مدرس اون لايندخول

اسئلة على منهج الجرامر كله للثانوية العامة

Unit one
Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d
1. That's the phone. I (answer – am answering – would answer – will answer) it .
2. I think my cousin (will study – studies – going to study – would study) engineering. He is
very clever at Maths.
3. My German lesson (is stating – starts – has been starting – start) at four o'clock this
4. We (will – may – are going to – are) probably be there for two weeks.
5. I can't meet you this afternoon . I (am doing – do – have done – may do) the shopping.
6. My plane (is leaving – shall leave – leave – leaves) at 10 o'clock tomorrow.
7. I am studying medicine . I (may be – am going to be – am being – be) a doctor.
8. I expect that he (wins – will win – is going to win – is winning) the match.
9. Somebody is knocking on the door. I (am going – will go – have gone – go) and open it.
10. She (is flying – flies – fly – would fly) to Spain next Monday. Everything is arranged.
11. What are your plans for tomorrow? – I (am going to play – play – have played –
shouldn't play) tennis with a friend.
12. Watch out! You (are dropping – drop – are going to drop – would drop) the glasses.
13. Don't worry. I (lend – am lending – will lend – should lend) you the money you need.
14. It's arranged. We (will go – go – are going – may go) to the Red Sea this summer.
15. I think you( will be - is going to be - is being – will) very good at squash.
16. A: I am going on holiday tomorrow.
B: I'm sure you(are going to enjoy - are enjoying - enjoy - will enjoy) it.
17. I think the weather in England( will be - is going to be - is being - shall be) cold and
18. There's not a cloud in the sky. It ( is going to be - are being - are going be - will be)
another very sunny day.
19. Don’t pick up the phone. I (answer-am answering-will answer-am going to answer) it .
20. I (’ll resign - resign - am rosining- would resign) if I don’t get a pay rise.
21. After I have studied, I ( am going to watch - will watch – watch - am watching ) TV.
22. We won’t start the meeting until you (arrive - had arrived - will arrive – arrives ) .
23. He(’s traveling –travels -'d travel -'ll travel) to Aswan tomorrow. He’s got his ticket
24. I( clean - am cleaning - have been cleaning - ’ll clean) the car for you.
25. I( will have driven –am going to drive-’ll be driving –will drive)to the airport at 4 o’clock tomorrow.
26. Would you like fish or chicken? - I think I(’ll have-am having - am going to have - have )
Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d
1) Hady has planned to get married next month.This means he ..... get married next month .
a- will b- shall c- is going to d- would
2) My sister.................. be 14 next month .
a- will b- is going to c- would d- could
3) The doorbell is ringing , I .................. the door.
a- am opening b- am going to open c- open d- will open
4) The water's boiling . I ......................... turn the gas off .
a- will b- am going to c- can't d- won't
5) We ......................... again until next week..
a- haven't met b- won't meet c- aren't going to meet d- aren't meeting
6) Osama has decided to go to the match. He ......................... watch it.
a- will b- may c- might d- is going to
7) What's the matter with Gehan ? It looks like she ................... to faint.
a- will b- is going c- can d- is able
Cool Look at these black clouds . It......................... rain .
a- will b- would c- should d- is going to
9) A) Tea or Coffee?
B) I ......................... have coffee better.
a- am going to b-'ll c- might d- may
10) She has arranged to retire next month. She ...................... next month
a- will retire b- may retire c- is retiring d- retires
11) Ola is in hospital, Oh really ? I didn't know . I................ visit her at once .
a- would b- am going to c- may d-will
12) When do you think you ......................... finish work ?
a- would b- will c- could d- are going to
13) In the year 2020 it is thought that people ......................... smart cars.
a- will drive b- are going to drive c- would drive d- are driving
14) When I've saved up enough money, I................... buy a digital camera .
a- would b- may c- could d- am going to
15) I feel terrible . I think I ......................... be sick.
a- am going to b- will c- might d- should
16) Ahmed .........................probably arrive at about 8 o'clock .
a- will b- should c- could d- am going to
17) They intended to buy a big house. They ......................... buy it.
a- may b- are going to c- should d- will
18) I hope the stadium ..........................be full for the match on Saturday .
a- is going to b- would c- may d- will

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:
1- Don't worry , I am answering the phone at once .
2- The exam is quite easy , the pupils will do it well .
3- I think our team is winning the match .
4- My father has saved enough money . He will buy a new car.
5- I expect Ramy is passing his exams .
6- I'm going to go shopping with you if you like .
7- The sky is clear, it will be fine .
8- Samy has got a visa to Canada . He will go there next month .
9- I'm going to have a cold drink .
10- There is a long queue at the bus stop . The bus will be crowded .
11- It's very hot, I'm opening the window .
12- My uncle is going to be 50 next week .
13-The bag is heavy . I'm going to carry it for you .

Unit 2
Countable & uncountablenouns
1-How (much – many – long – little) people are there in the team?
2-How many seconds (is – are – were – would) there in an hour?
3-Ten kilometers (have – been - is - are) a long way to run.
4-Would you like (some – much – a – any) cup of tea?
5-One of the pages in the book (is – are – were – have been) torn.
6-We didn't take (some – many – much – little) photographs yesterday.
7-Ali was listening to (a – many – one – some) music.
8-We didn't do (a – much – many – some) shopping last week.
9-I still have (a little – much – one – a few) things to do.
10-I am going to buy (some – a few – two – one) bread.
11-If you want to know the news, you can read (much paper – many paper – a paper – paper).
12- I want to print some documents, but the printer is out of(papers – paper – a paper –
many papers)
13-Bad news (don't – doesn't – haven't – aren't) make people happy.
14-Can you give me (an – some – many – one) advice?
15-I don't have (many – some – much – a lot) luggage.
16-They spend (a lot of – many – a few – a) money on travel.
17-Enjoy your trip. Have (a – many – a few – any) good time.
18-I need a new (pair – couple – double – jar) of sunglasses.
19-I have (a – a few – any – a lot) problem. Can you help me?
20-How (much – many – few – little) students are there in your school?
21-I am going away for (some – many – much – a) week in September.
22-Are there(some – an– any– a) biscuits left ?
23-How(many – much – little – more) people are there in the team?
24-Thirty pounds ( is– are– were– have been ) a lot of money for a five – year – old wallet.
25-The police ( want – wants – has wanted – is wanted ) to interview two men about the
robbery .
26-Three days ( weren't – aren't – haven't been – isn't ) long enough for a good holiday.
27-Fortunately the news( wasn't – weren't – haven't been – don't ) as bad as we expected.
28-I don't have ( many – much – some – a ) furniture.
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly:
1- Athletics are important.
2- The Egyptian teams is very clever.
3- She has got a little books.
4- How much clothes have you bought?
5- Our luggage are searched carefully.
6- How much coffees have you drunk today?
7- Do we have a rice left?
8- How many money do you need for your holiday?
9- Fifty degrees are a very high temperature
10- Athletics were my father's favourite sport.
11- The team usually plays very well.
12- The people in our group was watching the film.
13- Hurry! There is not many time left.
14- Two five-pound notes is on the table.
15- The police is chasing the suspect.
Unit 3
The present simple ( active & passive )
Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d :
In many countries, the wind (use – uses – is using – is used) to generate electricity.
Scientists (want– wants – are wanting – are being wanted) to find more forms of renewable energy.
Huge amounts of electricity (is produced – produce – are produced – are producing) in nuclear power stations.
Holes (drill – is drilled – will drill – are drilled) into the earth to find hot water.
In some cities, rubbish (burn – burns – is burnt – is burring) to produce electricity.
Water (heat – is heated – are heated – is heating) to turn it into steam.
The steam (is piped – pipes – is piping – are piped) to a power station.
Electricity (produces – is producing – is produced – produce) from the water in the power station.
Electricity is sometimes (to make – making – makes – made) from wind turbines.
In many parts of the world, wood (burns – is burnt – is burning – to burn) to heat homes.
Plants and trees (are used – are using – will be using – use) for different purpose.
She often (is working – works – was working – work) at the weekend.
We (use – are used – will be used – is used) palm trees to produce vegetable oil.
Sugar cane is (grow – growing – to grow – grown) and used to make fuel.
We (are used – use – using – to use) different types of energy in Egypt today.
As soon as he (finish – finished – finishes – to finish) doing the job, he will see a movie.
She (won't leave – didn't leave – wouldn't have left – not leaves) until she receives a call.
- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly :
Water is boiling at 100 °C.
Is this watch belonging to Ahmed?
Oil finds far beneath the earth.
Are you wanting to speak to him now?
How often is she going to the club?
What is your father doing? –He's an engineer.
Wood uses to make paper.
My office cleans every day.
Where is he coming from? – England.

