مدرس اون لايندخول

أسئلة لغة إنجليزية للصف الثالث الإبتدائى

Look at the pictures, read and circle (Yes) or (No):

1- He is watching T V.

2- They are reading.

3- He is eating.

4- I can see a ship.

5- He is swimming.

6- He is jumping.

7- She is writing.

8- I went to the farm.

9- I like apples.

10- They are vegetables.

11- It can fly.

12- We saw a cat in a hat.

13- There are 3 pens.
14- It can't fly.

15- They are listening to the teacher.

16- She is a teacher.

17- We went to the zoo.

18-We see this animal in the zoo.

19- This is a boy.

20- It is a goat.

21- The fish is on the dish.

22- Eggs are fruits.

23- This is an elephant.

24- It has a short neck.

25- I like watermelon.

26- She is writing.

27- This is a good boy.
28- The rabbit is white.

29- They are writing.

30- She is cooking.

31- A bat is black.

32-There is no plant in the pot.

33- He is in the class.

34- It is an apple.

35- This is a flower.

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