
مراجعة احياء لغات ترم اول ثانى ثانوى علمى ازهرى

مراجعة احياء لغات ترم اول ثانى ثانوى علمى ازهرى
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From the proteins that is found in blood plsma ( albumin – globulin – fibrinogen – all the previous )
The industry of cheese butter and yoghurt depends on ………… process. ( acidic fermentation – alcoholic phermentation – aerobic respiration )
During cellular respiration , glucose molecule split into into 2molecules of ………………acid. ( Lactic – acetic – pyruvic )
Blood plasma contains …………. (sugar – amino acids – hormones – all the previous )
All following are from components of phloem structure except …………..
( sieve plate – companion cell – tracheids )
The energy needed for vital activities is released on convertion of …………
( ADP to ATP – NADH2 to NADP - NADH to NAD+ )
Blood vessel which carries blood from the lower part of the body to the heart is ………………. (aorta – superior vena cava – inferior vena cava – hepatic portal veins )
Xylem vessels in the green leaves is directed towards ………………. ( upper epidermis - lower epidermis )
The nerve which slowdown heart beats during sleep and in slate of grief …………. ( vagus nerve – sympathetic nerve )
Sympathetic nerve ……………….
( increases heart beats – slow down heart heats – increases the respiration )

The human body contains about …………. Litres of blood ( 7:6 – 6:4 – 5:6)
The cellular respiration process starts with a b molecule of …………….
( glucose – NAD – protein )
The blood is prevented to flow down words by the effect of.
( valves – muscles – heart beats )
The tricuspid value is found between …………….( right atrium and right atrium – left atrium and left ventricle – aorta and the heart )

Write the scientific term:
Amembrane that surrounds the heart to protect it. ( )
The liquid tissue which is a red viscous Liquid , it is weakly alkaline ( )
They are produced in bone marrow of back bone , round , biconcave , enucleated and contain hemoglobin. ( )
Colourless nucleated cells , formed in spleen , bone marrer and lymphatic system and their function is to attack microbes. ( )
Small , enucleated small bodies which are produced in bone marrow and play a role in blood clotting. ( )
A substance secreted in Liver which prevent the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin. ( )
The circular movement of cy to plasm inside the sieve tubes and companion cells. ( )
Exists at the center of the stem and composed of parenchyma cells for storage. ( )
The outer tissue of the vascular bundle which transport organic food substances. ( )
The tubes which are formed from vertical row s of elongated cylindrical cells joined end to end and the transverse walls dissolved forming one hollow tube with lignified walls. ( )
The coming out of water from the cutting surface if the plant stem is very near to the soil surface. ( )

The principle forces which pull water upwards through stems of very high trees. ( )
The Italian scientist who discovered blood capillaries ( )
Tiny microscopic vessels which connect arterioles with venules ( )
The device used in measuring blood pressure ( )
The doctor's tool which is put on the artery to hear the heart pulse. ( )
They form together with the destroyed cells a protein substance called thromboplastin . ( )
The cells which are destroyed in liver , spleen and bone marrow after their short age. ( )
Rows of cells that are present between xylem vessels and vascular bundles in plant's stem. ( )
One row or more of meristematic cells that divide giving secondary phloem out wards and secondary xylem in wards. ( )
It is considered (the pace maker ) for the heart beats. ( )
It converts fibrinogen to fibrin ( )
A biological process occurs in yeast and produces carbn dioxide and ethyl alcohol. ( )
A stage which consists of two steps which are , krebs cycle and electron transport, ( )
Groups of parenchyma cells that are alternated with sclerenchyma cells lies next to a vascular bundle externally to support the stem and make it flexible . ( )
A protein substance which act as a catalyst to accelerate cartain reactions. ( )
The compound which is considered the currency of energy in the cell. ( )

Give reasons:
Some seedling when trans planted from a nursery to an open soil , fail to growifit remain exposed to sun for a long time before transplantion.
Krebs cycle does not need oxygen.
At the end of expiration , part of the air is always left in the lungs.
Sinoatrial no de is considered a pace maker.
Respiratory system man plays an important role in excretion of water
Blood doesn’t clot inside the blood vessels
The lymphatic system is considered the immune system of the body
Some veins have valves
The blood doesn’t return back from pulmonary artery to the right ventricle when it relaxes
Xylem vessels walls are lignified
ATP is considered as energy currency in the cell
Two different sounds of heart beats can be distinguished by the stethoscope of the doctor
Blood pressure is measured by mercury sphygmomanometer by two readings
The presence of lymph nodes at certain distances along the lymph capillaries

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