
للصف الخامس الابتدائى ( لغات ) English Advanced Level > Stories

Chapter ( 1 )

A)-Answer :

1-Who was Marion ?
2-What do you know about Dottie ?
3-What does Sidney do ?
4-What did Dottie tell Sidney about his mother ?
5-What is Sidney working on right now ?
6-Where did Sidney live ?
7-Did Sidney have to go out for his mother ?

B)-Complete :

1-While Marion was crossing the street , a ……………....
braked hard and hooted .
2-Marion was right when she said that ……………………
3-It wasn't Sunday morning , but it was …………………..
4-Marion had …………………….. where she was going .
5-Marion had lost her ………………………… .
6-Marion was a very ……………………………….. .
7-Sidney was ……………………… about his mother .
8-Sidney can give the mixture to ……………………and
…………………. .
9-Sidney wanted to do something to the human …………..

Chapter ( 2 )

A)- Answer :

1-What did Sidney prepare ?
2-Could Banjo and Maisy do different kinds of tricks?
3-Where did Banjo and Maisy live ?
4-What happened to both Maisy and Banjo after Sidney
gave them some of the mixture ?
5-What did Sidney ask Alec to do with the bottle of the
mixture ?
6-What did Alec use to do when he was young ?
7-Why did Alec take the face-mask with him ?
8-Did Sidney experiment his mixture with humans ?

B)- Complete :

1-Sidney invented a mixture that took …………. away.
2-Sidney wanted to invent a medicine to ………………
memory .
3-Sidney had made a ……………….. in the recipe .
4-The mixture took away the animals' ………………….
for …………………….. .
5-The new mixture might cause a ……………………… .
6-Alec made a mixture of ……………………… and …...
………………………. .
7-Alec found a very thick ……………………… in the
equipment cupboard .
8-Maisy was a …………….. and Banjo was a ……………

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الثائر الحق
Chapter ( 3 )

A)-Answer :

1-Did Alec go to work the next morning ?
2-Why did Alec ring ( phone ) his boss ?
3-Did Alec really have a bad headache ?
4-What did Alec take with him (in the bag ) ?
5-Why did Alec go to the Primary School?
6-Why did Alec walk into ( enter ) the canteen ?
7-Why did the School Secretary enter the canteen ?
8-How did the mixture affect the School Secretary ?

B)- Complete :

1-First , Alec went to the …………………………. .
2-None of the cooks saw Alec because they were in the
…………………… .
3-……………………. wrote the letters of the menu in
the wrong order .
4-……………………. put the ice cream into boiling
water for half an hour .
5-……………………. Put some potatoes in eggcups .
6-Rachel put the …………………….. in a frying pan
without any …………………….. .
7-Alec was very ……………………….. with his first
disaster .

Chapter ( 4 )

A)-Answer :

1-How many drivers were having lunch ?
2-What did Alec call out ( say ) inside the canteen ?
3-Where did the Number 52 bus drive to ?
4-What happened to the drivers ?
5-Why did the drivers change their routes ?

B)- Complete :

1-The Number 11 bus turned ……………….. instead of
………………………… .
2-The Number 11 bus was going towards the ……………
3-The bus wheels became …………………… in the sand .
4-Alec hoped that they would send a …………………….
soon .
5-The buses were at the bus ………………….. .

الثائر الحق
Chapter ( 5 )
A)-Answer :
1-When did Alec walk into ( reach) the TV studios ?
2-What was Alec wearing when he walked into the TV
3-What was the weather forecaster setting up ?
4-When did Alec walk into the TV studios to spray his
" Air Freshner " ?
5-Why did the producer walk up to the newsreader's desk?
6-What happened to both the newsreader and the weather
forecaster ?
7-Why did the newsreader and the forecaster take off their
jackets ?
8-What couldn't the weather forecaster remember ?
9-Why did the weather producer take the presenter away
from the cameras ?
10-What did Sidney guess ( think ) when he saw Alec on
TV ?

B)-Complete :
1-Alec wanted his next experiment to be in front of more
…………………………. .
2-People were getting ready for the 9 o'clock …………….
3-The …………………… was next to the news studio .
4-The …………………… started to read the TV news .
5-An ……………………. read the news instead of the
6-After the news broadcast finished , the cameras turned
to the ………………………. .
7-At home , ……………………. and ………………….
were watching TV .

الثائر الحق
Chapter ( 6 )

A)- Answer :

1-What happened to the people inside the studio ?
2-What happened to the police officers ?
3-Where was Sidney standing when the fire service
arrived ?
4-What was Sidney's advice to the firemen ?
5-What did the fire officers do before entering the
building ?
6-What did Alec tell Sidney when he asked him about
his trick at the studios ?
7-Where will Sidney take Alec to if he doesn't tell the
truth ?
8-Why was Alec wearing a face-mask ?
9-Who heard the conversation between Sidney and Alec ?
10-What was Alec's reply (answer ) when the director
blamed him ?
11-Why did hundreds of people phone the TV Company ?
12-What did Sidney find out about his mixture after Alec
used it inside the TV studios ?

B)-Complete :

1-Inside the studios , people had lost their ……………… .
2-Two ………………. cars arrived and the ……………..
ran into the building .
3-Everyone who breathed the memory mixture …………..
everything .
4-The fire officers advised the people they brought out to
sit down quietly until they ………………………. .
5-Sidney saw Alec when he was walking towards the
…………………………….. .
6-There is only one ………………………. in the world
and …………………. stole it .
7-When Sidney saw Alec , he was very ,very ……………
8-Alec had to be ………………………… when his boss
threatened him .
9-The director told Alec that he spoilt the ………………..
and the …………………………. .
10-All the workers forgot their ……………………. and
their ……………………. .
11-Alec caused a lot of ………………………. .
12-Alec wanted to do an experiment with ………………...
13-Instead of going home , Sidney drove to his …………..
14-At last , Sidney wanted ( tried ) to change some parts of
the ……………………….. .

الثائر الحق
Chapter ( 7 )

A)- Answer :

1-What will happen to Alec if he plays tricks again ?
2-What did Alec promise to do in the end ?
3-What was Sidney's new name for Alec ?
4-Why did Sidney give Alec the recipe for the memory
mixture ?
5-What happened to Alec after drinking some of the
memory mixture ?
6-Who learnt the football results for 20 years ?
7-What was the effect of the new medicine on Marion ?

B)-Complete :

1-Banjo learnt four new ……………………… .
2-Maisy learnt four new ……………………… .
3-Alec stole Sidney's …………………………. .
4-Alec drank six …………………. of the ……………. .
5-The cooks learnt the …………………….. by heart .
6-The school children learnt all the ………………….. .
7-The ………………………….. learnt the top 10 songs .
8-Sidney made a new medicine , with 25% of ……………
and 75 % of …………………… .
9-Only people with ………………………… could get the
memory mixture .

Thank you very much
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