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بوكليت امتحانات اللغة الانجليزية بنظام البابل شيت للثالث الثانوي بالاجابات

بوكليت الامتحانات بنظام البابل شيت للثالث الثانوي بالاجابات +بوكليت الامتحان التجريبي ازهر علمي وادبي بأكثر من تنسيق +اختبارات منصة نجوى الوزاريه

علي النحو التالي 
مراجعة وحدات الثالث الثانوي( لونج مان )منسق للطباعه+بابل شيت بعد كل وحده ملف الاسئله 
ملف الاجابات 
امتحان منصة نجوى الوزاريه للثالث الثانوي 
بوكليت الامتحان التجريبي لغه انجليزيه الشعبه الادبيه ازهر 2022 
بوكليت الامتحان التجريبي لغه انجليزيه الشعبه العلميه ازهر 2022 
الامتحان التجريبي علمي وادبي تنسيق العمالقه 
تدريبات منصة نجوى الوزاريه للثاني الثانوي 
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من مستر مجدى حمزة

1- ملف بوكلت الصف الثالث الثانوي 2023 ويشتمل علي

• (10 امتحانات ) حصص مصر
• (15 امتحان ) منصه نجوي
• المراجعه الشامله من موقع (Longman)

اجمع ابطال تالتة ثانوي
مراجعة لونجمان امتحانات متوقعة بالاجابات للثانوية العامة
-نسخة بدون الإجابات ..
نسخة بالإجابات ..

ننصح جميع الطلاب بحل كل تمارين وامتحانات لونجمان وكتاب التدريبات
للجميع بالتوفيق ان شاء الله
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ...
هـدية لكل طالب أو طالبة في 3 ثانوي ...
هـذه بإذن الله وفضله أهم كلمات المنهج في اللغة الإنجليزية ... ذاكرها جيداً وسوف تجد معظمها في الامتحان ان شاء الله وتجيب درجة عالية ... ( وماتخفش الامتحان ح يبقى أسهل من الكيمياء والجغرافيا بإذن الله ) ... فـقـط ادعـو الله لي
mr Osman Elmorsy

البابل شيت - بوكليت امتحانات اللغة الانجليزية بنظام البابل شيت للثالث الثانوي بالاجابات 41131
Mr Gamal
محمد الجمل
اختبار انجليزي للصف الثالث الثانوى بالمواصفات الجديدة للامتحان

البابل شيت - بوكليت امتحانات اللغة الانجليزية بنظام البابل شيت للثالث الثانوي بالاجابات Mr_moh10
البابل شيت - بوكليت امتحانات اللغة الانجليزية بنظام البابل شيت للثالث الثانوي بالاجابات Mr_moh11
البابل شيت - بوكليت امتحانات اللغة الانجليزية بنظام البابل شيت للثالث الثانوي بالاجابات Mr_moh12

البابل شيت - بوكليت امتحانات اللغة الانجليزية بنظام البابل شيت للثالث الثانوي بالاجابات Mr_moh13
البابل شيت - بوكليت امتحانات اللغة الانجليزية بنظام البابل شيت للثالث الثانوي بالاجابات Mr_moh15
البابل شيت - بوكليت امتحانات اللغة الانجليزية بنظام البابل شيت للثالث الثانوي بالاجابات Mr_moh14

