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the spiders revision tarek
المراجعة النهائية لقصة العناكب
و تشمل

أهم كلمات القصة
أهم الأسئلة و إجاباتها
اهم الأقوال و إجابتها
أهم أسئلة التكملة و إجابتها

لا تنسوني من صالح دعائكم
-------------------------------------------------------------2001 دورأول ------------------
D- the Novel (9.M)
7- 1) Answer the following questions:
1-Why was Ayman surprised when he saw the spider?
2- What was the root of Echinacea Negra used for?
3- Why didn't Professor Jones want to destroy the deadly spiders?
Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
" I'm sorry. I was looking forward to that trip. I've been studying arachnids for 25
years, but I'm still excited about finding unknown species."
a. Who was the speaker?
b. Why was he angry?
c. Will he find any unknown species of spider?
Complete the following sentences:
1-Ayman used the internet for ....................
2- There was no antivenom for the black and yellow spider because .........
3- A female spider is much more dangerous than a male because .......
-------------------------------------------------------------2001 دور ثاني ------------------
D- The Novel (9.M)
5.1) Answer the Following questions:
a- What was the opinion of Ayman's family about the story of the spider Ayman had
b- Why did all the archaeologists at the site die?
c- How did Professor Jones express his admiration of Ayman?
Answer the following quotations
“It's up to you now, Wafaa! Good Luck.”
a- What was Wafaa Sultan expected to do?
b- Why was it difficult for her to do so?
c- Whose life depended on the courage of Wafaa Sultan?
Complete the following sentences:
1- The World Wide Web is like a great library. The information in this
library moves ......................
2- Professor Jones said that they could not destroy the spiders as.......
3- Ayman did not have to worry about getting a good job because.....
-------------------------------------------------------------2002 دورأول ------------------
D-The Novel (9.M)
7.1) Answer the Following questions:
a- What's the part played by Dr Shereen Fakhry in fighting spiders? [Give one example
b- How was Wafaa Sultan brave?
c- Why did the men kill the spiders underground in the tomb?
2) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
" Spiders use webs to catch flies, but I'm going to use the web to find a spider!"
a- Who said this to whom?
b- What are the two kinds of webs according to the speaker's point of view?
c- How did the internet help in the fight against the spiders?
3) complete the sentences:
1- If there weren't any spiders ................
2- When Scientists put small quantities of venom into animals, these animals ………..
3- The minister described Ayman Hassan as ……………..
-------------------------------------------------------------2002 دور ثاني ------------------

D- The Novel (9.M)
7.1) Answer the Following questions:
1- Why did the robbers fail to steal the gold, although they used modern technology ?
2- How did Ayman save his sister?
3- How did “science and nature” help to save Ayman s life ?
2) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
“ I don't know much about plants. This botanist is the person to ask.”
a- Who said these words? To whom?
b- What plants is the speaker referring to?
c-Who is the botanist?
3) Complete the sentences:
1 - Stories about dangerous spiders are not good for business in Hamdayya because………..
2- All spiders can not be destroyed because .………….
3- Because of the spiders the whole world was in danger as…………
-------------------------------------------------------------2003 دورأول ------------------
D- Novel
7- A) Answer the following questions:
1- How did the internet play an important part in the fight against the spiders ?
2- Why was the female spider much more dangerous than any male one ?
3- Why did Ayman and the officers wear protective clothes when they entered the tomb ?
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
“We must find what we want and get out before morning.”
1- Who said these words ? To whom ?
2-What was the thing they wanted ?
3-Why did they want to get out before morning ?
C) Complete the following sentences:
a. Professor Jones decided to go to Egypt because………………. .
b. Echinacea Negra is a…………………… .
c. After crossing the second Wadi in Sinai, Osama drove very fast in order to…………… .
-------------------------------------------------------------2003 دور ثاني ------------------
D- Novel
7-A) Answer the following questions:
1- Where do spiders usually live ?
2- What difficulties did Wafaa and the officers face in Sinai ?
3- Why didn’t the bites of the female spider kill Ayman ?
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
“Keep very still, Lamia. I want to take a photo.”
1- Who said these words ?
2- Why did the speaker ask Lamia not to move ?
3- What happened to the speaker after taking the photo ?
C) Complete the following sentences:
1- In the second wadi in Sinai, the cars couldn’t speed up because…… .
2- The female spider tried to release itself by…………. .
3- Captain Osama used the towrope for………….. .
-------------------------------------------------------------2004 دورأول ------------------
D- Novel
7-A) Answer the following questions:
1-Give some examples of Ayman’s bravery and intelligence in the search
for the female spider. (Two examples)
2-Why did professor Jones say to captain Ahmed that it is impossible to
destroy all the spiders ?
3-What was Ayman’s main bobby ? How did he make use of it in his life ?