Unit 4
Past tenses
{ past simple – past continuous – past perfect – present perfect }
after / before / by the time / when ….
Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1)Amir...................... the room when mother called him .
a- is painting b- was painting c- painted d- paints
2)Emad ......................... down while running in the street.
a- fell b- falls c- falling d- has fallen
3)My grandfather.......................... last year.
a- was dying b- dies c- die d- died
4)I was riding my bike when I ...................... an accident.
a- see b- had seen c- saw d- seen
5)The bus ......................... down on our way to Tanta yesterday .
a- was breaking b- broke c- breaking d- breaks
6)When the old man woke up , he found out that the train .......................
a- leaves b- leaving c- will leave d- had left
7) While the teacher was explaining the lesson , the pupils .............. down notes.
a- were taking b- are taking c- had taken d- took
Cool The cup fell on the floor and .....................
a- broke b- was breaking c- had broken d- breaking
9) ................... seeing the snake , she felt scared.
a- During b- When c- Before d- On
10) I couldn't hear the doorbell because I ......................... to music .
a- listening b- had listened c- was listening d- am listening
11) What......................... when the robbery took place ?
a- have you done b- did you do c- will you do d- were you doing
12) ............. he had told the truth , his father wasn't angry about the accident.
a- Hardly b- Before c- Till d- Because
13) She didn't enjoy skiing ..................... she had learned to stop safely.
a- till b- after c- so d- when
14) After.................... his homework, he felt relieved and relaxed .
a- had finished b- finished c- finishing d- finish
15) I .............. realize my mistakes until I had checked the report many times .
a- didn't b- hadn't c- don't d- won't
16) The TV didn't work ......................... the electricity had cut out.
a- while b- because c- before d- by the time
17) Having ......................... his degree, he began looking for a job.
a- get b- gets c- getting d- got
18) No sooner....................... written the report than he phoned the boss.
a- had he b- he had c- has he d- he did
19) I didn't open the door......................... I had found my key .
a- before b- while c- until d- when
20) After..................... my homework, I watched the film .
a- doing b- had done c- did d- do
21) After I had gone home, I realized that I ............... my wallet at the shop.
a- had forgotten b- forgot c- forget d- have forgotten
22) I ...................... the question until I had read it carefully .
a- won't answer b- can't answer c- didn't answer d- don't answer
23) Hardly had he left home ....................... it began to rain .
a- that b- when c- then d- than
24) We had no sooner arrived .........we were asked to attend the meeting.
a- than b- when c- that d- until
25) When I handed the examination paper to the teacher, I found that I ........... some mistakes.
a- will make b- had made c- make d- was making
26) He went to bed ......................... he had brushed his teeth .
a- before b- while c- after d- until
27) When I arrived at the station , the train ........................ so I missed it.
a- left b- had left c- leave d- leaves
28) By the time I reached the stadium , the match .................... .
a- begins b- began c- has begun d- had begun
29) You have to set your goals ......................... starting any work .
a- before b- as soon as c- after d- when
30) When I reached the office, the boss wasn't there because he ............... earlier.
a- was leaving b- had left c- leaving d- will leave

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences , then write them correctly :
1- After she had saved enough money, she buys a villa .
2- I parked my car before I had found a place .
3- I don't start eating till I had washed my hands .
4- When he arrived at the station, the train left, so he missed it.
5- She bought a car after learned to drive .
6-I bought a computer when learning how to use it perfectly .
7- No sooner had I had my lunch when I went out.
8- My little child didn't sleep when I had told him a story .
9- Hardly she heard the bad news when she broke down .
10- Had done the housework, she went shopping .
11- The teacher was happy, so his students passed the exam .
12- Having finishing the secondary school, he joined the university .
13- No sooner have I heard her apology than I forgave her.
14- As soon as she had finished work , she had met her friends for coffee .
15-The students don't do the experiment until they had written a report, on it.
16- Before buy my favourite singer's new album , I had listened to it.
17- After Ramy has done the washing up , he watched the football match .
18- Before Rasha had played tennis , she took a shower.
19- Hardly had we eaten the rotten food than we had stomachache .
20- Having leaving the office , she went to a restaurant.
The present perfect / The present simple / The present continuous
When / while
Used to..
Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d :
1) I first met her a long time ...................... .
a. before b. ago c. yet d. for
2) I enjoy playing football game. I .......................... it every weekend .
a. play b. am playing c. playing d. played
3) We haven't seen him ...................... .
a. late b. later c. already d. lately

4) It's years since we ...................... football .
a. played b. have played c. have been playing d. play
5) When I was young , I ...................... by the sea .
a. living b. have lived c. live d. used to live
6) He was listening carefully while they ..................... the plan to him .
a. explained b. were explaining c. explaining d. explain
7) At the moment, they .......................... in a very small flat.
a. live b. lived c. are living d. living
Cool While I ................. for the bus , I noticed a group of tourists listening to a guide.
a. was waiting b. waited c. am waiting d. waiting
9) I've wanted an assistant...................... a long time .
a. since b. when c. from d. for
10) Heba always .............. off her computer the moment she finishes using it.
a. switch b. switches c. switched d. switching
11) This is the first time we ...................... to a theatre .
a. had been b. have been c. went d. was going
12) The girls haven't tidied this room ...................... a week .
a. since b. for c. ago d. from
13) The train .......................... at 9.00 every morning .
a. leave b. leaves c. left d. has left
14) Osama .................a letter when his mother came home .
a. writing b. is writing c. wrote d. was writing
15) It's a month ...................... I last went to the club .
a. since b. when c. ago d. for
16) That boy talks too much . He .......................... .
a. is always talking b. always talk c. talks always d. always talking
17) I haven't seen my grandfather ...................... the summer .
a. ago b. for c. since d. from
18) While I .....................to school this morning, I met an old friend .
a. is coming b. was coming c. coming d. come
19) I .......................... at a sports shop . It's a permanent job .
a. work b. working c. worked d. am working
20) I ...................... several jobs since I left school .
a. had b. have c. have had d. had had
21) My mother .......................... the dinner now .
a. cooks b. is cooked c. is cooking d. has cooked
22) Osama was reading a story while Rania ..................her homework.
a. did b. do c. was doing d. does
23) Look ! Our team .......................... well, I think they will win .
a. play b. plays c. is playing d. played
24) Your younger brother Samy................ very quiet recently . Is he OK?
a. was b. has been c. had been d. will be
25) The boys haven't eaten anything ...................... yesterday .
a. for b. ago c. since d. at
26) My brother became a teacher ...................... 1994 .
a. since b. in c. ago d. for
27) A : Have Susan and Jehan ever met each other ?
B : No , they have ...................... met each other .
a. often b. frequently c. never d. seldom
28) I'll sleep until my mother .......................... me up .
a. wake b. had waken c. wakes d. waked
29)The manager gave him permission half an hour................... .
a. since b. for c. ago d. then
30) So far, there ..................... no life on the moon .
a. is b. was c. had been d. has been
B. Find the mistake in each of the following sentences , then write them correctly :
1. Amgad has gone to Italy for a month . His visit came to an end .
2. While we spoke , the mobile phone rang .
3. Ahmed Shawki writes some beautiful poetry .
4. Just as they had lunch , a fire broke out.
5. While I am travelling to Alex , my car broke down .
6. Noha used to working here .
7. While the boys played , our neighbour shouted angrily at them .
8. I haven't visited my aunt since a year.
9. The sun is giving us heat and light.
10. It was a week since I last ate meat.
11. We occasionally travelled to Sohag to visit our aunt who lives there .
12. The last time I sent Ali an e-mail has been last January .
13. Ali arrived at school late every day , so the teacher is always angry with him .
14. I used to smoking a lot.
15. After I am cleaning the flat, I'll go shopping .
16. I have ever been to Sinai before .
17. Ahlam has not gone swimming for we were in Alex .

Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d :
1-When the telephone rang, they ( watched – had watched – were watching – watch ) the
2-He ( climbed – climbs – was climbing – will climb )the tree when he suddenly fell down.
3-They ( leave – left – were leaving – will leave ) for England an hour ago.
4-On( watching – watches – watch – watched ) the film, Ali came.
5-They saw the fighting people while( were driving – drove – driving – drive ) home.
7-My sister ( cleaned – was cleaning – is cleaning – cleans ) the room while I was making tea.
8-The first map ( was drawn – drew – is drawn – draws ) by El_idrissi .
9-She cut herself while ( cook – cooked – was cooking – cooking )
10-What were you doing when I ( phoned – was phoning – had phoned –would phone)you
last night.
11 – He ( play – played – was playing – had played ) the guitar, when I saw him.
12 – They saw the accident while ( were driving – drove – driving – drive )

13 – They( ran – were running – had run – are running )out of the bank when the police
caught them.
14 – The Pyramids were ( building – built – builds – build ) by the ancient Egyptians.
15 – While she was cooking , her sister ( was doing – did – does – had done ) homework.
16 – As he was carrying the vase , he ( drops – dropped – had dropped – drop ) it on the
17-They ( hadn't met – haven't met – didn't meet – won't meet ) since last year.
18-We ( had – have had – are having – were having )some difficulty recently with Maths.
19- I haven't written a letter since I ( traveled – will travel – have traveled – travel ) to
20-Shakespeare( has written – wrote – had written – was written ) 37 plays .
21-The e-mails ( have written – has written – have been written – has been written ) by
22-Don't tell him. He has ( already – yet – since – recent ) known.
23-He was born ( in – since – at – for ) 2006.
24-My brother( is going – will – has gone – has been ) to Paris, he came back last week.
25-They haven't visited us ( since – for – recently – already ) the last two years.
28- He ( has been mending– has mended – will mend – mended ) the bike for an hour . He
hasn't finished yet.
29- I prefer swimming ( on – to – than – over ) skating.
30- I last ( see – saw – has seen – have seen ) my friend was last week.