البابل شيت - بوكليت امتحانات اللغة الانجليزية بنظام البابل شيت للثالث الثانوي بالاجابات Mr_moh16
Choose the right answers
1. By 1960s, most households had a TV.The noun"households” can be replaced
a) enemies                          b) rivals                        c) families                        d) foes
2. The psychologist told me that my son's problem was more………..than physical.
a) essential                   b) beneficial                    c) additional                       d) emotional
3. One of the………… of iron is that it conducts heat and electricity very well.
a) improvements                    b) expectations                c) properties                d) disadvantages
4. This substance………..to any shape you want. It is very elastic.
a) stretches                       b) switches                       c) tears                              d) fetches
5. We will have to wait to see how…..this experience will be, how reliable the technology.
a) processed                     b) survivor                        c) immerse                 d) immersive
6. The high crime rate has its…………in unemployment and poverty.
a) ancestors                       b) shares                      c) roots                           d) qualifications
7. The journalist was there to…………an interview with The President.
a) make                                 b) do                              c) give                            d) take
8. A…………is the woman who a man is engaged to be married to.
a) fiancé                            b) fiancée                  c) widower                             d) bachelor
9. She'll have difficulties…...used to the night shifts, but the extra pay will compensate.
a) get                                      b) to get                       c) to getting                         d) getting
10. He…………his wallet until the waiter brought the bill.
a) missed                           b) didn't miss                   c) is missing                           d) hasn't missed
11. I…………the sales position, but it would have involved working really long hours.
a) could accept          b) could have accepted       c) was able to accept          d) ought have accepted
12. As he has a good record, we shall let him off this time. This means we……….him.
a) shall punish                  b) shall reward                 c) shall not punish                     d) won't release
13. When Adam arrived, we …………dinner. He found nothing to eat.
a) had                          b) had had                  c) were having                            d) have had
14. Not since last summer,………..been to the beach.
a) have I                               b) I have                        c) did I                                     d) was I
15. I need to………… before the interview.
a) get dry-cleaned my suit                               b) have my suit got dry-cleaned
c) get my suit dry-cleaned                                d) get my suit to dry-clean
16. “I had to drive your dogs out of my garden,” she said. –She said she............drive
my dogs out of her garden.
a) had to                       b) must                           c) had had to                             d) has had to
17. They waited outside for ages. The underlined words "outside" and "for ages" are……..
a) adverbials                     b) verbs                          c) adjuncts                                 d) a and c
18. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
a) Wow, that would be exciting!                          b) Wow; that would be exciting!
c) wow, That would be exciting.                           d) Wow! That would be exciting?
19. The following is part of a/an…………essay.
I’ll never forget the day I photographed a bear. My brothers and I were visiting my grandparents. They live near Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.
a) persuasive                   b) narrative                  c) argumentative                   d) expository
20. Why do we use transitions?
a) To make us mess up                                               b) To distract the reader
c) To make the writing flow                                       d) To start the paragraph
Read the following passage then choose the right answers:
Hydroponics is the science of growing plants without soil. Although it sounds like a new technology, it is not by any means a modern idea. Ancient Egyptian writings describe the growing of plants in water. Early examples of hydroponic culture include the hanging gardens of Babylon and the floating gardens built by the Aztecs in Mexico.  Soil helps to anchor the roots of plants, but it has been demonstrated that it is not absolutely necessary for their growth. As long as it can obtain food from somewhere, a
plant will grow. In hydroponics, nutrients are dissolved in water and the plant takes them in
through its roots.  In the last 70 years, the technique has developed dramatically. It has become extremely popular in Europe and is widely used to grow food crops. Holland leads the world in
hydroponic food production, with Canada a close second. Hydroponics has been used to grow vegetables in submarines and now astronauts are experimenting with it to produce food in space.  Many people see hydroponics as a solution to the world's growing food problems. As populations grow and cities increase in size, there is less and less land available for agriculture. Countries with limited space for crop cultivation can use hydroponics to produce food. It can also be used in areas with poor soil such as deserts. Scientists are now looking at ways of removing the salt from seawater and using it to mix the nutrient solution. Soon there will be no areas of the world where food cannot be produced.
21. Which place produces the most hydroponic food?
a) Space                         b) Europe                         c) Holland                          d) Canada
22. Hydroponics is an answer to the problem of............ .
a) feeding astronauts in space.                               c) feeding crews of submarines.
b) lack of sea water.                                                  d) world food shortage.
23.The most suitable title for the first paragraph would be............
a) The current state of hydroponics.                          c) The future of hydroponics.
b) The history of hydroponics.                                     d) How hydroponics takes place.
24. As cities grow bigger, the amount of land available to farming…………
a) is increased                  c) becomes cultivated            b) is deserted                    d) becomes limited
25. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?
a) The plant                       b) The root                                c) The trunk                       d) The soil
26. What does the word “demonstrated” mean?
a) shown                               b) disproved                            c) excluded                            d) intruded
27. Hydroponics is the science of ............ .
a) removing salt from seawater                                      b) reclaiming the desert      
c) studying desert soil                                                       d) growing plants without soil.
28. In hydroponics, nutrients are dissolved in water and the plant takes them in…….
a) through its leaves               b) through its branches            c) through its roots         d) through its trunk
a) is increased          b) is deserted                     c) becomes cultivated                   d) becomes limited
Read the following passage then choose the right answers:
Born in 1830 in rural Amherst, Massachusetts, Emily Dickinson spent her entire life in the
household of her parents. Between 1858 and 1862, it was later discovered, she wrote like a
person possessed, often producing a poem a day. It was also during this period that her life
was transformed into the myth of Amherst.  Withdrawing more and more, keeping to her room sometimes even refusing to see visitors who called, she began to dress only in white-a habit that added to her reputation as an eccentric.  In their determination to read Dickinson's life in terms of a traditional romantic plot biographers have missed the unique pattern of her life-her struggle to create a female life not yet imagined by the culture in which she lived. Dickinson was not the innocent, lovelorn and emotionally fragile girl sentimentalized by the Dickinson myth and popularized by William
Luce‘s 1976 play, The BeIle of Amherst.  Her decision to shut the door on Amherst society in the 1950's transformed her house into a kind of magical realm in which she was free to engage her poetic genius. Her seclusion was not the result of a failed love affairs but rather a part of a more general pattern of
renunciation through which she, in her quest for self – sovereignty, carried on an argument
with the Puritan fathers, attacking with wit and irony their cheerless Calvinist doctrine, their
stern patriarchal God, and their rigid notions of "true womanhood."
29. What is the author's main purpose in the passage?
a) To interpret Emily Dickinson‘s eccentric behavior
b) To promote the popular myth of Emily Dickinson
c) To discuss Emily Dickinson's failed love affair
d) To describe the religious climate in Emily Dickinson's time
30. According to the passage, the period from 1858 to 1862 was for Emily Dickinson a
period of great
a) tragedy                  b) sociability           c) productivity                       d) frivolity
31. What does the underlined word „their‟ refer to?
a) tragedy                    b) sociability                    c) productivity                     d) frivolity
32. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as being one of Emily Dickinson' s
a) Refusing to eat               b) Avoiding visitors           c) Wearing only write           d) Staying in her room
33. According to the passage, biographers of Emily Dickinson have traditionally
a) seen her life in romantic terms
b) ignored her innocence and emotional fragility
c) blamed her parents for restricting her activities
d) criticized most of her poems
34. Why does the author mention William Luce's play The Belle of Amherst?
a) To give an example of the sentimentalized Emily Dickinson myth
b) To show how popular Emily Dickinson's poems have become
c) To show that Emily Dickinson was also an actress
d) To illustrate the theatrical quality of Emily Dickinson's poems
35. The author implies that many people attribute Emily Dickinson's seclusion to............
a) physical illness           b) religious fervor             c) a failed love affair          d) her dislike of people
36. The suitable title to the passage is............
a) Theatres and poems c) Emily Dickson‘s unusal life
b) The age of the Puritans d) William luce‘s play, The BeIle of Amherst
 Read the sentences then choose the correct translation from a, b, c or d:
.37مصر إلآن تحتإج الى إلعمل الوطني المباشر اكثر بكثير من إحتياجها الي إلأغاني الهابطة وإلخطب الرنانة.
a) Egypt now needs direct national action a lot more than it needs high songs and resonant
b) Egypt now needs indirect national action a lot more than it needs low songs and resonant
c) Egypt now needs direct national action a lot more than it needs low songs and resonant
d) Egypt now needs direct national action a lot many than it need low songs and resonant

