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تحضير دروس اللغة الانجليزية للصف الخامس الكترونياً ترم اول 2024 pdf

تحضير دروس اللغة الانجليزية الصف الخامس الابتدائي الترم الاول 2024 pdf أ/ اكرامى رمضان
Objectives of Teaching English as a foreign Language
in The Primary Stage
By the end of the Elementary Stage and within the assigned structures
and vocabulary for this stage: students should be able to:
1. Learn the basics of the English language that would form the
foundation for its mastery in the future.
2. Use the basic structures of English sentences.
3. Learn the core vocabulary assigned for this stage.
4. Listen to and understand English.
5. Express themselves orally using English.
6. Read and understand simple English materials.
7. Write sentences and short paragraphs in English.
8. Develop an awareness of the importance of the English language as an
international mean of communication.
9. To experience language awareness in terms of how English works and
differs from Arabic.
1- Listening:
-Distinguish between English and other languages.
- Identify and name all the sounds of English.
-Carry out simple oral instructors-class routine.
- Listen to and understand the time on the hours.
2- Speaking:
- Produce consonant clusters as well as different sounds accurately.
-Use greetings and leave takings.
-Memorize and recite songs and rhymes.
-Give personal information "name, age
3- Reading:
-Identify sound-letter correspondences.
-Read the written forms of the numbers 1: 100.
-Read the names of self and class members.
- Sight-read vocabulary in context.
4 Writing:
Write the letters of the alphabet.
-Write the numbers 1: 100.
- Write your own name and the names of the things.
-Copy neatly from core vocabulary.
تحميل تحضير دروس اللغة الانجليزية للصف الخامس الكترونياً ترم اول 2024 pdf
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