B. Find the mistake in each of the following sentences , then write them correctly :
My parents use to live in a small flat .
We revised for our test when the light went out.
She played the piano since the age of six
Our block built five years ago.
After play the game , he washed.
Did you used to smoke when you were young?
Have you never visited the valley of kings?
While the match , he was injured.
Having wake up , he switched on TV.

Used to
Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1- Nady ………………… to work in a factory. Now he works in a supermarket.
a. uses b. using c. used d. is used
2- I used ………………… tennis. I stopped playing a.few years ago.
a. to play b. play c. to playing d. playing
3- Seham used to ………………… glasses but she never wears glasses now.
a. wearing b. be wearing c. wear d. be worn
5- Ihab ………………… to work as a waiter. Now, he's the manager of the hotel.
a. used b. using c. is used d. was used
6- What games did you ………………… play when you were a child?
a. used to b. using to c. use to d. use
7- Did you go to work by car? "Sometimes, but most days I used ………………… by train".
a. for going b. to be going c. to go d. go
8- When I was a child, I ………………… eat meat, but I eat it now.
a. didn't use to b. am not used to c. use to d. used to
9- We ………………… live near the airport, but we moved to the city centre a few years ago.
a. used to b. are used c. use to d. used
10- When I was a pupil, I ………………… use go to school on foot.
a. don't b. haven't c. won't d. didn't
11- Did you ………………… to borrow money from your friends?
a. use b. used c. using d. uses
12- Before her death, my grandmother …………… take a sleeping pill every night.
a. is used to b. was used to c. used to d. used for
13- I used to go to the cinema very often, but now , I ………………… do so.
a. used to b. no longer c. usually d. am used to
14- ………………… you use to go shopping when you lived in London?
a. Did b. Will c. Do d. Have
15- Did Ali ………………… have lunch at this restaurant before getting married.
a. used to b. am used to c. use to d. use
16- This building is now a furniture store . It ………………… a cinema .
a. uses to be b. is used to being c. used to be d. used to being
17- Do you see that hill over there? There ………… to be a castle on it.
a. used to b. is used c. was used d. used
18- Riham used ………………… long hair, but she cut it some time ago .
a. to having b. for having c. to have d. have
19- Leila used to travel a lot. These days she …………… away very often.
a. won't go b. didn't go c. hadn't go d. doesn't go
20- I lived alone in the past, but I ………………… do so .
a. usually b. often c. normally d. no longer
21. Omar did not ………………… enjoy watching violent films.
a. uses for b. used to c. use in d. use to
22. Ahmed ………………… play with naughty children, but now he doesn't.
a. is used to b. uses to c. used to d. got used to
23. Mona is used to ………………… up early every day.
a. get b. getting c. got d. gets
24. I used to walk to school but now I ………………… by taxi.
a. go b. '11 go c. gone d. went
25. Where did you ………………… live 10 years ago ?
a. used for b. used in c. use to d. used to
26. In the past, they ………………… to enjoy fishing.
a. use b. uses c. used d. using
27. It's used ………………… measure temperature.
a. for b. in c. up d. to
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly :
1. I used to wearing a traditional watch, now I have a digital one.
2. Where does Eman use to live before she moved to Tanta?
3. When I was a child, I don't use to ride a bicycle.
4. Where did you use to parking your car before you sold it?
5. I don't use to have a lot of friends last year.
6. Rasha no longer live in the countryside .
7. When I was at school, I use to do the homework at night.
8. How do you use to spend your week ends when you were a pupil?
9. In the past, people used to lives in tents.
10. Did you used to the Chinese food ?
11. Hani uses to drive a Honda, but now he drives a Mercedes.

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Unit 5
Reported speech in passive
Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d :
A famous player (is believed –are believed –is believing – are believing)to be hurt in an accident.
Money ( thought – will think – has thought – is thought ) to bring happiness.
It was reported ( that the match – that the match was – to have – have been ) cancelled.
They are expected ( to have won – that they will win – to win – to have been win ) the
My son ( believes – believed – is believing – is believed ) to get full marks.
It ( can't deny – can't have denied – denied – can't be denied ) that money is very
We don't know where he lives . ( It is – It was – He is – He has ) believed to live in
He ( considers – is considered – has considered – is considering ) to be an intelligent
( Everyone – It – No one – He ) is known that smoking is harmful to health.
It has ( be – been – being – is ) reported that he is the criminal.
( It is – It has – He is – He was ) thought that he will take part in the race.
It was ( suppose – supposing – supposes – supposed ) that he killed the old woman.
It is reported ( to – that – be – been ) she cleaned her room.
Edison (was thought-is thought-thought-think) to be stupid.
B. Find the mistake in each of the following sentences , then write them correctly :
1 - It is been reported that he took the money.
2 - It is know that he can help us.
3 - He is said too be a thief.
4 - She was believed to have steal the car.
7 - Money is think to be the root of all evils.
8 - Lamia was said to had gone to Alex..
9 - Lander is said to is a criminal .

Unit 6
Choose the correct answer :
1 – If it ( doesn't rain – won't rain – didn't rain – hadn't rained ) tomorrow, I will go for a
2 – ( If – Unless – Without – In case of ) danger, call the police.
3 – If we heat metals , they ( expanded – would expand – will not expand – expand )
4 – You will understand the lesson ( unless – except if – as long as – so ) you listen carefully.
5 – If she ( read – reads – had read – will read ) the newspaper, she would have known.
6 – If I ( am – were – had been – have been ) you, I would apologize to her.
7 – If he didn't come , I ( would have forgiven – won't forgive – forgive –wouldn't forgive)
8 – He will pass the test ( except if – unless – if not – only if ) he studies hard.
9 – If he arrived early, ( he would – would he – he will – will he ) catch the metro?
10 – ( If – were – had – should ) he to help us, we would be saved.
11 – ( If – Should – Were – Unless ) she arrive early, I would help her.
12 – ( If – Should – Had – Were ) he played well , he would have won.
13 – ( If – Without – Unless – In case of ) coming early, he would miss the train.
14 – What ( you will do – would you do – did you do – you did ) if you were rich?
15 – If I were with them, I ( will – may – would – can ) stop the fight.
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences , then write them correctly :
1 – If I felt tired , I will go to bed.
2 – If I found any money at school, I will take it to the teacher.
3 – I will tell you if I saw anything unusual.
4 – If you haven't taken the photos, I wouldn't have remembered our holiday.
5 – Water will freeze if the temperature is zero or below.
6 – If you throw that stone, you break a window.
7 – If she trains hard , she wins next week's race.
8 – If he arrives early , he will catch the bus?
9 – If you will mix red and white , you get pink.
10 – If you heat ice , it freezes.
Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1) I think it......... a great party if the music wasn't so slow.
a) 'II be b) 'd be c) would have d) should have
2) If I........... a lot of money, I would buy a new bike.
a) had had b) had c) have d) have had
3) What......... you do if your dog ran away?
a) will b) may c) can d) would
4) He would talk to you if you .....................nicer to him .
a) are b) have c) were d) was
5) If he had left on time, he ......... missed the bus.
a) will have b) wouldn't have c) would have d) won't have
6) If people ..................... on the moon, they would be tired and bored
a) live b) lived c) had lived d) have lived
7)......................... we go now, we won't catch the bus.
a) If b) Unless c) As long d) Without
Cool If it.................. rained yesterday, we would have had a nice time.
a) hadn't b) hasn't c) didn't d) doesn't
9) If you push this button, the machine...........................
a) starts b) would start c) start d) will start
lO)Many animals are aggressive. If you ..................too near to them ,they bite your.
a) come b) came c) will d) had come
12)If Autumn comes , deciduous trees أشجار تفقد أوراقها فى الخريف .................... their leaves .
a) losing b) will lose c) lose d) would lose
13)If you ...................... now, you'll be able to catch the 5 o'clock train .
a) leaves b) are leaving c) will leave d) left
14) ........................it be too early for you if we were to meet at 9 ?
a) Will b)May c) Can d) Would
15)If you hear any news , ........................you let me know immediately ?
a) would b) could c) can d) might
16) I'd go to the concert......................... I were busy .
a) if b) unless c) in case of d) but for
17)If water boils, it.................... into steam .
a) returns b) solidifies c) freezes d) turns
18)If you heat a metal, it.................... .
a) expanded b) will expand c) expands d) would expand
19) If I ........................rich , I'd buy a car.
a) have been b) had been c) were d) will be
20) ......................... he study hard, he will get high marks .
a) If b)Were c) Should d) Had
21) ..................the election to be held today , our party would win easily .
a) Were b) Had c) If d) Should
22)We'll never get to the meeting if the train ..................within five minutes.
a) don't leave b) doesn't leave c) leave d) didn't leave
23)Had they not rushed Ali to hospital, he ......................... .
a) will die b) would have died c) would die d) might die
25).................... finishing my work early, I wouldn't be able to visit you .
a) Unless b) If c) Without d) In case of
26)Take this medicine with you ......................... you feel tired .
a) if it b) unless c) in case d) without
27)Don't leave the TV on ......................... you aren't watching it.
a) if b) unless c) without d) in case of
28)If it .................... for your help , I wouldn't have finished this book .
a) weren't b) isn't c) hasn't d) hadn't been
29) You can't travel on this train .................... you have a reservation.
a) if b) in case c) unless d) as long as

