
تحميل 25 براجراف للصف السادس الابتدائي 2024. PDF

1. My favourite hobby ھوایتي المفضلة
My favourite hobby is football. I play it once a week. I play it well. I play
football with my friends. I play it in the club. We play it at school , too. I like it very
much. It’s fun.
2. A visit to the zoo زیارة الى حدیقة الحیوان
I went to the zoo last week. I didn’t go alone. I went with my family. I went
there by car. I arrived there at ten o’clock. I saw the lion and the tiger. I saw
many birds. I was very happy. It was a nice day. We took many photos. We
went home at ten p.m.
3. My school مدرستي
I love my school very much. My school is next to my house. I go to school on
foot. I go to school by myself. I go to school at seven o'clock. I study English,
Arabic , maths, science and art. My favourite subject is English. I want to be a
doctor when I grow up. My school is clean and nice. I go home at two o’clock.
4. A visit to /زیارة إليA trip to /رحلة إليYou went toذھبت إلي
I went to .+ أسم المكانI went with my family. I went there by car. I was
there in May. I arrived there at ten o’clock. I was very happy. I was there for a day.
It was a nice day. We took many photos. We went home at ten o’clock
5. My family عائلتي
I love my family very much. I have one brother. He is in primary five. I
have no sisters. My mother is a teacher. She works at school. My father is a
doctor. He works at hospital. We are happy.
6. A visit to a museum زیارة إلي متحف
I went to the Egyptian Museum last week. I went there by car. I went with
my family. I arrived there at ten o’clock. It’s two pounds for Egyptians. Children
under five are free. I saw the mummy rooms. It was a nice day.
7. A visit to Alexandria زیارة إلي الإسكندریة
I went to Alexandria last week. I went there by bus. I went there with my
family. I visited Qaitbay Citadel. I visited Alexandria Library, too. We ate fish and
chicken. I went to the beach to swim. I was very happy. It was a nice day. We took
many photos.
8. A visit to the Pyramids زیارة إلي الأھرامات
I went to the Pyramids last week. I went there by car. I went with my
family. It’s ten pounds to get in. Children under five are free. I saw the Great
Pyramid. It was fun. It was a nice day. We took many photos.
9. A visit to a film studio زیارة إلي أستودیو سینمائي
In the afternoon, we went to a film studio. I went with my friends. I went
there by car. They make all kinds of films at this studio. Today they were
making an adventure film. We watched the actors rehearse. It was so cool!
Then we talked to Ahmed El-Sakka (the film star). He’s really nice.
10. Ice cream أیس كریم
I like ice cream very much. My best flavour is vanilla. We can buy ice cream
at every shop. The first ice cream shop opened in New York. We don’t know who
invented ice cream. Ice cream has a long history. You can find a lot of flavours from
tomato to pickle. America’s favourite flavours are vanilla and chocolate. You can make
it at home, too.
11. My favourite food طعامي المفضل
I like fish. It’s delicious. I eat it for lunch. I eat fish three times a week.
My brother likes it, too. We buy it at the restaurant. The restaurant is clean.
The prices are good, too.
12. My favourite subject المادة الدراسیة المفضلة
I like English very much. It’s my favourite subject. It’s easy. It’s fun. We
have English three times a week. I study English at home five times a week. I want to
be a teacher of English when I grow up.
13. My favourite sport ریاضتي المُفضلة
My favourite sport is football. I like football very much. I play it once a
week. I play it well. I play football with my friends. I play it in the club. I play it. in
the evening. I like it very much. It’s fun
14. Daily Activities أنشطة یومیة
I get up at six o’clock. I wash my face. I pray in the morning. I have
breakfast at seven .I get dressed. I go to school at seven thirty. I do my
homework in the evening. I watch TV at night. I go to bed at ten ‘clock.
15. Lunch you had at a restaurant غداء تناولتھ في مطعم
Yesterday, I went to Grandpa Ali’s restaurant. I had meatballs and rice. I
had orange juice. The prices are good. The restaurant is clean. Children under five
are free. The restaurant serves lunch and dinner. It’s open daily. Their food is the
best food in town.
16. At the supermarket في السوبرماركت
Ramy’s mum wanted Ramy to go to the supermarket. She put a grocery list
and some money on the table by the door. Ramy arrived at the supermarket. He
forgot the grocery list. He went home and got the list. Ramy put the groceries in the
trolley. Then he went to the checkout. He forgot the money. He ran home and got
the money. Then he paid for the groceries. He put the groceries in the trolley. At
last, Ramy forget the groceries at the supermarket.
17. My sister has a fluأختى مصابھ بالأنفلونزا
It’s winter. It’s cold today. My sister is sick. She has a flu. She takes
medicine three times a day. The flu isn’t serious. She is doing better now.
18. A pest شخص مزعج ، متطفل
I am thirteen years old and I have a big problem. My little brother is a
pest! He follows me all the time. He always bothers me and my friends. He goes into
my room and takes my things without asking. My mum tells me to be patient because
I am older. It’s not fair!
19. A visit to the Egyptian Museum زیارة إلي المتحف المصري
Today is Friday. I will go to the Egyptian Museum. I will see Mummy rooms.
It’s two pounds for Egyptians and twenty pounds for foreigners. It’s open from9 a.m.
to 7 p.m. It’s open daily. Children under five are free. We’ll have a nice day
20. A bakery مخبز
I’m hungry. I want to buy an apple pie. I will go to the bakery. It’s not far.
It’s near my house. There are all kinds of pies. It has lemon, peach and apple. The
apple pies are very nice. It’s ten pounds each. It’s delicious.
21-A busy day یوم مشغول
Today I was busy. I bought groceries. I also did the laundry. I ironed all my clothes.
Then I baked bread and made dinner. My friend visited me. We ate all the bread.
22- The sandwich الساندوتش
The sandwich has a very long history. Montague invented it. He used bread and meat
for the first sandwich. He liked to eat a sandwich play cards. You can buy it at every
grocery store. We can make a sandwich at home, too.
23- My favourite sandwich الساندوتش المفضل
I like sandwiches very much. There are a lot of kinds. My favourite sandwich has
cheese and meat in it. I like it very much. I buy it every day. It isn’t expensive. I can
make it at home, too.
24- A new restaurant in my town مطعم جدید فى المدینة
I am going to write about the new restaurant in my town. It is near my house. It
opened on May 5". It is a nice restaurant. It is clean. The prices are good. They're
open from11 A.M to 10 P.M. They serve lunch and dinner. Their pizza is the best pizza
in the town. Kids under five eat free.
25- My Town مدینتى
I am going to write about my town. I live ina big town. There is a park across from my
house. There is a barber's shop near my house. There is a bank behind my school.
There is a park beside the school. There is a theater in front of the library. There is
a hotel near the train station. There is a bridge over the river.

