مدرس اون لايندخول

إختبار إنجليزى ممتاز الترم الثانى ثان ابتدائــى

إختبار إنجليزى ممتاز الترم الثانى ثان ابتدائــى

[1] Read the words and circle the right picture:

a) Butterfly.

b) Glass.

c) Rice.

d) House.

e) Stairs.
[2] Read the words and circle the right pictures:

a) Father – mother.

b) Cup – tub.

c) thirteen – fourteen.

d) Tree – bee.

e) Fish – dish.
[3] Look at the pictures and circle "Yes' or "No":

[1] On Monday we watched Television. Yes No
[2] On Friday we play football. Yes No
[3] On Sunday we visit my grandma. Yes NO
[4] On Tuesday we cook. Yes No
[5] On Friday we swim. Yes No

[4] Match the words with the pictures:

(B) (A)

1- Television.
2- Orange.
3- Chair.
4- Fall.
5- Bananas.
6- Draw.

[5] Look at the pictures, the letters then write the words:

edra seoum cilpen phelenat

[6] Copy the following sentences:
The butterfly is on the tree.
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