30) I'll be angry if it .................... out that you are wrong .
a) turned b) turns c) turning d) had turned
31) The bus won't stop ......................... you wave to it.
a) if b) unless c) though d) so
32) ......................... the cafe was crowded , we found a table .
a) Whatever b) However c) Although d) Despite
33) If Ramez gets up early, he ......................... the morning train .
a) would catch b) would have caught c) will catch d) might catch
34) ...................... you drive well, you won't get a licence .
a) If b) In case c) As long as d) Unless
35) If you answer well, you ......................... a reward .
a) would get b) wouldn't get c) will get d) won't get
36) Take this medicine ......................... you feel tired .
a) if b) unless c) in case of d) without
37) Don't leave the building ......................... I tell you .
a) if b) unless c) in case of d) without
38) The baby won't sleep unless you ......................... him a story .
a) told b) tells c) tell d) telling
39) Baher......................... the university unless he gets high marks .
a) wouldn't join b) won't join c) will join d) may join
40) If you ......................... to fail, study hard .
a) doesn't want b) don't want c) won't want d) didn't want
41) The teacher may punish you ........................ arriving late at school
a) if b) in case of c) in case d) unless
42) ......................... not having a ticket, you won't be admitted .
a) Unless b) If c) Without d) In case of
43) You ......................... mistakes if you are careful.
a) will make b) won't make c) would make d) wouldn't make

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly :
1) I wouldn't go on holiday if I don't have enough money .
2) If you are leaving now , you'd be able to attend the first lecture .
3) Your English will get better in case of you have some courses in English .
4) You can't get a room in the hotel unless you had a reservation .
5) Unless taking the medicine properly , your cough will get worse .
6) You can't drive a car because you've got a licence .
7) Unless you were patient, you won't be an efficient teacher.
Cool He ran out of money , but he had to look for a job .
9) Don't leave the computer on for so long if you are using it.
10) I think it'll be a great party if the music wasn't slow.
11) If you heat ice, it melt.
12) Named would come to our party if you ask him.
13) If you haven't taken those photos, I wouldn't have remembered our holiday.
14) If there is a traffic jam, everyone would be late for work.
15) I would write a book if I have time.
Unit 7
Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1– I don't know where my bag is , - I ( might – can't – should – can ) have left it on the train.
2 – Hesham didn't take his keys , he ( must – can – can't – may ) have seen them .
3 – I have just seen Ali at the club . He ( must – can't – may – mustn't ) be at home.
4 – This is not Ayman's house .You ( can't – must – may – might ) be mistaken.
5 –He didn't wave back to me. He ( must have – can't have – may have – may have ) seen me.
6 – They have just told him of his success . He ( may – might – must – can't ) be sad.
7 – I am not sure what my son is doing . He ( must – may – might – can't ) be watching TV .
8 – It is moving by itself. It ( must – may – might – can't ) be a rock.
10 – He is smiling , he ( must – may – might – can't ) be happy.
11– I don't know the reason for his sadness. He ( must have heard – may have heard – could hear – can't have heard ) some bad news.
12 – The man ( must have killed – must have been killed – might have killed – may have killed )
by the thief, I am sure.
13–The criminal(could – couldn't –must – may) have escaped through that well-locked door.
14 –That restaurant ( must – may – might – can't ) be very good , it is always full of people.
15–I have lost one of my gloves, I must(drop –have dropped–dropping–drops ) it somewhere.
16 -He ( must telephone – can't telephone – must have telephoned – can't have telephoned )
because I was at home all day.
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly :
1 – I am sure he might be an engineer.
2 – He must has had an accident
3 – He has a lot of money , he can't be rich.
4 – The telephone rang , but I didn't hear it , I can't have been asleep.
5 – It is possible , he must have taken the book.
6 – I am sure , he must been intelligent .
Obligation & Necessity
Choose the correct answer from a ,b, c or d :
1) You .................. be strong and healthy. It is very important.
a) must b) had to c) needn't d) mustn't
2) You ........................ hurt animals, they are creatures like us.
a) had to b) have to c) mustn't d) must
3) Children ............... pick flowers and plants. They are useful for us .
a) must b) needn't c) don't have to d) mustn't
4)In Jordan you ............... drive on the left. It's against the law.
a) have to b) must c) needn't d) mustn't
5) I .................... remember to buy some stamps. It's important to do that.
a) must b) mustn't c) had to d) don't need to

6) I've warned you twice not to do that. You .....................do that.
a) needn't b) must c) mustn't d) have to
7) You are too fat to join the Police Academy. You .......... go on a diet.
a) had to b) may c) has to d) must
Cool We........................walk home last night. There were no buses.
a) had to b) must c) must have d) have to
9) You .....................whisper, nobody can hear us .
a) must b) should c) needn't d) need
10 ) I ...................... go yet. I can stay a little longer.
a) mustn't b) must c) don't need to d) can't
11) It's raining outside , you .....................take your umbrella with you .
a) must b) had to c) can d) may
12) What ..................... to do to get a driver's licence?
a) must I b) have I c) do I have d) will
13) I ..............................wear a suit to work , but I usually do .
a) mustn't b) shouldn't c) don't have to d) can't
14) She stayed in bed this morning because she ....................... go to work .
a) doesn't ha veto b) didn't have to c) mustn't d) hasn't got to
15) Mary , ..................... to go to hospital last night ?
a) do you have b) did you have c) must d) have you got
16) Heba's eyes aren't very good, she .....................wear glasses for reading.
a) has to b) had to c) doesn't have to d) didn't have to
17) You ......... take an umbrella if you're going to Egypt. It doesn't often rain there.
a) don't need to b) need to c) have to d) must
22- You .........take that book back to the library yet. You can keep it for another week.
a) must b) need to c) don't have to d) mustn't
23- I ......... visit my cousin this evening . I promised him I would.
a) have to b) needn't c) must d) don't have to
24- We ......... drive very fast during rush hours.
a) needn't b) don't have to c) have to d) mustn't
25- Dalia ......... spend too much money. She won't have any left for the holiday.
a) mustn't b) must c) need to d) have to
26- You ......... pay me back. I don't want the money now.
a) don't have to b) need to c) doesn't have to d) have to
27- They .........bring heavy clothes with you. It isn't cold in Egypt now.
a) must b) don't need to c) need to d) have to

2) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, the write them correctly :
I want to go to university. I mustn't apply before the end of the .
You mustn't buy that book. I can lend you mine.
You have to speak so loudly. It's very annoying.
You have to go shopping with us. You can stay at home if you want
You look ill, you don't need to see a doctor.
We needn't leave now. The train leaves in five minutes.
You needn't all come. This means it is necessary for you all to come,
Do you had to have a visa to go to America?
We have to do lots boring exercises last night.
I have a car, so I must use the buses.
We mustn't switch off all electrical machines after use.
You need to drive so quickly; we have plenty of time.
The baby is asleep, so you must make a noise.
It is necessity for you to study your lessons hard.
It is necessary heat up many pre-cooked foods before they are eaten.
Unit 8
Reported Speech
Choose the correct answer from a ,b, c or d :
1 – He ( said – told – asked – talked ) Dina that he was writing a letter.
2 – Samir ( told – said to – asked – said ) that the helicopter was flying high.
3 – Leila said that she ( is watching – watched – was watching – had watched ) TV then.
4 – He said that he (will visit – would visit – is visiting – visited) his friend the following day.
5 – He said that he ( had seen – has seen – will see – can see ) her playing the piano.
6 – I asked her if ( I could – could I – can I – are I ) use the new camera.
7 – Farouk asked Osman why ( was he – are you – is he – he was ) late.
8 – I said," Where(your book is– your books were – the books are –is your book ) , Hazim ?"
9 – Karim ( asked – told – said – talked ) Nour if there was sugar in the cup.
10 - Mai asked me where(had she found–she had found–did she find –she finds) that precious stone.
11 – I told the professor I ( didn't attend – wouldn't attend – won't attend – hadn't attended ) the following lecture.
12 – They wanted to know ( if I played – did I play – do I play – that I play ) music.
13 – He said just now he ( would buy – will buy – has bought – buys) a new car next month.
14 – She asked me where I ( stay – did stay – was staying – am staying ) then .
15 – The interviewer asked the professor ( whether – unless – that – whatever ) he had worked at any foreign universities.
16 – Can you kindly tell me where ( is the manager – the manager – the manager is ) ?

2) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, the write them correctly :
1 – I asked him what was he doing.
2 – She asked me weather I had watched the DVD.
3 – He told that it was a busy day.
4 – He says that he was taking his brother to the airport.
5 – He said ," Where do you go to school? " – by bus.
6 – She said just now that he had watched TV.
7 – Mona asked me why did I came late?
8 – He said that he travels to Cairo the week before.

