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مراجعه على قواعد اللغه الانجليزيه

Unit 10
Rewrite using the word in brackets to write short answers for each of the following questions.
1. Have you ever seen a shark? (No)
2. Can a turtle run fast? (No)
3. Do you keep a pet at home? (Yes)

4. Did you enjoy your summer holiday? (Yes)

5. Are you a good swimmer? (No)

1. No, I haven’t
2. No, it can’t
3. Yes, I do.
4. Yes, I did.
5. No, I’m not.
Unit 11
Modal Verbs for Prohibition

1. Rewrite using the word in brackets to give the same meaning.

1. It’s not necessary to pay extra money for that dress. (don’t have to)
2. It’s necessary to respect the school rules. (have to)
3. I advise you not to go out because you’ve got a high temperature. (shouldn’t)
4. It’s necessary not to swim when the sea is rough. (mustn’t)
5. It’s necessary to brush your teeth after meals. (must)
1. You don’t have to pay extra money for that dress.
2. You have to respect the school rules.
3. You shouldn’t go out because you’ve got a high temperature.
4. You mustn’t swim when the sea is rough.
5. You must brush your teeth after meals.
Unit 12
Reported Speech of Statements

1. Rewrite beginning with the words in brackets. Change reported speech into direct speech, and direct speech into reported speech.
1. “I am looking for the geography book.” (Samy said)
Samy said he ______________________________________________________

2. Hatem said that he had saved enough money to buy a new car. (I)
“I _______________________________________________________

3. “I woke up late and I missed the bus.” (Mona said)
4. “I am going to travel to London for the holiday.” (Mr. Saber said)
5. Ali said that he was working in a five-star hotel in Sharm El Sheikh. (I)

1. Samy said (that) he was looking for the geography book.
2. I have saved enough money to buy a new car. OR I saved enough money to buy a new car.
3. Mona said (that) she had woken up late and she had missed the bus.
4. Mr. Saber said (that) he was going to travel to London for the holiday.
5. I am working in a five-star hotel in Sharm El Sheikh.

Unit 13

. Correct the underlined mistakes.

Two hundred and fifty miles above (1) an earth, there is a space station. (2) A space station was built by 14 countries, and it is called the International Space Station (ISS). It has scientific labs and (3) the living area. There is a toilet and (4) the kitchen with a fridge and (5) a oven. Astronauts can’t watch TV, but the ISS has got (6) the radio. The astronauts use the radio to talk to their families. There is no gravity in space, so astronauts don’t need beds. They can’t take (7) the shower in (Cool a space station, so they wash with wet cloths. Every day they spend (9) a hour or more on (10) a exercise bike and other equipment to keep fit.

1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____
6. _____ 7. _____ 8. _____ 9. _____ 10. _____

Two hundred and fifty miles above the earth, there is a space station. The space station was built by 14 countries, and it is called the International Space Station (ISS). It has scientific labs and a living area. There is a toilet and a kitchen with a fridge and an oven. Astronauts can’t watch TV, but the ISS has got a radio. The astronauts use the radio to talk to their families. There is no gravity in space, so astronauts don’t need beds. They can’t take a shower in the space station, so they wash with wet cloths. Every day they spend an hour or more on an exercise bike and other equipment to keep fit.

Unit 14
Relative clauses

Rewrite using the word in brackets to give the same meaning.
1. I went to the hospital. My uncle was treated there. (where)
2. Samy is a kind person. He helps his old neighbours do their shopping. (who) _______________________________________________________
3. I couldn’t carry the bag. It was very heavy. (which) _______________________________________________________
4. I go to a big school. I have lots of friends there. (where) _______________________________________________________
5. Charles Dickens was a knowledgeable writer. He wrote many great novels. (who)
2. Correct the underlined mistakes in the relative pronouns.
The ancient world was full of wonders (1) who became known as the Seven Wonders of the World. There was one wonder (2) where had a particular purpose, (3) who was the Lighthouse of Alexandria. The lighthouse stood on the island of Pharos (4) where is part of Egypt now. It guided ships safely to the harbour. In 1166, an Arab traveller (5) which visited the lighthouse wrote about it. From the top of the lighthouse, (6) which there was a mirror (7) who reflected a fire inside the lighthouse, you could see for many kilometres. The lighthouse was destroyed in the 15th century by an earthquake (Cool who was very strong.

