مدرس اون لايندخول

الجزء الثانى من سؤال ال rewrite للمستوى الرفيع

Do as shown in brackets :

1- To be successful in business one must work very hard. ( It is....)
2- He only ran away from home because he was unhappy. ( He wouldn't….)
3- Why did this civilization collapse ? (What…?)
4- There's a chance you will need this sum of money, so take it. ( in case )
5- He left without saying thank you. ( not polite )
6- I'm going to get someone to make me some new curtains. ( to have )
7- The bridge is so low that no truck can go under it. ( Ii is…)
8- Don't smoke here, please. ( I'd rather )
9- He said to Mona, " If I were you, I would wait until tomorrow" (advised)
10-You are allowed to attend the party in a casual dress. ( You..)
11-My wife was on the point of picking up the phone when it rang. ( about )
12-Psychologists assume that having a retentive memory has very little to do with intelligence. (It..)
13-It is pointless to have this old TV repaired. ( This old TV isn't…)
14-Without the firemen's efforts, many people would have died. ( If it…)
15-Marwa is unlikely to come to school. ( doubtful )
16-They blamed the driver of causing the accident. ( on )
17- The researcher interpreted the procedures of the experiment thoroughly. ( interpretation )
18-I hate people laughing at me. ( Change into passive )
19- We have never eaten such a good meal. ( This is…)
20-But for water, all living things would have perished. ( Had…)
21- I was very sorry for being unable to help my friend overcome his hardships. ( I wish )
22- Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon on July 20th, 1969. ( It was )
23-Most poets and scientists are men. Most criminals are also men. ( so )
24-The aim of the New Delta project is to create more opportunities for work for millions of Egyptian young men. ( The New Delta project…)
25-The police couldn't prove that he stole the jewels. ( a proof )
26-Our company requires candidates with high qualifications. ( highly )
27-I'm bored with this programme. ( sick )
28-Has he answered all the questions yet ? ( Have …?)
29-Are you sure he wasn't making that up ? ( truth )
30-Even though he was week, won the race. ( as )
31-Eating GM food may affect us badly in the future. ( effect )
32-It is on account of his impatience that he couldn't follow the conservation for many years.
( Being )
33-Notwithstanding his successive attempts , he achieved none of the objectives he aimed at. (successively)
34-He is interested in learning English. ( interest )
35-Silly questions really make me angry. ( anger )
36-We were all surprised at their sudden decision to leave the country. ( decided )
37-You shouldn't reply to this letter in any circumstances. ( In no circumstances )
38- When you are absent, I am going to water your garden. ( during )
39- All my friends attended Ahmed's party except me. ( I )
40- Though he knew nothing of music, he encouraged me. ( knowledge )
41- The boy in blue jeans is my nephew. ( whose )
42- This is the place of his birth. ( where )
43-His success greatly pleased his country. ( pleasure )
44-There isn't anywhere as nice as your own country. ( Nowhere )
45-I usually went to the cinema every Saturday. ( go )
46-But for the merchant's caution, he would have lost all his money. ( Unless )
47-You are too young to go camping on your own. ( can't )
48-Muneer does almost no work. ( hardly )

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