Choose the correct answer from a. b. c or d:
1) The teacher asked ……………… your homework .
a) do you do b) did you do c) if you had done d) have you done
2) The man said, " ………………….. help me?"
a) You will b) Will you c) You can d) If you will
3) He didn't know when ………………. arrive .
a) will the plane b) the plane will c) would the plane d) the plane would
4) The teacher …………….. me to do my homework.
a) told b) said to c) says to d) did say to
5) Hemat asked Jack ........... he liked the weather in Egypt.
a) to b) don't c) not to d) if
6) Hany asked Dina how old ........... .
a) is she b) she is c) was she d) she was
7)Adel asked Ahmed ........... him some money.
a) lent b) lend c) to lend d) lending
Cool Hatem asked George if he ........... ever been to Japan.
a) will have b) had c) has d) have
9)I said to my brother, ".......... make noise."
a)Not b) Don't c) Not to d) To
10) Tom asked Ahmed, " .......... ?"
a) Who is Snefru b) Who Snefru was
c) Who Snefru is d) Which is Snefru

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1) He said that he .......... go to the cinema that night.
a. will b) would c) can d) had
2) He asked me why .......... late.
a) did I come b) I come c) had I come d) I had come
3) He told her .......... out of the studio.
a) to go b) go c) went d) don't go
4) Hany told his son .......... play with matches.
a. don't b) not c) not to d) doesn't
5) I asked the waiter .......... keep the change for him.
a) that b) to c) if d) whether
6) He .......... his sons to help each other.
a) told b) warned c) spoke d) said
7) She asked Amal.......... she could draw a picture.
a) don't b) not to c) to d) if
Cool He asked me when .......... back.
a) did I come b) I come c) I had come d) had I come
9) She told me .......... swim in the canal again.
a) not to b) don't c) to d) if

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1) He wanted to know why .......... happy.
a. is she b. she is c. she was d. was she
2) He asked her.......... tell lies.
a. to b. don't c . not to d. it she
3) She told me .......... study hard.
a. not to b. to c. don't d. didn't
4) Noha asked me ...................... clean the floor.
a) to b) when c) if d) what
5) I asked Manar if she ............................ doing her homework.
a) has finished b) will finish c) finishes d) finished
6) My father asked the mechanic to ............................. the car.
a) repairing b) repair c) repairs d) repaired
7) Ali asked ................................ the bag was heavy.
a) to b) not to c) for d) if
Cool We asked Tamer.......................... he could wait for us .
a) if b) what c) which d) to
9) Rasha asked Wael........................ send an e-mail to Maha .
a) for b) how c) to d) when
10) Sara asked me where I............................ her book .
a) leave b) left c) leaves d) will leave
Choose the correct answer from a. b. c or d:
1) Omar............................. that the film was boring.
a) asked b) told c) said d) tells
2) Fadia asked if I ......................some more money with me.
a) had b) have c) having d) has
3)I............................ Ali why he didn't bring his workbook.
a) told b) asked c)said d)say
4) Nadia said that she .......................travel to Aswan.
a) would b) was c) had d) have
5) Magdy .................... me that he was going to see the doctor soon.
a) said b) asks c) asked d) told
6) Amani ........................why I went to bed early.
a) told b) said c) said to d) asked
7) Hany asked the doctor if he..............leave the hospital tomorrow.
a) could b) can c) will d) may
Cool Ahmed .................that he would look for a new job.
a) told b) said c) asked d) saying
9) Robert said that the exam ......................... difficult.
a) will be b) has been c) is d) was
10) Amany ........................me that she was cooking some food.
a) told b)tell c) said d) saying
Choose the correct answer from a. b. c or d:
1) Hamdy said that he ..................... enough money to buy a car.
a) has b)having c) have d) had
2) Amira told her brother that she ............. writing letter to her uncle.
a) has b) is c) was d) will
3) Hisham ..................... me if I found his watch.
a) asked b) told c) asking d) tells
4) Nihad asked Fady when he ............ go to the mechanic next time.
a) will b) can c) would d) may
5) Ayman told Wael.................... he was trying to save some money.
a) if b) to c) not to d) that
6)I told Galal that it........................ difficult to find a taxi.
a) is b) will be c) was d) has been
7) Omar....................... Gehan why he didn't arrive on time.
a) told b) asked c) tells d) asking
Cool Ashraf.............................. that he would take a rest.
a) told b) asked c) ordered d) said
9) Mona said that she ...........................understand the lesson .
a) doesn't b) didn't c) can't d) won't
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1) Akram told Hakim that he .......... the article.
a. will write b. had written c. has just written d. writes
2) "Let's go fishing today as it........... fine", said Ali to Tamer.
a. was b. is c. were d. been
3) The sailors ........... the captain that the tea was warm.
a. said b. enquired c. told d. asked
4) The captain told his sailors ........... go and see if the passengers needed help.
a. not to b. to c. that d. if
5) The girl said that she ........... help the old man with his bag.
a. could b. will c. can d. may
6) The teacher told me that ......... a good composition.
a. I had written b. had I written c. did I write d. nave' written
7) Soha ............... she had finished her work an hour before.
a. told b. said c. asked d. advised
Cool "I found the keys in my room." He said that he ............ the keys in his room.
a. would find b. has found c. had found d. finds
Read and correct the underlined word(s):
1. She said to me where I had gone the day before. ……………………
2. She asked me what was I doing. ……………………
3. I asked Manar do the shopping. ……………………
4. Shoukry asked Hind if she is at school the day before . ……………………
Read and correct the underlined word(s):
1. He told me how long I had spent in Ismailia. ……………………
2. He told me to reply rudely. ……………………
3. He advised me not to study hard. ……………………
4. She asked me when did I arrive in Cairo. ……………………
Read and correct the underlined word(s):
1. The child asked the woman if buy him a toy. ……………………
2. Tamer asked Ramy to he was going to visit the zoo. ……………………
3. He asked her what come . ……………………
4. She said to him not to neglect his work. ……………………
Unit 9
سبق التدريب عليها
Unit 10
If only / I wish
¨ يستخدم الماضي البسيط بعد I wish / If only للتعبير عن موقف غير حقيقي في المضارع
·I wish I knew. = I don't know.
·I wish you had time. = You don't have time.
·I wish the teacher did something to solve the problem.
= The teacher doesn't do anything to solve…
· If only I lived in a quiet place. = I live in a noisy place.
·I wish I knew Paul's phone number. = I don't know it.
· I have to work hard.
= I wish I didn't have to work hard.
· There are a lot of people in this place.
= If only there weren't many people in this place.
¨ يستخدم الماضي التام بعد I wish / If only في حالة التعبير عن موقف في الماضي
· I failed the Chemistry test.
If only I hadn't failed the Chemistry test.
·I didn't know that Gary was ill.
I wish I had known that Gary was ill.
·I feel sick. I ate so much cake yesterday.
I feel sick. If only I hadn't eaten so much cake yesterday.
·I didn't apply for that job.
I wish I had applied for that job.
·The weather was cold while we were away.
I wish it (was - were - had been - would be) warmer.
· في حالة وجود فعل آخر مع I wish / If only في الماضي :
· If only she hadn't told the police, everything would have been all right.
· I wish he hadn't wasted all his money. He would have bought a new house.
· في حالة وجود فعل مضاف له ing بعد regret نستخدم الماضي التام بعد I wish :
¨I regret not studying hard.
= I wish I had studied hard.
¨ في حالة التعبير عن المستقبل تستخدم could + inf مع الـ I / We مع باقى الضمائر يستخدم would
· I wish I could ride a horse.
· I wish he would visit me next week.
· If only I could visit Honolulu next year.
¨ wish to + inf. = want to
·I wish to see the manager, please.
·If you wish to reserve a table, please telephone after 5 o’clock.

¨Hope + فاعل + future simple / present simple
·I hope she comes tomorrow.
OR: I hope she will come tomorrow.
Wish … + n. (wish someone something)
·I wish you a speedy recovery. ·I wish you good luck.
·I wish you a happy life.
Choose the correct answer:
I don't have a washing machine. I wish I (have – am having – had – had had) one.
He wished he (had studied – was studying – has been studying – studied) medicine at university 5 years ago.
They wish they (can – shall – could – would) speak French.
She wishes she (has had – had – will have – can have) more time.
She wishes she (listens – is listening – would listen – had listened) to the teacher's advice last year.
If only I (hadn't forgotten – didn't forget – wouldn't forget – hasn't forgotten) where I put my mobile phone yesterday.
Leila wishes she (will – should – could – may) read faster.
I'm really tired this morning. I wish I (slept – was sleeping – had slept – could sleep) more last night.
Ali wishes he (might – ought to – has to - could) come to the party, but he is not feeling well.
I wish I (don't lend - had not lent – couldn't lend – haven't lent) her my dictionary. I found two pages missing.
I wish I (don't fall – couldn't fall - hadn't fallen - fell) off my bike. I broke my leg.
I wish I (hadn't driven – didn't drive – haven't drive – couldn't drive) so fast. I had a terrible accident.
If only I (do – did – had done – have done) more revision this year. I got very bad marks in the exam.
I just wish I (worked – had worked – work – had been working) harder last year. I would have earned more money.
They wish they (hadn't spent – didn't spend – haven't spent – weren't spent) all their money in the holidays last year.
I wish I (know – have known – were knowing – knew) where my friends were.
He wishes he (is - were – will be – may be) better at sport.
She wishes she (had remembered – remembers – has remembered – was remembering) to phone her parents to say she was going to be late.
I wish I (didn't say – wouldn't say – couldn't say - hadn't said) those things yesterday. My friend was really upset.