تحميل 25 براجراف للصف السادس الابتدائي 2024. PDF  Oya_aa39
تحميل 25 براجراف للصف السادس الابتدائي 2024. PDF  Oya_aa40
تحميل 25 براجراف للصف السادس الابتدائي 2024. PDF  Oya_aa38
تحميل 25 براجراف للصف السادس الابتدائي . PDF
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Mr Gamal
لطلاب 6 ابتدائي تعلم كيف تكتب رسالة بريد إلكترونى و براجراف.. مدرس اون لاين ينشر طريقة كتابة رسالة بريد إلكترونى و براجراف بكل سهولة
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isit to the zooV-1
Last week, I went to the zoo, I went with my family. We
went by car. I saw the lion. I saw the monkey. I saw the panda
I was happy. It was a nice day.
2-Visit to the Egyptian Museum
Last week, I went to the Egyptian Museum, I went with my
family, We went by car. I saw the statues. I visited the
mummy room. I was happy. It was a nice day

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تحميل 25 براجراف للصف السادس الابتدائي 2024. PDF  Oao_ao11
تحميل 25 براجراف للصف السادس الابتدائي 2024. PDF  Oao_ao12تحميل 25 براجراف للصف السادس الابتدائي 2024. PDF  Oao_ao13
تحميل 25 براجراف للصف السادس الابتدائي 2024. PDF  Oao_ao14
تحميل 25 براجراف للصف السادس الابتدائي 2024. PDF  Oao_ao15
محمد الجمل
المضارع البسيط The present simple
يعبر عن عادة تحدث أو حقيقة و يأتي مع المواعيد الثابتة والوظائف الثابتة
He - She - It التكوين
He / She / It النفي
He / She / It السؤال
I-We- You - They
V. Jaal+s/es/ies.
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الجملة الاستفهامية Interrogative .
1) Yes/No question
- يوجد نوعان أساسيان للسؤال :
( 1 ) السؤال بهل ( بفعل مساعد ):
- وهو السؤال الذي يبدأ بالفعل المساعد في أول الجملة ويتكون كالتالي :
تكملة الجملة + فعل أساسي + فاعل + فعل مساعد
- وتكون الإجابة على هذا السؤال بـ :
فعل مساعد + فاعل + Yes
فعل مساعد منفی + فاعل + No
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