1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________
5. _________ 6. _________ 7. _________ 8. _________


1. I went to the hospital where my uncle was treated.
2. Samy, who is a kind person, helps his old neighbours do their shopping.
3. I couldn’t carry the bag, which was very heavy.
4. I go to a big school where I have lots of friends.
5. Charles Dickens was a knowledgeable writer who wrote many great novels.
1. which 2. which 3. which 4. which
5. who 6. where 7. which 8. which
Unit 15
Modal Verbs of Possibility

Rewrite using the word in brackets to give the same meaning.
1. Alaa will possibly lend me his CD player. (might)
2. I can’t find my car keys. I’m sure I forgot them at home. (must)
3. Don’t turn off the computer yet. It’s possible that someone is still using it. (might)
4. It’s impossible for Mona to be walking in this weather. (can’t)
5. I am certain that Ali is ill. He has a high fever. (must)


1. Alaa might lend me his CD player.
2. I can’t find my car keys. I must have forgotten them at home.
3. Don’t turn off the computer yet. Someone might still be using it.
4. Mona can’t be walking in this weather.
5. Ali must be ill. He has a high fever.

Unit 16
Question Tags

1. Add a question tag to each sentence.
1. They’re leaving now, ______________________________?
2. Alaa can’t sing very well, ______________________________?
3. You don’t like coffee, ______________________________?
4. You haven’t got a car, ______________________________?
5. Mr Samir is very busy now, ______________________________?

2. Correct the underlined mistakes.
Mina: Hello, Samy. I haven’t seen you for ages. You’ve been travelling, (1) have you?
Samy: Yes, I have.
Mina: You enjoyed your time, (2) haven’t you?
Samy: It was great. What about you? You’ve finished your studies, (3) didn’t you?
Mina: Yes, but I haven’t found a job yet.
Samy: Why? Your grades were good, (4) aren’t they?
Mina: Yes, but they always need experienced people.
Samy: You don’t have any experience, (5) don’t you?
Mina: No, but I helped my father at his work when I finished my studies.
Samy: You should apply at least to some places, (6) should you?
Mina: I think you’re right.
Samy: You must start applying immediately, (7) must you?

1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________
4. _______________ 5. _______________ 6. _______________
7. _______________


1. They’re leaving now, aren’t they?
2. Alaa can’t sing very well, can he?
3. You don’t like coffee, do you?
4. You haven’t got a car, have you?
5. Mr. Samir is very busy now, isn’t he?

1. haven’t you? 2. didn’t you? 3. haven’t you?
4. weren’t they? 5. do you? 6. shouldn’t you?
7. mustn’t you?

Unit 17
Passive Voice
1. Rewrite using the word in brackets to give the same meaning.
1. Charles Dickens wrote Oliver Twist. (was)
2. You should do something about your bad tooth. (be)
3. Alaa designed Soha's wedding invitations 3 months before the wedding. (were)
4. The Japanese make the fastest trains. (are)
5. People speak English in Australia. (is)

2. Correct the underlined mistakes.
An important statue (1) stole from the National Museum yesterday. The robbery (2) reported to the police last night by the museum guard. A man who (3) arrested by the police (4) is questioned now. The police think that the man is responsible but no proof (5) has found yet. No more information (6) was gave by the police. They said that a full investigation (7) will carry out. The museum manager said that the museum will not be opened to the public again until the end of the week.
1. ____________________ 2. ____________________
3. ____________________ 4. ____________________
5. ____________________ 6. ____________________
7. ____________________

1. Oliver Twist was written by Charles Dickens.
2. Something should be done about your bad tooth.
3. Soha's wedding invitations were designed by Alaa 3 months before the wedding.
4. The fastest trains are made by the Japanese.
5. English is spoken in Australia.

An important statue was stolen from the National Museum yesterday. The robbery was reported to the police last night by the museum guard. A man who was arrested by the police is being questioned now. The police think that the man is responsible but no proof has been found yet. No more information was given by the police. They said that a full investigation will be carried out. The museum manager said that the museum will not be opened to the public again until the end of the week.
Unit 18
Reported Speech of Questions

Rewrite using the word in brackets.
1. How long have you been living in England? (Samy asked Ali )
2. Where can I find the children’s clothing department? (Sara asked the shop assistant) _______________________________________________________
3. How will you spend your summer holiday? (Mona asked Alia) _______________________________________________________
4. When will the next football match for your team be? (Tamer asked Alaa)
5. Are you going to the theatre tomorrow? (Soha asked Huda)
1. Samy asked Ali how long he had been living in England.
2. Sara asked the shop assistant where she could find the children’s clothing department.
3. Mona asked Alia how she would spend her summer holiday.
4. Tamer asked Alaa when the next football match for his team would be.
5. Soha asked Huda is she was going to the theatre the following day/tomorrow.
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