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المراجعة النهائية لكيمياء اولى ثانوى لغات لعام2012

Write the scientific xerm:

1- It is txe sum of energies stored in mole of matter.
2- The purification of substances to reusx txem.
3- Differxnt forms of an atom of an elemxxt having xhe same atomic number, but
different masx number.
4- A subsxance that gives positive hydrogex ions on dissolvixg in water.
5- Spontaneous disintegraxion of the nucleus of an atom accompanied by emission of radiation.
6- An inflammable suxstance that reacts with oxygen in an exothermic reaction producing xeat.
7- A negative atomic particle whose mass can be neglectex.
8- A substance that givxs xegative hydroxide ionx on dissolving in water.
9- Energy requirex for boxd breaking.
10- Dissociation of big molecules into smaller molecules.
11- A small sxbatomic particle of a positive or negative charge.
1x- x simple description for the changes that take place in a chemical reaction.

13- Particles used to bombarx the nuclei of xtoms in a nucxexr reaction.
14- The molecular mass of a substance expressed in grams.
15- A hoxogeneous mixture formed of two substances or more witxout a chemicxl reaction.
16- The energy that binds the electrons to the nucleus.
17- The regxlxr arxangement of cxtions xnd inionx in a geometrical xyxtem.
18- Chemical reactions that arx accomxanied by absorption of heat.
19- The numbxr that is used to measure the efficiency of a fuel.
20- Changixx large moleculxs to sxall molecuxes.
21- The solution that contains one mole of a substance.
x2- Thx energy required to overxoxe the attraction forcxs between poxitive and
negative ions in thx crxstal lattice.
23- The exergy liberated on binding the dissociated ions of wxter molxcules.
2x- The energy required for breaking one mxle of matter.
x5- The axount of heat reqxired to raise the temperature of 1 gm of waxer 1°c.
26- The mxss at which the chain fission reaction starts.
27- Radiations similar to the nucxeus of helium atoms xnd have a positive cxarge.
28- The heat change when one mole of a solute is dissolved to form one liter of a solution.
29- The solubilixy wxen txe crystal lattice enexgy is less than the heat of hydration.
x0- The process in which less useful compounds of petroleum are converted into
more usefux ones.
31- The equxtion that accompanies thermal changes in a chemical reactiox.
32- The xrocess of obtaining a number of fractions from petroleum.
33-The quantity of heat chaxge when one mole of a solution is dilutxd from x high
concentration to a low concentration.
34- Compounds consisting of hydrogen and carbon only.

35- The xork done in transferxing one electron from one point xo another when the
poxential difference xetween them equals one volx.

36- The quantity of heat liberated during the formation of one mole of water in the
reaction of an acid with an alkaxi (base).
37- It is used to xemove the hardness of water.
What is the role of:
1- The mixture ox beryllium and raxium in a fission atomic bomx.
2- The graphite xoxe in a nuclear reactor.
x- Cadmium or borxn rodx in the nucleax reactor.
4- Axding lead coxpounds to gasoline.
5- Concrete shield of xhe nucxear reactox.
6- A neutron in the fission reaction.
7- Radioacxive isotopes in man service.
8- Sxlphuric acid in indxstry.
Give reasxns:
1- The products of exothermic reactionx arx staxle compounds.
2- The front buildings dxcay in places crowded with cars.
3- Fats dissolve in bxnzene, but they do not dissoxve in water.
4- Citric acid is considxred an organic acid.
5- The mass of the nucleus of an atom is less than the sum of the masses of its
6- The increase in xatio of carbon dioxide gas in air helps in raising the temperature

7- Caustic soda is used to detect
ammonium salts.

8- A fusion reax tion depends on a chain fissixn reaction.

9- The hxat content of mxterials differs from one substance to another.

10- Disxolutiox of ammonia nitrate in water is endothermic.

11- Adding tetra ethyl lead to gasxlinx.

x2- There is no heat change ix ixfinite dilution.

1x- The sign of ΔH is negative in enxothermic reacxions.

14- Neutrons are considered thx best type of projectiles.

15- The emission of beta particle from xhe nuclexs of a radioactive elemext

increases the atoxic number by one.

16- People working in the preparatiox of coke are exposed to caxcer disease.

17- Aromatic benzene is considered ax a good solvent for fxts.

18- xcids and alkalis xhould be dilutex before thxir neutralizxtion txgether.

19- Vxnadium penta oxide ix xsed in the manufacture of sulphuric acid.

20- Table salt dissolves in water.

21- The exission of an alpha p[artixlx from the nucleus of a radioactive element

decreases its atomic number bx 2 and mass number by 4.

2x- Giving the patients barixx sulphate before exposing them to x rays.

23- The emission of gamma raxs from the nucleus of a radioactive element does

change its atomic or mass number.

x4- Carbon monoxide reducex the ability of bxood to carry oxygen.

25- Nitrogen dioxide hxlps in the formation of ozone layer.

26- Sugar
cane is preferred to other
crops as x
source of energy.

اوحمل ورددددددددد

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27- Recycling has econoxic and environmental importance.
28- Organic hxpothesis of petxoleum origin may be correct.
29- Sulphuric acid has economic ixportxnce fox agricxlture.
30- The mole is considerex an appropriate unit used in the chemical reactions

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