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, the write them correctly :
Ali wishes he may see his friends at the party tomorrow.
If only I stay in my last job. My current job is so boring.
I wish shops here deliver. You have to go and get everything by yourself.
If only you rolled up the carpet before painting the ceiling. Now you need to buy a new one.
I wish I went to the movie with you last night.
I wish I had yesterday off. I'd have gone swimming.
I wish I am in Alexandria now.
I wish I have time to watch TV, but I am so busy.
I hope I had time to watch TV tonight.
If only I apply for that job a year ago.
I wish I am old enough to vote. I am still 15.
The boss wishes speaking to you right now.
If only I can go with you tonight, but my parents won't let me.
I wish I don't listen to him. He only wasted my time.
I wish I may travel to London next year.
I wish Ali could visit Cairo next week.
I wish the school holidays is longer .
If only I haven't forgotten where I put my mobile phone .
Leila wishes she could read faster. .
I'm really tired this morning. I wish I had sleep more last night.
Ali wishes he can come to your party, but he's not feeling well
I wish I didn't lent her my dictionary. She's taken it home with her .

العلم والايمان
Unit 11
Past tenses
{ past simple – past continuous – past perfect – present perfect }
after / before / by the time / when ….
سبق التدريب عليها
Unit 12
Verb + to + المصـــدر
Verb + gerund ( v + ing )
Verb + object + preposition
Choose the correct answer:
I like (do – done – does – doing) exercise every day.
I hate (to get – gets – got – to getting) water in my eyes.
They are going home as soon as they have finished (to work – works – working – worked).
They hope (to get – getting – of getting – get) a job they enjoy doing.
I learnt (swim - to swim – swam – to swimming) when I was three years old.
He dislikes (sleeps – slept – to sleeping – sleeping) during the day.
The children enjoyed (to play – with playing - playing – played) in the sea.
He admitted (to borrow – borrow – borrowed – borrowing) my pen without asking me.
The driver of the car (avoided – planned – offered – hoped) hitting the motorbike.
I've tried (read – with reading - to read – reads) that book, but I don't understand it.
Do you want (coming – came – comes - to come) to my party.
What do you (avoid - plan – finish – practise) to do in the summer?
She offered (helping – help - to help – helped) her mother prepare lunch.
Ali has decided (studying – studied – of studying - to study) science at university.
The boys have arranged (to play – playing – play – plays)football after school.
Leila stopped (to listen - listening – listened – to listening) to the radio when she had
heard a loud knock on the door.
I'll ever forget (found – to find - finding – founded) that rare old coin in the garden.
I was only 12 then.
She was doing exercise, then she stopped (listening - to listen – listened – listen) to the radio.
I remember (phoning – to phone – phoned – phones) my cousin in America a month ago. He told me a lot about his stay there.
Did you remember (posted – post - to post – posting) my letter? – Oh, I completely forgot.
I have always regretted (not having – not to have – have – not have) studied harder at school.
British Airways regret (announce – announced - to announce – announces) the cancellation of flight BA205 to Madrid.
When the children stopped (singing – to sing – sung – sang), everyone clapped. They liked the song very much.
They expect thousands of people (visiting – visited - to visit – visits) Sapporo for the Snow Festival next year.
My brother is learning (playing – play – plays - to play) the oud.

Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
I remember switch off the lights when I went on holiday a week ago.
Remember switched off the lights when you go out, please.
We are looking forward to go out at the weekend.
I tried running after the dog, but I was too slow.
He'll never forget to spend so much money on his first computer. The one he has now is much cheaper.
My friend is always busy does his job.
She managed solved the problem.
She doesn't feel like to work on the computer.
Everyone agreed of meeting at the airport.
He prefers to flying to Europe.
My friend suggested went for a picnic on the beach.
Leila promised phoned her mother as soon as she got to school.
She loves cook for her family.
Do you expect finish your work early today?
Musicians practise play their instruments for many hours a day.

Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly :

I remember switch off the lights when I went on holiday a week ago.
Remember switched off the lights when you go out, please.
We are looking forward to go out at the weekend.
I tried running after the dog, but I was too slow.
He'll never forget to spend so much money on his first computer. The one he has now is
much cheaper.
My friend is always busy does his job.
She managed solved the problem.
She doesn't feel like to work on the computer.
Everyone agreed of meeting at the airport.
He prefers to flying to Europe.
My friend suggested went for a picnic on the beach.
Leila promised phoned her mother as soon as she got to school.
She loves cook for her family.
Do you expect finish your work early today?
Musicians practise play their instruments for many hours a day.
We must find an answer for the problem of climate change.
The main cause for global warming is the pollution from factories.
I'd like to find out more with studying in a different country.
Egypt is most famous at its beautiful Pyramids.
My brother isn't very good for playing basketball.
Smoking may result from cancer.

Choose the correct answer:
I can't stand ………….……. violence films .
( to watch - to watching - watching - watch )
she agreed …………..….. her sister with the housework .
( to help - help - helping - to helping )
I enjoy …………………. football matches in the stadium.
( to watch - to watching - watching – watch )
I regret …..…… you that I won't be able to attend your birthday party. Please, accept my apology.
( to tell - tell - telling - to telling )
He denied …………………. the window glass.
( break - to break - breaking - to breaking )
I regretted …………….….. her . I wish I had done that .
( help - helps - helping - not helping )
When the telephone rang , he stopped ………………... in order to answer it.
( to eat - eat - eating – eaten )
At last , I managed ……………….….. this complicated problem .
( to solve - solving - having solved – solved )
Don't forget …………..…… our books with you the next time you come .
( to bring - to bringing - bringing – bring )
It's very hot. I prefer ……………..….. a swim now .
( to have - to having - having – have )
I'd like ……………….… a cool drink .
( to have - to having - having - have)
She objected ……………..…. all the work alone .
( to do - to doing - doing - do )
I've just finished …………….…… the letter .
( to write - to writing - writing - write)
She decided ………………… a present for him on his birthday .
( to buy - to buying - buying – buy )
Her mother made her ………………….. all the work .
( to do - to doing - doing – do )
He was made ………………..… all his lessons .
( to study - to studying - studying – study )
They suggested …………………. their aunt the week after .
( to visit - to visiting - visiting – visit )
The explorers were looking ……..………….. diamonds.
( for – in – with – about )
My uncle worked …………………….. the Egyptian government.
( for – in – at – about )
He helped in the reform …………………. education.
( for – in – of – about )
I haven't hear ………………… my brother for two months.
( for – in – at – from )
Until I read King Solomon's Mines, I'd never heard ………………… Rider Haggard.
( for – in – at – of )
I must apologize ………………… being late.
( for – in – at – to )
Our hotel room was too hot, so we complained ……………….. the hotel manager about it.
( for – to – at – about )
Our flat consists ………………. a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and two bedrooms.
( for – in – at – of )
Unit 13
Relative pronouns
Choose the correct answer:
My penfriend, (who – that – where – when) lives in Sweden, is studying biology at university.
Aisha, (which – whom – whose – that) father is a well-known doctor, is my best friend at school.
My brother (whom – whose – where – that) lives in New York is going to visit us soon.
Fruit (when - that – where – what) ripens on the tree tastes best.
Our flat, (which – that – whose – where) is on the fifth floor, overlooks the Nile.
My brother went to Alexandria university, (which – when – that – where) he studied architecture.
Last week, we had a meeting, (at which – for which – on which – by which) we found out about next year's school trip.
She's written an article (of which – with which - in which – in where) she describes the problems facing our country.
Dr. Aisha Abd El-Rahman, (that - who – what – where) is better known to some people as Bint El-Shatei, is one of the most famous people in Egyptian and Arab culture.
Dr. Aisha used to go with her father to meetings (at which – of which – to which – for which) she learned to read and write.
She went to Cairo University (what – whose – at where – where) she studied Arabic language and literature.
She wrote many books and articles (with whom - in which – of what – to where) she argued for a more positive role for women in the modern world.
Her work, (which – what – where – whom) had taken up much of her personal life, is still appreciated today.
Dr. Aisha, (whom – that – whose – who) father was an important man, was born in Damietta in 1913.
Dr. Aisha wrote many articles (at which - in which – of which – which) she discussed women and society.
Queen Victoria, (who – whose – where – when) was born in 1819, was educated in London alone, without meeting other children.
Queen Victoria, (that – when - who – where) died in January 1901, was queen of Britain for most of the 19th century.
Queen Victoria, (who – that – which – whom) ruled for more than 63 years, was queen for longer than any other British ruler.
Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert, died in 1861, (after which – with which – by which – from which) Victoria always wore black clothes.
I'm hoping to study science at university, (which – that - after which – of which) I'd like to work as a research assistant.
The city (that - in which – when – what) I was born is in the south of Egypt.
These days, women have as good an education as men, (that – where – whom – which) I think is a good thing.
Yesterday, I played a long game of tennis with my brother, (when – that – which – for which) made me very tired.
The nurse, (who – whose – that – where) responsibility is to look after young children, has worked at the hospital for ten years.
The person (who – whose – which – where) does most of the cooking in our family is my mother.

Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:

1837 was the year where Victoria became queen of Britain.
I've just read a newspaper article in that the life of a famous woman is described in detail.
My sister went to London University, what she studied history.
Lord of the Flies is a story in whom a group of school boys are shipwrecked on an island.
She asked me where I had been, to that I replied, "It's a secret".
Tomorrow, I'm going to a meeting at when we are going to discuss women's role in society.
He says he's busy, by where he really means he doesn't want to go out this evening.
He said something very cruel, for that I think he should apologize.
Cleopatra, whom was very beautiful, was the last pharaoh of Egypt.
Woman's Day, that marks an important event in 1919, is on March 16.
Alexandria, when my mother was born, is in northern Egypt.
I have been reading about famous women, that I have found very interesting.
Agatha Christie was a famous crime writer where books were translated into many languages.
He didn't want to lend me the money, that made me very angry.
He showed me round the town, who was very kind of him.
My friend who father is a doctor is a clever boy.
I visited Ahmad which is my friend.
This is the school which I work.
This is the best student who I have ever seen.
The man which car was stolen asked me for help.
The flat, that my father bought , over looks the tower.
I helped the man who car stopped.
Ayman visited the boy which had an accident.
This is the house when I live.
Amira whose answered the question, is very clever.
We saw Fawzy what lost his bag.
This is the factory which my brother works.
Ali which car broke down, was very angry.
We'll wait for Nadia what won the game.

