
توقعات سؤال الترجمة ثالثة ثانوى 2024

توقعات سؤال الترجمة للثانوية العامة 2024
يهدد الإرهاب مصالح الشعوب ولذا يجب محاربته في كل زمان وكل مكان.
a- Terrorism threats the interests of people so it must be fought everywhere.
b- Tourism threatens the interests of people so it must be fought everywhere.
c-Terrorism threatens the interests of people so it must fought everywhere.
d-Terrorism threatens the interests of people so it must be fought everywhere.

سؤال الترجمة في اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الثانوي 2024 , توقعات سؤال الترجمة ثالثة ثانوى 2024

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تحميل ١٤٠ سؤال ترجمة في اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الثالث الثانوى 2024pdf  من هنــا
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Litterbugs are people who love to litter around. Litterbugs are also who do not take the responsibility or to play their role in the society to take care of the environment. Why are they litterbugs? Litterbugs are the persons who had lack of awareness, not bothered about the environment and too lazy just to walk a few steps to the trash can. What are the effects of litterbugs? One of the major effect is it will destroy the image of our beautiful country which eventually affects the tourism of our country.
Are you a litterbug? Do you chew gum in the streets? Do you eat on the metro? Have you ever painted graffiti on walls? Are you a jaywalker? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then be careful when you visit Singapore. There’s a chance to be stopped and heavily fined! But if you like clean and safe streets, then Singapore could be the perfect destination for your next holiday. Singapore is one of the world’s richest cities. It is almost
crime-free and spotless, steel skyscrapers, shopping malls, top fashion houses, colourful local markets, discount shops for bargain-hunters, even air-conditioned walkways are all part of the magic of Singapore. The majority of Singaporeans are of Chinese origin, but there are ethnic groups from India, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand living there. It is not surprising that the island has many interesting districts. Calligraphers and fortunetellers can be found in Chinatown. Little India has spices, silverware, brassware and jasmine garlands. Malay villages display the traditional lifestyle of Malays and their arts and crafts such as batik painting and kite-making.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
 1.Most Singaporeans are of ................ origin.
a) Indian               b) Thai              c) Chinese        d) European
 2.Singapore is almost ................ .
a) crime-free         b) tax-free         c) free               d) shop-free
 3.The law in Singapore fines those who ................ .
a) like clean and safe streets          b) throw garbage in the streets
c) visit the country                          d) speak loudly to each other
 4.The underlined words “the island” refer to ................ .
a) India               b) Malaysia             c) Chinese        d) Singapore
 5.Those who don’t take care of the environment are ................ .
a) responsible  b) litterbugs               c) crime-free  d) fortunetellers
 6.The writer of this article wants people to ................ .
a) take care of the environment
b) have trashcans in their homes
c) leave their rubbish in the street
d) be litterbugs
 7.The synonym of the word “origin”  is ................ .
a) ending point   b) people           c) source         d) population
 8.Chewing gums in the streets is ................ in Singapore.
a) allowed          b) permitted       c) prohibited      d) preferable

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In general, I love and respect elderly people. They have a lot of experience which makes them wise.

  • أ. بشكل عام، أنا أحب وأحترم كبار السن، فلديهم الكثير من الخبرة التي تجعلهم حكماء.
  • ب في العالم، أنا أحب وأحترم كبار السن فلديهم الكثير من الخبرة التي تجعلهم حكماء.
  • ج كقائد أنا أحب وأحترم كبار السن فلديهم الكثير من الخبرة التي تجعلهم حكماء.
  • د. بشكل عام، أنا أحب وأحترم كبار السن فلديهم الكثير من الخبرة التي تجعلهم حكام.

توقعات سؤال الترجمة ثالثة ثانوى 2024  Scree126
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