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اقوى الاجابات النموذجيه لامتحانات work book للصف الثانى الثانوى الفصل الدراسى الاول

 اقوى الاجابات النموذجيه لامتحانات work book للصف الثانى الثانوى الفصل الدراسى الاول
Practice test 1 ( model answer)
1:- Respond to each of the following situations :
1- I enjoy reading them because they tell me what is happening in the world.
2- Sorry, I would prefer not to answer that
3- What  do you think about the book?
4- Which subject did you enjoy most when you were a student?
2:- Say where these mini dialogue take place and who the speakers are :
a-  place          :  classroom                  speaker a   :  teacher                  speaker b   :   student
b- place           :  clothes shop              speaker a   :   seller                     speaker b   :  customer
3:- Choose the correct answer from a,b,c or d:
1-  online                             2- rather                        3- make                         4- surfing                      
5-research                           6-single                          7- marital                      8-goes on             
9- do                                   10- transplant                11- made                       12- make
13- politician                      14- explanation             15- Although                16- ridiculous                               

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