Ex. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1) This is the picture ……….. I drew yesterday .
a. which b. when c. who d. where
2) He is the student …………… usually gets the best marks .
a. that b. which c. when d. where
3) He is my friend ………….. father is a businessman .
a. who b. which c. whose d. what
4) This is the house …………… I was born .
a. which b. what c. where d. when
5) Is he the person …………wanted to be a teacher?
a. which b. what c. when d. who
6) He is the professor …………. works in the Faculty of Science .
a. that b. which c. what d. when
7) Cairo is a city ........... there are lots of interesting places to visit.
a. who b. which c. that d. where
Cool The planes .................. disappeared never came back.
a. whose b. which c. who d. where
9) Many sailors and pilots .................. had been in the area reported strange things.
a. when b. which c. who d. where
10) I've bought a book .................. is very useful.
a. when b. where c. who d. which

Ex. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1) July is the month .................. we go to Alexandria.
a) which b) who c) when d) where
2) We visited Adel .................. father was ill.
a) who b) whose c) which d) that
3) The area .................. the planes disappeared is called the Bermuda Triangle.
a) where b) which c) who d) whose
4) I've got a friend ................... exam results are always good.
a) who b) when c) whose d) which
5) Aswan is a city .................. there are a lot of monuments.
a) when b) why c) what d) where
6) A dictionary is a book .................. gives the meaning of words.
a) who b) which c) whose d) where
7) This is the bedroom ................. Salma sleeps.
a) which b) whose c) where d) when
Cool Ahmed was doing his homework ................... the teacher had given)
him the day before.
a) that b) where c) when d) who
9) The planes disappeared near Bermuda ................... is an island.
a) where b) which c) who d) whose
10) Soha met a friend ................... sister was a good artist.
a) who b) whose c) which d) when

Ex. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1) The flight leader was taking care of the student pilots ................... were young.
a) where b) who c) whose d) when
2) This is the house ................... my father was born.
a) where b) that c) whose d) which
3) Graham Bell was the man ............... invented the telephone.
a) which b) whose c) where d) who
4) What was the name of the horse ............... won the race?
a) which b) whose c) who d) where
5) Do you know the boy ............... football was stolen?
a) who b) whose c) when d) which
6) That's the villa ............ my uncle lives in.
a) where b) which c) when d) whose
7) The first of January is the day ...........we celebrate the new year.
a) which b) where c) when d) that
8)1 can't buy you the car ........... you asked for.
a) who b) whose c) when d) that

Unit 14
As well as / in addition to / besides /
So / therefore / consequently
Because / since / as
Because of / due to / owing to / on account of / thanks to / Being
So that / in order that / in the hope that
to / so as to / in order to
but - yet - Although - though - even though - even if - however
in spite of / despite
and so / and neither
Choose the correct answer:
I've read the book, (but – so – if – when) I haven't seen the film yet.
(Because – Although – So – When) I have not seen him before, I knew who he was.
(In spite – Although – Despite – Because) being nearly 60 years old, Ali still plays football
every week.
He was happy (although – despite – as well as – as) he got 98% in the maths test.
She didn't understand the homework, (despite - so – because – while) she asked her teacher to
explain it again.
(While – Because – Although – So) he was on holiday, my brother met an old friend.
(Although – Therefore – But – While) visiting Egypt, most tourists take photos.
(While – But – Besides – After) he graduated, he worked in an oil company.
After (typed – had typed – types – typing) the reports, she saw a movie.
(As – Although – On – As soon as) seeing the robbers, she called the police.
(During – As soon as – After – Before) I went to sleep last night, I read my book.
(After – Although – Despite – But) we'd never met before, we got on very well.
(Even though – Therefore – As well – Despite) being very tired, I continued working.
(As soon as – While – So – Although) flying into Cairo, I saw the Pyramids of Giza.
I only met Naguib Mahfouz once, (as - but – besides – because) I've long been interested in
his life.
(Although – Because – So – As soon as) his father was a school teacher, his wider family was
wealthy and influential in the world of banking.
He was unhappy at school (although – because – so – but) he was regularly bullied.
While he (is – was being – was – had been) at Oxford, he wrote a few poems.
He didn't earn enough money at first, (so – while – as well as – not only) he wrote book and
film reviews.
(Although – Owing to – So – Despite) being known as a difficult man, I got on very well with
(While – Despite – After – Because) graduating, he became a journalist.
(Because – Although – But – besides) he got a good job, he was not happy.
(So – But – After – Although) working for local newspapers, he wrote for a national paper.
(As – Although – Through – On account of) he enjoyed travelling, he visited many different
His early novels were not successful, (although – as well as – so – through) he could not give
up his job as a journalist.

Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1. On met Graham Greene in Mexico, I was very impressed by the man.
2. Although moving to the healthy air of Switzerland, he died in 1991.
3. What I was on holiday, I took some great photos.
4. On heard the good news, everyone smiled and clapped.
5. Despite we ran as fast as we could, we missed the bus.
6. After he losing his job, Ali worked for a children's charity.
7. She phoned me but she wanted to know what time I was leaving home.
8. They told him he was sure to pass the test, so he didn't believe them.
9. Because it never usually rains in Egypt, some European tourists bring umbrellas with them.
10. It's my mother's birthday soon, because I want to buy her a present.
11. We couldn't buy the newspaper despite the shop was closed.
12. Although really enjoying the book you lent me, I haven't finished it yet.
13. My father would have taken you to the airport, because you didn't ask him.
14. On they saw the road accident, the cars drove more slowly.
15. After played football, the boys had a shower.
16. Before gone to bed, Ali did his science homework.
17. I'd like to work as a research scientist before I graduate.
18. When answered the phone, I heard a small child.
19. She walked home by herself, because she knew that it was dangerous.
20. He managed to eat a big lunch even though having eaten an enormous breakfast.

4) Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:

They were arrested as breaking the law.
He had to apologize owing to he made a shameful mistake.
As well as she studied hard, she played tennis regularly.
There were no accidents though the dangerous roads.
I like most school subjects because I don't like physics.
As soon as seeing the accident, I called the police.
However the box was heavy, he could carry it.
In addition to he wrote the letter, he saw the film.
Because they played very well, they lost the match.
Last week, as well as we went to the club, we went to the cinema.
He had to apologize owing to coming late.
They didn't play the match through of the bad weather.
As well as she studied hard, she helped her mother.
I like most sports because I don't like boxing.
Ali as well as his friends are going to the concert
Not only he hit the man’s car but also he called him bad names.
Swift was a politician as well as a churchman.
I had to take a taxi although it was raining heavily.
He didn’t attend the meeting because of he was ill.
He went to the doctor because of he was ill.
Unless Peter doesn’t improve his work, he’ll fail the exam.
On met Graham Greene in Mexico, I was very impressed by the man.
Although moving to the healthy air of Switzerland, he died in 1991.
What I was on holiday, I took some great photos.
On heard the good news, everyone smiled and clapped.
Despite we ran as fast as we could, we missed the bus.
After he losing his job, Ali worked for a children's charity.
She phoned me but she wanted to know what time I was leaving home.
They told him he was sure to pass the test, so he didn't believe them.
Because it never usually rains in Egypt, some European tourists bring umbrellas with them.
It's my mother's birthday soon, because I want to buy her a present.
We couldn't buy the newspaper despite the shop was closed.
Although really enjoying the book you lent me, I haven't finished it yet.
My father would have taken you to the airport, because you didn't ask him.
On they saw the road accident, the cars drove more slowly.
After played football, the boys had a shower.
Before gone to bed, Ali did his science homework.
I'd like to work as a research scientist before I graduate.
When answered the phone, I heard a small child.
She walked home by herself, because she knew that it was dangerous.
Choose the correct answer :
1. They have gone to the seaside ……… change the scenery.
a. so as to b. because c. so as to d. due to
2. He went to England ………… he could complete his medical studies.
a. in order to b. so that c. as d. because of
3. She went to the market …………… buy some fruit .
a. in order to b. in order that c. so that d. because
4. I missed the train ………… I got up late .
a. because b. despite c. although d. so that
5. They were missed …………… their bad manners .
a. because b. despite c. owing to d. however
6. I couldn’t walk …………… my leg was broken .
a. because of b. as c. although d. so that
7. He didn’t go to work …………… his illness .
a. despite b. so that c. because d. on account of
8. We will never trust him ………… he deceived us .
a. because of b. since c. although d. however
9. Sadek enjoyed the match , …… he left before the end .
a. despite b. owing to c. although d. however
10. He lost his job …………… his good record .
a. in spite of b. although c. because d. so that
11. ………… strong he is , he can’t carry this heavy bag.
a. In spite of b. Although c. However d. Because
12. He refused to drink anything ………… he was thirsty .
a. because b. although c. since d. so that
13. He arrived very late …… he wasn’t allowed to enter .
a. so that b. despite c. because d. consequently
14. He didn’t expect to win , …………… he was delighted when he got
the gold medal .
a. so b. because c. if d. as
15. Merchants traded ideas …………… goods .
a. in addition b. as well as c. in spite of d. without
16. …………….. he was a biginner , he won the gold medal .
a. Because b. However c. Unless d. Even though
17. ………… you are too young , you can’t vote .
a. So b. However c. Unless d. As
18. Neither he nor his friends …………… French .
a. speak b. speaks c. spoken d. is speaking
19. ………… I had checked my homework , the teacher found a mistake .
a. Unless b. However c. Since d. Although
Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1) While reading the newspaper, I ......................... asleep .
a) had fallen b) have fallen c) was falling d) fell
2) Fady doesn't look happy ...................... I'm sure he passed the exam
a) because b) because of c) although d) despite
3) .1 won't go to the cinema ......................... not going with me .
a) provided b) as long as c) if d) in case of
4) I've heard of Jonathan Swift. .................. I didn't know he wrote Gulliver's Travels .
a) Although b) However c) Because d) So
5) ......................... working as a politician , Swift was a churchman .
a) As well as b) Because c) Although d) If
6) They captured Gulliver......................... tied him to the ground .
a) so b) when c) but d) and
7) The match went ahead ......................... the bad weather.
a) but b) in spite of c) although d) yet
Cool The company had to change the plans ........................... some unexpected problems .
a) because b) as c) owing to d) since
9) The bus won't stop ......................... you wave to it.
a) if b) unless c) though d) so
10) ......................... the cafe was crowded , we found a table .
a) Whatever b) However c) Although d) Despite
11) I'd like you to do exercise A ......................... the composition .
a) in addition to b) in addition c) as well d) but
12) If Ramez gets up early, he ......................... the morning train .
a) would catch b) would have caught c) will catch d) might catch
13) ...................... you drive well, you won't get a licence .
a) If b) In case c) As long as d) Unless
14) Soha can't come in ......................... the door is locked .
a) due to b) because c) though d) because of
15) ......................... his cleverness, he failed the exam.
a) Though b) However c) Despite d) Although
16) If you answer well, you ......................... a reward .
a) would get b) wouldn't get c) will get d) won't get
17) A number of people have come to the party .............. Amr and Alaa .
a) beside b) in addition c) so d) besides

