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براجرافات الصف السادس الابتدائي الترم الثاني 2024 PDF

Connect Six - Paragraphs – 2nd Term
Unit 7
"Ancient Egyptian artifacts"
We have so many artifacts. We have a hot, dry climate here in Egypt, so
artifacts aren't damaged by cold and wet weather. This helps to preserve them.
The Ancient Egyptians also knew that certain materials could last a long time.
That's why they built the Pyramids with granite.
"Ancient Egyptians' favorite pets"
The Ancient Egyptians loved animals and kept many as pets. They
particularly adored cats. There was a cat in almost every house. They believed
that cats looked after them and kept them safe. They were good pets because
they cleaned themselves and kept the houses free of pests like rats and snakes.
"Trade in Ancient Egypt"
The Ancient Egyptians traded with other countries, and metal was one thing
they traded. They first found metal in rocks. They could melt and form it into
different shapes. They made tools and weapons using metal. Gold was a popular
metal for making jewelry. Silver was also used. Trade with other countries helped
the Ancient Egyptian economy to develop.
"Materials in Ancient Egypt"
The Ancient Egyptians knew that certain materials could last a long time. That's
why they built the Pyramids with granite, a very hard and durable stone. They
also used a lot of glass, which lasts forever. They also used clay, which is found
close to the River Nile, to make pots. They liked to use gold not only because it
is valuable, but it is also very durable.
براجرافات الصف السادس الابتدائي الترم الثاني 2024 PDF  Oyao_c12
براجرافات الصف السادس الابتدائي الترم الثاني 2024 PDF  Oyao_c11
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