.38لمن أصابه الزهايمر أو فقد الذاكرة: ستظل مصر داثما وابدا وواحة الأمن والأمان وكنانة الله في إلأرض.
a) For those who have suffered from Alzheimer or amnesia: Egypt will always and
forever be an oases of security and safety and God's treasury on earth.
b) For anyone who has suffered from Alzheimer's disease or amnesia: Egypt will always and
forever be an oasis of insecurity and safety and God's quiver on earth.
c) For those who has been struck by Alzheimer's disease or loss of memory: Egypt will
always and never be an oasis of security and safety and ALLAH's container on earth.
d) For those who have suffered from Alzheimer's disease or amnesia: Egypt will always and
forever be an oasis of security and safety and the quiver of ALLAH on earth.
39. It is natural for every new generation to rebel against the old, and to establish a new
sensitivity and a different language and a different writing.
(aمن العادى لكل جيل جديد أن يقلد إلقديم وأن يؤسس حساسية جديدة ولغة مغايرة وكتابة مختلفة.
(bمن طبيعة كل جيل جديد أن يثور على القديم وأن ينشأ ذائقة جديدة ولغة مختلفة وكتابة متشابهة.
(cان كل جيل جديد من طبيعته إلتمرد على القديم وتأسيس حساسية جديدة ولغة مختلفة وكتابة مغايرة.
(dمن إلطبيعى لكل جيل جديد أن يحال إلقدماء وأن يبني حاسة جديدة ولغة مختلفة وكتابة مختلفة.
40. The Ahram Newspaper has occupied a high position in the Egyptian, Arab and international public life.

(aلقد إحتلت جريدة " إلأهرإم" وظيفة مرموقة ن ف الحيإة العامة إلمصرية والعربية والعإلمية.
(bلقد تبوأت جريدة " إلأهرإم" مكإنة عالية نف الحيإة العامة المصرية والعربية والعالمية.
(cلقد حإزت جريدة " إلأهرإم" على مكانة سامقة ن ف حياة العوام المصرية والعربية وإلاقليمية.
(dلقد شغلت جريدة " إلأهرإم" مكا ًنإ عاليا الحياة الخاصة المصرية والعربية والعالمية
Choose the correct Arabic translation:
- Innovation is endless. The more man seeks progress and
welfare, the more he invents things that make life easier.
However, do you think all inventions don't have negative aspects?
أ) الابتكار لا نهاية له فكلما ابتكر الانسان أشياء تجعل الحياة اسهل, كلما سعى الى
التقدم والرفاهية. ومع ذلك هل تعتقد ان كل الاختراعات ليس لها جوانب ايجابية؟
ب الابتكار لا نهاية له فكلما سعى الانسان الى التقدم والتطور, كلما اشترى أشياء
تجعل الحياة اسهل و لذلك هل تعتقد ان كل الاختراعات ليس لها جوانب سلبية؟
ج الابتكار لا نهاية له, فكلما سعى الانسان الى التقدم والرفاهية, كلما ابتكر اشياء
تجعل الحياة اسهل ومع ذلك هل تعتقد ان كل الاختراعات ليس لها جوانب سلبية؟
د) الرفاهية لا نهاية لها, فكلما سعى الانسان الى التقدم والرفاهية, كلما ابتكر اشياء
تجعل الحياة اسرع. ومع ذلك هل تعتقد ان الرفاهية ليس لها جوانب سلبية؟
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