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جديد 2013 ملزمة bright star grade five الصف الخامس لغات انجلش ترم أول

bright star grade five
*A* Underline the correct answer.
1. What sports do you like (making – doing – having)?
2. How (more – many – much) brothers have you got?
3. I practise swimming at the swimming (sink –bath – pool).
4. Mohamed is (putting on – putting off – putting out) his trainers to play.
5. Yasmin is (looking for – looking after – looking at) her lost bag now.
6. When Hala reached her home, she pulled (off- on – in) her shoes.
7. The (lifeguard – waiter- policeman) saved the man from drowning.
8. Hady has got (life-saving – safe belt- safe mood) classes to work at the ship.
9. The (diver – doctor – teacher) dives under the waves.
10. The safeguard is swimming (to – for – with) the girl to save her.
11. Small cleaner fish help big fish with (face – skin – hearing) problems.
12. The cleaner fish (eat – cut – put) the problem away.
13. Cleaner fish have a very (special – private – public) signal.
14. (The dentist- The safe guard – Swimmer) takes care of our teeth.
15. If food stays between our teeth , our teeth will( go bad-go mad –go grey )
16. Some living creatures need (antennae – aerial- glasses) for feeling things.
17. The tourist used his camera to (make – take – do) some photos.
18. Nada is (playing – doing – catching) the guitar to make music.
19. Adel Emam is a (film star- TV star – sky star) in the Egyptian cinema.
20. I will do a (quiz- game – joke), who is my favourite player?
21. I always (mix – fix – tick) Nora up with Esraa as they are twins.
22. Don’t talk about someone's (personal – personnel – special) matters.
23. Douaa used breathing tube to go ( snorkelling – windsurfing – water-skiing )
24. There was a lot of wind on the beach, so let's go (snorkelling – windsurfing – water-skiing).
25. Ahmed is standing on a sledge on the waves pulled by boat when he prefers to go ( snorkelling – windsurfing – water-skiing )
26. The divers were looking for (sunken – damaged – escaping) ship on the seabed.
27. The diver went (down – towards – too) to the seabed to find some secrets.
28. Ali Baba and 40 thieves were looking for (treasures – monuments- facts) inside the cave.
29. How (much- long – big) can a person stay under the water without breathing.
30. Sara keeps (to watch – watching – watch) TV in summer.
31. The (octopus – whale – dolphin) is a sea creature that has many legs.
32. (Gosh!-Alas! – Hurrah! ) You devil, the child said that when he saw a big dog.
33. (Blue whale – White shark - The Squid) is the biggest animal in the world.

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