B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
“It’s like an underground city. A city of dead people.”
1- Who said these words ? To whom ?
2- What is the place they are talking about ?
3- What is the importance of discovering this place in the novel ?
C) Complete the following sentences:
1-Dr.Fakhry was shocked and frightened while looking at the computer screen
when……………. .
2-The young officer was coughing badly and fell to the ground because…………. .
3-Although people in ancient Egypt burnt their town down to kill all the spiders,…… …. .
-------------------------------------------------------------2004 دور ثاني ------------------
D- Novel
7-A) Answer the following questions:
1-What was found in the two underground rooms ?
2-Why was Ayman rewarded by showing his photo on television ?
3-Why did Captain Ahmed give orders to stop anybody from coming near the site or leave without search ?
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
“Ok. Let’s see what we’ve got.” Said the Professor excitedly.
1- Where did the professor say these words?
2- Who were with him ?
3- Why was the professor excited ?
C) Complete the following sentences:
1-Archaeologists do not use GPR very often because………………….. .
2-The congratulations suddenly stopped, when Ayman’s family saw……………….. .
3-Colonel Mikhail and his men are going to be in danger from the spiders until……… .
-------------------------------------------------------------2005 دورأول ------------------
D- Novel
7-A) Answer the following questions:
1-Do you think the black and yellow spiders are a known species ? Say why or why not ?
2-What would happen to local businesses if people heard and believed Ayman's story ? Mention two results.
3-Why was everyone surprised that Ayman didn't die from the deadly female spider's bite ?
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
“I will pass your opinion to the colonel. This must be decided at a higher level".
1- Who was speaking to whom ?
2- What exactly does "your opinion" refer to in this quotation ?
3- What did the speaker want to do ? Why ?
C) Complete the following sentences:
1-The spider didn't attack Najat because…………………. .
2-Ayman didn't have enough time to read Dr Fakhry's second e-mail, so………….. .
3-According to professor Jones, the deadly spiders came into our world when………
-------------------------------------------------------------2005 دور ثاني ------------------
D- Novel
7-A) Answer the following questions:
1-Why did Ayman feel like a person with a new future ?
2-What did professor Malcolm Jones warn of ?
3-Why couldn't Wafaa Sultan take the helicopter back with the Echinacea Negra plants ?
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
“I have just seen a large black and yellow spider which I can't identify".
4- Who wrote that statement and to whom was it written?
5- What did the writer do to get information about the spider ?
6- Did the writer succeed in finding out that information ?
C) Complete the following sentences:
7-The spider enclosed its eggs in………………. .
8-Dr Shereen Fakhry advised Ayman to………………… .
9-Wafaa Sultan pressed the horn of the car when………………….. .
-------------------------------------------------------------2006 دورأول ------------------
D- Novel
7-A) Answer the following questions:
1-What did Ayman wish he hadn't done ?
2-Explain why the townspeople in ancient Egypt gave up hope and left the town ?
3-What did professor Malcolm Jones think of spiders ? Why ?
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
“I feel like a new person with a new future."
4- Who said this to whom ?
5- Where did the speaker say this ?
6- Why did the speaker feel that ?
C) Complete the following sentences:
7-Being a botanist, Wafaa Sultan………………. .
8-When its leg was caught, the female spider………………….. .
9-Everyone was talking about Ayman because………………….. .
-------------------------------------------------------------2006 دور ثاني ------------------
D- Novel
7-A) Answer the following questions:
1- What did the Egyptian archaeologist send Dr Shereen Fakhry?
2- Why did Captain Ahmed want to know everything about spiders?
3- What would have happened if the spider had bitten Lamia?
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"Let's hope it is a known species."
1- Who said this? To whom?
2- Why did the speaker hope so?
3- What sort of species did it turn out to be?
C) Complete the following sentences:
1 - The men had to wear protective clothing in order to .....................
2- The four robbers switched the car lights off because .....................
3- The computer enabled Ayman to ....................
-------------------------------------------------------------2007 دورأول ------------------
D- Novel
7-A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why was the female spider much more dangerous than the male spider?
2- In Dr. Fakhry's opinion, what was another possible reason for the
disappearance of the town?
3- Captain Ahmed wanted to destroy the spiders in the archaeological site
but professor Jones had a different opinion. ( Explain )
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"Keep still. I want to take a photo. Don't move."
1- Who said these words? To whom?
2- Why did the speaker want this person to keep still?
3- How did the speaker make use of his camera in this situation?
C) Complete the following sentences:
1- When venom enters the body of a person or an animal, ..............
2- Dr. Fakhry felt a shiver down the back of her neck when ...............
3- Spiders were useful because ....................
-------------------------------------------------------------2008 دورأول ------------------
D - The Novel
7-A) Answer the following questions:
1- What were the precautions that the robbers took in order not to be discovered?
2- How did the large female spider lose one of its legs?
3- How did the minister regard Ayman Hassan? Why?
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
" We have a young man's life in our hands. "
1- Who said these words? To whom?
2- Who did the speaker refer to?
3- Why was the speaker worried?
C) Complete the following:
1- If there weren't any spiders, .............. .
2- Susan Bennett had a CD on which ............... .
3- The small man carried a machine whose function was to ....................

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