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للاذاعة المدرسية باللغة الانجليزية.. ملف كامل فيه كل ما تحتاجه (مقدمة وحكمة وكلمة وحديث وشعر) 33 ورقة pdf

 للاذاعة المدرسية باللغة الانجليزية.. ملف كامل فيه كل ما تحتاجه (مقدمة وحكمة وكلمة وحديث وشعر) 33 ورقة pdf  10054
اقدم لحضرتكم ملف كامل33 ورقة pdf بالالوان كل ما تحتاجه للاذاعة المدرسية باللغة الانجليزية مقدمة وحكمة وكلمة وحديث وشعر


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تحميل ملف الاذاعة المدرسية باللغة الانجليزية كامل 33 ورقة pdf من هنا
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Mr Gamal
اذاعة مدرسية باللغة الانجليزية للعام الدراسي 2022 - 2023
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful
The Gracious has taught the Quran . He created man. He taught him eloquent speech.

الحديث الشريف
قال رسول الله صلى عليه وسلم
The Prophet Of Allah ( Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:-
" المرء على دين خليله فلينظر أحدكم من يخالل "
A man adopts a way of life according to that of his friend ,so one should be careful about whom he chooses to be friends with"

الصديق وقت الضيق
A friend in need is a friend indeed.


في بيتي كثير من الأشياء
In my house, there are a lot of things

يوجد كنب كبير في المجلس
There is a sofa in the living room.

يوجد دش في دورة المياه
There is a shower in the bathroom

يوجد ثلاجة في المطبخ
There is a refrigerator in the kitchen

يوجد سرير في غرفة النوم
There is a bed in the bedroom

بجانب بيتي يوجد حديقة
Next to my house, there is a garden.​


In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful
Thank you Allah and peace be upon our prophet Muhammad,
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
And good morning to you all,
Dears, there is no start better than telawah from the holy Quran , so let's listen together:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ن وَالْقَلَمِ وَمَا يَسْطُرُونَ (1) مَا أَنتَ بِنِعْمَةِ رَبِّكَ بِمَجْنُونٍ (2) وَإِنَّ لَكَ لَأَجْرًا غَيْرَ مَمْنُونٍ (3) وَإِنَّكَ لَعَلى خُلُقٍ عَظِيمٍ (4) فَسَتُبْصِرُ وَيُبْصِرُونَ (5) بِأَييِّكُمُ الْمَفْتُونُ(6) إِنَّ رَبَّكَ هُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِمَن ضَلَّ عَن سَبِيلِهِ وَهُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِالْمُهْتَدِينَ (7) سورة القلم 1:7
And now with this chant called ( Allah is one )
Allah is one
he is the only one
for anything everything
Allah is one
He is the only one
لا اله إلا الله
لا اله إلا الله
Can you see the moon
Can you see the sun
Can you see the bird
Fly in the sky
Allah can hear me
Allah can see me
Where ever I am
Allah is with me
Allah is one
he is the only one
for anything everything
Allah is one
He is the only one
لا اله إلا الله
لا اله إلا الله

A: We will celebrate after few days the holy month of Ramadan , Do you know what is the importance of Ramadan?
B: Ramadan is important for Muslims because it is believed to be the month in which the first verses of the Holy Quran were revealed by Allah to Prophet Muhammad .
During Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn to sunset every day.
Tell us about the benefits of fasting!
A: Yes dear, For Muslims, fasting has a number of benefits:
1. It helps one to feel compassion for those who are poor.
2. It allows one to build a sense of self-control and willpower.
3. It offers a time for Muslims to "purify" their bodies as well as their souls.
And do you know what comes after Ramadan?
B: Of course , After the end of Ramadan, a very joyous holiday is celebrated by Muslims, known as Eid al-Fitr, the Festival of Breaking the Fast. On the day of the Eid, Muslims attend special prayers in the morning, wearing their nicest clothes.
A: And at the end here are Manal and Lama from the first grade with ( I like ) rhyme
I like
I like to swing.
I like to slide.
I like to walk,
and I like to ride.
I like to dress up,
and I like my old clothes.
I like some of these.
I like some of those.
I like to ****
and I like to play.
I like a lot,
wouldn't you say?
And السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته​

In the name of Allah
Wellcom every body in my school
Praise be to Allah , the Lord of the world .The Most Gracious , the Most Merciful . . . And peace and blessing of Allah be upon the noblest of the Prophets our prophet Mohammad peace be upon him . .We start our broadcast by some verses of the Holy Qur'an by…….
No Person Like Our Prophet Mohammad ( peace be upon him )
Mohammad was a teacher , a social reformer , a moral guide , and administrative colossus , a faithful friend , a wonderful companion a devoted husband , a loving father , all good manners in our prophet . .
It is a great shame , indeed , for any person to ridicule the savior of the humanity.
Our prophets speech introduced by
The student ;
The prophet (the blessing and peace be upon him)
Said that do not consider the smallest deed as insignificant even meeting your brother with
Cheerful face

Thanks now lets know more about the money with /

$ It can buy a House, But not a Home ...
$ It can buy a Bed, But not Sleep ...
$ It can buy a Clock, But not Time...
$ It can buy a Book, But not Knowledge...
$ It can buy a Position, But not Respect ...
$ It can buy Medicine, But not Health ...
$ It can buy Blood, But not Life ...

