مدرس اون لايندخول

مراجعة الخطاب والفقرة والايميل انجلش 1ثانوى الترم الثانى Three useful paragraphs

موضوع له مزايا و
عيوب 1


It is taken for granted that
............has some advantages and disadvantage . On the one
hand some of its advantages are:………………


On the other hand, some of its disadvantages

From the above facts , I advise everyone to
make the best use of.............. . We must

avoid its demerits and exploit its merits .

مفيد 2

It is taken for granted that
................plays a very important role in our life nowadays

On the one hand, it helps us in our work,
education and even in public life . On the other hand , it enables us to enjoy
our life . Moreover, it protects us against the current problems of the world .
It is the role of mass media and people in charge to spread the awareness among
people to take interest in .....................Unless we take

interest in
...............,we may face a lot of troubles and will lag behind the world

progress .

To sum up , I can say that everyone should take interest
in ..................................... .

موضوع ضار 3

It is taken for granted
that................ is very dangerous. It causes a lot of diseases .

It affects the environment
badly . It may result in serious problems . It holds our progress back . This
problem is caused by ................ and ............... it is the role of

individuals , schools and
mass media to spread the awareness among people to avoid
........................ Unless we avoid this problem we may suffer a lot and

spoil our life .

To sum up , I can say that every one should does his best
to eliminate this problem ,
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