birthday, Oliver was a small, weak child.
On his ninth birthday, Oliver was a small, weak child.
5- Mr Sowerberry was in charge of the orphanage
Mrs Mann was in charge of the orphanage
6- Mrs Mann was kinder to Oliver than to the other orphans.
Mrs Mann was not kinder to Oliver than to the other orphans.
7- The orphans lead a soft life in the workhouse.
The orphans lead a hard life in the workhouse.
8- Oliver was sad حزين to leave Mrs Mann.
Oliver was not sad حزين to leave Mrs Mann
9- Oliver was happy to leave his friends at the orphanage.
Oliver was sad to leave his friends at the orphanage.
10- The workhouse offered fifty pounds to anyone who could take Oliver away.
The workhouse offered five pounds to anyone who could take Oliver away.
11- Oliver felt pleased as the door to the house was closed behind him.
He felt wretched محطم و بائس as the door to the house was closed behind him.
12- The boys at the workhouse got more food after Oliver asked for more.
The boys at the workhouse didn't get more food after Oliver asked for more.
13- Oliver was rewarded when he asked for more food.
Oliver was punished when he asked for more food.
14- Mr Sowerberry was an official of the workhouse
Mr Bumble was an official of the workhouse
15- Oliver cried when Mrs Mann took him to Mr Sowerberry
Oliver cried when Mr Bumble took him to Mr Sowerberry
16- Mr Sowerberry complained that Oliver was very big.
Mr Sowerberry complained that Oliver was very small.
17- Mr Sowerberry was a coffee maker.
Mr Sowerberry was a coffin maker.
18- Mrs Sowerberry was kind to Oliver
Mrs Sowerberry was unkind to Oliver
19- Mrs Sowerberry made Oliver sleep down in the house.
Mrs Sowerberry made Oliver sleep down in the shop.
20- Oliver was alone in a strange, dark room, surrounded by unfinished cupboards.
Oliver was alone in a strange, dark room, surrounded by unfinished coffins.
21- Oliver was locked in a dark kitchen for hitting Noah Claypole.
Oliver was locked in a dark cellar for hitting Noah Claypole.
22- Mr Bumble advised Mrs Sowerberry to feed Oliver only bread.
Mr Bumble advised Mrs Sowerberry to feed Oliver only soup.
23- Oliver's life at Mr Sowerberry's house was bearable.
Oliver's life at Mr Sowerberry's house was unbearable.
24- Noah Claypole ran away from Mr Sowerberry's house.
Oliver ran away from Mr Sowerberry's house.
Test 1
A) Answer the following questions:
1- What kind of clothes did the boys wear at Mr Bumble's workhouse?
2- Who was Noah Claypole?
3- How was Oliver punished for asking for more food?
4- Why did Mr Sowerberry go to Mr Bumble's workhouse?
B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
"Why are you crying? You're very lucky to work here. We'll give you food and a bed for nothing."
1- Who says this to whom?
2- Why was the addressed person crying?
3- What food was given to the addressed person?
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it:
1- Mr and Mrs Sowerberry pulled Oliver away from Mr Bumble.
2- Oliver was born in the orphanage.
Test 2
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Where did Oliver sleep at the Sowerberry's?
2- Give an example to show that Oliver was brave?
3- How did Noah Claypole insult Oliver?
4- What did Oliver's mother die of?
B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
"Aren't you afraid?"
1- Who said this to whom?
2- When did the speaker say this?
3- What was the addressed person's reply?
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it:
1- Oliver's mother was ill and strong.
2- The boys chose Noah Claypole to ask for more food.
Test 3
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Mr Sowerberry take Oliver from the workhouse?
2- What advice did Mr Bumble give to Mrs Sowerberry?
3- What kind of life did the orphans lead in the workhouse?
4- What is the setting (time and place) of Oliver Twist?
B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
"Poor woman. She was so beautiful. We'll never know who she was."
1- Who said these words? To whom?
2- Who is the beautiful woman?
3- Why will they never know who she was?
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it:
1- Mrs Mann was kinder to Oliver than to the other orphans.
2- Oliver was sad to leave Mrs Mann.
Test 4
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Where was Oliver born?
2- How was Oliver when he was born?
3- Show that Oliver was a brave boy.
4- Who was Noah Claypole? What did he look like?
B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
"What happened to your mother, Workhouse Boy?"
1- Who said this to whom?
2- What was the addressed person's answer?
3- How did the speaker insult the addressed person?
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it:
1- Oliver's life in the workhouse was easy
2- Mr Sowerberry was very happy when he saw Oliver.
Test 5
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did people work at the workhouses?
2- What did the managers of the workhouse do to get rid of Oliver?
3- What advice did Mr Bumble give to Mrs Sowerberry?
4- Why was Noah jealous of Oliver?
B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
"I'll be a good boy, but I have no …"
1- Who said this to whom?
2- What didn't that boy have?
3- What did the speaker mean by "but I have no …."?
C) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it:
1- Oliver's mother died in hospital.
2- Oliver felt proud when Noah talked about his mother.
احمد بن ماجدالسبت 29 نوفمبر 2014, 7:41 pm