Laugh with us :

-A teacher says to the girl : You do everything slowly : you speak slowly, you think slowly, you **** slowly. Can you tell me what you do quickly ?
- Yes, Miss. I get tired very quickly.

Wisdoms and famous words with the student:

A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly *****ed." -- Bernard Meltzer. A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway. -- Fr. Jerome Cummings
Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends. -- Cindy Lew
Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure. -- Jewish Saying
"Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you."
-- Elbert Hubbard
"Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure."
-- Jewish saying
The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend.-- Abraham Lincoln

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
A friend in need is a friend indeed
An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Birds of a feather flock together
Don't put all your eggs in one basket
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
Add to your information introduced by……….

Some Interesting Facts about the Sun
The Sun is a ball of hot gases. By weight, it is 70% hydrogen, 28% helium, 1.5% carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, and 0.5% all other elements. The Sun's temperature is 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit at the surface and 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit at the center.
The average distance from the Earth to the Sun is 93,000,000 miles. It takes light eight and a half minutes to travel from the Sun to the Earth.
The diameter of the Sun is 870,000 miles, 109 times larger than the Earth's. Its volume is big enough to hold over 1 million Earths.

By the end we hope that you enjoyed our announcement
Have a nice day
Mr Gamal
الإذاعة المدرسية باللغة الانجليزية
In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Dear the head-master
My dear teachers
My dear students
السيد مدير المدرسة معلميني الافاضل اعزائي الطلبة
Peace and blessing of Allah be upon you. سلام الله عليكم ورحمته وبركاته
We are your brothers, the English Group.
We welcome you
نحن اخوانكم مجموعة اللغة الانجليزية. مرحبا بكم
and we are glad to present you our program
يسرنا ان نقدم برنامجنا
The best start is with The Holy Quran recited by ……
- خير بداية القرآن الكريم مع ..........
- والآن نستمع إلى الحديث الشريف مع ............
Now we are listening to the Holy Hadith with our brother …………
قال رسول الله صل الله عليه وسلم
(أكثر ما يدخل الله الجنة تقوى الله وحسن الخلق)
The Prophet ( Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:-
The thing which will make the majority people enter the Paradise is piety and good manners.
حكمة اليوم مع .................
Today proverb with ……………
ما يأتي بسهولة يذهب بسهولة
Easy come, easy go
الآن نستمع إلى كلمة اليوم مع ................
Now we are listening to today word with ……………..…
It’s a time for fun & exiting with some easy quizzes:
- What doesn't ask questions, but needs to be answered? ( the telephone)
- What comes down & never go up? ( the rain)
و الآن وقت المرح و الإثارة مع بعض الأسئلة ( الفوازير ) السهلة
1. ما هو الذي لا يسأل.. لكنه يحتاج إلى إجابة ؟ <<< الهاتف
2. ما هو الشيء الذي ينزل لأسفل و لا يصعد إلى أعلى أبدا؟ <<< المطر
Add to your information introduced by:
فقرة أضف إلى معلوماتك مع الطالب :
1- The discoverer of the blood circulation is IBN ALNAFEES.
مكتشف الدورة الدموية هو ابن النفيس
2- The inventor of the telephone is Graham Bell
مخترع الهاتف هو الكسندر جرهام بل
3- The inventor of the number Zero is AL-KHAWAREZMI.
مخترع العدد صفر هو الخوارزمي
Finally, we would like to thank you for good listening & following our programme
( و في الختام ، نريد أن نشكركم على حسن استماعكم و متابعتكم لبرنامجنا)
وهذا أخوكم/( ...........) يتمنى لكم يوما سعيدا
And this is your brother ِ(.....)
,wishes you a nice day
الى اللقاء في الأسبوع القادم
See you next week, and goodbye.
و دي اذاعات اخري ممكن تفيد��
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محتويات ملف الاذاعة المدرسية باللغة الانجليزية :
مقدمة اذاعية باللغة الانجليزية تصلح لجميع المدارس.
برنامج مكون من خمس اسابيع يشمل كل فروع الاذاعة.
عدد صفحات ملف الاذاعة 23 صفحة.
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سجل إذاعة اللغة الإنجليزية pdf للطباعة + ماتريال للإذاعة والمجلة
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