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مراجعات منصة الوزارة في ليلة امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية للثانوية العامة

مراجعات منصة الوزارة في ليلة امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية للثانوية العامة 01358
لطلاب ثانوية عامة , ننشر مراجعات منصة الوزارة في ليلة امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الثالث الثانوي
- مراجعة على Unit 7,8,9 

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- مراجعة على Unit 10,11,12

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Smoking and its bad effects
      Smoking has become one of the most serious problems all over the world. All countries call smokers to give up smoking for several reasons. First, smoking is the main cause of cancer السرطان and other serious diseases. Second, people who smoke are really wasting their health and their money. So, the government has issuedأصدرت  a law that doesn’t allow passengers in trains, cars and taxis to smoke. I think smokers should be fined.يغرموا All companies of cigarette production شركات إنتاج السجائر must be closed down.تغلق  All the governments should co-operate with each other to issue strict صارم laws against smokers. Moreover, smokers should have a real desire to give up smoking. In addition to that, the government should make the best use of media to make campaignsحملات  against smoking

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