مدرس اون لايندخول

مواقف انجليزى اول ثانوى

Translate into Arabic :
Some people prefer life in a small village to life in a big city like Cairo. Such people are often fond of nature and beautiful natural views in the countryside . Life is complicated and full of pollution and noise.
2) Many people believe that the hump of a camel is full of water They believe this is the reason that camels don't have to drink very often but they are quite wrong . A camel's hump is not full of water. It's mostly fat .
3) Time is the most important thing in our life .Therefore, we should spend our spare time in a useful way to succeed in life.
4) Unfortunately in the last fifty years , many animals have been extinct. Now they are protected and hunting them has been banned .
5) The telephone is a great means of communication. It enables us to contact people who live away from us. It has become an indispensable means in our modern life.
6) In summer, it is the habit of almost everyone to go away for a holiday. There are many kinds of resorts, but perhaps the most popular are the seaside and countryside .
7) Animals have adapted to the environments in which they live . Some animals are very rare nowadays . We must look after animals or they will soon die out .
Cool One of the animals best adapted to heat is Egypt's sand cat This probably the ancestor of the domestic cat. It is extremely well-suited to living in the desert .
) When you plant a tree, you are helping the environment. Your tree will add a touch of beauty to the place and provide shade.
10 Some people prefer the simple healthy life of the country.
They avoid the smoke of the factories, the speed of the city life and the crowded means of transport .
11)Learning foreign language enables us to read foreign books, magazines and newspapers. We know what is happening all over the world . We can't enjoy going abroad unless we are able to talk to the people around
12) The government is greatly interested in the deaf . It sets up special schools for them to help them learn in different ways .
13)Most of the difficulties and problems we suffer from now, are the direct results of the wars that were launched against us
14)The government does its best to carry out huge projects in all fields. It aims to provide employment opportunities for youth and to increase the national income .
15)Egypt has entered the space age when it lunched the first
satellite which has educational benefits.
16)Egypt is the first country to have its own communications satellite and this illustrate the importance of Egypt's cultural role in the area .
17) Some animals are very rare nowadays , we must look after their habitat or they will soon die out .
18) Egypt is the first Arab country to lunch a communications satellite . It is a big step forward for the country .
19) English is an international language. It is used all over the world so my favourite hobby is reading books in English .
20) Alex is a beautiful city. It's a sea port and its climate is nice.
There are lots of things to enjoy visiting like museum& galleries
21) President Mubarak always supports industry ,agriculture and tourism. They are main source of our national income. They help improve our standard of living.
22) Mass media plays a vital role in forming the public opinion. Newspapers inform us of what happens anywhere in the world.
23)Students are advised to pay more attention to learn English
24)Man is by nature is free, and freedom is his dearest thing.
25)You must be able to adapted to changing conditions .
Translate into English
تنشئ الحكومة مشروعات عملاقة لتوفير فرص عمل للشباب .
حرصت الدولة على إمداد المدارس بأجهزة الكمبيوتر.
لقد أجريت عدة أبحاث عن الآثار السيئة للتدخين .
يجب أن نحافظ على نظافة مياة نهرنا العظيم .
يجب الأ نلوث مياة النيل ونحافظ على نظافة البيئة .
أنت لا تحب السباحة , أليس كذالك ؟
تلعب الرياضة دورا هاما في المحافظة على صحة جيدة .
يمكن للشباب في العطلة أن يساعدوا في نظافة شوارعهم أو مدارسهم.
يجب أن نشجع أطفالنا على الذهاب إلى المكتبات في وقت فراغهم.
10) اعتقد أن تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية موضوع حيوي هذة الأيام .
11) يقوم علماء الآثار بالبحث عن المقابر الغير مكتشفة .
12) مصر هي أول بلد عربي يطلق قمر صناعي .
13) تستخدم الأقمار الصناعية للتنبؤ بالطقس .
14) يعد السفر احد الوسائل الهامة للمعرفة .
15) توفر المعسكرات الصيفية فرص للعمل والتدريب للشباب.
16) إنها لم تحصل على الدراجات النهائية لذلك يبدو أنها حزينة.
17) القراءة للجميع من المشروعات القومية التي تساعد الملايين
في كل مكان على القراءة الحرة .
18) في المجتمع الريفي تستطيع أن تقوم برحلة ممتعة .
19) تثرى القراءة معلومتنا العامة لذا تقيم الحكومة المكتبات
العامة .
20) يفكر العلماء المصرين في مصادر أخرى للطاقة لاستخدامها
عندما تنفذ المصادر الحالية .
21) تحاول الحكومة حل مشكلة المواصلات بإنشاء الكباري.

What would you say in the following situations:
1) You suggest buying a new computer .
2) You visit your friend who is ill.
3) Your friend thanks you for your help.
4) You are very angry because your friend tells you a lie.
5) Your friend tells you that his uncle has died .
6) You tell your friend politely that his brother is dishonest .
7) You meet you boss for the first time .
Cool You are reading in the library and someone makes noise.
9) Your friend thinks that Arabic is easier than English. Agree.
10) Your friend suggests going to the club and you agree.
11) Your friend borrowed your book and lost it .
12) You want to book a single room in a hotel .
13) You want to borrow your friend 's book .
14) You have just been introduced to a new friend .
15) your friend doesn't think it will rain . You agree.
16) Someone accidentally steps on your foot .
17) you accidentally steps on someone's foot .
18) Remind your sister to turn off the light before sleeping.
19) You have broken your friend's camera .
20) You ask a policeman about the way to the nearest bank .
21) You friend has passed the exam .
22) Someone tells you that you have passed the exam .
23) You offer to help the old man with the heavy bag .
24) You can't hear your friend .
25) You advise your friend to study hard as the exam is near .
26) Your friend gives you a bunch of flowers .
27) Your friend asks your opinion of the film .
28) You are not sure that your friend has won the prize .
29) You forgive someone who broke your camera .
30) You want to start a conversation with somebody .
31) Someone asks you the way to the nearest bank .
32) Your friend is hitting his old granddad.

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