مدرس اون لايندخول

كيمياء لغات للصف الاول الثانوى

Question One: -
A- Explain each of the following: -
1- Each proton spent part of its life in the form of neutron and vice versa.
2- Hydrolysis is the opposite process of neutralization.

B- Complete each of the following: -
1- The angle in water molecule is ……………………………
2- Acids dissolved in water to give ……………ions.
3- Washing soda is used to remove ………………….

Question Two: -
A- Calculate the actual mass of sodium 11Na23if you know that binding energy is 181.55 m.e.v mass of proton = 1.0073 a.m.u, mass of neutron = 1.0087 a.m.u

B- Give reasons for: -
1- Aqueous solution of sodium acetate has an alkaline effect.
2- Water is polar compound.
3- Nucleus considered as a store of mass.

Question Three: -
A- Write the scientific term for each of the following: -
1- Heating of coal in absence of air to prepare aromatic benzene.
2- The method of preparation sulphuric acid in industry.

B- Write the balanced chemical equations for each of the following
1- Magnesium oxide with sulphuric acid.
2- Sodium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid.

Question Four: -
A- Calculate the energy in calories produce from the conversion of 5 grams.

B- What is meant by each of the following: -
1- Avogadro’s number. 2- Saponification.

Cairo Governorate First Year Secondary
Chemistry Exam. Time : - Two Hours
Answer the following question: -
Question one: -
(A)- Choose the correct answer from the following: -
1- On emission of alpha particle from the nucleus of an atom of radioactive element the atomic number decreased by ……………….
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
2- The element that has no neutrons in its nucleus is ………………….
a) He24 b) H13 c) H12 d) H11
3- Cracking of longer chain hydrocarbon into shorter carbon chains is called ………………………
a) catalytic b) polymerization c) distillation d) catalytic cracking
4- The reuse of waste materials after purification …………………..
a) pollution b) acid c) recycling d) gas in liquid

B)- Give reasons for: -
1- A fusion reaction depends on a nuclear chain reaction.
2- The heat content of material differs from one material to another.

Answer two questions only from the following: -
Question two: -
(A)- Complete the following: -
1- Heat of precipitation is the quantity of heat liberated or taken in, on the
complete …………………. of …………………. of substance.
2- The atomic number of alpha particle is …………………… and the mass number is
3- From the new fuel resources …………………… and …………………agricultural

B)- When one mole of sulphuric acid is added to a quantity of water then
diluted to 1000 cm 3, the temperature rises by 17 0c. Calculate the
amount of heat liberated to the water.

Question three: -
A)- What is meant by: -
1- Octane number.
2- The chemical formula.

B)- What are the damages caused by the pollution of air by carbon oxides?

C)- How many molecules are present in 32 grams of sulphur dioxide SO2 ?
(S=32 , O=16)

Question four: -
A)- Explain what happens for each of the following (write the balanced symbolic equations: -
1- Li37 is bombarded with proton projectile.
2- Potassium hydroxide is added to sulphuric acid.
3- U92238 loses alpha particle.

B)- 12 grams of radioactive material is kept in a certain place and after 50 days the remaining mass of this radioactive material is 0.75 grams calculate the half life of this radioactive material.

Good Luck

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