مدرس اون لايندخول

the trees that walked القصة المقررة لمن يدرسون bright star

Written by: Michael F. Jones
Based on the language scheme of the Bright Star
course developed by Sue Mohamed and Chris Jacques
Edited by: Sally Rigg and Michael Daniell


Not SO long before now, قبيل فترة ليست بعيدة من الآن there was a peaceful هادئة أو آمنة village in the countryside. كانت هناك قرية هادئة في الريف .Not many people lived there and there was very little to do. لم يكن ناس كثيرون يعيشون هناك ، ولم يكن هناك إلا القليل يفعلونه The countryside الريف around the village was fresh نقي and green, and the nearby القريب wood غابة was fresh and green, too. Many wild plants grew كانت نباتات برية عديدة تنمو هناك in the wood. A lot of little animals lived there and many birds nested تعشش in the trees. The countryside and the wood were lovely places for walking, and the village children learnt a lot of things about the beauty and importance of nature الطبيعة with their teachers on nature study . walks.

But, as we all know, things rarely remain the same الاشياء نادرا ما تبقى على حالها . Life changes. Nature changes life and people change nature. Since the world began, life has constantly بصورة دائمة changed. Some, changes are for the better and some, maybe, are not. بعض الأشياء تتغير للأفضل وأشياء لاتتغير على هذا النحو. Some changes happen quickly and we can easily بسهولة see the changes that happen. On the other hand, some changes happen so gradually بصورة تدريجية that we do not notice the changes that have happened. So it happened with the village. As the years passed, ومع مرور السنين the village increased زاد in size and became a small town مدينة . As the number of children increased, so did the number of schools. As the number of school-leavers المتخرجين increased, so did the need for more jobs in the town. The Town Council مجلس المدينة invited businessmen رجال الأعمال and industrialists رجال الصناعة to invest in new businesses and industries to create more jobs. And, so, the town began to grow.

As the town grew and grew, the fresh,
green countryside became less and less. The
wood became less, too, as trees were cut down
to provide wood for building. What was at one
time in the past a peaceful, country village became a busy industrial town مدينة صناعية . There were factories مصانع with the newest machines and no one worked with their hands any more. Everything was made by machines. No one travelled on foot or by horse or by bicycle any more. Everyone travelled by car or bus. And, because no one could see the countryside from the town any more and because everyone was busy working in offices and operating the machines يقوم بتشغيل الألات in factories, no one noticed that the air was not so fresh, that the sky was not so clear and that the sun was not so bright. Everyone forgot about nature and its importance to life. However, something very unusual happened to make them remember.

In the wood near the town, the trees became increasingly بصورة متزايدة dissatisfied غير راضين with the situation الموقف that existed around them and one of the oldest trees called a council.
'We have a serious خطير problem,' he said through the breeze. التنفس
The other trees shook هز their leaves اوراق in agreement.
'The people of the town do not care about us. Our numbers here are fewer than before because they have cut us down and have not planted new trees, and the new trees that we grow ourselves are sick and weak.' The trees nodded أشارت their unhappy agreement. 'Look at our leaves. They are covered with the smoke الدخان from factories and cars. How can we breathe and how can our young trees grow strong and healthy?'
We cannot live with people any more!
The trees waved their branches غصون in agreement. 'Where are the birds that used to nest تعشش with us?' the old tree continued. 'Where are the little animals that used to live with us? Where are the plants that used to grow with us? Look at our ground. People come for their picnics رحلات and break our branches, crush يكسر young trees and plants under their feet, thoughtlessly بدون تفكير pick the wild flowers so that no more can grow and, then, leave their picnic rubbish قمامة أو مخلفات at our roots جذور . We cannot live with people any more! If we remain with them, we will die! We must leave them! We must go!'

There was a sudden مفاجئة wind ريح , which carried the answer of all the trees as one voice:
'Yes! We cannot live here! We must go!' The wind carried the answer of the trees from the wood to the town and the trees in the town heard it and said, 'Yes! These people are not good for us! We must go!'

In the dark silence الصمت of the night, while everyone was sleeping, all the trees in the wood and the town pulled their roots from the ground and left يغادر . You can easily imagine يتخيل the shock صدمة of the people when they awoke استيقظ in the morning!

Mrs Puff made and sold fruit pies فطائر الفاكهة . Her best
pies were apple pies. However, when she went
into her garden to pick apples, there was no
apple tree. All she could find were some bad
"- apples on the ground. She was, of course,
absolutely تماما astonished مندهشة and could not believe her eyes.
'Well,' she puffed يهمس في غضب to herself, 'I shall have to pick some plums instead!'
Again, she was absolutely astonished when she saw that there was no plum tree. She was, in fact, so astonished that she fainted أغمي عليها .

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