18) Wael, as well as all his friends ,......................... clever.
a) are b) is c) were d) am
19) Take this medicine ......................... you feel tired .
a) if b) unless c) in case of d) without
20) I was cautious ,......................... I was taken in by his tricks .
a) although b) in spite of c) however d) though
21)...................... her qualifications, she was not accepted for the job .
a) In spite of b) Although c) Though d) But
22) Don't leave the building ......................... I tell you .
a) if b) unless c) in case of d) without
23) I went to live in the town ......................... I could get a job .
a) in order to b) because c) to d) so that
24) ......................... poor he was , he was always neatly dressed .
a) Though b) But c) However d) Whatever
25) The baby won't sleep unless you ......................... him a story .
a) told b) tells c) tell d) telling
26) We couldn't see last night's lunar eclipse ....................... the heavy clouds.
a) owing to b) because c) as d) but
27) Baher......................... the university unless he gets high marks .
a) wouldn't join b) won't join c) will join d) may join
28) ...................... Heba was frightened, she went out alone late at night.
a) Even though b) However c) Because d) As
29) Intelligent......................... he is , he finds it difficult to express his ideas in writing.
a) however b) but c) as d) so
30) If you ......................... to fail, study hard .
a) doesn't want b) don't want c) won't want d) didn't want
31) I was feeling awful......................... I had to go outside .
a) although b) so c) but d) because
32) The teacher may punish you ........................ arriving late at school
a) if b) in case of c) in case d) unless
33) ......................... quickly he runs , he can't catch the train .
a) However b) As c) Although d) Despite
34) ......................... not having a ticket, you won't be admitted .
a) Unless b) If c) Without d) In case of
35) You ......................... mistakes if you are careful.
a) will make b) won't make c) would make d) wouldn't make
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly :
1) Lazy however he is , he gets high marks .
2) I wouldn't go on holiday if I don't have enough money .
3) Because of they are farmers , they have to get up early .
4) It was midday although I turned on the light.
5) If you are leaving now , you'd be able to attend the first lecture .
6) Despite he was tired , the noise kept him awake all night.
7) Your English will get better in case you have some courses in English .
Cool As the film was interesting , I didn't enjoy it.
9) You can't get a room in the hotel unless you had a reservation .
10) I felt unwell therefore I stayed up late last night.
11) Unless taking the medicine properly , your cough will get worse .
12) It was cold , because I turned the heating on .
13) You can't drive a car because you've got a licence .
14) However he is weak , he can carry this heavy bag .
15) Unless you were patient, you won't be an efficient teacher.
16) Though familiar his face looked, I couldn't remember meeting him before .
17) He ran out of money , but he had to look for a job .
18) You could see me easily due to I was wearing a red jumper.
19) This man didn't have any talent although he became a popular TV personality.
20) Don't leave the computer on for so long if you are using it.

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly :
1) Lazy however he is , he gets high marks .
2) I wouldn't go on holiday if I don't have enough money .
3) Because of they are farmers , they have to get up early .
4) It was midday although I turned on the light.
5) If you are leaving now , you'd be able to attend the first lecture .
6) Despite he was tired , the noise kept him awake all night.
7) Your English will get better in case you have some courses in English .
Cool As the film was interesting , I didn't enjoy it.
9) You can't get a room in the hotel unless you had a reservation .
10) I felt unwell therefore I stayed up late last night.
11) Unless taking the medicine properly , your cough will get worse .
12) It was cold , because I turned the heating on .
13) You can't drive a car because you've got a licence .
14) However he is weak , he can carry this heavy bag .
15) Unless you were patient, you won't be an efficient teacher.
16) Though familiar his face looked, I couldn't remember meeting him before .
17) He ran out of money , but he had to look for a job .
18) You could see me easily due to I was wearing a red jumper.
19) This man didn't have any talent although he became a popular TV personality.
20) Don't leave the computer on for so long if you are using it.

Unit 15
Future simple / future perfect ( active / passive )

Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:

Petrol cars will have been replace by electric cars by 2050.
Hundreds of towns will be built by 20100.
Engineers will not be finished the new road.
The number of car accidents will cut by the new road.
Music will be downloading easily and quickly.
Newspapers will publish rarely.
In the future, more electricity will generate from wind power..
More of the music we listen to will be downloading from the internet.
They will be published fewer traditional newspapers.
The price of phone calls will be reducing by 50%.
I finish this job by 10 p.m. tomorrow
By the time the firemen arrive, the fire destroys the building.
More cities will build in the desert by the year 2020.
Inflation تضخم increases by 1% over the next twelve months.
You'll be received an e-mail giving full details next Monday.
The building will complete by next year.
He will given a prize by the teacher.
More money will spent on education.
This problem should solve soon.
This painting is going to exhibit at the art gallery.
A lot of projects will carry out by 2020.
The contract will have checked before signing it.
The letter will have typed by the secretary before 5 pm.
What will done to solve this problem?

Unit 16
Direct & indirect
سبق التدريب عليها

Unit 17
Verb + object + inf
Verb + object + preposition
Noun ++Preposition
Adjective ++Preposition
Verb + Preposition

Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:

Salem encouraged his brother working harder.
Khaled is excepting his friends to arrive soon.
When I was younger, I always wanted my mother read me stories.
Teachers often forbid their students to work harder.
Her parents wanted her gone to a good university.
I'd encourage everyone from working for a charity.
When I was younger, my father often warmed me not to waste time.
This year, I'm expecting passing all my exams.
He suggested that she applies for the job.
He told me phoned him the next day.

3) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

He's teaching his son ………………… a horse.
( riding – to ride – ride – ridden )
Mona's mother ………….. her daughter to help her prepare dinner for the family.
( warned – planned – asked – discouraged )
They are never late, so I ……………. them to arrive in a few minutes.
( expect – accept – prepare – force )
Our friends invited us …………… tea with them.
( having – to have – to having – had )
My father has …………….. me to be careful with my money.
( admitted – suggested – advised – hired )
The teacher ……………….. the students not to talk during the test.
( warned – hoped – wondered – opposed )
The officer ordered the soldiers …………………. the enemy.
( attack – attacking – attacked – to attack )
Don't forget ……………… me a postcard when you are on holiday.
( send – sending – to send – sent )
If you like, I can teach you ………………. tennis at the weekend.
( play – playing – to play – played )
Ali's father warned him …………………. too much money.
( not to spend – not spending – not spent – not to be spent )
He was the last one ……………….. at the meeting.
( arrive – to arrive – arriving – arrived )
They do not allow ………………… inside the building.
( smoke – to smoke - smoking – smoked )
Bringing up children often ……………. you to put their needs first.
( requires – involves – includes – excludes )
The police instructed people ………………. the buildings.
( evacuates – evacuating – evacuated - to evacuate )
We were encouraged ………….. foreign languages at school.
( learning - to learn – learn – of learning )
vryyyyyyyyyyy gooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
? Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Exclamation tanks mr but is there any answer 4 it
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